

Analysis and Study on the Survivability of Railway Network

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 刘军;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:我国幅员辽阔,四通八达、畅通无阻的铁路通道承担着大跨度的经济联系和相互交往的运输工作。在高负载、出现突发事件的情况下,铁路网功能会受到不同程度的损坏,有可能陷入瘫痪的状态,需要及时采取应急措施使铁路网尽快恢复到正常状态。而铁路网的抗毁性表征其应对突发事件的适应和恢复能力,因此论文以铁路网系统为研究对象,提出了铁路网抗毁性评估方法,在此基础上,研究突发事件下铁路网的恢复方法,所做的工作主要包括以下五个部分:1.阐述铁路网系统的概念,分析其构成,将铁路网系统分为铁路物理网和铁路运输网,从开放性、动态性和他组织性方面研究铁路网系统的特性。以此为基础,构建铁路网的网络模型,并实证分析铁路网的复杂特性,为后续各章节研究奠定基础。2.提出铁路网抗毁性的定义,将铁路网抗毁性概括为突发事件、适应性和恢复性,并分析铁路网抗毁性的影响因素。在此基础上,提出铁路网抗毁性的模型,其描述从突发事件发生时起,到通过采取修复、调度等措施使铁路网恢复到稳定状态时止的整个过程。最后,给出铁路网抗毁性研究的框架。3.提出铁路网抗毁性评估方法。从铁路物理网和铁路运输网两方面提出铁路网抗毁性评估指标。并以突发事件下与正常情况下的网络性能的变化为基础,量化并计算指标。最后,以2008年雪灾为背景,对铁路网抗毁性进行评估分析。4.研究突发事件下铁路物理网修复方法。给出了铁路关键节点和关键边的概念,分析了影响因素,从节点或边被恢复后对铁路网性能贡献的角度,提出考虑节点间运输需求量和货物运输优先等级的铁路网关键节点或边的识别方法,以此为基础,给出突发事件下铁路物理网的修复时序方案。5.研究突发事件下铁路客、货流疏解方案编制问题。突发事件下铁路客、货流疏解问题分为铁路客流疏解问题和铁路货流疏解问题。对铁路客流疏解问题,针对旅客运输量大、去向集中的特点,提出突发事件下铁路旅客输送径路的优化方法。对于铁路货流疏解问题,根据突发事件下铁路货物整车直达、货物输送有优先等级的特点,建立考虑车辆调拨的动态服务网络模型,模型的目标是列车开行数最多和车辆的周转次数最大,并根据模型的特点,设计一种松弛算法(按时问周期分段优化的方法)求解上述模型。通过实例分析比较,验证模型和算法的可行、有效性。

【Abstract】 China is vast in size. The railway extends in all directions and be barrier-free, take a large span of economic ties and interaction of transport work. In the case of high capacity and unexpected events occur, the road network function will be damaged more or less, or be paralyzed. It needs to take immediately emergency measures to make the rail network return to normal as soon as possible. The rail network is characterized by invulnerability adapts to respond to emergencies and recovery capabilities, with high survivability of the rail network to meet the demand for transport and network status changes, and can return to normal. Therefore, this paper focuses on the rail network survivability assessment and emergency restoration under study the issue of work includes the following five components:1. Propose the concept of the railway network system and analyze their composition. Railway network system is divided into the physical network and railway transport network. Tthe characteristics of the railway network is studied in terms of exoteric, dynamics and non-self-organization. On this basis, the network mdel of railway network, and analyze the complex characteristic of China’s railway network. This is the theoretical research basis for the subsequent chapters.2. Propose definition of invulnerability of railway network, the invulnerability of the railway network is summed up the emergency, adaptability and resilience. On this basis, the invulnerability model of ailway network is proposed, which describes the whole process from the occurrence of unexpected events to the stable state which is made back to by taking repairing and scheduling measures. Finally, the invulnerability framework of the railway network is studied.3. Propose survivability assessment method of the railway network. The survivability assessment indexs of railway network is proposed from the aspects of both network topology and network performance. The index is calculated on the basis of changing in network performance under the emergency and normal situations. Finally, the survivability of railway network is assessed and analyzed at the background of the 2008 snowstorm.4. Studied the repairing methods of physical network under emergency. The concept of key nodes and key sides is gived and the affecting factors are analyzed. The identifying method of key nodes and key sides which consided the traffic demand between nodes and freight priority is proposed from the aspect of the contribution to the railway network after node or side repaired. On this basis, the repairing timing program is given under emergency.5. Studied the railway evacuation schemes problem. The railway evacuation schemes under emergency are divided into passenger evacuation schemes and freight evacuation schemes. For the railway passenger evacuation schemes, the optimization method of railway passenger transportation route is proposed aiming the large passenger transport volume and same destination. For the railway freight evacuation schemes, the dynamic service network model which conside vehicle allocation problem is built according to the operational characteristics of nonstop, whole train transportation and transportation priority. The objective is the maximum of the satisfaction to transport demand and vehicle utilization. A relaxation algorithm which is sub-optimization method by time-cycles is desiged to solve the above model. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm are verified by an example analysis.
