

Hominological Interpretation on Modern Ideological and Political Education

【作者】 宋德勇

【导师】 路日亮;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人的问题已成为当今理论界和现实生活中关注度较高的问题之一,当然也是以人为主体和对象的现代思想政治教育所绕不开的问题。传统思想政治教育实效性低下的一个重要原因就是对教育对象——人的关注和研究不够,没能很好地调动和发挥人的积极性、能动性和创造性。当代以人为本的科学发展观的提出和贯彻落实,人的主体性和以人为本时代精神的彰显,必然要求对人的关心和重视,加强人文关怀。而从马克思主义人学视域来观察、分析和解读现代思想政治教育,重构现代思想政治教育人学体系,就为破解这一难题提供了新的观念和思路,为改变传统德育“目中无人”的现象,提高现代思想政治教育的针对性、主动性和实效性,增强其吸引力、感染力和说服力提供了一个新的路向。本文立足于马克思主义哲学特别是历史唯物主义,主要运用马克思主义人学理论和马克思主义的基本立场、观点和方法来分析解读现代思想政治教育,阐析现代思想政治教育与马克思主义人学的内在逻辑联系及现代思想政治教育丰富的人学内涵,力求从多维度、多层面对现代思想政治教育进行整体性的人学透视和人本解读,以丰富和深化现代思想政治教育人学研究,并为现代思想政治教育的理论和实践提供新的视角、思路和方法。除了导言和结语外,论文主要由六个部分组成。第一章首先是从现代思想政治教育的主要对象——现实的个人出发,从总体上分析论证了现代思想政治教育与现实的个人的密切联系。在这一部分,通过分析阐释现实的个人在历史唯物主义中的重要地位及马克思主义对现实的个人的理解,人的主体性与可塑性与现代思想政治教育的内在关系,人的思想意识形成发展规律及新时期教育对象思想活动的主要特点,现代市场经济下人的存在状况和现实境遇,以及现代思想政治教育与生活的关系等,可以得出这样的初步结论:现实的个人不仅是历史唯物主义的基本出发点,也是现代思想政治教育的逻辑起点和主要对象,人的主体性与可塑性为思想政治教育提供了必要性与可能性;现实人的思想意识形成发展规律及新时期教育对象思想活动的主要特点,是开展现代思想政治教育的重要基点;现代市场经济条件下人的存在状况和现实境遇,则是现代思想政治教育的重要关切;现代思想政治教育要想跳出传统工具化、知识化及泛政治化的窠臼,改变低效、弱效的局面,就必须回归生活世界,引导受教育者通过过“有道德的生活”来学习体验道德,培养德性与自由个性,促进人的自我生成和完善,这也是现代思想政治教育的现实根基与立足点。第二章主要是从现代社会人的需要这一角度,论述了现代思想政治教育存在和发展的内在动力,以及如何通过引导、满足、调节人的需要来提高现代思想政治教育的吸引力、感召力和主动性、实效性。传统思想政治教育往往只重视其为国家和政党服务的工具职能和社会政治需要,而忽视受教育者个体自身的需要,不能满足其合理的多样化需求,也就无法调动受教育者积极性、主动性,这也是导致传统思想政治教育实效性不佳的一个重要原因。需要是历史唯物主义和马克思主义人学的一个重要范畴,是人天然的“内在规定性”和实践的原动力,需要和利益还是社会历史发展的深层动力。人的需要和思想政治教育之间存在着一定的张力关系,二者是密不可分的。因此,现代思想政治教育要想克服传统思想政治教育忽视受教育者个体需要的弊病,调动受教育者的积极性和主动性,提高其实效性,就必须重视受教育者的自身需要,并适当满足其合理的物质和精神需要,引导其正确对待自身的需要和利益,优化自身需要结构,不断提升需要的层次和精神品味,自觉抵制不良思想及不健康生活方式的影响,追求崇高的信仰和健康向上的精神生活,成为“一个高尚的人,一个纯粹的人,一个有道德的人,一个脱离了低级趣味的人,一个有益于人民的人”。第三章主要是从现代社会人的交往这一新的视域,分析论证了现代思想政治教育与人的交往的密切联系。交往是人类特有的生存和活动方式,是人存在和发展的根本维度,是人的社会实践的重要内容和基本形式,也是人的社会关系建构的重要基础和载体。现代思想政治教育则是一种特殊的交往活动——建立在双方人格平等基础上的主体际交往,是教育者和受教育者之间的平等交流和良性互动。在现代社会,人们的交往实践不断发展,交往能力有了很大提高,交往的范围、广度和深度也不断拓展,竞争与合作成为人类两种基本的交往形式,人们之间存在着竞争、合作、和谐共赢的交往关系。现代思想政治教育中教育者与受教育者之间的应然或理想关系模式应是平等交往、双向互动、和谐发展的关系。从现代社会人的交往这一重要视域,阐释现代思想政治教育与人的交往的密切联系,可以为现代思想政治教育找到了一种新的理论借鉴和实践模式,也为构建教育者与受教育者之间的平等交往互动关系、提高思想政治教育的亲和力与实效性开辟了一条新的路径。第五章主要是从开发人的潜能与提升人的价值两个方面,论述现代思想政治教育在这些方面的重要意义和独特作用。开发人的潜能、提升人的价值,既是马克思主义人学的重要关注点,也是现代思想政治教育的重要功能和目标任务。现代思想政治教育在开发人的潜能、提升和实现人的价值方面具有重要的意义,发挥着不可替代的独特作用。人的潜能是指作为主体的人内在的有待于挖掘和开发的“沉睡的能力”,而帮助受教育者努力挖掘和开发其自身的潜能,发展其各种能力和素质,是现代思想政治教育的一项基本功能和重要任务。价值是表示客体的存在和属性与主体的需要之间关系的一个范畴,而人的价值是人存在于社会的意义之维,是人的个体价值、社会价值、精神价值等的总和与统一。引导人们树立正确的价值观,在报效国家、服务社会的同时努力提升人的价值,帮助受教育者实现其自身的价值,是现代思想政治教育的一个重要目标和任务,也体现了现代思想政治教育的社会价值与个体发展价值、工具价值与目的价值的有机统一。第五章主要论述了以人为本是现代思想政治教育应坚守和贯彻的核心理念。在分析梳理我国古代人本思想和西方人本主义思想发展流变的基础上,阐释了现代以人为本的科学内涵和基本要求,并对传统思想政治教育存在的“人学空场”进行了批判与反思,具体论述了以人为本对于现代思想政治教育的重要意义以及现代思想政治教育如何贯彻和落实以人为本的重要理念原则,建构现代人本化思想政治教育体系。随着新一届中央领导集体科学发展观的提出和逐步贯彻落实,以人为本的理念也日益深入人心。以人为本,不仅是时代的呼唤,也是现代思想政治教育自身发展的内在本质要求。相对于传统思想政治教育中的“人学空场”,以人为本对于现代思想政治教育更有着十分重要的意义,是现代思想政治教育应坚守的核心理念和基本原则。我们要牢固树立和认真贯彻以人为本的理念原则,不断探索与改革创新,努力构建现适应现代社会需要的现代思想政治教育人本范式和实践模式。第六章主要是从人的全面发展方面论证了促进人的自由全面发展是现代思想政治教育的价值旨归。在阐释人的发展的涵义、主要内容、条件及实现路径等的基础上,论述了实现人的自由全面发展是马克思主义的理论旨趣和价值目标,并根据人的发展的阶段性目标论述了培育现代“四有”公民是人的发展的现实维度和当代形态,也是现代思想政治教育的现实落脚点,而现代思想政治教育在培育现代“四有”公民、促进人的现代化和全面发展方面发挥着不可替代的重要作用,最后从社会与个体两个维度阐发了现代思想政治教育在促进人的自由全面发展方面的现实路径选择。消除一切束缚和影响人的全面发展的体制机制与不合理的社会关系,克服人的异化现象,实现人类解放和人的自由全面发展,不仅是马克思主义的最高命题和理论旨趣,也是我们为之不懈奋斗的崇高理想。提升人的思想政治觉悟、道德水平和综合素质,促进人的自由全面发展,不仅是现代思想政治教育的价值旨归,也是我们思想政治教育工作者为之孜孜以求的崇高目标。

【Abstract】 The humanity has become one of the hottest issues on which people pay a lot of attention in theorists and practice undoubtedly. Certainly it is also the question that cannot be gone round by modern ideological and political education which takes the people as its subject and object. One of the key reasons of the traditional ideological and political education’s low effectiveness is that the attention and the research on the education object—human are insufficient. It has not been able to arouse and display human’s enthusiasm, activity and creativity well. As the vision of scientific development on people-oriented has been put forward and implemented gradually, human’s subjectivity and the people-oriented time spirit appear clearly. That requests more care and attention should be paid on people and strengthens the humanistic care. Therefore we observe, analyze and explain modern ideological and political education from the perspective of Marxist hominology, reconstruct hominology system of modern ideological and political education. This will provide new ideas and approaches for solving this problem, and change supercilious aspect of tradition moral education. It will also enhance the pertinence, initiative and effectiveness of modern ideological and political education. This thesis is mainly based on Marxist philosophy specially historical materialism, and mainly use Marxist hominology theory and Marxist basic standpoint, viewpoint and method to analyzes and annotate modern ideological and political education. It has elaborated the intrinsic logic relation between Marxist hominology and modern ideological-political education and the rich hominological connotation of the modern ideological and political education. It endeavors to gave a comprehensive hominological interpretation to modern ideological-political education from Marxist hominology from multi-dimensional and multi-layer so as to enrich and deepen the hominological research on modern ideological-political education and provides new perspectives, ideas and methods for the theory and practice of modern ideological-political education. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the thesis consists of six parts.The first chapter mainly analyzes the close relation of modern ideological-political education and Marxist hominology from the main object of modern ideological-political education—the realistic individual in general. The realistic individual is not only the basic starting point of historical materialism, but also the main object of modern ideological-political education. Human’s subjectivity and the plasticity have provided the necessity and possibility for the modern ideological and political education. The law of the formation and development of human’s ideology and the main feature of the education object’s thought and activity in new period is important basic point of the modern ideological and political education. The human’s existence condition and the realistic circumstances in the modern market economy status is the major concern of the modern ideological and political education. Modern ideological and political education must return to the living world and promote the human’s generation and improvement so as to jump out of the cocoon of traditional ideological and political education which is implemental, knowledge-based and pan-politicization and change the inefficient and weak effect of the situation.The second chapter mainly elaborates the intrinsic motivation of modern ideological and political education’s existence and development from the perspective of needs of human in modern society, and how to improve the attractiveness, charisma and initiative, effectiveness of modern ideological and political education by guide, to meet and adjust human’s need. The traditional ideological and political education often only focus on its tool function servicing for the state and party and socio-political needs, while ignoring the needs of the individual educated. It can not meet their reasonable diverse needs so that it can’t mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of themselves. This is also an important reason contributed to the effectiveness of the traditional ideological and political education. Need is an important category of Marxist hominology. It is not only a natural’inherent regularity’and the motive power of human’s practice, but also the intrinsic motivation of modern ideological and political education’s existence and development. We must attach importance to their own needs of educated individual in order to make modern ideological and political education overcome the traditional moral education’s shortcomings of neglect of the educated individual own needs, mobilize their enthusiasm and the initiative and improve its effectiveness. We should meet their reasonable material and spiritual needs properly and guide them treat their needs and interests correctly, optimize their need structure and enhance the level of need and the spiritual realm, resist the adverse influence of unhealthy thought and lifestyles consciously, and pursue the noble belief and healthy spiritual life, and become’a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person from the vulgar, and a person benefit to the people’.The third chapter mainly analyzes and appraises the close relation between modern ideological-political education and human’s communication from the new perspective of communication in modern society. Communication is unique way to human existence and activities, and it is one of the fundamental dimensions of existence and development, and it is also an important basis and carrier for human’s social relations construction. Modern ideological and political education is a special kind of communication—based on the basis of the personality equality for both sides of interpersonal communication, as well as equal communication and benign interaction between the educator and the educatee. In modern society, people’s communication practice continuously develop, communication skills has been greatly improved, the range, the breadth and depth of communication expand continually, competition and cooperation have become the two basic forms of communication. There are competition, cooperation, harmony and win-win relationships between people. It will not only provide a new theoretical reference and practical mode for modern ideological-political education, but also open up a new path for building equal relations between the two sides in educational communication, and improve the affinity and effectiveness of ideological-political education that illustrate the close contact between modern ideological-political education and human’s communication from the important perspective of human’s communication in modern society.The fourth chapter mainly interprets the important significance and unique role of modern ideological-political education in these areas from two aspects of develop human’s potential and enhance human’s values,. Developing human’s potential and enhancing human’s values is not only the important concern of Marxist hominology, but also is the important function and goal, task of the modern ideological-political education. Modern ideological and political education has vital significance and play an irreplaceable unique role in developing human’s potential, enhancing and realizing human’s value. Human’s potential refers to human’s intrinsic up for excavating and developing’sleeping ability’ as subject, and helping educatee to excavate and develop their intrinsic potential and develop their all kinds of capabilities and qualities is the basic function and the important task of modern ideological-political education. Value is a category which indicates the relations between the need of subject and the existence and the attribute of the object. Human’s value is the dimension of significance which human exist in society and it is the total sum and unity of individual value, the social value and the spiritual value. Guiding educatee to establish the correct values, striving to enhance and achieve their own value while serving our country and community is an important goal and task of the modern ideological-political education. It also reflects the organic unity of modern ideological-political education’s social values and the individual development value, tools value and the purpose value.The fifth chapter mainly elaborates that people-oriented is the core idea which the modern Ideological-political education should adhere and implement long time. It illustrate the scientific connotation and basic requirements of modern human-oriented on the basis of analyzing and combing the development and evolution of humanistic thought in ancient China and humanism in western. It also criticizes and rethinks the ’human absence’which exists in traditional ideological-political education. It specifically addresses the important significance of people-oriented to modern ideological-political education and how to implement the vital idea and principle of people-oriented to construct the humanistic system of modern ideological-political education. We must firmly establish and implement the core idea and principle of people-oriented, explore continuously, reform and innovate, and strive to build a humanistic paradigm and practice mode of the modern ideological-political education which meet the modern society needs.The sixth chapter mainly demonstrates that promoting human free and comprehensive development is the value goal and end-result of the modern ideological-political education. It elaborates that realizing human’s free and comprehensive development is the theory purport and value goal of the modern ideological-political education on the basis of discussion on the meaning, main contents and the path to achieve human’s free and comprehensive development. And it discusses that cultivating modern’four-haves’citizen is the realistic dimensions and contemporary form of human’s free and comprehensive development in accordance with the progress goal of human’s development, furthermore it is the realistic foothold of modern ideological and political education. To enhance the ideological-political and moral level of human, promote human developing freely, in all-round way and harmoniously, are not only the value destination of modern ideological and political education, but also the lofty goal which ideological and political education workers strive for diligently.
