

A Study of the Political System of National Government during the Anti-Japanese War

【作者】 赵红

【导师】 刘会军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在长期的革命实践和西方政党政治潮流及苏俄体制的影响下,中国国民党总理孙中山逐渐形成了一套关于国家政体和民主进程的颇有特色的训政构想,这一训政构想为蒋介石为首的国民政府训政体制的形成奠定了理论基础。1928年6月,南京国民政府在形式上完成了对中国的统一后,对外发表宣言,宣布结束“军政”,实行“训政”。此后,在“以党治国”的原则下,在国民政府中,逐步建立起行政院、立法院、司法院、考试院和监察院五院为基础的训政体制。然而,国民党标榜按孙中山建国理论所建立的训政体制,却与孙中山的训政构想有本质区别。以蒋介石为首的国民党摒弃了孙中山主权在民的进步思想内核,在训政的名义下,把政权和治权全部控制在国民党的手中,剥夺了人民的权利,使国民党的权力渗透到社会生活的各个领域,逐步变成了国民党一党专政的独裁统治,特别是随着蒋介石个人权力的不断扩大,这种训政体制又逐渐成为蒋介石个人独裁统治的工具。抗战时期国民政府的政治体制基本延续着这种训政体制,但由于抗日战争的的爆发使得原有的体制发生了深刻的变化,具有鲜明的特征。抗日战争全面爆发后,为了适应战争的需要,国家权力需要高度集中和统一,以便协调一致、统一步调,战胜日本帝国主义,取得战争的胜利。与此同时,在民族危亡的情势下,中国共产党和各民主党派、各族各界人民以抗战大局为重,以民族大义为重,捐弃前嫌,纷纷提出拥护国民党、国民政府和蒋介石领导抗战,出现了全民抗战的局面。全国的各种政治力量、军事力量和全国人民被纳入到国民政府的统一领导之下,也为国民政府整合政治力量提供了一个契机。在这种情况下,蒋介石为首的国民政府在原有的以党治国和五院制的训政体制下,利用这个特殊的环境,从1938年召开临时全国代表大会开始,通过对国民党总裁制的确认、军事委员会的改组、党政军一体化的国防最高委员会的建立以及国民政府的改制等政权机构的频行调整,逐渐形成了高度集权的战时体制。这种战时体制的集权程度不仅发展到历史的最高点,蒋介石的个人集权也达到了最高峰。几经调整形成的战时集权体制,在组织上最终实现了全国政治过程的高度一体化。然而,这一权力的末端却是通过传统宗法关系与整个社会衔接起来的,在中国这样一个人口众多的大国,要把整个国家政权的决策贯彻到社会底层,达到对社会的高度动员,仅仅通过这种联系显然难以达到预期的效果。为此,国民政府采取了一系列的措施,通过强化国民党意识形态的宣传,开展国民精神总动员运动,控制社会团体强化思想统一及其扩大国民党特务组织机构等措施,强化了集权体制对整个社会的政治整合。在推行战时集权体制的过程中,蒋介石为首的国民政府首先是通过调整各级党政关系,扩大国民党组织规模及组建三青团等措施加强国民党在其政权体系中的地位和作用。其次,为了提高集权体制的效能,又从现代政制运行规则的角度采取了实行行政三联制和分层负责制,推行新县制以及调整和扩充监察制度等一系列措施,力图把国民政府的庞大权力系统建成高效率运行、反应灵敏的中央集权制政权,然而这些努力并未达到预期目的。无论是集权还是民主体制的国家,在大敌当前之际,都会做出集权和开放的两种政治姿态,集权是为了保证国家政治统治的高效运转,开放则是为了容纳各方势力,增强团结,这一政治现象是统治集团利益与国家利益协调统一的结果。抗战爆发后,以蒋介石为首的国民政府在建立起高度集权的政治体制的同时,为了动员全民抗战,也有限度的让出部分政治资源,使战时国民政府的政治体制中呈现出了相对民主化的趋势。战时国民政府政治体制相对民主化趋势的重要表现就是国民党组建了国民参政会和各级临时参议会,尤其是国民参政会的建立,适应了全中国人民渴望实现政治民主,实现全民族抗战的要求。国民参政会尽管只是一个咨询机构,不具有实权,但从条文及实践的过程看,国民参政会也并非一个独裁政治的骗人招牌,它虽然不是全权的人民代表机构,但在许多问题上也成为监督国民政府行政运作的重要机构,成为各党派社团自由发表政见的论坛,发挥了团结全国军民,坚持全民族抗战,反对妥协投降,坚持抗日民族统一战线,维护国共合作团结抗战大局的作用。考诸南京政府统治中国的22年,此时期也是其政治体制上最“开放”、最“民主”的时期。抗日战争是一场全民族的解放战争,中国人民经过艰苦卓绝的斗争,最终迎来了胜利,这种胜利的获得不仅是中国人民的积极努力与浴血奋战,而且与国民政府战时政治体制的实行也有着十分密切的关系。国民政府战时政治体制的两方面,对抗战胜利都有一定的积极作用,但同时也存在着严重的弱点和消极影响。我们在评价国民政府的战时政治体制时,应该本着实事求是的态度。与此同时,这种战时条件下形成的政治体制,对战后中国的历史进程也产生了极其深远的影响。本文旨在通过对抗战时期国民政府的政治体制本身的特征及演变进行系统研究,从现代政制运行规则的角度对抗战时期国民政府推进战时政制采取的措施及其效果进行深入探讨,对这一时期国民政府战时体制中的民主化趋势进行具体考察,从而揭示出国民政府走向衰败的深层原因。南京国民政府战时政治体制是抗日战争时期社会历史条件的产物。国民党、国民政府、蒋介石的政治威望也在这一时期达到了最鼎盛的程度,国家政治体制一度出现了民主的曙光。但是,国民党、国民政府没有充分利用这些有利的政治资源,没有把握住这一历史的机遇,而是在其政治威望最鼎盛时机,利用其掌控的国家权力坚持一党专政,顽固地坚持所谓的法统,置中国共产党和各民主党派、各族各界的民主要求于不顾,从而也失去了其统治的社会基础,把中国共产党、各民主党派中的绝大多数力量推向自己的反面。最终,使自身的统治葬身在人民革命战争的汪洋大海之中。总之,抗日战争时期国民政府政治体制运行的实践证明:一方面,国家政权的握有者只要能够真正从国家、民族、人民的利益出发,实行民主、抗战,其政治威望就会空前提高,其统治就会得到人民的拥护;另一方面,不管你手中有多么广大的政治资源,握有多么强大的政治权力,只要你背离了国家、民族和人民的利益,忽视各党派、各族各界的合理诉求,就会遭到广泛的反对,遭到人民的唾弃。

【Abstract】 During the long revolutionary practice and the Western system of political parties and political trends and the influence of the Soviet Union, Prime Minister of the Chinese Kuomintang gradually formed a set of Sun Yat-sen rather special form of government and the democratic process of national political vision of training for training national government headed by Chiang Kai-shek the formation of political system laid a theoretical foundation. After the completion of the unification of China in form in June, 1928, the Nanjing Kuomintang government publicly declared to end of“military”, implementing“political tutelage.”Since then, the "failure for" the principle, in the national government, and gradually establish the Executive Yuan, Legislative Yuan, Judicial Yuan, Examination Yuan and Control Yuan, the five branches of government-based training system. However, advertised by the founding of Sun Yat-sen established the theory of political tutelage of the political system of training, but deviated from the original Sun Yat-sen’s idea of political tutelage, and the essential difference between Sun Yat-sen’s ideology. Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang, led by Sun Yat-sen’s sovereignty in the people abandon the ideological core of the progress, the use of Sun intellectual capacity of the wrong people know, beyond the revolutionary process, the people can not exercise the election, recall, initiative, referendum under the premise of the four powers, Overview governing power, the power of theKuomintang to infiltrate all areas of social life, and gradually turned into one-party dictatorship of the Kuomintang’s authoritarian rule, especially with the continuous expansion of personal power, Chiang Kai-shek, this system has gradually become the tutelage personal dictatorship Chiang Kai-shek rule tool. This allocution system was almost carried on as the political system of the national government during the Anti-Japanese War, but due to the breakout of the war, some significant changes were found in the original system with some very distinctive features.Anti-Japanese War broke out, in order to meet the needs of war, highly centralized state power and unity needed for a coordinated, uniform pace, defeat Japanese imperialism and achieve victory. At the same time, the situation of national peril, the Chinese Communist Party and the democratic parties, people of all circles to the overall situation of war, to national interests, to bury the hatchet, have made support for the Kuomintang, Chiang Kai-shek led the Nationalist government and the war, there the national war situation. The country’s various political forces, military and people be integrated into a unified national government under the leadership, but also for integration of the National Government to provide an opportunity for political power. In this case, the Chiang Kai-shek led the Nationalist government’s failure for the original five-hospital system and political system of training, the use of this special environment, from the 1938 National Congress held a provisional starting system through the recognition of the KMT president , the restructuring of the Armed Services Committee, military and political integration, the establishment of the Supreme Council of National Defense and the National Government’s restructuring and other government agencies to adjust the frequency of the line, and gradually formed a highly centralized war of attrition. The level of war is not only the development of centralized systems to the highest point of the history of Chiang Kai-shek’s personal centralization also reached the peak.Adjusted several times to form the wartime centralized system, the organization finally realized a high degree of integration of the national political process. However, this is the end of the power of the traditional patriarchal relations through the link up with the whole community, in China, a large and populous country, should carry out the decisions of state power to the bottom of society, to achieve a high degree of social mobilization, simply by This contact is clearly too thin and difficult to achieve the desired results. To this end, the National Government has taken a series of measures to strengthen the KMT ideology through propaganda, to carry out the spirit of national mobilization campaign to control thinking and social organizations to strengthen the KMT secret service organization such as expansion of measures to strengthen the centralized system for the whole community political integration.Centralized system in the implementation process of war, Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist government, led first by adjusting the relationship between party and government at all levels, expand the scale of the organization and the formation of the KMT Youth League and other measures to strengthen the KMT in its power system’s status and role. Secondly, in order to improve the performance of centralized systems, and from the perspective of the modern political system operating rules adopted to implement the system triple and decentralized administrative system, the implementation of the new county system and the restructuring and expansion of monitoring system and a series of measures to try to turn the national government a large power system into an efficient operation, responsive centralized regime.Authoritarian or democratic institutions, whether national, the enemy of the present occasion, will make two kinds of centralization and open political gesture, authoritarian political rule is to ensure the efficient functioning of the national open is to accommodate all forces, strengthen unity This phenomenon is the ruling political interests and the result of the harmonization of national interests. War broke out, led by Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist government established a highly centralized political system at the same time, in order to mobilize the resistance, but also limited to a part of the political resources to enable the wartime national government’s political system has shown a relatively democratic trend. Wartime national government relative to the democratization of political system performance is an important trend in the KMT formed a Provisional National Political Council and the Senate at all levels, in particular the establishment of the National Political Council to meet the desire of all Chinese people to achieve political democracy, to achieve the national war of resistance requirements. While the National Political Council is an advisory body, does not have real power, but in the process of provision and practice perspective, the National Political Council is not a dictatorship of the deceptive signs, which, though not sole representative body of people, but also many issues supervision of administrative operations to become a major national government agencies, as political parties forum for free expression organizations have played a united national army, adhere to the national war of resistance against the compromise and capitulation, adhere to the anti-Japanese national united front, the KMT-CPC cooperation to maintain the overall unity and the role of war. Examination of various government rule in China in Nanjing 22 years, this period most of its political system is“open”, the most“democratic”period.Anti-Japanese War was a war of liberation of the whole nation, the Chinese people through arduous struggles, and ultimately ushered in the victory, this victory is not only the Chinese people access to positive efforts and bloody battles, and with the national government to implement the political system in wartime also has a very close relationship. Wartime political system, both on the victory of the war have some positive effects, but there are also serious weaknesses and negative effects. We are in the evaluation of the National Government’s wartime political structure, they should take a realistic attitude. At the same time, this wartime political structure formed under the conditions of the historical process of China after the war also had a very profound impact.This article focused on the systematic study of the features and development of the national government’s political system during the Anti-Japanese War, explored the methods taken by the national government to improve the wartime political system during this period and its effects, and reviewed the democratic tendency in the wartime system of the national government during this period, thus to reveal the deep reason of the ruin of the national government.The wartime political system of Nanjing Kuomingtang government was the historical product of the Anti-Japanese War. The authority of Kuomingtang national government and Chiang Kai-shek’s political prestige reached their height of power and splendour at this period, the light of democracy emerged for a time in the national political system. However, Kuomingtang and the national government didn’t make the best of these political resources and seize this historical opportunity, in its most prosperous time of political prestige, they sticked to one-party dictatorship by use of government power in their hands, insisted on the so-called legislative governing, turned a blind eye to the democratic demands of the Communist Party of China, the other democratic parties and the different ethnics and fields. They launched three anti-communist campaigns right during the Anti-Japanese War, oppressed the other democratic parties, even plotted Wannan Event. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, they insisted on the civil war, dictatorship, overthrew the resolutions of Political Council, summoned the National Congress alone, all of which made China lose one good opportunity to develop into democratic legislative politics peacefully, they lost the social basis for its governing as well, and forced the Communist Party of China, the majority of different democratic parties onto its opposite side and ruined its governing of China in the peoples’revolutionary war.In a word, the operation of the national government’s political system during the war proved that: on the one hand, the ones who control a country’s political power can obtain the people’s support on the condition that they will consider the benefits of the country, the nation and the people, and practice democracy and anti-Japanese war, and their political prestige will be enhanced, their governing will obtain the people’s support; on the other hand, no matter how much political resources you have at your command, how powerful your political power was, you will be opposed and discarded by the people on the condition that you betrayed the benefits of the country, the nation and the people, and ignored the reasonable demands of different parties and different ethnics and fields.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】K265;D693
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1365
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