

Research on Intelligence Development Level Evaluation of Regional Grid

【作者】 唐慧

【导师】 牛东晓;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 智能电网是当今世界电力系统发展变革的最新趋势和复杂科学问题。目前,欧美许多发达国家的电网企业正积极推进技术革新和管理转变,普遍将智能电网作为未来电网发展的目标之一。我国也于2009年提出了适合我国实际情况的坚强智能电网发展规划,因此未来的电网智能化发展同样是我国也是各区域电网的发展目标,因此需要对区域电网的智能化发展水平评价进行研究,重新对区域电网的发展进行全方位、多角度的评价。区域电网智能化发展水平的评价研究具有极其重要的现实意义和理论意义,通过评价促进智能电网的科学发展,为电网发展提供技术支撑和决策依据。这不但有利于电网本身的建设,而且有利于整个电力工业的建设发展、国民经济健康可持续发展以及社会和谐稳定发展。本文结合相关文献和我国的实际情况对区域电网智能化发展水平的评价内涵、评价体系以及评价方法进行研究,首先对区域电网智能化发展的内涵和影响因素进行分析和阐述,结合区域电网智能化发展的相关概念、评价特性、以及电网智能化指标体系建立的原则、思路,从互动、自愈、安全、经济、清洁、节能、高效的智能化特点出发,对我国的区域电网智能化发展的特性进行了分析。通过对电网发展的评价方法进行总结,给出电网常用评价方法的适用范围,根据具体情况给出区域电网智能化发展水平的评价模型。根据区域电网智能化发展水平指标体系的构建原则,以及指标的处理方法,从安全性、经济性、优良性、协调性以及高效性五个方面出发建立起区域电网智能化的评价体系。本文的主要工作如下:(1)建立了区域电网智能化发展水平的评价指标体系。指标体系包括安全性、经济性、优良性、协调性以及高效性五个方面,建立的指标体系经实验证明可以促进智能电网的科学发展,为坚强智能电网发展提供技术支撑和决策依据,不但有利于坚强智能电网本身的建设,而且有利于整个电力工业的建设发展、国民经济健康可持续发展以及社会和谐稳定发展。(2)建立了区域电网智能化发展水平的基于组合权重的分层优选复合评价优选模型。由于安全性、经济性、优良性、协调性以及高效性的不同数据特点,需要有针对性选择合适的评价方法对其进行评价,其中安全性方面选择的是神经网络模型,经济性方面选择的是DEA数据包络方法,优良性方面采用的是TOPSIS方法,协调性采用的是FEAHP方法,而高效性选择的是SVM串联器方法,再对各个方面进行评价分析后,根据评价结果进行整体上的综合评价,在各个方面的权重确定方面采用主观权重和客观权重相结合的AHP-熵权方法,通过相应的权重和各方面的评价结果可以得到最后的评价结果。(3)针对电网的实际状况对区域电网的智能化发展水平进行横向和纵向的计算分析。横向采用的是选取华北电网,华东电网,东北电网,华中电网以及西北电网五个区域电网2009年的数据进行评价的实证分析,给出了相应的排序情况。纵向利用的是某个区域2003年至2008年的数据进行评价的实证分析。从评价结果中发现该区域电网智能化发展水平应该重点发展哪些指标,为相应的建议方案提供基础。(4)提出了区域电网智能化发展水平的建议和方案。在以上研究的基础上,结合区域电网的计算结果对区域电网发展水平进行总结,对各个环节进行分析,找出影响电网发展水平的关键环节,关键指标,并从五个方面对电网未来发展提出了合理化建议。在本文的最后给出了相应的结论,在这一部分总结文章的研究成果,并进行了进一步研究的展望。

【Abstract】 Smart Grid is a complex scientific issue of the world’s power systems. It is a further development trend in the future. Currently, many developed countries such as European and American power grid enterprises are actively promoting innovation and managing change, Smart grid is one of the most important objectives of the enterprises. China has also presented the object of coustructiong a strong smart grid, the intelligent development of power grid in the further is not only a country’s development goals, but also the goal of the regional power grid. Therefore, it needs to evaluate the regional power grid’s intelligence development level.The evaluation of regional power grid intelligent level has an important practical and theoretical significance, a scientific evaluation can promote smart grid development healthly, and it can provide a technical support for network development and decision making. This will not only benefit the construction of power itself, but also make the entire power industry construction and development economic. It also helps social harmony and stability for sustainable development.This paper studys the regional power grid intelligence development evaluation based on the actual situation. Firstly, the factors of intelligent development of regional power and influence are analyzed. Combined with smart grid development related concepts, evaluation features, and intelligent power grid index system principles, ideas and from the interactive, self-healing, security, economic, clean, energy-saving and efficient characteristics, the national smart grid intelligence development level is studied. Secondly, the methods on the grid evaluation are summarized, the evaluation scope of these methods is also given. Based on the regional power grid index system construction principles and the indicatiors normalized method, an evaluation index system of regional grid is created from the safety, economy, good, coordination, and intelligence five aspects. And the main work is as follows:(1) The establishment of a regional network intelligent evaluation index system. Index system including security, economy, quality, coordination and efficiency in five areas, indicator system established by the experiments shows that science can contribute to the development of smart grid, smart grid development for the firm to provide technical support and decision-making basis, not only conducive to building strong and smart grid itself, but also to the entire power industry construction and development, sound economic development and social harmony and stability for sustainable development.(2) The establishment of a regional network of intelligent level of development based on combined weights of the hierarchical optimization of complex evaluation of optimization model. Because of different data characteristics of security, economy, good, coordination and efficiency, needs assessment of targeted select the appropriate method of its evaluation, including security aspects of neural network model is selected, the economy in terms of choice DEA DEA is, excellent in terms of TOPSIS method is used, coordination with the FEAHP methods, and efficient device selection method is the SVM series, and then the evaluation of all aspects of analysis, the overall results of the evaluation comprehensive evaluation of all aspects of weight in terms of a subjective weight to determine the objective weight and the combination of AHP-Entropy method, the corresponding weights and the evaluation of all aspects of the final results of the evaluation results can be obtained.(3) For the actual conditions on the regional power grid development of intelligent computing horizontal and vertical analysis. Horizontal is selected by the North China Power Grid, China Power Grid, Northeast Power Grid, Central China Power Grid and the Northwest Power Grid in 2009 the five regional evaluation of the empirical analysis of the data, the corresponding order situation. Is a region of longitudinal use 2003-2008 assessment data in empirical analysis. Results from the evaluation found that the level of development in the region should focus on intelligent network to develop those indicators, in order to provide the basis for the corresponding proposal.(4) The development of regional power grid intelligent proposals and programs. On the basis of the above, combined with the results of the regional grid computing development of regional power grid, summarize all aspects of the analysis to identify the level of the key aspects of network development, key indicators, and five on the grid from future development reasonable suggestions.Finally, the conclusion of this article, summed up in this part of the research article, and looks ahead the future research.
