

Study on the Relationship among Entrepreneurial Environment, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Entrepreneurial Performance in Northeast China

【作者】 张峥

【导师】 张秀娥;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 创业对一个地区和国家经济增长的持续推动作用得到了越来越多的证实,已经成为推动各个国家和地区经济发展、解决就业的主要力量。创业型经济也成为全球众多国家积极追求和发展的一种理想的经济发展状态。但是创业在其本质上是一个动态的、开放的发展过程,对全球不同国家创业情况的调查显示了创业效果在区域间的差异,并说明创业不是完全独立的,创业的过程就是创业主体在外部环境的影响和作用下,对外部环境做出反应,改善和适应环境的发展过程。因此外部的创业环境是创业过程中至关重要的因素。有学者更是认为创业就是对环境变量因素的反应,并且环境变量因素对于创业的成功具有促进或阻碍作用。创业的外部环境对创业的影响伴随于创业活动的整个过程,甚至早在采取创业实际行动前的计划阶段,创业外部环境就已经在产生影响了。不同的创业外部环境与创业主体的结合,产生了不同类型的创业活动,进而创业的结果也各不相同。因此可以看出,创业的外部环境能够影响创业的过程和最终的创业效果。公司创业导向作为描述创业过程的一个概念,从其本质来看是在从战略的角度对创业活动进行分析,反映的是一个企业应该如何运作,它的重要性在于它体现的是企业的一种战略选择倾向与姿态,不仅包括新创企业选择何种发展战略,还包括已经创立起来的成熟企业在其发展过程中进行二次创业时的战略选择问题。创业研究领域和战略管理领域的理论与实践经验均表明,创业导向不论对成熟企业还是新企业的绩效水平都具有重要的影响。所以,不论是创业环境还是创业导向,都会对最终的创业绩效产生影响。而创业环境和公司创业导向并不是各自独立地、分别地影响创业绩效的,创业环境在影响创业绩效的过程中,由于公司创业导向同样也要受到外部创业环境因素的影响,因此创业环境还会通过对创业导向的影响来改变公司创业导向对创业绩效的影响作用。通过分析可以看出,创业的绩效水平本质上受创业环境因素的影响最为突出。而目前现有的研究结论显示,不同地区的创业环境对公司创业导向和创业绩效的影响效果不尽相同。过去的计划经济体制和改革开放以后的市场经济体制造就了目前东北老工业基地地区的一些独特现状。本文选择我国东北地区作为研究数据的来源,目的就是希望通过分析我国东北老工业基地地区创业环境、创业导向和创业绩效间的相关关系,研究和分析东北地区的创业环境条件和创业现状,补充和完善相关创业研究的理论与实证分析成果。在相关创业研究的基础上,本文对我国东北地区创业环境、公司创业导向与创业绩效间的关系进行分析,构建了这三个研究变量的关系模型,并提出相关研究假设。通过调查问卷的形式收集相应的数据资料,对本文研究关系模型进行分析,验证所提出的研究假设,并得出本文研究的一些结论。首先,验证了我国东北地区创业环境对创业绩效的影响作用。分析结果显示我国东北地区创业环境会对创业的绩效产生直接影响,但是这种影响作用主要是由创业环境的敌对性所引起的,证实了东北地区创业环境敌对性与创业绩效间显著的负相关关系。但是东北地区创业环境动态性对创业绩效的影响作用未能通过验证。其次,公司创业导向及其三个维度对创业绩效的影响作用得到了证实。公司创业导向及其先动性、风险承担性和创新性这三个维度均能够积极地促进创业绩效水平的提升。同时,验证了我国东北地区创业环境对公司创业导向的影响作用。公司创业导向及其三个维度受东北地区创业环境敌对性的影响作用显著,但是受动态性的影响作用则是部分显著,只证实了动态性对创业导向及其创新性维度的显著影响作用,对创业导向的先动性和风险承担性的影响未能得到验证。最后,验证了我国东北地区创业环境动态性和敌对性分别对公司创业导向与创业绩效关系的调节作用。分析的结果证实我国东北地区创业环境的动态性和敌对性分别能够调节公司创业导向与创业绩效的关系。其中,东北地区创业环境的敌对性不仅在公司创业导向与创业绩效关系间具有显著的调节作用,同时在创业导向先动性、风险承担性和创新性三个维度与创业绩效关系间的调节作用同样显著。而东北地区创业环境动态性的调节作用同样只是部分显著,只证实了创业环境动态性在创业导向与创业绩效、创业导向创新性与创业绩效两组关系间具有显著的调节作用,对创业导向先动性与创业绩效关系、创业导向风险承担性与创业绩效关系的调节作用并不显著。通过以上分析可以看出,我国东北地区创业环境的敌对性因素较为显著,对公司创业导向、创业绩效以及创业导向与创业绩效关系均具有显著的影响作用。但是我国东北地区创业环境的动态性特征并不显著,未能发现创业环境动态性对创业绩效的直接影响作用,对创业导向的影响和创业导向与创业绩效关系的调节作用也不显著。通过本文对我国东北地区创业环境、公司创业导向和创业绩效相关关系的分析,一方面,丰富了有关创业环境、创业导向和创业绩效关系的相关研究,有助于研究者对不同区域间创业环境影响因素的具体效果进行对比,帮助创业研究学者进一步明确和揭示创业过程的本质内涵。另一方面,也有助于完善对我国东北老工业基地转型升级发展策略的研究和探索,以创业理论寻求解决东北发展难题的出路,进一步丰富和完善对我国经济转型相关问题的理论研究,也有助于更好地把握我国经济、社会转型这一关系国家发展的宏观议题。最后,希望本文的研究结论能够为相关政府部门提供政策依据,改善我国东北地区整体的创业环境,提升企业的创业导向倾向,提高最终创业活动的绩效水平。通过创业促进就业和经济发展,建立创业型经济发展模式,实现东北老工业基地的转轨与发展。

【Abstract】 It has been widely proved that entrepreneurship can greatly promote economic and social developments. Entrepreneurship has also become the main power to promote economic development and solve the employment in different countries and regions. An entrepreneurial economy has been an ideal state that many countries pursuiting positively. Entrepreneurship is a dynamic and opening process in nature, the research of entrepreneurial performance in different countries shows the regional diversities. Which means the process of entrepreneurship is a process that entrepreneur, been affected by entrepreneurial environment, to act, adopt, and improve the environment. So, entrepreneurial environment is a key factor in the process of entrepreneurship. Some scholars believe that entrepreneurship is a reaction to environmental variable, thoses variable may determine the success of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial environment can influence entrepreneurship along the whole process, even in the planning stage. The combination of entrepreneur and entrepreneurial environment decides the different types of entrepreneurial activities, so that the entrepreneurial performance. So, we can see that entrepreneurial environment in fact determines the process and performance of entrepreneurship.As a conception of entrepreneurial process, entrepreneurial orientation in nature analysis entrepreneurial activities on a strategic level. Entrepreneurial orientation describes how enterprises run, and reflects the enterprise’s strategy, not only the new enterprises, but also enterprise entrepreneurship of established enterprises. Theoretical and practical research findings of entrepreneurship and strategic management show us that entrepreneurial orientation can significantly influence entrepreneurial performance of new enterprises and established enterprises.So, entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial orientation can both influence entrepreneurial performance, but the two processes were not separately. When entrepreneurial performance is affected by entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial orientation is also affected by entrepreneurial environment, so entrepreneurial environment can determine entrepreneurial performance by affecting entrepreneurial orientation.From the analysis above, we can see that entrepreneurial performance affected by entrepreneurial environment most. But some research conclusions show different directions that entrepreneurial performance affected by entrepreneurial environment. The planned economy in the past and the market economy currently shaped the characters of northeast china’s economy. The data of this research is based on the northeast china, which means the purpose of this paper meant to discuss the relationship among entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance, study and analysis the conditions of entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurship, complement and improve theoretical and empirical research of entrepreneurship.This article build the research model of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance based on theoretical research, and proposed hypothesizes. The empirical research based on the data collected by questionnaires comes out with the conclusions of this article.First, the effect of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment on entrepreneurial performance is confirmed. The analysis shows that the directly effect of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment on entrepreneurial performance mainly caused by the hostility of environment, which proved the negative effect of the hostility of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment on entrepreneurial performance, while the effect of dynamism of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment on entrepreneurial performance is not confirmed.Second, the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and its three dimensions on entrepreneurial performance are confirmed. Entrepreneurial orientation and its proactiveness, risk taking and innovativeness can affect entrepreneurial performance positively.Third, the effect of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment on entrepreneurial orientation is confirmed. The hostility of entrepreneurial environment could significant influencing entrepreneurial orientation and its three dimensions. And also the effect of environmental dynamism on entrepreneurial orientation and its innovativeness, while the effect of environmental dynamism on the proactiveness and risk taking of entrepreneurial orientation are not confirmed.Forth, the moderate effect of the dynamism and hostility of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment on“entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance”are confirmed. The hostility of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment plays a significant moderate role between entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance, and also between the proactiveness, risk taking and innovativeness of entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance. At the same time, the dynamism of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment plays a significant moderate role between entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance, and also between the innovativeness of entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance. While the moderate role of the dynamism of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment between the proactiveness of entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance is not confirmed, also between the risk taking of entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance.Theoretical and empirical analysis above shows that the hostility of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment could significantly influence entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance, and also a significant role between entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance. But the dynamism of northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment can not be proved to be a significant influencing factor to entrepreneurial performance, and also not a significant moderate factor between entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance.This study is about the relationship among entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance in northeast china may firstly complement the researches about those entrepreneurial factors. Enable researchers to compare the effect of entrepreneurial environment in different regions, to explore the nature of entrepreneurship. Second, this study can also complement the research about the old industrial bases of northeast china, trying to find an entrepreneurial way to solve the development problem of northeast china, complement and improve theoretical and empirical research about china’s economic transition, and also let researchers understand the macro problem of the transition of china’s economy and society. At last, based on the conclusions of the relationship among northeast china’s entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance, the government and relevant departments may develop and implement more targeted policies to improve the entrepreneurial environment, enhance the entrepreneurial orientation and the entrepreneurial performance. According to promoting economic development and employment rate by entrepreneurship, we can build entrepreneurial economy, promote the old industrial base of northeast china to develop and shunt eventually.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期