

【作者】 胡西丹·阿布都克里木

【导师】 罗世平; 朱乃正;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 新疆在中国文化历史发展中扮演了一个重要的角色。通过新疆,佛教艺术传入中国,逐渐被中国同化改变形成了中国的佛教艺术。新疆龟兹艺术独特的风格是佛教艺术融合本土文化的充分体现。新疆三代油画家在不同的时代条件、生活环境中所面临的问题和所追求的目标也各异。以哈孜·艾买提为首的第一代油画家们与新中国一起成长,肩负着某种历史使命。他们学养深厚,随时代前进,创造着自己的艺术天地。文革前他们自觉地投身到广大人民参与的社会主义革命和建设中以克里木·纳斯尔丁为代表的第二代油画家在改革开放时期逐步跨进自我艺术的世界,唤醒了自己的主体意识。艺术观念处于转型期的新疆第二代油画家是当今新疆油画队伍的中坚力量。处于社会变革的深入思考之时,他们加快步伐,转变着艺术观念,重新确立价值取向。以卓然木·雅森为代表的第三代油画家正值国门打开,西方现代艺术不断涌入,他们远赴日本、德国和法国等国外美术学院求学,探索油画语言,形成油画语言的更加纯粹性,推进了新疆油画的进一步发展。油画作为外来的一种艺术语言,在中国引入近百年。在油画中国化的进程当中,就像佛教艺术中国化一样,去实现油画的中国化。新疆的三代油画家,凭借自己的才智与能量,深入研究油画语言,在自己生长的土地上吸取营养,借鉴传统文化艺术,把新疆的文化艺术与西方油画相融合,谱写着新疆油画的历史。经过新疆三代油画家的努力,在艺术探索的道路中力求呈现出一个具有中国西域特色的画风。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang plays an important role in the history of Chinese civilization. Through Xinjiang, the Buddhist Art was introduced into China and it was, later, assimilated and turned into Chinese Buddhist art. The unique style of Qiuci Art in Xinjiang is a good presentation of the blending of Buddhism with the local culture.With different times and living environments, the three generations of Xinjiang oil painters face different problems and pursue different objectives.The first generation of Xinjiang oil painters leaded by Hazi Aimaiti grows together with new China, and undertakes a certain historic mission. They have profound knowledge, develop with the time, and create their own art world. They were voluntarily devoted to the socialist revolution and construction participated in by the masses before the Great Cultural Revolution.With the awakening of self-consciousness, the second generation of Xinjiang oil painters represented by Kelimu Nasierding gradually entered the ego art world during the reform and opening-up period. With the transformation of their concepts on art, the second generation of Xinjiang oil painters becomes the pillar of today’s Xinjiang oil painter team. In the time of deep thinking on social change, they are speeding up to transform their concepts on art, so as to re-establish their value orientation.The third generation of oil painters represented by Zhuoranmu Yasen is born in the time when China is opening to the outside world, due to which western modern art flows over into China. Therefore, they entered foreign art institutes in Japan, Germany, France and other countries to learn and explore oil painting language, so as to form a purer oil painting language, and promote the further development of oil painting art in Xinjiang.Oil painting, as a foreign artistic language, was introduced to China about a centrury ago. Just like the art of Chinese Buddhism, oil painting can be Sinicized in the process of achieving Chinese characteristics. Depending on their own ability, wisdom and energy, through deep study in oil painting language, i.e. referring to traditional culture and art, and combining the culture and art of Xinjiang with the oil paining art of the western world, the three generations of Xinjiang oil painters are creating history of oil painting art of Xinjiang.Through the continuous effort of the three generations of Xinjiang oil painters, a new painting style with the unique features of China Western Regions is shown in their art exploration course. Key words:Kucha Art, Sinicization of Oil Painting, Three Generations of Xinjiang Oil Painters, Paining Style of China Western Regions
