

【作者】 周剑虹

【导师】 单霁翔; 王建新;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 丝绸之路是古代中西方贸易交通的重要通道,也是文化和科学技术交流的桥梁。丝绸之路在中国境内全长4000公里,沿途留下了丰富的文化遗产资源。1987年,联合国教科文组织实施的“丝绸之路整体研究:对话之路”项目,将这条已消失的交流之路又拉回到人们的视野中。2006年,丝绸之路跨国系列“申遗”项目的正式启动,标志着学者们对作为文化线路的丝绸之路的研究工作的全面展开。历年来有关丝绸之路的著作成千上万,优秀之作也不胜枚举。但是将丝绸之路作为典型文化线路的研究尚处于起步阶段。本文拟从丝绸之路“申遗”研究为的切入点,分析了丝绸之路作为文化线路遗产“申遗”过程中所面临的主要问题,并以丝绸之路陕西段和已列入世界文化遗产名录中的文化线路为例,探讨解决遗产遴选、文化线路保护管理和可持续性发展等问题的有效途径和方法,为文化线路的保护管理研究提供参考依据。文化线路价值构成研究是丝绸之路“申遗”过程中亟待解决的难题之一。本文通过对已列入世界遗产名录中的4条文化线路的分析研究,认为应从时间、空间和遗产功能三个方面入手,并结合文化线路多样性和动态性的特征,对文化线路的遗产的价值进行研究和评估。同时以丝绸之路陕西段乃至中国为例,探讨丝绸之路文化线路构成遗产的主要类型和内容。丝绸之路作为典型的文化线路,跨度大、穿越的省、市众多,我国文化遗产“条块”管理模式已不适宜于文化线路的整体管理。本文通过对比分析,并依据丝绸之路陕西段文化遗产管理的现状,提出应在国家层面上建立文化线路遗产管理委员会,对分布于各省的文化线路遗产进行垂直式保护管理。与此同时,成立丝绸之路研究机构,机构不仅负责丝绸之路文化线路遗产的研究及资料收集,还对管理委员会的工作有建议和否定的权利,从而实现专业人员对文化遗产决策工作的监督。而对于单体的文化遗产的管理,则应通过编制遗产保护规划、加大利益相关者参与遗产保护工作等措施和方法,实现文化遗产的战略管理。文化线路遗产保护的目的是为了能更好的发挥遗产价值和功能,实现可持续的发展和利用。维持遗产本体和环境的真实性是遗产保护管理的主要目标,也是遗产实现可持续发展的基础,而遗产旅游是遗产实现可持续发展的主要途径。因此,在实现遗产旅游的过程中,不但应通过法律、法规以及具体措施等方式,引导遗产旅游的健康发展,实现遗产的教育功能,更应维护遗产本体及环境的真实性,从而实现文化线路遗产旅游的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 The Silk Road is not only a very important route for trade and transportation, but also a bridge for cultural and technological communication. It is almost 4000 kilometre in China section and there are abundant of archaeological sites and monuments along the route. In 1987, the project of Intergral research of the SR:the dialog road" was organized by the UNSECO, which make the Silk Road coming back to the research area. In 2006, the serial nomination of SR is in process, which make more and more Chinese academics are concerned on the research of the cultural route.Lots of books and monographs about Silk Road are published in recent years. However, as a typical Cultural Route, it is a new research area which has lots of questions need to take. This dissertation will be based on the significant of the Silk Roads, and will discuss three main questions about the significant. After the comparative study and case study, problems will be work out.First of all, what elements will compose the Silk Road significant is a core question in the cultural route and Silk Roads research. This dissertation will discuss which aspects will make an impact on the Silk Road significant. And through case study, the main physical and intangible elements which composed of this Road will be found out.Secondly, how to management and conservation the Silk Route significant is also a key question in the cultural route research. Now in the Chinese heritage management system, sites and monuments will belongs to different government departments and it is not a valid coordination mechanism between those departments, this problem is more serious in the cultural route. The dissertation will through the case study to found out the way to cover this gap.Furthermore, besides the whole Road management, the single element conservation and management is also important thing for the whole roads significant maintenance. In this dissertation, the stakeholder approach will be used in the single site and monument management and conservation.Moreover, the sustainable development is the main purpose of the site conservation and management. Through the heritage tourism and other approaches the will attain varied functions of the Silk Road. The authenticity is the key element in the road significant and heritage. What might explain differences between Chinese and Western approaches to the concepts of authenticity, and how might such understandings influence future approaches to the application of authenticity criteria in China is also a main question in cultural heritage management

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】K871
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2005