

【作者】 郑爽

【导师】 徐玉珍;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代,西方教师教育界悄然兴起了一场新的学术运动——自我研究运动。这场运动先由部分教师教育者发起,继而迅速获得广大教师教育者响应,以“关注自身教学反思,促进自我专业发展”为主题,在短短数年时间里发展迅速。它的兴起,让一个一直发挥着重要作用但长期被忽视的教师教育者群体空前地凸现出来。从此,教师教育者开始步入人们的视野,并将“自我研究”作为其重要的学习手段和专业发展方式。我国对教师教育者群体关注较少,教师教育者研究起步较晚,对自我研究的认识更是处于启蒙阶段,基于教师教育质量的提升关键在教师教育者,教师专业化必先实现教师教育者的专业化,教师教育者的专业发展是个终身、自觉过程的认识,本文在立足我国国情的前提下,尝试系统引介自我研究,按照“自我研究是什么——为什么要开展自我研究——怎么开展自我研究——开展自我研究应注意哪些问题——自我研究面临的机遇与挑战”的思路,从理论与实践双重视角,从应然和实然两种状态,展开对自我研究的论述,力求让自我研究促进我国教师教育者的专业发展和教师教育质量的提升。全文共分五章:首先全面梳理了自我研究理论,然后集中探讨了我国教师教育领域引进自我研究的必要性和可行性,接下来重点讨论自我研究的完整实践过程,然后深入探析我国开展自我研究中面临的现实问题及对策,最后展望了自我研究的未来和面临的挑战。结语部分提出自我研究开启了教师教育研究的新视域,提倡教师教育者通过开展自我研究帮助探索建构我国新型教师教育理论和实践,并倡导自我研究是一种态度、品质、生活方式,力求让自我研究思想融入教师教育者的生活,使其成为自主发展型教师教育者,实现自己的可持续发展,并带动和促进师范生与在职教师转变对教师职业的认识,追求幸福、完满的教师生活。

【Abstract】 In 1990’s. a new scholarly movement emerged in the field of Western Teacher Education——Self-Study Movement. It was initiated by some teacher educators, and later was responded by more teacher educators and got rapid development during several years with the theme of attention to self’s teaching reflection and self professional development. Its emergence made a long-time neglected group of teacher educators known by the public. They regard Self-Study as an important means for learning and professional development.The group of teacher educators got less attention in China, and teacher educator research in China also has a short history, the knowing of Self-Study is at the stage of enlightening. Based on the ideas that the key to the quality of teacher education lies on teacher educators, the professionalization of teacher educators must come before the professionalization of teachers, and this is a life-long and self-conscious process, according to the line of "what—why—how—attentions—future and challenges of Self-Study", the dissertation is to systematically introduce Self-Study on the base of the situation of our country and discuss from the theoretical and practical perspectives and the granted and real states in order to let Self-Study makes contribution to the development of Chinese teacher educators and the advance of the quality of teacher education.This dissertation consists of five chapters:firstly, it introduces Self-Study ideas from full perspectives; and then discusses the necessity and feasibility of introducing it to the field of Chinese teacher education; next, it explores the whole process of practicing Self-Study; the fourth, it considers the realistic problems which will be confronted in Self-Study practice in China and suggests some countermeasures; at last, it prospects the future and the challenges of Self-Study. In the epilogue, it puts forward that Self-Study starts the new field of teacher education research, and advocates that Self-Study helps explore and construct new Chinese teacher education theory and practice. at the same time. it also sparkplugs teacher educators to regard Self-Study as an attitude, a kind of quality and a sort of life style and make the ideas of Self-Study immerses into their lives and they could become into self-regulating teacher educators. and get continuable development. which can model and promote student teachers and in-service teachers change their beliefs of teacher career and let them pursue happy and full teacher’s life.
