

Measurement Research on the Field-Effect of Regional Logistics Field

【作者】 金凤花

【导师】 李全喜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在区域经济完成“输入-转化-输出”的过程中,区域物流以物质流状态满足了物质输入需求和物质输出需求,对区域经济系统的高效运转提供了必不可少的支持;同时,物流业由于归属流通行业而被划入第三产业,成为区域经济系统的重要组成部分。区域物流与区域经济间相互影响、相互联系,区域物流的发展有利于促进区域经济产出的增加,有利于促进其他产业的发展并优化产业结构、有利于优化区域经济发展模式、有利于缩小行业和城乡收入差距等;而区域经济的发展也有利于产生稳定的物流服务需求,有利于增大对区域物流建设的投资规模,优化的区域经济结构有利于优化区域物流结构等。随着经济活动范围的不断扩展、延伸,为之提供必要支持的物流活动不可能受限于固定的空间范围内,物流业为了保证系统的运营,在区域内的城市间、不同区域间发生产品或原材料等物质的空间位移、物流交易的资金往来、物流信息的发布和传输等,扩大了区域物流的空间相互作用范围,有利于在更大的市场中获得竞争份额,并吸引更多的资金流入。已有的研究更多地关注区域物流与区域经济间局部的影响关系,未能体现区域物流与区域经济这两个整体组织如何相互影响;对区域物流的评价研究中,忽视了区位因素对区域物流发展的重要性,而且在空间相互作用方面,较少有研究涉及到区域间的物流联系、各区域物流的发展对外部产生的辐射强度等。因此,本文从互动的角度并运用“场”的思想进行了具体分析:第一,结合近年来我国物流业的发展环境,勾勒出本文的选题背景,并分析选题意义;从区域物流发展、场论应用、城市间经济联系等方面的相关研究,综合分析与主题相关的国内外研究现状,确定论文的主要研究内容、研究方法、研究技术路线和论文创新点;第二,基于区位理论、区域物流理论、场论等已有理论基础,提出区域物流场的概念,并对区域物流场的组成、性质及与物理场的差别进行具体分析;在提出区域物流场场效应概念的基础上,界定了区域物流场经济效应、空间效应的概念;第三,从区域物流对区域经济的影响和区域经济对区域物流的影响两方面,论述了区域物流场经济效应的内涵;通过比较多种测度方法,确定以典型相关分析法结合中国31个省级区域2003~2008年的面板数据进行实证测度;基于测度结果中的典型变式系数、典型相关系数、指标相关系数和典型变量值等数值,从全局和局部角度分析了区域物流场的经济效应;第四,从剖析性质、产生条件、动力机制、类型等方面论述了区域物流场全域效应的内涵;通过构建场源引力模型、场源“位”模型、场源“势”模型及场源地位模型,结合2008年中国31个省级场源的相关数据,对区域物流场的全域效应进行实证测度,具体分析场源间的联系强度、场源的干扰和抗干扰能力、场源的综合能力;第五,从剖析性质、形成机制和作用形式等方面论述了区域物流场邻域效应的内涵;通过比较已有的几种测度方法,结合基本断裂点模型,修正并推导出测度邻域效应的断裂点轨迹模型,结合2008年中国31个省级场源的相关数据,对区域物流场的邻域效应进行实证测度,具体分析每个场源对邻接场源的辐射程度和辐射特点,并对基本断裂点模型和断裂点轨迹模型的结果进行比较;第六,结合经济效应、全域效应和邻域效应的测度结果分析,提出以经济促物流发展、优化交通网络等基础设施、发挥物流产出能力、开发人力资源效用、加强部门间和区域间的协调合作、建设物流信息平台、优化场源“位”与“势”和在竞争中抓住发展机遇等发展对策。

【Abstract】 During the process“Input-Transfer-Output”of the regional economic, the regional logistics satisfies input demand and output demand of the materials in physical state, provides essential support for high efficient running of the regional economic. Meanwhile, the logistics industry which attributes to the third industry becomes an important component of the regional economic. The regional logistics interacts with the regional economic, the regional logistics development is beneficial to promote the increment of regional economic output, the development of other industries and the optimization of the industrial structure, and beneficial to optimize the development mode of regional economic, to shorten the income gap between different industries and between urban and rural areas, etc. The regional economic development is beneficial to generate stable service demand of logistics, to increase the investment scale for the construction of regional logistics, and the optimized structure of regional economic is beneficial to optimize the structure of regional logistics, etc.With continual expansion of economic activity scope, the logistics activity which provides necessary service for economic will not be confined in a fixed scope. For ensuring the system operation, the logistics industry will transfer products and materials, funds, logistics information between cities of the same region or between different regions, which expand the space interaction scope of regional logistics, will be beneficial to obtain more shares in a wider market and to attract more capital inflows.Most of related researches focused on the local influence correlation between regional logistics and regional economic, failed to describe how the two systems interacted from various aspects as a whole. The researches which evaluated the regional logistics neglected the importance of location factors for the regional logistics development; the researches which focused on space interaction, less involved the logistics connection between regions and the radiation intensity from one region to external regions owning to the development. Therefore, the paper utilized field theory to analyze regional logistics specifically from interaction angle as follows:First, combined with the development environment of China logistics industry in recent years, analyzed the background and signification for the subject selection. Based on the related researches on regional logistics development, field theory application, economic connections between cities and so on, summarized research status at home and abroad related to the theme, the main research contents, research methods, technical route and innovation points of the paper.Second, based on the location theory, regional logistics theory, field theory etc., the paper defined the regional logistics field, specifically analyzed its components and properties, compared it with physical field. Economic-effect and space-effect were put forward on the basis of the concept of field-effect of the regional logistics field.Third, analyzed the connotation of economic-effect of the regional logistics field from two aspects: one is the influence on regional economic from regional logistics, the other is the influence on regional logistics from regional economic. By comparing several measurement methods, determined to use canonical correlation analysis to measure the economic-effect which based on the panel data of 31 provincial regions from 2003 to 2008. Analyzed the economic-effect from global and local views on the basis of the measurement results, such as coefficients and values of canonical variants, canonical correlation coefficients and index correlation coefficients, etc.Fourth, analyzed the connotation of overall-effect of the regional logistics field which consisted of characteristics analysis, generation conditions, dynamic mechanism and types, etc. Constructed field source gravity model, potential models and status model, measured the overall-effect based on related data of 31 provincial field sources in 2008. Analyzed the connection intensity between field sources, interference ability, anti-interference ability and comprehensive ability of each field source.Fifth, analyzed the connotation of neighborhood-effect of the regional logistics field which consisted of characteristics analysis, generation mechanism, action forms, etc. By comparing several measurement methods and combined with basic breaking-point model, corrected and deduced breaking-point track model for measuring neighborhood-effect based on related data of 31 provincial field sources in 2008. Analyzed the radiation intensity and characteristics of each field source to the neighbor field sources, and compared the basic breaking-point model with breaking-point track model by the results.Sixth, based on results analysis about the economic-effect, overall-effect and neighborhood-effect, the paper proposed development countermeasures, included promoting logistics development by developing economic, optimizing infrastructures such as traffic network, activating logistics output capability, developing human resource effectiveness, strengthening the cooperation between departments and between regions, constructing logistics information platform, optimizing the potentials of field sources and seizing the opportunities in the competition and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期