

Dialectical Way of Thinking and the Transcendence of Value Nihilism

【作者】 马新宇

【导师】 贺来;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文试图通过对辩证法思维方式所包含的价值意蕴的阐发,来寻求超越价值虚无主义的思想道路。我们以往都从认识论、方法论的角度理解辩证法,将其视作一种理解世界的思维方式。这种理解忽略了辩证法最深层的内容,即它对于人的生命存在的理解。本文认为,辩证法本质上是一种关于人的自我理解的学说。在这个意义上,它必然与人的生命价值问题有内在关联。因而辩证法的基本观点,如矛盾的观点、否定的观点、历史性的观点同时也是理解人的生命价值的基本观点。从矛盾的观点看,我们不应该把某个单一的原则终极化,把某种片面的人生态度绝对化,而应该在辩证的张力中理解人的生命价值。从否定的观点看,人的生命价值不应该停留在静止的、凝固的状态,而应该不断地自我创造、自我生成、自我超越。从历史性的观点看,人的生命价值不在于符合某种永恒价值,而在于通过人的历史性生成过程中不断敞开自己的丰富性与多样性。价值虚无主义的克服是个异常复杂的任务,需多方面条件。本文从思维方式的角度挖掘其根源并寻求超越,但只是提供一种思想的可能性,而非一劳永逸地解决该问题。

【Abstract】 In contemporary human society, we are facing many crises, the crisis of valuenihilism is one of a more fundamental crisis. Many contemporary philosophers,particularly Nietzsche and Heidegger, realized this problem and tried to respond it.They have made great efforts on uncovering the causes of nihilism, and they wereseparately given their own programs to transcend it. On the basis of Nietzsche andHeidegger’s theoretical results, this article attempts to uncover the ideological root ofvalue nihilism, and find the way to transcend it by interpreting the value meaning ofdialectical way of thinking. This article involves two issues: First, what the challengeof value nihilism is and which is its root, the first two chapter attempts to answer thisquestion; Second, how to understand dialectics ,and thus how to respond the challengeof nihilism on re-interpreting dialectics, Chapter III and Chapter IV focus on thisaspect.Introduction, we want to extract the problem of value nihilism, and point outthat, Nietzsche and Heidegger realized it, but their solutions have many deficiencies.As the same with Nietzsche and Heidegger, Marx also awarded of the value crisis inhis period; but different with them, Marx want to find the cause of value nihilism andsolve it on real basis by using dialectical way of thinking .Chapter I, value nihilism is a spiritual phenomenon of human life, and a direct threatto human survival foundation, it appeared in real life and consequently thinkers haveto respond it and give a way to resolve it. In Section I, we will describe theperformance of value nihilism in people’s real life; In Section II, we will describeNietzsche and Heidegger’s nihilism theory.Chapters II, as mentioned above, the value of nihilism directly threat thefoundation of human existence. Therefore, we must find out the root of this crisis. Section I, as the first chapter has explained, the traditional metaphysics and nihilismhave an inherent association, and traditional metaphysics is a theoretical consequencesof intellectual way of thinking, therefore, the ideological root of value nihilism isintellectual way of thinking; Section II, we will critical intellectual way of thinking,on the basis of Hegelian philosophy, in order to uncover the relationship betweenintellectual way of thinking and value nihilism.Chapter III: Now that Chapter II has pointed out that the ideological root of valuenihilism is intellectual way of thinking,and the dialectic way of thinking cantranscend intellectual way of thinking, so it can also transcend the value nihilism.Section I, we have to critical the general understanding to dialectics, thisunderstanding has forgotten the life spirit of dialectics; Section II, dialectics and theexistence of human life are intrinsically linked, it is essentially a doctrine abouthuman self-understanding ; Section III, on this understanding to dialectics, we canfind the thinking road to transcend value nihilism .Chapter IV, since chapter III has explained that, dialectics is essentially a theoryabout person’s self-understanding, and human life is concrete, realistic, therefore,dialectics is bound to go deep into people’s real life and analyze it. Marx’s dialecticsthroughout this spirit, and thus he has made an interpretation to the causes andsolutions of value crisis in his period; this interpretation is different with others.Section I, Marx revealed the causes of value crisis, namely the materialized logic ofcapitalist society; Section II, the way to resolve this crisis, namely abandon privateproperty and eliminate materialized logic.The general point of this article, previously we understand dialectics from theangle of epistemological and methodological, we think it as a way of thinking, andthus use it to understand the entire world. Such an interpretation ignores the deepestcontents of dialectics, namely the life attitude and the ideal of human values. And it isessentially a human’s self-understanding theory which is about people self-generated, self-promoting, and self-creation. By this understanding to dialectics, we canrecognize the ideological root of value nihilism and also can provide the possibility totranscend it. Therefore, the dialectical view is the key point of this article, in Chapter Iand Chapter II, we used dialectical way of thinking to find the ideological root ofvalue nihilism; in Chapter III and Chapter IV, we discussed the inherent relationshipbetween dialectical way of thinking and the value problem of human life, by this waywe responded the challenge of value nihilism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期