

【作者】 程代勒

【导师】 罗世平; 李少文;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文是以中日甲午战争(1895)后,台湾割让予日本,开始至今约一白多年的时间,台湾水墨画的发展过程。试图跳脱传统美术史的记述方式,而参照政治、经济、社会文化的转变过程。透析台湾水墨画各类风格的生成原因。第一章绪论:说明研究动机、范围与研究方法。第二章:从清末民初的时空背景,探讨台民在面对日人领台初期的困境与中国情结下的水墨发展。第三章:从日据后日人的政经与教育文化策略下,台展的设置及对台湾美术的影响及皇民化政策下台湾传统艺术与文人水墨发展中的疏离与挫折。第四章:探讨光复初期,国民政府的政策中对文化的宣示作用及随国民政府渡台文人对台湾传统绘画的影响与提振,并兼述当时的「正统国画之争」。第五章:探讨光复后期,台湾的经济政策与社会变迁,在面对国际局势的变化中,台湾政治与文化的转变,及乡土文学论战与乡上水墨的兴起。第六章:论述解除戒严令后,台湾面临文化政策松动与西方经济密合中,传统价值的解体,受西方体系影响的文化艺术的质变与当代水墨画发展的几种面相。第七章:从教育、经济、文化思想各方而探讨在美术馆时代、策展人时代、艺评时代等等当代论述中,水墨画面临的边陲化危机。第八章:试图以中华文化的底蕴,台湾韧性与开创性格回应和种困境与挑战,及台湾水墨画界此时应肩负起的担当与责任。

【Abstract】 This thesis is based after the Sino-Japanese War (1895), where the development of ink painting in Taiwan began. Numerous factors including political, economic, social and cultural changes has allowed ink painting in Taiwan to break boundaries and developed its own style.Chapter One:Explanation behind the motivation, scope and research methods of ink painting.Chapter II:Details the early development stages of ink painting during the Late Qing Dynasty and the spatial background of Taiwan facing the plight of Japanese taking over Taiwan.Chapter III:Documents discord and setbacks faced by the Taiwan art exhibitions scene under the enforcement of the Japanese political and education system.Chapter IV:Annotate the measures known as The Culture Reconstruct by KMT Government in Taiwan during the Resovereign’s Early Days(1945-1949) to redefine the impact of traditional ink painting on society.Chapter V:Unravel the rise of Native ink painting culture as a result of Taiwan’s adaption to change during economic policy and social changes.Chapter VI:Unfolds Taiwan’s exchange of art from Western cultures.Chapter VII:Reveals the impact caused by education, economic and cultural aspects on Taiwan’s art scene.Chapter VIII:Using traditional ink painting in an attempt to express the various difficulties and challenges faced by Taiwan to retain Chinese culture and heritage. Emphasizes the style and aesthetic values of Taiwan ink painting.

  • 【分类号】J212
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】458