

Study on the Multi-resolution Mechanism of Rural Disputes from the Perspective of New Countryside Construction

【作者】 杨猛

【导师】 韩广富;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 新农村建设视阈下的农村纠纷多元解决机制问题研究是当代社会发展理论的主要内容,在中国社会发展理论中具有重要的地位。构建农村纠纷多元解决机制是稳定农村社会,实现农民安居乐业,破解新形势下“三农”难题的重大战略举措,直接关系到转型时期农业大国的整体发展和未来趋向,关系到建设和谐社会的大局,是实现党的建设社会主义新农村任务的基础性工作。全面系统地研究新农村建设视阈下的农村纠纷多元解决机制的形成发展、战略地位、价值取向、内在机制、保障体系、成功范例、经验启示等问题,对于构建新的研究框架、拓展新的研究空间、弥补学术研究不足具有重要的学术价值;对于拓宽调解思路,丰富和发展传统纠纷解决机制,创新人民内部矛盾理论具有重大的理论意义;对于我们贯彻落实科学发展观倡导的“以人为本、全面协调可持续发展”的内在要求,破解市场经济条件下各种差别拉大、矛盾突出的问题,推进社会主义新农村建设具有重要的现实指导意义。论文坚持以马克思主义理论为指导,综合运用哲学、政治学、社会学、经济学、法学等各相关学科的研究方法,坚持理论与实践、一般与特殊、逻辑与历史的有机统一,对新农村视阈下农村纠纷多元解决机制问题进行了全面系统的分析与论证。论文由八章内容构成。第一章为绪论,主要阐述了论文的选题依据、研究意义、研究现状综述、研究方法、研究思路、论文框架、创新观点等问题。第二章对农村纠纷问题进行概述。总结归纳农村纠纷的主要类型,剖析农村纠纷产生的原因,分析预测农村纠纷的发展趋势,继而概括出农村纠纷对新农村建设的影响。第三章阐述了农村纠纷解决机制建立及评价。该章提出农村纠纷解决机制建立的依据,论述了农村纠纷解决机制的形成发展,对比改革开放前后农村纠纷的解决方式的类型与特点。第四章主要从四个方面分析了农村纠纷多元解决机制建立的必要性。第五章阐述了农村纠纷多元解决机制的价值取向。该章提出必须坚持以人为本位,维护社会公平和法律正义,提高解决农村纠纷的效率,维系优秀传统文化与道德的价值,为建设社会主义新农村奠定深厚的价值基础。第六章阐述了农村纠纷多元解决机制的框架结构。该章提出协商和解、人民调解、行政处理、仲裁裁决、司法判决构成了新形势下应对农村现实需要的农村纠纷多元解决机制的框架结构。第七章阐述了农村纠纷多元解决机制的保障体系。该章围绕农村纠纷解决的机构队伍和条件建设、解决纠纷能力、配套措施、有机衔接四个方面,论证搭建各种纠纷解决机制进行协调的平台。第八章阐述了农村纠纷多元解决机制的实证及对新农村建设的意义。该章针对中国农村区域发展的不平衡性,分别选取典型农村,采取问卷调查与个案深入访谈的方式,从典型案例中总结提炼被调查地区的农村纠纷多元解决机制对社会主义新农村建设的意义,为新农村视阈下的农村纠纷多元解决机制的理论提供了实证考量。与作者以往发表的研究成果相比较,以及与国内外同类课题研究成果相比较,该博士学位论文的创新观点主要有以下四个方面:第一,论文创造性地从社会主义新农村建设方面思考和论证农村纠纷的解决机制,为正确解决人民内部矛盾的理论与实践探索提供了一个独特的战略视角。农村问题向来是马克思主义中国化的重要问题,但尚无人明确提出从社会主义新农村建设方面考虑和探索农村纠纷的解决机制。这既是目前社会主义新农村建设工作中存在的薄弱环节,也是当前这一领域理论研究的一个新课题,因而有较大的研究空间和理论研究价值,可以填补学术空白。第二,论文创造性地提出并论证了建立农村纠纷多元解决机制的价值取向问题。从根本上说,建设社会主义新农村是我们党“三农”政策的继承和发展,而“三农”政策的核心就是要从根本上实现对农村、农民的公平待遇问题。论文提出构建农村纠纷多元解决机制,必须坚持以人为本,维护社会公平和法律正义,提高解决农村纠纷的效率,维系优秀传统文化与道德的价值。价值取向问题既是一个理论问题,也是一个人人都需要思考的现实问题,是建设社会主义新农村的深厚的价值基础。第三,论文创造性地提出农村纠纷解决机制构建的关键是走法治之路,同时探索实行农村纠纷多元解决机制内部各种解决方式的合理共存与有序衔接。该文针对传统纠纷解决方式在面对新形势下愈来愈复杂多样的纠纷解决中的无力与尴尬,积极倡导建立与新农村建设相适应的农村纠纷多元解决机制,创新性地提出要通过整合社会资源,建立起包括协商和解、民间调解、行政调解、仲裁以及司法判决在内的多种解纷方式,取长补短,良性互动,以达到及时妥善地化解纠纷,确保社会主义新农村建设的顺利进行。第四,论文创造性地阐述了农村纠纷多元解决机制的保障体系,力争从制度层面、法律层面、社会层面对社会主义新农村建设中的纠纷解决的保障体系提出新的观点。提出要加强农村纠纷解决机构的队伍和条件建设,提高农村纠纷解决机制的纠纷解决能力,完善农村纠纷多元解决机制的配套措施,推进农村纠纷多元解决机制的有机衔接,搭建各种纠纷解决机制进行协调的平台。综上所述,目前中国仍然是一个农村人口占绝大多数的发展中国家,国家的稳定、社会的和谐发展,关键在农业、农村、农民。因此,党的十七大提出,要统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设,这是新形势下破解“三农”难题的重大战略举措。而“三农”问题很多又是以涉农纠纷的形式表现出来的,一些涉农纠纷大量存在并且错综复杂,这已逐渐成为影响农村经济发展和农村社会稳定的突出问题。作为社会的弱势群体,农民群体的纠纷如果处理不及时,方法不得当,就有可能引起群众的不满情绪,影响农村社会的稳定,阻碍新农村建设的步伐,也关系到中国这样一个农业大国的整体发展和未来走向。当前我们应着眼于服务社会主义新农村的大局,从实际出发,科学分析新形势下农村纠纷,努力把握其规律特点,选择恰当的纠纷解决方式,坚持正确的调解原则,以积极的态度和正确的方法,切实做好疏导化解工作,充分发挥各种纠纷调解处理机制的作用,加大对各类涉农纠纷的调解力度,及时化解矛盾纠纷,协调好各个利益阶层的关系,尊重农民的合法权益和主体地位,才能真正调动起农民的积极性和主动性,保证社会主义新农村建设健康有序推进。实践证明,单一化的纠纷解决思路并不能有效化解日益增多的矛盾和纠纷。在新农村建设中,我们应当正确认识影响农村社会和谐的各种矛盾和冲突,并用一套行之有效的纠纷解决机制来疏导矛盾,化解社会冲突。但是,已有的成果没有对农村纠纷解决进行系统研究,纠纷多元解决机制虽然已经建立,但尚不成熟,类型较少,未能形成完整的体系,有深度的专题研究也极其鲜见。特别是相关研究未能充分考虑中国农村发展非均衡的特点,对不同区域农村纠纷的解决机制更是缺乏关注,离形成一个合理有效的农村纠纷多元解决机制还相距甚远,尚不能完全满足广大农民的新需要和新期待。因此,无论从时代发展还是从农民群体自身的实际利益来看,农村纠纷多元解决机制都是符合新农村建设发展需要的、最为合理和应然的社会机制。有鉴于此,我们当务之急就是要树立纠纷多元化的解决理念,建立一个适应我国国情的多渠道、高效、便捷、公正、多元化的纠纷解决机制,充分发挥各种纠纷解决方式的作用,实现优势互补,妥善解决农村所面临的种种纠纷,确实成为我们在推进社会主义新农村建设中所面临的一项十分重要而紧迫的任务。

【Abstract】 The study on the multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes from the perspective of New Countryside Construction is the main content as well as an important part of contemporary Social Development theory. To build a multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes is a strategic measure to stabilize the rural society, and to make farmers live and work under peace and contentment, which is a fundamental work to realize the construction of a New Socialist Countryside, directly concerning the overall development and the future tendency of China as a large agricultural country in transition, and the construction of a Harmonious Society.The overall systematic study on the multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes from the perspective of New Countryside Construction, ranging from its formation, development, strategic position, value orientation, internal mechanism, security system, successful cases to its implication, has important academic values in constructing new research framework, exploring new research field and filling the research gap; has important theoretical significance in widening ideas of resolving disputes, enriching and developing the traditional resolution mechanism of dispute and innovating the Theory of Contradictions among the People; has immediate significance in carrying out the internal request of the ideas of " People Oriented , and All-round , Coordinate and Sustainable Development " proposed by the Scientific Thought of Development, explaining the issues such as the enlarging of difference and outstanding contradictions under the market economy environment , and impelling the development of the construction of a New Socialist Countryside.Under the guidance of Marxist Theory, and the integration of theory and practice, generality and particularity, and logic and history, this dissertation gives an overall and systematic analysis and argument of the multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes from the perspective of New Countryside Construction through a combined study of philosophy, politics, sociology, economics, law and other related disciplines.The dissertation consists of eight chapters.Chapter One is the Introduction, explaining the reasons of topic selecting research significance, literature review, research methodology, research ideas, framework, innovative ideas and so on.Chapter Two gives a general summary of the resolutions of rural disputes. It first summarizes some typical cases of rural disputes, then analyses reasons and finally predicts its future development trend, which generalizes its impacts on the New Countryside Construction.Chapter three explains the establishment and evaluation of the resolution mechanism of rural disputes. This Chapter first puts forward basic reasons of establishing this mechanism, then explains its formation and development, and finally makes a comparison of types and features of resolutions between the time before and after the reform and opening-up.Chapter Four analyses the necessity of establishing a multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes.Chapter Five explains the value orientation of the multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes, which must adhere to the principles of "people oriented", preserving the social justice and legal justice, increasing the efficiency of resolving rural disputes, and maintaining the fine cultural traditions and moral values so as to lead a deep value foundation for the construction of a New Socialist Countryside.Chapter Six explains the framework of the multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes, which consists of settlement by agreement, people’s mediation, administrative sanction, arbitration award and judicial decision so that such a framework can cope with the real needs in the countryside under the new situation.Chapter Seven explains the security system of the multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes, which explains how to set up a platform for this mechanism form four aspects—the establishment of institutions or teams, and conditions, their ability to solve disputes, supporting facilities, and their cooperation.Chapter Eight explains the empirical research of the multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes and its significance to the New Countryside Construction. When considering the imbalanced development in the China’s countryside the forms of questionnaire and case interview have been done in some typical rural areas. By summarizing, the research will provide empirical evidences to the theory of multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes.Compared with those research findings of the same kind of research topics at home and abroad, and the authors’ previous research findings, this dissertation has four innovative ideas:Firstly, this dissertation explains the resolution mechanism of rural disputes from the perspective of the construction of a New Socialist Countryside innovatively, which provides a strategic perspective for resolving the Theory and Practice of Contradictions among the People. Rural problems has always been an important focus of adopting Marxism to conditions in China, but so far, no one has discussed the problem from this perspective clearly, which is a weakness in the construction of a New Socialist Countryside. So such a weakness is also a new research topic in the temporary area with large research space and research value, which can fill the academic research gap.Secondly, it puts forward and explains the value orientation of establishing the multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes. Basically speaking , the construction of a New Socialist Countryside is the inheritance and development of the issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers whose focus is to realize a just treatment to agriculture and farmers. It is argued that the establishment of such a mechanism must adhere to the principles of "people oriented", preserving the social justice and legal justice, increasing the efficiency of resolving rural disputes, and maintaining the fine cultural traditions and moral values. Value orientation is not only a theoretical issue but also a realistic one deserving everyone’s attention, which is the value foundation of the construction of a New Socialist Countryside.Thirdly, the dissertation argues that the key to establishing of the multi- resolution mechanism of rural disputes to lead a legal approach and explore the coexistence and combination of different types of resolutions within the mechanism itself. Considering the weakness of the traditional resolutions of rural disputes when facing with the various complex disputes under the new condition, innovatively, the dissertation argues to establish diversified resolutions containing settlement by agreement, people’s mediation, administrative sanction, arbitration award and judicial decision through the combination of social resource. Through the complementation and good interaction, disputes can be solved properly in time, which can keep the construction of a New Socialist Countryside progressing successfully.Fourthly, it explains the security system of the multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes from the level of system, law and society, innovatively. It argues to concentrate on the establishment of institutions or teams, and conditions, to improve the mechanism’s ability to solve disputes, to improve its supporting facilities, and to impel their combination so as to set up different platforms for the mechanism.In summary, at present, China is still a developing country with the rural population occupying the whole, so agriculture, countryside and farmers are the key to the country’s stabilization and the harmonious development of its society. Thus, the 17th Session of the General Assembly put forward that to balance urban and rural development and to impel the construction of a New Socialist Countryside are strategic measures to solve the the difficult problems concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers. But the issues are represented by the various complex rural disputes which have become the outstanding problems in affecting the economic development and social stability of the countryside. As disadvantaged groups in society, if the farmers’ disputes cannot be solved properly in time, there will be discontent among them, which will affect the stability of the social stability and the development of the construction of a New Socialist Countryside, concerning the overall development and the future development of China as a large agricultural country. Consequently, aiming at the general situation of the construction of a New Socialist Countryside, after a careful and realistic consideration of the features of rural disputes under the new situations, we should try to solve those disputes with positive attitudes by choosing proper resolutions and following correct principles so as to put the diversified mechanisms into fullplay. Besides, we should put more efforts in solving those disputes properly in time, harmonize the relation among different interest groups and respect farmers’ legitimate interest and dominant position so that we can stimulate their active enthusiasm, which will secure the fulfillment of the construction of a New Socialist Countryside.Practice has proved that a unitary resolution of rural disputes cannot solve the increasing complex disputes. In the course of constructing a New Countryside, we should first find the various contradictions and disputes that affect the social harmony in the countryside, and then solve them with an effective resolution mechanism. However, the situation is that there is not a systemic analysis concerning the resolutions of rural disputes, or though the multi-resolution mechanism has been established, it is not very mature with few types and incomplete system, or without any significant monographic research. Especially, some related research neither considered the imbalanced features of the development of China’s countryside nor paid attentions to the resolution mechanism in different rural areas, a rational and effective multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes has not been established yet, which can not satisfy farmers’ new needs and expectations.Therefore, for either considering the development of time or the practical interest of farmers, the mult-resolution mechanism of rural disputes is the most proper and necessary social mechanism which agrees with the development needs of construction of a New Socialist Countryside. So, the very first thing for us to do now is to set up a multi-resolution concept to solve disputes and establishthe multi-resolution mechanism of rural disputes which can conform to diversified channels and the put itself into fullplay with high efficiency, convenience to solve the diversified rural disputes. Indeed, this is a very important and urgent task that we are faced with in prompting the construction of a New Socialist Countryside.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期