

A Study on Sustainable Development of Student-Origin-Based Loans

【作者】 臧兴兵

【导师】 沈红;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 生源地助学贷款在我国正方兴未艾,其政策流变过程中充满了多方的博弈。随着问题源流、政策源流和政治源流不断汇集,新的政策窗口终于在2007年徐徐打开。以此为分水岭,这一制度经历了“农信社时代”、“国开行时代”两个发展阶段,目前国开行模式已成为国家助学贷款的主流。它具有鲜明的中国特色,同时国际上相对成熟的学生贷款方案对其可持续发展也具有一定的借鉴和启示意义。相对于校园地助学贷款,该制度进行了多方面的创新,具有明显的比较优势。但目前贷款供求矛盾还相当突出,政策在实施过程中困难很多。这既有制度设计本身的原因,也有外部环境因素的制约与影响。本研究通过对甘肃、湖北等省实地走访与问卷调查发现,生源地助学贷款逐渐成为高校贷款学生的“第二财政”;其规模与普通中学毕业人数、生源地人口、乡村从业人数、农村居民人均纯收入和人均GRP显著相关;但银行放贷意愿仍然是决定贷款规模的最主要因素,而且贷款审批发放的“计划色彩”还相当浓厚。影响该制度可持续发展的外部环境因素包括经济环境、社会制度和文化背景等。其中,家庭经济状况反映了学生的贷款需求,银行放贷意愿决定了贷款供给,而且“供给决定需求”现象很明显,但其前提是市场机制十分健全。因此政府必须减少干预和管制,还市场主体一个良好的生态环境,促其多元化发展,提高银行的积极性和创造性。生源地助学贷款的社会制度约束主要表现为法制不健全、行政的不当干预等方面;文化背景中突出的影响因素是信用文化建设滞后。在其内部运行规律中,杠杆原理起着核心作用。从宏观上看,中央政府运用财政—金融杠杆,加大先富者、地方政府、学生及其家庭对高等教育的投入,确保地方财政及居民收入投入到高等教育,实现“以轻拔重”的杠杆功效。生源地助学贷款涉及学生(家庭)、银行(国开行或农信社)、各级政府、高校以及保险公司等,多元主体间存在着动态博弈。只有引入更多的市场机制,才能实现博弈的均衡。实践表明,生源地助学贷款的资助效果与激励作用均比较明显。笔者提出,正如物质世界的“波粒二象性”一样,教育也同时具有生产功能和信号功能。生源地助学贷款既能促进人力资本积累,也有助于贷款学生外在教育信号的增强,从而可能实现人力资本的跃迁,促使学生摆脱“次要劳动力市场”。关于生源地助学贷款可持续发展的路径,本研究主要从三个方面进行阐述。一是理念与文化。需要强化市场化、多元化等发展理念,优化金融生态环境,大力弘扬信用文化,加强诚信教育,树立人本思想。国开行更要加快金融创新和市场开发步伐,在战略定位中更多地关注民生、关心人的发展。二是制度设计。首先要突破现有社会制度的不利约束,切实加强法制建设;其次要完善操作管理流程,加快资助中心建设,尤其要引导保险、证券化等中介机构和市场机制的充分参与,使得贷款可以如期回收,现金流能够良性循环,违约与呆坏账损失可控,贷款资金流通顺畅,存量有保证,金融生态链不至于中断;再次,要划定金融与政府行政的边界,防止行政对金融的不正当干预。三是经济的可持续发展。经济可持续发展是金融可持续发展的基础。只有经济持续繁荣,弱势群体收入水平才能逐渐提高,毕业学生才会有足够收入用于还款,公共教育投入及生源地助学贷款中的政府补贴才能持续增加,贷款覆盖面、高等教育入学机会才能持续扩大。

【Abstract】 Student-origin-based loan is in full swing, and its policy flux is replete with multi-games. As question, policy and politics "streams" assembled, the new policy window opened gently in 2007. With this is a watershed, it has undergone The Rural Credit Cooperatives Period and China Development Bank Period. Thereinto, China Development Bank model has been the chief form of National Student Loan. It has bright Chinese characteristics, while international experience also has model significance and enlightenment to its sustainable development.It has been designed with more innovation than National Student Loan in campus, and the comparative advantage is obvious. However, the contradiction of supply and demand is quite outstanding still. Various hardships are still barged up against in carrying out the policy. This is because of institution itself as well as the effect and restrict from the outside factors. According to the investigation and questionnaire survey in Gansu, Hubei and Hunan province, the study found out that student-origin-based loans have become "the 2nd finance" to loans students; middle school graduates, population of student original area, employees in rural areas, the net per capita income of rural residents and per capita GRP displayed a significant correlation with student-origin-based loans scale; but the willingness of bank lending is the major determinant of loan supply, and that "planned economy color" of examination and approval in loans is still strongly.The outer-cause of sustainable development in student-origin-based loans includes economic environment, social systems and cultural background. Thereinto, economic situation of the household reflects students’demand for loans, and the willingness of bank lending is the major determinant of loan supply. Such phenomenon as "Supply determines demand" is very obvious, which rests with that market mechanism is as sound as a bell. Therefore, less governmental intervention and control is required, so as to create an outside environment fit for marketization, improve the motivation and creativity of banks, and promote the development of diversification. The social system restraints mainly include the imperfect legal system, improper administrative interference, etc. Inadequate credit culture atmosphere is a crucial ingredient of the culture background.The lever principle plays a key role in actual operation of student-origin-based loans. From the angle of macrocosm, the central government uses financial and monetary leverage to increase investment in higher education efforts of "the rich", local government, students and their household, so as to ensure participation in higher education of local finance and household, meanwhile, fulfill lever effect such as "light pull heavy". Student-origin-based loans involve students(household), bank, government, colleges and universities, etc. There are dynamic games among the multi-interest groups. More market mechanism should be introduced so as to achieve the equilibrium of the games.The practice of this programme in some provinces has shown that both its aid effectiveness and exciting function are obvious. The author advances that educational production and signal function exist simultaneously, just like "wave-particle dualism" in the physical world. Student-origin-based loans can promote the accumulation of human capital and enhance external signal as well. So the transition of human capital is brought about, and loans student might be able to break away from the secondary labor markets.The thesis studies the path to realize sustainable development of student-origin-based loan mainly from three aspects.The first is idea and culture. The concept of marketization, diversification and so on ought to be aggrandized. The financial ecologic environment ought to be continually optimized. A credit culture must be built and promoted energetically. Honesty and credibility education must be strengthened, and humanistic thought ought to be established. China Development Bank should not only do better to accelerate the pace of financial innovation and market development, but also pay more attention to the people’s livelihood and human development in the strategic positioning.The second is system design. The government and CDB should break through the restraint and disadvantage in current social system, strengthen the legal system construction, perfect the operation and management procedures, speed up the construction of Center for Student Assistance. Above all, more market mechanism such as insurance, guarantee, securitization, etc. must be introduced. So that the loans can recover as scheduled, cash flow can achieve a virtuous circle, default and bad debt loss can be controlled, the catenary of financial ecology can running without interrupt. Furthermore, the bank ought to draw up its border with governments.The third is the sustainable development of economy, which is the foundation of sustainable development of finance. Only the economy flourish continuously will the disadvantaged groups be able to improve their income level, will graduate students have enough income to be used in repayment, will financial investment in public education and government subsidy in student-origin-based loans continue to increase, thus may the coverage of loans and opportunity equality of higher educational entrance be increasing.

  • 【分类号】F832.4;G647.5
  • 【被引频次】7
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