

【作者】 端木山

【导师】 张宝玮;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 私家园林假山是中国古典园林文化精华的代表。本文主要分两部份对假山进行了研究。在导论之后的章节中以考古发掘资料和美术史研究资料为基础,结合以往的园林史研究以图像分析为手段,对假山起源这个涉及古典园林的主要课题进行了探讨,得出以下结论:1、假山的营造动机是中国古典文化中根深蒂固与生俱来的。2、起源于秦汉时期的土假山营造,直到北宋时期,一直是园林假山营造的主要形态。叠石则作为土山的护坡手段。3、太湖石的鉴赏和收集是催生石假山的根本因素。特置太湖石作为园林造景的手段至少在南北朝时期的南朝已成风尚。叠石成景最早极有可能是盆景制作影响的结果,而山石盆景最早也可追溯到南北朝时期。4、叠石和太湖石鉴赏的融合导致了代表中国园林特色的石假山的真正出现,其时间约在北宋末年。在随后的章节中,本文尝试以形态研究为手段对现存的园林假山实例进行系统分析,以期从假山的掇叠手法,形象处理和所用石料等几个方面廓清假山实例所包含的时代、地域以及风格流派等多方面的信息,为假山研究和修缮保养等提供必要的参考。这一研究是非技术性的,对假山的工程操作方面较少涉及。

【Abstract】 The private park rockery is the representative of the essence of China classical garden culture. This thesis researches the rockery from two aspects. Through deeply discussing the origin of rockery which is the main subject related to classical park by analyzing images, on the basis of archeological materials and art history materials in combination of the past park history research, this thesis concludes:1. The motive of building rockery is originated from China classical culture.2. The earth hill stemming from the Qin and Han Dynasties, until the Northern Song Dynasty, has always been the main shape of park rockery building. Stone laying is adopted as the method to protect the slope of earth hill.3. The appreciation and collection of Taihu stones is the basic factor expediting the stone rockery. Setting Taihu stones as the method of making the park has become prevailing from Southern Dynasty in the Southern and Northern Dynasties time at least. Folding stone to become a view is likely the result impacted by the pot gardening at the earliest stage, while the mountain stone pot gardening can also be traced back to South and North Dynasty time at the earliest stage.4. The fusion of the folded stone and the Taihu stone appreciation caused the real presence of the rockery representing China garden feature, the time of which is about in the last years of North Sung.In the following chapters, this thesis tries to systematically analyze the present garden rockery cases with the method of shape study, expecting to define the information contained in the rockery cases, including times, areas and style from the aspects of folding technique, shape disposal and stone materials, in order to provide the necessary reference to the research, repair and maintain of the rockery. This study is non-technical, less related to the project operation of the rockery.

  • 【分类号】TU986.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1912