

【作者】 孙波

【导师】 白永秀; 张军扩;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “后危机时代”即将过去,世界经济新一轮的发展提出包容性增长和均衡型发展的要求。这一目标要求包括经济主体的统筹协调发展,农民的发展自然是其应有之义。从国内情况看,中国经济社会发展步入后改革时代,这一时期的发展主题是城乡经济一体化,而城乡经济一体化的根本是实现农民市民化。后改革时代既是经济社会的全面发展的时代,也是包容性增长的时代,而包容性增长本质上是人的全面发展。中国已进入只有调整经济结构才能促进持续发展的重要战略时期,农民市民化是其重要内容。与此同时,加强和创新社会管理为农民市民化提供了组织基础。农村快速发展为进一步推动农民市民化奠定了物质基础。为了推动现阶段我国农民市民化进程,本文立足于已有研究成果,运用历史与逻辑相统一、定性与定量相结合、多学科研究方法及比较分析等方法,以中国现阶段的农民为研究对象,从理论上寻求农民市民化的一般规律,从制度安排与政策设计上提出推动中国农民市民化的进程的思路。第一章为导论。扼要阐明全文的选题背景、研究意义、研究内容及研究方法等,导论是对全文的整体简介与系统说明。第二章为农民市民化的理论综述。主要从不同学科对此问题的研究入手,阐释农民市民化问题在政治学、经济学、历史学、社会学中的研究概况,为下文研究农民市民化问题构建了多学科的文献背景,增强下文论证的说服力和研究的继承性。第三章为农民市民化的理论研究。首先考察和挖掘了农民市民化的涵义,界定了农民市民化与城市化、工业化和市民社会等范畴的关系,剖析了农民市民化的影响因素,初步构建了分析问题的理论框架。第四章为国外农民市民化的历史分析。分别考察了英国、美国、日本、以色列和拉美国家农民市民化的历史进程,运用第三章农民市民化的相关理论,尤其是运用本文所确立的影响农民市民化的因素体系着重分析这些国家农民市民化过程中的主要做法,总结概括出其农民市民化的重要特征。第五章为中国农民市民化的历史与现状分析。以新中国建立为界把中国农民市民化分为两个大的阶段,新中国建立之前又进一步分为三个具体阶段,新中国建立后农民市民化又进一步分为四个具体阶段。在此时间序列上,以农民工为例论述了我国农民市民化的基本现状,归纳出我国当代农民市民化的基本路径,揭示了我国农民市民化过程中存在的主要问题,进一步展望了我国农民市民化的发展趋势,总结出了“四快四慢”特征。第六章为农民市民化评价指标与实例分析。研究农民市民化的评价问题,确立农民市民化评价指标的设计内容,农民市民化评价指标的应用,并选择以陕西吴起县、内蒙古东胜区为案例进一步予以分析。第七章为农民市民化动力机制。阐释农民市民化动力机制的一般含义,重点考察农民市民化的动力机制的历史分类,概括描述了现阶段我国农民市民化的动力机制;第八章为推动农民市民化的设想。探讨了中国推动农民市民化的路径及实施,对这一路径进行了总体描述,确立了其基本依据,探讨了农民市民化的关键节点,并就如何实施农民市民化提出了相关对策思路。本文的创新之处在于:一是提出和论证了农民市民化是我国实现城乡经济社会一体化的关键所在。农民转变为市民不仅是城乡经济社会一体化的最重要内容,更是城乡经济社会一体化的根本目标。二是界定和区分了农民市民化的四类主体以及相应的内容,进而概括了当代中国农民市民化的五大特征。三是阐释了农民市民化的两大影响因素,即外部因素、内部因素,尤其强调外部因素中的载体支撑因素的重要性,也就是说创建产业载体是农民市民化的关键所在。四是科学界定了农民市民化的“五化”内涵和“七个转变”的内容。“五化”是指居住和户籍“城镇化”、就业岗位“非农化”、技能与素质“专业化”、生活与行为“城市化”、身份与权利“同等化”。“七个转变”,即法律身份转变、居住环境转变、思想观念转变、收入来源转变、技能素质转变、生活方式转变和社会权利转变。五是提出农民市民化进程亟待在节奏与幅度上把握科学性与恰当性,把符合条件的农业人口逐步转变为城市居民。对象上首先是城郊失地农民和进城农民工,尤其是失地农民中的青年劳动力和新生代农民工,进而才是现代农民和传统农民的市民化;提出农民市民化整体上应该外延与内涵相结合,切入点是外延式市民化,目标瞄准内涵式市民化,方法是层次推进,关键是构建产业载体。构建产业载体的关键是农村相关产业的发展,尤其是加工制造业和服务业的发展。六是动力生发机制上,农民转变为市民是由市场主导、政府推动、农民自主驱动这样“三位一体”的动力机制来实现的。

【Abstract】 Based on the tendency of international economic development, post-crisis world is about to end, the new round of global development put forward the requirements of balanced development whose goals include the coordinated development of economic entities and residentialization. With the domestic background, China’s economic and social development has stepped into the post reform era. The urban and rural economic integration which foundation is to achieve residentialization has become the key point of this era. The post reform era is an all-round developing of economic society age, and a inclusive growth age as well. Essentially, the inclusive growth age refers to human development. China has entered into a crucial time when the sustainable development could be promoted only by restructuring the economy, and residentialization plays an important part of this period. Meanwhile, enforcing and promoting the social management have provided the organization basis for residentialization, the rapid development in rural areas has already laid a physical foundation for further promotion of residentialization.This paper adopts the method of unity of history and logic, quality and quality multidisciplinary approach and comparative analysis,and takes the peasants in present China as its research object,including three parts:the whole integrated peasants in general terms, the suburban peasants and the rural migrant workers.It also discusses the issue of process, driving force and route of becoming the citizens, exploring the common laws in theory, presenting ideas of the process of residentialization from system arrangement and policy design,which is of multiple theoretical importance and application value.Chapter One is the introduction and explanation, which briefly illustrates research background, research significance, research content, research methodology and so on.Chapter Two summarizes the theory of residentialization, and explains the issue of residentialization mainly from different disciplines, such as political, economics, history, and sociology, which can build the multi-disciplinary literature background and could enhance the persuasion and succession of the following texts. Chapter Three is the theoretical study of residentialization. First of all, it explores and finds the meaning of residentialization and defines the relationship between residentialization and a group of categories, and composes a theory frame of problem analysis. The essential definition of residentialization is that peasants become similar to citizens, even be the homogeneous market participants or the production factors in the condition of market economy. Derivative is that the peasants have researched to the same or close levels and standards in terms of material and spirit. Residentialization is a complex system project and even long historic process. Moreover it contains not only the urbanization of spatial layout and professional non-farm, but also a series of consciousness, concepts, social right behavior patterns and social productivity and living style change, which is also a collective transition from urban group to citizen group.Residentializing will be further expanded into five aspects," citizenization in five categories":First, Living Citizenization; Second,Employment Citizenization;Third, Skills Citizenization;Fourth, Lifestyle Citizenization;And fifth, Identity Citizenization. In particular, the significance of residentialization is that the establishment of lifestyle citizenization should share with the rights of citizens in current China. Secondly, main body levels of residentialization can be divided into three kinds:the rural migrant workers citizenization,residentialization in the urbanization, the whole integrated residentialization. There are subjective and objective levels in contents. The former mainly means peasants’own qualities and skills, lifestyle and social rights and so on. The latter further refines and deepens the contents of former level. Thirdly, from my point of view, contents of residentialization can be summarized as seven changes. At last, the factors that influence the residentialization could be generalized as external elements, internal elements and carrier elements. External elements specifically refer to five governmental driving forces and pulling power in market. And internal elements refer to total factors that influence peasants’transition to citizens.Chapter Four discusses the historic progress of oversea residentialization. The processes of residentialization in the world’s main countries vary. The pattern of residentialization in England is external factors dominated, especially the governmental power dominated. Although the pattern of United States is same as that of England, primarily belongs to the market dominated. And the representation of residentialization base on free movement, which is distinct from the one of England. The patterns of Japan are both market strong dominated and government supportive. The external factors of Japanese residentialization are caused by the balanced force. The characteristic of Israeli residentialization diversify and is a combination of both exterior and interior. Fundamentally, Israel has taken urbanization and residentialization as national strategy to value. Israel has created the prior conditions for the development of urbanization and focused on the modern industry so as to create immense motive for residentialization. The efficient agricultural development has laid solid foundation for residentialization. International migration has become an effective impetus for residentialization. Finally, building new cities is tremendous promote residentialization.Chapter Five is about the historic survey of domestic residentialization. In order to objectively state the basic situation of our residentialization, this paper has presented its main characteristics, revealing problems in the process of residentialization.Firstly, the different evolutions of residentialization at the transitional period of new China. Secondly, the main characteristics with gradual development, levels, complexity, long term and irreversibility.Thirdly, the basic routes with development of small cities, peasant workers-citizenship, development of villages inside cities. Fourthly, the problems in the process of residentialization.Fifthly, prospects of "four speedinesses" and "four low speed":fast in identity change,slow in quality improve;fast in household registration break up,slow in lifestyle transform;fast in non-farm employ,slow in life facilities prepare;fast in extensive citizenship come ture,slow in intensive citizenship achieve.Chapter Six studies the evaluation of residentialization and establishes the design items, design principles, applications and evaluation ideas of relevant evaluation index by defining the connotation of evaluation index system of residentialization.Chapter Seven stresses the historic categories of dynamical mechanism of residentialization based on it’s general meaning, and summarizes the dynamical mechanism of our residentialization now. Firstly,the dynamic factors which include independent factors, policy-driven and environment-driven require to be recognized.There are five types of dynamical mechanisms:commercialization dynamic, industrialization dynamic, urbanization dynamic,marketdynamic and peasants’inherent dynamic.residentialization is led by the polymerization and catalysis of many factors,and integrates the internal-push and external-pull.The peasant have switched to a new producer and consumer who can adapt to city life and work,whether in the aspects of identity,living environment,employment or other sides,such as quality and skills, behavior of conscientiousness and lifestyle,But due to the different dynamical mechanisms of residentialization in distinct areas, stages of development, there are different priorities among dynamic factors.Chapter Eight describes the route and implement of promoting residentialization in China and establishes the fundamental basis of this route, and discusses the crucial node and puts forward some solutions and policies. At first, spatial route goals contain three types:part new generation of rural migrant workers enter into big cities, part of them step into counties and towns, on-site path of urbanization. Then, the fundamental basis of boosting Chinese residentialization depends on policy basis and theory basis.At last, the crucial node of promoting residentialization is to pave the way for residentialization, moreover, all existing policies need to be carried out, especially those regarding the institutional environment. The economic basis, social basis, skill basis and social environment of citizenization should be implemented. Meanwhile,it is the key point to expand domestic demand and realize intensive citizenization that peasants could get benefits from land-use rights.The issue of offering education in the process of residentialization is also important.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2907