

Micro Modeling of Urban Intersections with Multi-flows Based on Conflicting-point Detection

【作者】 王力劭

【导师】 毛保华;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统分析与集成, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在我国混合交通流环境下,平面交叉口机非干扰现象相比国外情况严重许多。交叉口内不同的运动主体具有智能,个体上看似随意性较大地进行着运动,但整体系统最终却表现出一定的规律性。因此,我国平面交叉口形成了一个中等数目的基于局部信息做出行动的智能性和自适应性主体系统,也就是一个多种运动主体对道路资源进行竞争博弈并相互干扰的复杂系统。相对于这样的复杂系统,传统的跟驰模型、二维元胞自动机和多主体模型应用于我国平面交叉口仿真过程中,对非机动车、行人干扰以及多方向不同种类运动主体的“预判—决策—反馈”微观博弈过程的描述都存在一定的不足。因此,研究切合我国交通情况的微观仿真模型对国内城市交通问题的分析与研究具有重要意义。基于对交叉口通行现状的细致观察,结合前人在平面交叉口微观仿真的研究成果,本文以冲突点作为研究对象,从一种新的研究视角出发提出了一种新型的平面交叉口微观连续仿真模型——冲突点探测CPD模型,为平面交叉口交通仿真提供了一种新的思路。主要研究内容和创新点包括:(1)融合跟驰模型、元胞自动机模型和多主体仿真模型思想,提出了种以冲突点为虚拟研究主体的新型平面交叉口机非混合流的微观连续仿真建模方法,并建立了冲突点探测仿真模型(CPD),该模型具有位移连续性、容器性和开放性特征,可以灵活应用多种数理模型研究成果作为仿真规则,文中的算例即采用了几种扩展跟驰模型、IDM模型(高密度时减速意愿部分)以及前人所研究的行人发生及运动模型。试算结果表明CPD模型在对实际冲突严重条件下的平面交叉口仿真现象反映能力良好。(2)不同于以往同类仿真模型只将运动主体或离散空间作为研究对象,本文将运动主体运行轨迹上产生冲突的位置点作为具有“观测运动主体冲突情况并可决策其运动状态变化”的虚拟冲突点主体,将多种运动主体在冲突点“预判——决策”的路权冲突博弈复杂交互过程转化为冲突点虚拟主体的“感知——决策”过程,并且虚拟冲突点主体的决策结果可以反作用于参与对本冲突点进行博弈的所有运动主体。这种模型思想易于微观细致地描述平交口各种运动主体在路权博弈过程中产生的“刺激——反应”现象。(3)基于CPD模型,提出了一种新型的以冲突点主体和运动主体共同作为网络节点所生成的平面交叉口动态拓扑描述方式,这种拓扑结构可以清晰地反映运动主体与冲突点之间的邻接关系,并且易于实现运动主体的位置更新过程,为CPD模型反映微观层次的冲突博弈提供了良好的结构载体。(4)基于CPD模型特点,建立了冲突点博弈规则函数,分析了其系统动力函数特性,并提出了单步长两阶段仿真方法,可以分步骤分析邻近冲突点周围多种运动主体的路权争夺博弈行为,以及博弈结果对平交口内所有运动主体影响的过程,为在微观时长内更细致地分析冲突实质提供了一个新的视角。(5)针对CPD模型的特性,结合基于通用图形运算处理器(GPGPU)大规模并行运算技术和P2P网格运算结构的并行化方法,提出了可用于多路段与平交口所组成大规模交通网络的并行仿真架构,并初步给出了相应的算法和效率分析,实验证明采用GPGPU并行结构算法其效率为串行结构的5倍以上,而采用网格结构的并行化方法在一定规模的集群内可以大幅度提升大规模路网微观仿真计算的效率

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:Under the heterogeneous traffic condition, motorized vehicles, non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians interfere with each other seriously at intersection. Intersection becomes a complex system which has got multi motion agent and competite for road resource with each other. Some models, such as car-following model, two-dimension cellular automation model, and multi-agent model, are quite difficult to depict the conflicts and game process when apply to intersection simulation. Therefore, it is very necessary to research on the simulation model which can depict heterogeneous traffic exactly.Based on the careful observeation and existed research achievements on micro-simulation of intersection, the disseratation proposes a new continuous micro-simulation model of intersection which is named Conflicting-point Detection model (CPD model) from a new angle of view. Main works and conclusions of this dissertation are summarized as below:(1) Mixed considering the thoughts of vehicle following model, Cellular Automation (CA) model and mutlti-agent model, a continuous micro simulation model for mixed-traffic intersection with conflict points as the virtual research subject-Conflict-point Detection (CPD) model, is established. This model has the characteristics of displacement continuity, containerness and openness, and can call a variety of mathematical models as simulation rules.(2) Unlike the previous simulation models, which only take the moving subjects or discretespace as the researching objects, the virtual conflict-point is selected as the studying object, at the same time, the concepts of conflict-point gaming rule, system dynamics function are proposed. Through the cooperation, the comprehensive "predecide-finaldecision" process of multi-subjects can be converted to the "preview-reaction" process of virtual conflict-points, and has counteractions to the moving subjects parting in the game. So, the "stimulus-response" process can be more micro-decribed and detailed. Therefore, the new model has more advanced capability for describing the conflict behaviour between vehicle and non-vehicle traffic inside the intersection than the previous models.(3) Based on the CPD model, a new intersection topological description modal with conflict-points as the network nodes, is come up. Moreover, this new modal can dynamicly integrate several moving subjects forming the dynamic network, prepare for the micro description of conflict between different subjects gaming for the way right.(4) Based on the characteristic of CPD model, conflict-points gaming rules and system dynamics function, a single-step two-stage simulation is built. Then the right-of-road gaming behaviors and influence of gaming results on all moving subjects inside the intersection are described hierarchically. Therefore, from a new angel the nature of conflict is described detailed inside the micro-length.(5) According to the characteristic of CPD model, coordinating with the parallel method of P2P grid calculation structure and large-scale parallel calculation using advanced general graphics processor, a hierarchical description of network forming by road sections and intersections is put forward. Then, the parallel simulation framework and algorithm is proposed, and the calculation efficiency is calculated. Result shows that the algorism based on GPGPU has at least 5 times advantage to the traditional algorism with based on only CPU architecture, and the grid based architecture can also bring obvious promotion in the case of simulation in a large-scale traffic network.
