

In History and Historic

【作者】 贺庆国

【导师】 孙正聿;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 在关于马克思主义哲学的总体性质、马克思实现的哲学变革的实质等问题的理解上,我国哲学界经历了从物质本体论到认识论再到实践唯物主义的转变。近年来似乎进入到第四个阶段,从2001年开始,越来越多的学者都认为,马克思的新唯物主义的本质是历史唯物主义,但对历史唯物主义的总体性质的理解却存在很大分歧。笔者认为,理解这一问题的关键在于搞清楚在何种意义上历史唯物主义是一种“世界观”,这种新世界观和“历史观”是如何统一的,统一的基础和中介是什么。为了把我自己所主张的历史唯物主义的新理解和以往的观点做出严格的区分,我在正面阐述自己的观点时一律用“‘历史’唯物主义”的术语,而以往的观点或在一般意义上言说时用“历史唯物主义”。“当代社会”的意识形态一方面反对将自身同过去进行目的论的关联,另一方面也反对将自身仅仅看成面向未来的一个目的论的环节,反对任何宏大的目的论结构,而“时代”概念却是建立在这种目的论结构基础上的,所以,建立在传统的历史哲学和理性历史观基础上的历史唯物主义学说在“当代社会”就面临着全所未有的挑战:如果历史性意识是当代的真理,那么,历史唯物主义就将失去它在当代存在的合法性?如果历史性意识将成为一种永恒有效的意识,那么,历史唯物主义将彻底成为历史的遗迹?究竟是历史性意识可以彻底击垮历史唯物主义还是历史唯物主义可以在更高的层面扬弃历史性意识,从而使历史唯物主义获得新生?这些问题都逼迫我们必须在当代重新解读和反思历史唯物主义。要想对这些问题作出有根据的回答,我们认为,有两个参照系是不可缺少的:一是西方历史哲学的传统,二是当代历史性意识。只有将历史唯物主义放到这两个参照系中去比较研究,使他们形成有效的对话和沟通,才有可能学术性、思想性地展示历史唯物主义的当代价值,我们的解读才能算得上真正意义上的当代解读。马克思的“历史”唯物主义也是一种历史本体论,所以,我们讨论“历史”唯物主义与西方历史哲学传统的关系主要是讨论它与思辨的历史哲学的关系,而不讨论它与分析和批判的历史哲学的关系。因为“历史”唯物主义不仅仅是一种“历史观”,更不仅仅是一种“方法论”,而是一种世界观,一种历史本体论,它以统一性、连续性、发展性的方式力图揭示人类发展的目的性结构,更为重要的是它以目的性的方式揭示世界之为世界的诞生,揭示自然和人的关系的演变,这种致思取向属于思辨的历史哲学的范畴,而与分析和批判的历史哲学无关。“历史”唯物主义包含了以下六个基本前提:(1)历史是一个连续性、统一性的过程;(2)历史具有目的性的结构;(3)历史是不断进化和发展的;(4)历史的狡计;(5)历史发展是量变和质变的统一;(6)历史是人的历史而不是神或者其他神秘实体的的历史,人是历史的主体。在这些前提中,前提(1)和(2)已经在维柯的历史哲学中出现,前提(3)在法国启蒙历史观中特别是在伏尔泰和孔多塞那里得到凸显,前提(4)和(5)在黑格尔的历史哲学中得到强调,前提(6)部分的已在黑格尔历史哲学中以一种神秘的方式出现了,而在青年黑格尔派中比较突出和醒目地出现,这特别表现在费尔巴哈、施蒂纳和赫斯三人从各自立场对黑格尔历史哲学的批判上。马克思继承了费尔巴哈、施蒂纳和赫斯对黑格尔历史哲学的批判,在扬弃了黑格尔历史哲学中合理内核的基础上,强调了第六个前提,并且,在实践原则的新地平上重新将这些思想进行整合,从而开创了一种唯物主义的思辨的历史哲学。所以,可以说,马克思的“历史”唯物主义是在继承近代思辨的历史哲学的诸多要素的基础上,在一个新的理论地平上的高度综合的产物。当然,并不是说有了这六个前提就一定能产生“历史”唯物主义,因为,一方面“历史”唯物主义并不是这六个前提的简单拼凑,而是一个更高层次的综合;另一方面,“历史”唯物主义由于找到了一个新的原则(即实践的原则)来综合这些前提,使得它本身拥有了许多此前的思辨的历史哲学所没有的内容。我们认为“历史”唯物主义虽然并不像后现代主义者认为的那样是一种彻彻底底的思辨的历史哲学,但是,如果将它分别与思辨的历史哲学和当代历史性意识相比较,那么,它与思辨的历史哲学更为接近而与当代历史性意识更为疏远却是可以肯定的。至少它和思辨的历史哲学一样都是以一种理性的线性历史观为前提的。但是,理性的线性历史观并不是天然就有的,它实际上在西方是一个很晚近的产物。了解了理性的线性历史观在西方出现的历史过程,将有利于我们加深对思辨的历史哲学和“历史”唯物主义的理解。古希腊人的历史观对于我们今人来说可能是最为陌生的,因为它和我们习以为常的理性的线性历史观几乎没有任何相同点。罗马人的历史观确实表现出与希腊人的历史观有很大的不同。这主要表现在以下几个方面:一、罗马人开始有了清晰的时间观念,他们有了相对明确的纪年和年代划分,并且在有的著作中把历史叙述明确到具体的年份,这就使得历史事件之间的关联具有确定性,在老加图的著作中,甚至已有了编年形式的雏形;二、罗马人开始有了历史连续性的观念,尽管他们还没有找到将不同阶段的历史统一起来的精神性原则,但是,他们确实在不同历史事件之间力图找到它们的内在关联(虽然这种连续可能仅仅是偶然和主观的,不具有必然性和精神性),换言之,他们虽然还没有历史统一性观念但已有了历史连续性观念;三、与希腊历史著作的写实追求不同,罗马的历史学家们具有更强烈的实用主义和民族性格,他们反思历史都是为了从历史中总结道德和政治教训,以有利于罗马更好的发展自己;四、希腊人只关注当代的事件,而罗马人却对遥远的古代充满兴趣,他们的历史往往从古代说起,一直说到当下,因而有一种通史的意味,这就使得罗马人对历史的考察具有更强的宏观视野,从这种宏观视野中萌生了还比较弱化的规律思想。在这四个特征中,我们比较关注第一和第二个特征,因为它和历史的统一性思想已经比较接近,为历史统一性的思想的出现准备了条件。尽管如此,罗马人的历史观和近代以来的理性的线性历史观之间还是有很大的异质性,我们还无法把它看成是近代理性的线性历史观的直接来源。在基督教的历史观中不仅出现了明确的历史统一性原则,出现了明确的历史分阶段演变的观念,出现了明确的划分历史阶段的客观标准,还出现了明确的历史发展论的观念,总之,在中世纪基督教的历史观中近代理性的线性历史观的四个基本要素已经具备,所以我们认为中世纪基督教的历史观为近代理性的线性历史观奠定了基础,二者具有明显的同向性。但是,与此同时,我们也要看到二者毕竟也存在着重大的差异,这主要表现在以下两点上:(1)基督教的历史观是以一个人格化的上帝作为起点、保证和标准,这就离不开神迹、神话和寓言等表象的作用,而理性的线性历史观却不需要人格化的上帝作为起点、保证和标准,它直接诉诸于人类理性自身,因而,也不需要神迹、神话和寓言作为自己叙事的载体,而诉诸于理性的概念和范畴;(2)基督教的历史观在对历史进行阶段的划分过程中,它的标准是宗教性的,因而每一阶段的主要特征也是由宗教性和精神性属性所描画的,而理性的线性历史观划分阶段的标准不是宗教性,而是世俗性的政治、经济、文化模式,所以,每一阶段的主要特征也是由这种世俗性的内容来界定的。所以,理性和世俗性是近代理性的线性历史观相对于基督教历史观的基本特征。而完成由人格神向理性、由宗教性向世俗性转折的恰恰是近代思辨的历史哲学的创始人维柯。但是,维柯的历史观毕竟是启蒙运动之前的产物,他对基督教神学的批判还是隐晦的,躲躲藏藏的,上帝造世说和神意说在他的著作中随处可见,我们只有深入到他的理论内部,才有可能解读出他的历史观中的理性特征。可以这样说,维柯历史观的理性特征是被宗教神秘主义掩盖了的。正因如此,他的历史观还保有了浓厚的循环论色彩,这种循环论将他的发展和进化论观念窒息住了,以至于他的发展和进化论并没有给后人留下鲜明的印象。而将发展和进化论贯彻比较彻底的恰恰是法国的历史学家和启蒙思想家。以伏尔泰和孔多塞为代表的法国的历史学家和启蒙思想家在历史进化论的阐释方面给人留下深刻的印象,但是,他们所做的更多的是对历史进行经验的描述,而不是哲学的逻辑反思。如何将历史进化论思想和历史哲学范式有机结合在一起,这成为启蒙运动之后西方历史哲学家们所面临的新的课题。黑格尔是解决这一课题最彻底的人,因而也就成为西方思辨的历史哲学的集大成者,他也成为马克思“历史”唯物主义思想最为直接和重要的来源。黑格尔哲学确实实现了近代理性的线性历史观的逻辑化和体系化,是唯心的思辨的历史哲学的顶峰。它实现了逻辑学和形而上学的合流,把历史与逻辑相统一的原则贯彻到底,并且在唯心的意义上发挥到极致,它提出了历史的经纬线交织和理性的狡计的思想,提出了“理性的观念”、“人类的热情”、“世界历史民族”、“世界历史个人”和“国家中的道德自由”等概念,这些都深刻地影响了马克思的思想发展。但是,它毕竟是一个神学的和唯心的体系,如果不对它进行彻底的颠倒,不打碎它的神秘外壳,就无法真正回到现实具体的人,也无法真正把人从神学和抽象的理性的束缚中解放出来,无法使人的感性获得一种能动的超越性格。所以,在黑格尔的历史哲学与马克思的“历史”唯物主义之间还有很长的路要走,如果马克思当年对黑格尔之后的德国思想界的最新进展没有了解,而仅仅停留于黑格尔的思想,他即使再聪明,可能也是无法独立地发展出“历史”唯物主义思想来的。在我们看来,在黑格尔之后,对黑格尔这种逻辑化、神学化的理性的历史观进行有效批评且对马克思的思想产生重要影响的主要有三个人:费尔巴哈、施蒂纳和赫斯,他们分别对黑格尔的历史哲学展开了人本学、个人主义和经济学的批判,在这些批判中逐渐为马克思拓开了“历史”唯物主义的理论地平。我们仅仅了解了这些外在的思想渊源还是不够的,我们必须对马克思是如何扬弃这些思想的过程有深入的了解,只有这样,“历史”唯物主义对我们才说才不是一个僵死的教条,而是一个鲜活的处在不断自我生成中的系统。了解了“历史”唯物主义的产生过程以及马克思在其中所走的弯路,我们可以加深对“历史”唯物主义的基本要素及其相互关系的理解。本文在第二章中详细分析了马克思本人如何走出黑格尔思辨哲学的窠臼,从而逐步形成“历史”唯物主义思想的艰难的探索历程。通过对这个艰难历程的揭示,我们发现了“历史”唯物主义的基本结构。在笔者看来,作为世界观的“历史”唯物主义首先表现为一种反本体论的思维方式,这种本体论的思维方式是一种由预设的本质去解释现存世界的前定论思维方式,从初始本原去推论现存事物的还原论思维方式,从两极观点追求单一本性的绝对论思维方式,这种反本体论的思维方式使马克思对人和世界都理解都发生了转变。身体成成马克思理解人和世界的重要视角,在这种新视角下,历史性和时间性维度得到了凸显,马克思虽然没有直接提出“时间性”这一概念,但是,他却有自己的时间性思想。马克思的时间性思想主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)现实具体的人所面临的时间是有终性的;(2)现实具体的人的时间是在一定的生命事件中展开的,时间是这一生命事件的到时;(3)这一到时展现为一种有所筹划的操持着的操劳活动的当下发生;(4)这种操持着的操劳活动具体表现为对象化的活动,因而包含了对象化活动的诸要素;(5)由于诸要素的不同组合产生了异化劳动和自由的劳动的区别,从而产生了共产主义运动的时间性基础。尽管如此,马克思的历史性和时间性思想与海德格尔的历史性和时间性思想具有明显的不同。根本的不同在于马克思的时间性和历史性思想建基于感性的能动的实践活动,实践的中介性和辩证性导致马克思可以实现由历史性向历史的跳跃;而海德格尔的时间性和历史性思想却建基于一种情绪性的生存领悟,这种情绪性的生存领悟缺少中介性和辩证性,从而无法实现由历史性向历史的跳跃,只能停留于抽象的历史性原则之中。正是这一点遭到了当代哲学的严重误读,当代哲学站在历史性意识的基点上,对马克思的“历史”唯物主义进行了新的解读,在这些解读中有两种最为典型:一种解读认为马克思的历史唯物主义仅仅是一种宏观历史,而宏观的历史已经终结,因而这种学说应该被抛弃;一种解读认为马克思的历史唯物主义尽管既包含宏观的历史又包含历史性维度,但是二者之间却并没有恰当的中介以使它们获得有机的联系,从而使得二者之间存在着难以弥合的裂缝,这种裂缝的存在不利于历史唯物主义在今天历史性意识横行的时代发挥它的作用,因而应该找到一个恰当的中介,重建历史唯物主义的基础。前者的代表是后现代主义,后者的代表是哈贝马斯。后现代主义批判历史唯物主义的第一个重要的理由是历史唯物主义形成了对个体的超越,特别是提出了超越个体的宏观的社会概念和宏观的历史概念,并且在此基础上提出了所谓的宏观的历史发展规律和历史发展趋势的问题,他们认为这是一种僭越。后现代主义批判历史唯物主义的第二个理由是历史唯物主义形成了由历史性向历史的跳跃,而在他们看来这是不可理解的,因为他们在历史性和历史这两者之间持有一种严格地非此即彼的对立的观念。后现代主义批判历史唯物主义的第三个理由是历史唯物主义最终将个体看成了实现社会整体发展目的的工具,将历史性看成了实现历史发展的手段,而在他们看来,个体和历史性本身应该是最高的价值,本身就应该成为目的,而不是从属于别的价值,依附于别的目的。这三个理由要么不符合生活的常识,要么是抽象思维的结果,要么是其资产阶级意识形态的反映,它并没超越“历史”唯物主义的视野,更没有真正抓到“历史”唯物主义的理论困难,是一种比较外在的批判,这种外在的批判不仅不能够击碎“历史”唯物主义,反而恰恰证明了“历史”唯物主义的完善性和合理性。哈贝马斯的“重建”主要从下述四个方面展开:(1)提出了“社会劳动”与“相互作用”或“交往行为”两个范畴的区分;(2)区分了作为目的理性行为的“生产活动”的合理化过程和作为“交往行为”的“道德—实践活动”的合理化过程;(3)提出社会一体化的观点,并以此解释社会变革的内在机制;(4)提出用道德实践意识的不同水平作为区分历史阶段的新的标准。通过以上四个方面的“改进”和“重建”,哈贝马斯在历史性和历史之间找到了自己设定的中介,这就是语言的对话和在此基础上人们相互之间在规范意义上的相互学习和相互承认,通过这一中间环节形成一系列新的社会组织和社会结构,从而变革生产关系,推动生产力的发展。熟悉马克思的“历史”唯物主义学说的人一眼就能看出来,与其说哈贝马斯是在“重建”历史唯物主义,还不如说是在颠倒历史唯物主义,因为它实际上最终把属于意识形态领域的变革看成是社会发展的基础,生产关系和生产力的发展都是这种变革的结果。尽管哈贝马斯确实提出了一些马克思本人没有关注或者是没有阐发的东西,而且这些东西顺应了新时代的一些特点,在这方面哈贝马斯有它独特的理论价值,但是,毕竟他的所谓重建违背了马克思的基本精神。所以,我们可以说哈贝马斯是一个有创建性的思想家,但是我们却很难说他是一个真正的马克思主义者。相比较而言,马克思的理论更彻底,更具有说服力,而且马克思的这种理论更具有历史的眼光。相反,哈贝马斯找到的沟通历史性和历史之间的中介本身却是非历史的,从而容易走向本质主义和绝对主义,走向历史主义的反面。笔者认为,哈贝马斯在摆脱形而上学的本体论思维方式方面还不如马克思走地更远。总之,站在当代历史性意识的大背景下,需要反对对“历史”唯物主义的两极化解读,因为无论是仅仅强调“历史”唯物主义的历史的维度的科学主义解读模式,还是仅仅强调“历史”唯物主义的历史性维度的人文解读模式,都是对“历史”唯物主义的误解,我们只有深入这个“之间”才能真正理解“历史”唯物主义的革命意义和当代意义。“历史”唯物主义在当代仍是一种具有重要的理论价值和实践价值的不可替代的理论。

【Abstract】 In the understanding of problems like the general nature of Marxist Philosophy, the essence of philosophy revolution realized by Marx, our philosophy had experienced a conversion from material ontology to epistemology, and then to practice materialism. In recent years, it seems to enter into the fourth phase. Since 2001, more and more scholar agrees that the nature of Marx’s new materialism is historical materialism, but they still have many different understanding on the general character of historical materialism. The author thinks the key for the understanding of this problem is to figure out in what meaning that historical materialism is a kind of“worldview”, how to unify this new worldview and“historical view”, and what is the basis and intermediary of this unification. To strictly distinguish my new understanding of historical materialism proposed by myself from the previous views, I would use terms“historical”materialism for all of my positively expressed views, and use“historical materialism”for the previous views or general talking.“Contemporary society”ideology opposes the teleology association of itself with past on the one side, and opposes the teleology link of itself to the future on the other side. It opposes any grand teleology structure. However, the concept“era”is just established based on this teleology structure. Therefore, the historical materialism theory based on the traditional historical philosophy and rational historical view is facing an unprecedented challenge. If the historical sense is the contemporary truth, then would the historical materialism lose its validity of existence in the present age? If the historical sense becomes a eternally effective sense, then would the historical materialism becomes the historical relics? Is the historical sense beaten down historical materialism thoroughly? Or the historical materialism can abandon historical sense in higher level? Thus, can the historical materialism get a new life? All these problems are forcing us to reinterpret and reflects historical materialism in the present age. To give well-founded answers to these problems, we think the following two reference frame is indispensable: one is the tradition of western history philosophy; the other is contemporary historical sense. Only after putting the historical materialism into the two reference frame and making comparative study accordingly, and letting them form an effective conversation and communication, can we demonstrate the contemporary value of historical materialism academically and ideologically. And our reinterpretation can become the contemporary interpretation in its true sense.Marx’s“historical”materialism is also a kind of historical ontology. Therefore, when we talk about the relationship between“historical”materialism and western history philosophy tradition, we mainly discuss its relationship with speculative history philosophy, but not its relationship with analytical and critical history philosophy. Since“historical”materialism is not only a kind of“historical view”, not just a“methodology”, but a kind of“worldview”, a historical ontology. In the way of unitarity, continuity and expansibility, it tries hard to reveal the teleology structure of human development and what’s more important is that it reveals the birth of the world for the world in the way of teleology and reveals the relationship evolution of nature and human. Its orientation belongs to the category of speculative history philosophy, and has no relationship with analytical and critical history philosophy.“Historical”materialism includes following six basic premises: (1) History is a course of continuity and unitarity; (2) History has teleology structure; (3) History is evolving and developing continuously; (4) The cunning of history; (5) History development is the unification of the quantity change and quality change; (6) History is the history of human, but not the history of Spirit or other mysterious entity. Human is the major entity of history. For all these premises, premise (1) and (2) appears in Vico’s history philosophy; premise (3) got its highlights in France enlightenment historical view, especially in Voltaire and Condorcet; premise (4) and (5) was strengthened in Hegel’s history philosophy; premise (6) appears in a mysterious way in Hegel’s history philosophy, and was highlighted and eye-catching in Young Hegelians, especially in the criticism of Hegel history philosophy from Feuerbach, Shidina and Hess in each ground. Carried on the criticism of Feuerbach, Shidina and Hess to Hegel’s history philosophy, Marx abandoned the reasonable core of Hegel history philosophy and strengthened the sixth premise, and reintegrated these thoughts on the new earth of practical principles. He created a materialistic and speculative history philosophy. Therefore, we can say that Marx’s“historical”materialism is based on the heritage of many factors of modern speculative history philosophy, and the highly integrated product in a new earth of theory. Of cause, we cannot say these six premises can generate“history”materialism with no doubt. The reasons is that, on the one side,“historical”materialism is not the simple assembly of these six premise, but a higher level integration; on the other side, since“historical”materialism found a new principle (which is the practical principle) to integrate these premises, so itself owns a lot of contents that previous speculative history philosophy doesn’t.We don’t think“historical”materialism is a thorough speculative history philosophy as the postmodernists do, but if to compare it with speculative history philosophy and contemporary historical sense respectively, then we can be sure that it is more close to speculative history philosophy and more drifted apart from the contemporary historical sense. At least, it is grounded in premise of rational linear historical view as the speculative historical philosophy. However, rational linear historical view is not born in nature, but actually a late product of western. The understanding of the historical development process of rational linear historical view in the west helps us better understand speculative historical philosophy and“historical”materialism.The historical view of ancient Greeks might be the most strange to our modern people, as it doesn’t has any similarity with our habitual rational linear historical view. The Romans historical view does have many differences with that of Greeks. It mainly includes several points as below:一、The Romans had clear time concept. They had relatively clear division of chronological records and decades, and descried the history in specific year in some works, so the relationship of historical events has definiteness. In the works of old Cato, it even has the rudiment of chronological form. 二、The Romans began to have concept of historical continuity. Although they had not found the spiritual principle to unify the different phase of history, they did try to find the inner relationship of different historical events (although this continuity might be accidental and subjective, and did not have necessity and spirituality). In other words, although they do not have the concept of history unitarity, they have the concept of history continuity三、Different from the realistic pursuit of Greek historical works, the historian of Roma has stronger pragmatism and national character. Their reflection of history is to summarize moral and political lesson from history for the better development of Roma.四、Greeks only cared about the contemporary events. Roman were interested in the remote ancient. Their history was usually described from the ancient to contemporary, so it had the significance of general history, and which makes the Romans have stronger grand view of history research, and raise awareness of weakening rule idea from the grand view. In these four features, we are more concerned about the first and the second, as they are more close to historical unitarity thought and have prepared enough conditions for the existence of historical unitarity thought. Even so, there are still big heterogeneity between the Romans’historical view and the rational linear historical view since modern times. We cannot take them as the direct source of contemporary rational linear historical view.In the historical view of Christian, it not only has clear historical unitarity principle, it also has the clear concept of historical stage evolution, clear objective standard of historical stage division, and clear concept of historical development. In a word, in the historical view of Christian in middle ages, modern rational linear historical view already has the four basic elements. So we think the historical view of Christian in middle ages laid the foundation for the modern rational linear historical view. And the two of them has obvious isotonicity. However, we should also see that there are big differences between them, which can be found in the below two points: (1) The historical view of Christian took the personified God as starting point, guarantee and standard, so it cannot neglect the effect of imagery like sign, myth and parable. However, the rational linear historical view did not need to take the personified God as starting point, guarantee and standard, it directly resort to human rationality, so it did not need sign, myth and parable as the carrier of description, but resort to rational concept and category; (2) In the division course of history phase, the standard of historical view of Christian is religious, so the major features in each phase was described with religious and spiritual property. However, the standard for rational linear historical view, it is not religious, but secular political, economic and cultural mode, so the major features of each phase was also divided by the secular contents. Therefore, rationality and secularity are the basic features of modern rational linear historical view relative to historical view of Christian. And the one who completed the transition from personified God to rationality, from religious to secularity is the Vico, the founder of modern speculative historical philosophy.However, Vico’s historical view was the product of the Enlightenment. His criticism to Christian Theology is still obscure and secretive. We could found“God Made the World”and“Devine”everywhere in his works. Only after deeply understanding of his inner theory, can we reinterpret his rational features in the historical view. We can say that the rational features of Vico’s historical view were hided in the religious mysticism. Because of this, his historical view still contains rich cycle theory, and which suffocates his development and his evolution concept, which is also the reason why his development and evolution theory does not leave clear impression for later generations. It is French historian and enlightenment philosophers who implement more thoroughly the development and evolution theory. Represented by Voltaire and Condorcet, French historian and enlightenment philosophers left deep impression in the description of historical evolution theory, but mostly they only gave experience description of history, but not logical reflection of philosophy. How to integrate the history evolution concept and history philosophy paradigm organically is the new subject for western historical philosophers after the Enlightenment. Hegel solved the subject most thoroughly, so he became the integrator of western speculative history philosophy, and also the most direct and important source of Marx’s“historical”materialism.Hegel philosophy did realize the logicalization and systematism of modern rational linear historical view, and it is the summit of platonic and speculative history philosophy. It realized the merge of logic theory and metaphysics, carried through the unified principle of history and logic, and plays to the best in the platonic meaning. It raised the meridian and parallel interweave of history and rational and guile concept, raised concepts like“rational concept”,“human enthusiasm”,“world history nationality”,“world history individual”, and“moral freedom in country”, all of which had deeply influenced the intellectual development of Marx. However, it was still a theological and platonic system. If we don’t reverse it thoroughly and break its mysterious shell, we cannot really come back to a practical and actual person, cannot really release a person from the constraint of theology and abstract rationality, and cannot give human perception an active character surpass. Therefore, there’s long way to go from Hegel’s history philosophy to Marx’s“historical”materialism. If Marx did not have understanding of the new development of Germany ideology after Hegel, but only stayed on the Hegel thoughts, he would not able to develop“historical”materialism independently no matter how smart he was. In our opinion, after Hegel, three people had made effective criticism to Hegel’s lexicalized and theologized rational historical view and had important influence on Marx’s ideology. They are Feuerbach, Stirnen and Hess. They made criticism of humanism, individualism and economics to Hegel’s history philosophy. And these criticisms became the theory horizon of Marx’s exploration of“historical”materialism.The understanding of these external ideological bases is not enough. We must get deep understanding of the course on how Marx abandoned these thoughts. Only this way,“historical”materialism would not be an unchangeable dogma to us, but a live and continuously self generating system. We can deepen our understanding of the basic elements and its correlations of“historical”materialism after understanding the generation process of“historical”materialism and the long way around Marx had gone through. The chapter 2 of this paper specifically analyzes how Marx went out Hegel’s speculative philosophy and his hard exploration experiences in the gradual formation of“historical”materialism. With the revelation of the hard exploration experiences, we found the basic structure of“historical”materialism. From author’s point of view,“historical”materialism, as world view, firstly is a mode of thinking of anti-ontology. This ontology is a mode of thinking used presupposed essence to explain predicted empiricism of existing world and deduced reductionism of existing things from initial origin, and a mode of absolutism thinking pursued single nature from two extreme points. This anti-ontology mode of thinking caused Marx to change his understanding of human and world. Body became his important perspective of human and world. Under this new perspective, historic and time dimensionality got its highlight. Although Marx did not directly raise the“time”concept, he had his own time ideology. Marx’s time ideology is mainly several aspects as below: (1) time for real specific people would come to end; (2) time for real specific people is unfolded in a certain live event, and time is the arrival of this live event; (3) the arrival of this time shows the instant happening of designed and run activity; (4) this operated activity is specifically an objectivity activity, so it contained each factors of objectivity activity; (5) since the different combination of each factor generated the difference between alienation labor and free labor, thus generated time basis of communist movement. Even so, there is obvious difference between Marx’s historical and time ideology and that of Heidegger. The fundamental difference is that Marx’s time and historical ideology based on emotional and dynamic practical activity. Marx could realize the jumping from historical to history due to its practical betweenness and dialectics. Heidegger’s time and historic ideology based on an emotional survival understanding. And this emotional survival understanding lacked of betweenness and dialectics, so it could not realized the jumping from historical to history, but only stay in the abstract historic principles.It was the point that was seriously misunderstood in contemporary philosophy. The contemporary philosophy made a new interpretation of Marx’s“historical”materialism standing at the base point of historical sense. And there are two typical interpretations as below: one interpretation thinks Marx’s historical materialism is only a macro history and the macro history is over, so this theory should be abandoned; the other interpretation thinks although Marx’s historical materialism includes macro history and historical dimensionality, these two do not have suitable intermediary to get organic relationship, so these two has cracks hard to make up. The existence of the crack is not good for historical materialism to play its role in the present age of historical conciseness. So we should find a suitable intermediary to rebuild the basis of historical materialism. The representative of the former is postmodernism, and the representative of the later is Habermas. The first important reason for Postmodernism’s criticism of historical materialism was that the historical materialism formed the transcendence of individual, especially raised the macro social concept and macro history concept that surpass individual, and raised the so-called grand historic development rule and historic development trend based on this. They thought it was a arrogatearrogation. The second reason is that historical materialism for the jumping of historical to history, and which is not understandable to the, as they have strict either/or contrary concept between historical and history. The third reason is historical materialism takes individual as the tools to realize the overall social development and takes historical as the means to realize historic development. To them, individual and historical itself should be the highest value and itself should be the objective, but not belong to other values and tied to other objective. These three reasons are not fit for common sense of life, or as a result of abstract thinking, or as the reflection of bourgeois ideology. It does not have the view surpassing“historical”materialism, and does not really grab the theoretical difficulty of“historical”materialism. It is just an external criticism and this not only could not crush“historical”materialism, but just prove the perfectness and rationality of“historical”materialism.Habermas’“rebuild”can be described in four aspects as below: (1) raised the differentiation of two category“social labor”and“interaction”or“communicative action”; (2) distinguished the rationalization process of“production activity”as objective rational behavior, and the rationalization process of“Morality-Practical activity”as“communicative action”; (3) raised the view of social integration and explain the inner mechanism of social reform with it; (4) suggested using the different level of moral practical conciseness as the new standard to divide history phase. With the above four“improvements”and“rebuild”, Habermas found his own designed intermediary between historical and history. This is the conversation of language, and people’s mutual learning and mutual recognition in the normative sense based on it. Through the intermediate link, it forms a series of new social organism and social structure, and thus reform production relationship and promotes the development of productivity. People who are familiar with Marx’s“historical”materialism, can tell immediately that Habermas is rather than“rebuild”historical materialism, but upside down historical materialism, as it actually takes the reform in ideological sphere as the basis of social development eventually and thinks the development of production relationship and productivity is the result of the reform. Although Habermas did raise something that Marx didn’t concern or explicate, these things comply with some new features of new era and Habermas has its own unique theoretical values in this aspect. However, his so-called“rebuild”disobeys Marx’s basic spirit. So we can say Habermas is a innovative thinker, but we are hard to take him as a real Marxist. Comparatively speaking, Marx’s theory is more thoroughly and more pervasive, and Marx’s theory has more historical perspective. On the contrary, the communicative intermediary Habermas found for historical and history is not historic, so it is easy to head for essentialism and absolutism, and head for the revise historicism. The author thinks Habermas had not gone further than Marx in getting rid of metaphysical ontological thinking mode.In short, under the background of contemporary historical consciousness, we should oppose the polarized reinterpretation of“historical”materialism. No matter the historic and dimensional mode of scientific interpretation which only strengthens“historical”materialism, or the historical dimensional mode of humanities interpretation which only strengthens“history”, is the misunderstanding of“historical”materialism. We could really understand the revolutionary meaning and contemporary meaning of“historical”materialism only after we walk deep into this“between”. In contemporary,“historical”materialism is still a kind of irreplaceable theory with important theoretical value and practical value.

【关键词】 历史历史性历史唯物主义
【Key words】 Historyhistorichistorical materialism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期