

On Interchange of Urban Rail Transit Considering Level of Service

【作者】 赵宇刚

【导师】 杨肇夏;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 城市轨道交通换乘组织是一个复杂系统,对换乘站的规划和运营的研究涉及城市轨道交通系统的多个子系统。国内外相关领域的学者已在与换乘规划和运营相关的线网规划、车站规划、换乘方式比选、列车运行组织、车站客流组织、行人流交通组织及换乘服务评价等方面进行了深入研究并取得了大量成果。本文对城市轨道交通服务水平的主要影响因素进行探讨,从不同换乘方式、列车多交路运行方式和列车运行时间波动三方面,研究其对换乘站运营组织的影响。考察与换乘规划和运营相关的多个不同层面的多种元素,分析其对与换乘服务水平密切相关的乘客换乘时间和站台聚集人数等指标的具体影响,这些元素包括换乘站布置形式、列车交路形式、列车运行时间偏离、乘客整体流动规律和乘客个体行为特征。本文的主要研究结论包括:(1)分析城市轨道交通换乘服务水平的内涵,对换乘服务水平的影响因素和指标进行研究。分析换乘站位置和换乘方式对服务水平的影响,提出换乘站位置的选择原则和各类换乘方式的适用性;提出在线网规划阶段应充分考虑到采用多交路的列车运行方式的可能性及其对换乘规划和运营组织的影响。(2)基于城市轨道交通实际运营中的乘客进站刷卡统计数据,采用数理统计方法,分析对应于不同长度时间片段的高峰小时进站乘客流量的不均衡性,并对不同时间片段长度的超高峰系数进行测算。总体上看,随着时间片段长度的缩短,各时间片段进站客流量的不均衡性呈增大趋势,超高峰系数也呈增大趋势。(3)基于城市轨道交通实际运营中的列车区间运行时间统计数据,采用数理统计和数学规划方法,对非晚点情况下的列车区间运行时间和列车到达间隔时间的分布进行研究。提出采用正态分布或对数正态分布近似描述列车区间运行时间的概率分布的方法,发现对数正态分布可以更好地反映列车在部分区间的运行时间分布呈偏态的特征。(4)采用图解法,分别对列车单一交路运行时的本站乘客候车时间、列车多交路运行时的本站乘客候车时间和不同换乘方式下的换乘乘客候车时间进行研究,分析乘客候车时间的影响因素,提出适用于各类情形的乘客平均候车时间的计算方法。(5)基于调查得到的换乘乘客步行速度数据,采用数理统计方法,分析换乘乘客步行速度的分布特征和影响因素,发现换乘乘客在单一换乘设施处的步行速度近似服从对数正态分布。对乘客步行速度和走行时间的关系进行分析,提出乘客在单一换乘设施处的走行时间和全程走行时间均可用对数正态分布近似刻画。(6)采用图解法和概率论方法,对非同站台换乘方式下乘客换乘时间的变化规律进行研究,提出换乘乘客走行时间服从对数正态分布的乘客平均换乘时间计算方法。进一步地,采用概率分析的方法,提出考虑列车到达时刻偏离的乘客平均换乘时间计算方法。(7)采用图解法,分别对列车单一交路运行和列车多交路运行时的本站乘客在站台的聚集人数进行研究,对不同换乘方式下的换乘乘客在站台的聚集人数的变化规律进行研究,提出适用于各类情形的站台最高聚集人数计算方法。分析非晚点情况下的列车到达间隔时间偏离对站台聚集人数的影响,提出在列车到达间隔时间存在偏离的情况下对应于给定概率的站台最高聚集人数计算方法。

【Abstract】 The interchange organization of urban rail transit is a complex system, and the research on planning and operation of interchange stations is concerned with multiple subsystems of urban rail transit system. Researches on problems relative to interchange station planning and operation have been deeply explored by domestic and foreign scholars, the problems include network planning, station planning, comparison of interchange modes, train operation organization, pedestrian flow organization and interchange service evaluation.Main influence factors of interchange level of service are discussed, and three factors including different interchange modes, multiple train routes and fluctuation of train running time are chosen to explore their influence to interchange station operation organization and level of service. Multiple elements from various aspects concerned with interchange station planning and operation are discussed to determine passenger interchange time and assembling on platform which are important indexes relative to interchange level of service, these elements include interchange station layout, train route, train running time deviation, passenger flow characteristics and individual behavior characteristics.The main conclusions of the dissertation are as follow.(1) the connotations of interchange level of service in urban rail transit system are analyzed, the influence factors and indexes of interchange level of service are explored. The influences of interchange station site and layout on level of service are analyzed, the principles of interchange station set selection and the applicability of different kinds of interchange layouts are explored. A viewpoint is proposed that the possibility of the implementation of multi train routing mode should be taken into consideration in the network planning stage according to its influence to interchange planning and operation organization.(2) Based on statistics of ATC (automatic ticket checker) data from actual cases, disequilibrium of passenger flow entering the station is discussed and values of super peak hours coefficient are calculated in time segments of various lengths using mathematical statistics methods, and the resolution shows that the disequilibrium gets more severe and the value of super peak hours coefficient gets larger while the length of time segment gets shorter. (3) Based on statics of train running time in section from actual cases, distributions of train running time in section and train time interval at station in non-delay situation are discussed. A method using normal distribution or lognormal distribution as approximate descriptions of the distribution of train running time in section is proposed, and the conclusion that lognormal distribution is better to describe the feature that the distributions of train running time in some sections are skew.(4) The passenger waiting time with different train routes and different interchange modes are discussed using descriptive geometry solution methods. Influence factors of passenger waiting time are analyzed, and calculation methods of average passenger waiting time in various situations are proposed.(5) Based on statistics of data of interchange passenger walking speed investigated, characteristics and influence factors of interchange passenger walking speed are analyzed, the conclusion that the lognormal distribution can be used to describe the distribution of passenger walking speed at a certain interchange facility approximately is proposed. Based on the analysis of the relationship between passenger walking speed and walking time, the conclusion that the lognormal distribution can be used to describe both the distribution of passenger walking time at a certain interchange facility and the distribution of passenger walking time during the interchange journey approximately is proposed.(6) Using methods of descriptive geometry solution and probability theory, the discipline of the changing of passenger interchange time under non-one-platform interchange mode are discussed, and a calculating method for the average passenger interchange time in the situation that the interchange passenger walking time follow lognormal distribution is proposed. Further, a revised calculating method for the average passenger interchange time considering the existence of deviation of train arrival time is proposed.(7) The assembling on platforms with different train routing plans and different interchange modes are discussed using descriptive geometry solution methods, and the calculating methods of maximum assembling on platform in various situations are proposed. Based on the analysis of the effect of deviation of train arrival time interval on assembling on platform in non-delay situation, a calculating method of maximum assembling on platform considering the existence of deviation of train arrival time is proposed.
