

Experssion and Significance of Aquaporin1, 3 in the Mouse Prostate

【作者】 张刚

【导师】 孔祥波;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外科学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 水通道蛋白(aquaporins, AQP),又称水孔蛋白,是一种疏水跨膜蛋白,是细胞内外水分流通的主要方式。至今已经在哺乳动物体内发现13种水通道蛋白。不同的AQP成员具有特异的组织分布,AQP家族成员已经在人的泌尿、呼吸、神经和消化系统等组织定位和生理功能研究已经取得了重要进展。AQP的特异性分布特点,说明其参与了特定的生理功能。有研究证实,水通道蛋白主要参与尿浓缩机制和腺体的分泌作用。前列腺是雄性泌尿生殖系统的重要部分,分泌的前列腺液具有重要作用,是精液的重要组成成分,为精子提供养分和适宜的环境,对精子的运输和营养具有促进作用。水通道蛋白必然参与了前列腺腺体的分泌作用。Yu等报道,睾丸的输出小管、精囊腺和前列腺上皮也存在AQP1。吕丹瑜等报道,AQP1在雄性小鼠精囊腺、前列腺的表达水平均随年龄增长而增加,且AQP1蛋白广泛表达于发育成熟的精囊腺和前列腺上皮细胞。AQP3在结肠、肾脏、肝、胰腺、肺、气管、前列腺、皮肤等均有表达,分布于上皮细胞基底膜。AQP3在肾脏集合管细胞的基底膜有高表达,是重吸收水的重要通道。现有报道证实,AQPs成员间有一定的协同作用。目前有关前列腺AQP1、3的共同研究较少。本实验采用RT-PCR技术、western Blot和免疫组织化学方法研究小鼠前列腺组织的AQP1、3的表达与分布,借此深入探讨AQPs在正常小鼠前列腺及疾病状态下的表达及生理作用。AQP1、AQP3在小鼠前列腺组织中mRNA和蛋白质均有较强表达,提示,AQP1、AQP3在促进前列腺液分泌过程中可能发挥着重要的生理作用。

【Abstract】 Research backgroundAquaporins (AQPs) is the specific water channel protein, widespread in the nuclear and real life、animal、plants and microorganism generally. It is the main way that water is transported through biomembrane by aquaporins.The discovery channel, technology and medicine to open another very important area of research for biochemical and medical domain. In water circulation, the ability through AQPs of the cells double the capacity of five to fifty times than water penetration.As yet there are thirteen forms in mammal cloned by scientist(AQP0~AQP12), their genetic structure、gene expression and regulation、chromosomal localization、protein structure、tissue deposition and physiological function have been deeply reached in last decade.Different AQPs member of the organization of the distribution and participated in the physical features. AQPs in mammals participate in an enrichment mechanisms and glands secretion. AQPs family members have been fouded in the urological, breathing and the digestive system organizations, and other physical location, and functional study has made important progress. The gene mutations of AQP 1 will lead to fluid retention concentrated function defect. Yu and others reports, AQP1 express in testosterone and, pouch, and prostate gland. Lv reported such reports, aqp1 in the male every mouse and prostate gland are expressed level with age increasing, and AQP 1 proteins widely express to mature pouch and prostate gland of epithelial cells. AQP3 of the colon, liver, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, prostate, skin, are expressions of the epithelial Cell basement membrane. AQP3 kidney collecting pipe in the basement membrane cells have high expression, is the important channel heavy absorption water.Research of Dan Zhao etc shows that AQP3 in human prostate tissue and prostate cancer cell lines have strong expression, In the normal prostate tissue and peripheral zone transition zone are AQP3 expression, and AQP3 transition zone of protein expression peak above peripheral zone, presumably, AQP3 high expression when BPH may play an important role. Similarly, in normal prostate tissue AQP1 endothelial also have high expression, presumably by promoting cells AQP may participate in the penetration of water secretion of the prostatic secretion.At present, AQP1,3 knockout mice model has been established, and through mutual mating got different combination of double and triple knockout mice, we are also discussed in the prostate tissue for AQP1,3 cooperative mechanism provides reference. objective:The experiment based on AQP3 in normal mice AQP1, of expressing with prostate tissue to study the distribution of the probe in normal mice AQP prostate and disease states expression regulation and physiological function lay the foundation.Methods:In order to AQP1, AQP3 described in mice prostate ventral leaves distribution and its possible physiological function. First, we applied for PCR technology 12-RT ventral prostate mice did AQP0, leaf organization 1,2, 3,4 mRNA express research. In order to further confirmed AQP3 AQP1, the existence of prostate tissue in mice and physiological function, we adopted Western Blot and immunohistochemical method in the protein level for research.Results:RT-the result showed that in the prostate PCR appeared a treaty of 130bp AQP1,110-AQP3 mRNA express band, and did not see AQP0, 2,4 mRNA expressions. Speculation in prostate tissue glands secretes and water metabolism process, AQP1, AQP3 may plays an important role. Western Blot the result showed that in the 28KDa place have peculiar patterns AQP1 expression but AQP3 respectively in 35KDa and 27KDa place express glycosyl is changed and the glycosyl turn belt. This suggests that in prostate tissue AQP1, AQP3 in the antigens are its antibody recognition, and plays a certain physiological function. By immunohistochemical results show that has not been immune rabbit serum instead of one group for negative resistance, the group not seen specific positive dyeing.Conclusion:The results demonstrate, prostate gland secretion epithelial cells express AQP1 and 3, tip AQP1 and AQP3 through to stimulate prostate epithelial cells in the penetration of water during the prostatic secretion secretion of physiological function may play an important.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期