

From Late Qing Dynasty to the May Forth New Culture Revolutiong: Literature Changing in the Background of Media Ecology

【作者】 徐萍

【导师】 姜振昌;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 论文以媒介环境为背景,对晚清至民初的文学现象以及文学(侧重小说)变革进行梳理性研究。从媒介环境学视角考察现代文学特别是“新小说”的兴起、兴盛、发展和衍变的过程,即考察“新小说”的流变及其与媒介环境的关系。着重考察现代传媒在多大程度上影响了文学,又是如何影响的。研究的时间范围限定在晚清最后十几年至民初(五四新文学革命之前),即1895-1917年间。现代传媒与现代文学的关系研究,在中国现代文学研究中已经不是一个新课题,但却是一个相对薄弱的环节,而对媒介环境与文学变革关系的研究,相对来说是一个新兴的、跨学科的研究课题。媒介环境学研究的主旨是麦克卢汉的“媒介即讯息”、“媒介即环境”的著名论断,它有三层意思:第一,一种新媒介的产生,会在社会中产生新的行为标准和方式;第二,媒介(或技术)创造了新的环境,而环境又影响着人们的生活和思维方式;第三,环境不是被动的,它具有积极的作用。也就是说,媒介不仅仅是静态的包装,而且是一种积极的进程。波斯曼给“媒介”的定义是:“媒介是文化发展的环境。”它有两层意思:第一,“媒介即环境……媒介和技术是环境,因为它们影响我们所处的世界,成为这个世界的一部分,并且渗透到世界的各个角落;它们影响我们个人和集体的生活方式。换一种说法,媒介未必改变我们文化中的一切,但它们必定改变有关我们文化的一切”;第二,“媒介不仅影响文化,而且变成文化,媒介就是文化……我们的文化由传播活动组成,其构成成分只能是传播活动,包括一切传播活动。除此之外,别无其他,因为特定的地点和时代主导的、最强大的、甚至占统治地位的媒介的运作方式和主导程度各有不同。所以,波斯曼关于媒介环境学的最重要的观点是:我们必须要理解媒介的这个偏向、这个环境、这种文化,并找到抗衡和平衡的办法。依据媒介环境学的理论预设,从媒介环境学的视角审视晚清至民初时期亦即现代文学发生期的文学变革,又成为一个新的课题,且视角独特。本论文另一个重要创新点是对“新小说”媒介技术角色的探讨和研究。学界对“新小说”的文学性、政治性研究的文章较多,但对其媒介技术角色的研究还是个空白。“新小说”的闪亮登场,是文学“新”模式与受众期待中的传统模式“错位”,这种“错位”又“暗合”了国人利用新媒介认识世界、感知世界、构建新世界的欲望,所以才会出奇制胜,成为文学“新贵”。“新小说”以文学的形式在舆论上起着主导媒介的作用,一度成为现代传媒的副产品。晚清至民初时期,报刊印刷媒介成为社会的主导媒介,作为文学的环境,它不仅影响了文学的生产和传播,而且还成为文学的一种维度。晚清至民初的中国文学发生了两次大的变革:一是晚清“小说界革命”所产生的“新小说”取代了古体诗文而成为文坛“新贵”;二是“五四”新文学革命借新文化运动之势,以“新文学”取代了已经失去政治意义的、由“新小说”衍变而来的、具有消闲趣味和世俗情调的民初“言情”小说,而成为文坛主流。晚清至民初文学的两次变革,都是在现代新媒介环境中进行的,作为社会主导媒介的报刊印刷媒介,在两次文学变革中都起到了重大的、甚至是决定性作用。现代传媒在清朝末年从西方进入中国并参与中国文化与文学的传播以来,中国文学的现代性进程就与媒介的现代性进程紧密交织在一起了。现代传媒在中国文学现代性中的作用表现在:现代传媒不仅改变了中国文学的生产和传播方式,成为中国文学现代性的外在载体和传播渠道,而且是中国文学现代意识的重要构成成分;它不仅具体地实现中国文学变革信息的物质传输,还给予中国文学现代性以具体意义,并且推动了中国文学的现代生产、流变和活力,加速了中国文学的现代化进程。具体来说:第一,随着传媒力量的日益凸现,传媒生态环境逐渐形成,现代传媒有力地参与和营造了文学现代性得以生成并在其中发挥作用的社会“公共领域”。第二,现代传媒直接创造了新的行业,如活字制作者、排字工、印刷工等;创造新的职业,如职业作家、报刊编辑、书商等;创造新的产业,如印刷机制造商、墨水生产商、现代化书局、出版社等。第三,现代传媒不但是文学传播的载体和媒介,而且,它引进了一整套新的价值系统,它的生产理念、生产方式、公共性改变了传统文学的生产、传播方式。第四,现代传媒不仅仅是形式和载体,它还关乎现代文学的文本意义,从而关乎文学审美现代性的意义构成。总之,现代传媒营造出的媒介环境,全面地、大规模地介入到中国文学的生产,使得中国文学发生了巨大变革,加速了中国文学现代化的进程已是不争的事实。本论文研究方法和视角:一是媒介环境学视角,对现代传媒、传媒环境、文学现象和文学变革的梳理式研究,以变化和比较的方法,对媒介自身的发展规律、媒介环境的形成及其对文学发生、发展、变化中所起的作用进行分析。二是现代化视角,现代传媒本身就是一种文化的现代性,晚清至民初是中国社会现代化进程中一个重要的历史阶段和关键时期,现代传媒在中国文化和文学现代性中显示出巨大的力量。三是在对现代传媒环境和文学现象描述性和比较研究中,进行理论的提升。本论文研究的意义在于考究现代传媒在多大程度上影响了发生期的中国现代文学,并考察是如何影响的。陈平原先生在其著作《中国小说叙事模式的转变》中是这样论及现代传媒(特别是小说杂志)在文学变革中所起的关键性作用的:首先,从《新小说》开始,每批作家、每个文学团体都是通过筹办自己的刊物来实践其艺术主张;第二,不是出版商办杂志,而是作家亲自创办或编辑文学杂志;第三,晚清和民初两代作家的绝大部分作品都是在报刊上发表后才结集出版的。因此,陈平原先生说:这是一个以刊物为中心的文学时代。晚清至民初,中国现代文学期刊的发展经历了三个办刊高潮,一是1902年至1906年,有六种具有影响力的“新小说”期刊陆续创刊,“新小说”蓬勃发展起来并绽放出绚丽的色彩。二是1907—1917年,其中经历了1907-1911年的“纠偏与创新”期,以及民初(即1912-1917年)的“反思与调整”期,“新小说”开始创新探索,从政治转向文学审美等多元追求。特别是民初,媒介环境发生了重大变化,期刊副刊化趋于普遍,使得小说创作最终走向对市民消闲情调的追求,最终终结了“新小说”的政治宗旨,使文学(小说)创作走向多元和成熟。三是从五四新文化运动开始,特别是茅盾接编《小说月报》后,传媒与大学联合、与社团结合,知识精英与文学作家开始有目的地结集,成为新文学革命的中坚力量,形成一种强大而有力量的媒介环境。在这个媒介环境中,文学开始了新的追求、新的走向。本文着重论述的是前两次办刊高潮及其所形成的媒介环境新变以及给文学带来的新变化。(本论文暂不涉及第三次办刊高潮的具体情形。)本文为了比较、研究和叙述方便,将“新小说”杂志按刊行时间、办刊方针、创作倾向和创作风格等大致分成五组,又按照政治精英视域中的传媒与文学、传媒知识分子视域中的传媒与文学、有西学背景的学术性知识分子视域中的传媒和文学三条线索,文章也是在此基础上分别论述。论文共九部分,七章:绪论:晚清至民初:媒介环境、现代性与文学变革第一章:晚清媒介环境与现代小说先声。主要论述现代传媒在中国的本土化过程以及媒介环境的形成,传媒与文学的联姻、最早的文学期刊和最早的小说期刊的创办、现代化运营方式及其对中国现代文学(主要是现代小说)生产的借鉴和影响。第二章:文学(小说)提倡与舆论造势。“新小说”产生前的媒体舆论对小说的理论提倡、舆论造势以及小说创作的实践活动,以及西人傅兰雅的“时新小说”征文活动的重要作用。第三章:工具性:政治精英视域中的传媒与文学。以《新小说》、《新新小说》、《粤东小说林》(《中外小说林》)为例,阐释政治家所办文学期刊的特点,杂志的办刊人是政治精英同时也是作家和小说理论家,他们虽然政治主张有所不同,但文学观念比较接近:立意政治小说,坚持刊物和小说的宣传、启蒙的工具作用。梁启超等人的政治主张、办刊思想和文学实践,为中国文学特别是小说的新发展开拓了一个新的媒介环境和创作境界,影响深远。《新小说》的创办意义重大,“新小说”的提倡与实践是史无前例的,“新小说”担当起小说从未有过的思想政治以及媒介技术角色。第四章:务实与趣味:传媒知识分子的文学取向与探索。以《绣像小说》、《月月小说》以及部分文艺小报为例。特点是传媒知识分子办刊,办刊者是新式传媒知识分子同时也是小说作者,他们的艺术主张和创作实践的务实与本真,才能使得“新小说”走向真正的文学艺术之途。在有选择地借鉴域外小说、保持中国特色、提倡短篇小说方面功不可没。第五章:艺术与审美:西学背景(学者型)知识分子的追求。以《小说林》、《游戏世界》、《教育世界》、《河南》等杂志为例。这一组杂志比较另类,创办者和主要撰稿者具有西学背景,受西方美学理论影响而追求一种纯文学、纯艺术和提倡艺术审美。《小说林》对“新小说”理论与创作的过度政治化有一定的纠偏作用,《游戏世界》是文学“游戏”观(性灵说)提倡者和实践者,《教育世界》和《河南》因为三位著名人物王国维和周氏兄弟的参与而在现代中国文学史上留下印记。参与办刊、创作、翻译的知识分子们几乎都有着西学背景,中西文化并举,眼界开阔。他们提倡文学的游戏性、纯粹性、非功利性,理论上具有现代性,这些刊物的特点为办刊、翻译、著作、小说评论并举,且很有成就。这几种杂志使得“新小说”有了一种纯文学或者说是学术型的审美取向,真正使得新小说理论有了新质。第六章:启蒙立场与消闲趣味。现代传媒发展到民初,出现新变化,首先是文学杂志办刊思想和创作取向以及风格的变化,接着带来了文学(小说)创作的变化。以《小说时报》《小说大观》《小说画报》《礼拜六》(前期)为例,这一组文学期刊由晚清延续下来,多少都继承了一些晚清文学期刊的政治性特点,至少在表面上还保持有一种“启蒙”立场。主办者也是小说作者,主要有陈景韩、恽铁樵、包天笑、周瘦鹃等。特点是办刊、著作、翻译并举,名重一时。最显著的成就是对西方短篇小说的借鉴与创作,从题材、到形式、再到叙事都有新的尝试。虽然办刊宗旨中也提倡启蒙立场,实际上只是一种姿态而已,在“启蒙”立场的旗帜下,提倡文学的消闲娱乐趣味。第七章:世俗情调的言情小说。以《民权素》《小说丛报》《小说新报》为例,这一组杂志大多由报纸的副刊转化而成,副刊的知识性、消闲性、娱乐性、大众性风格被自然承接下来,被称作副刊化期刊,它们基本放弃了“新小说”杂志的启蒙政治立场,专门刊登迎合世俗情调的“鸳鸯蝴蝶派”作品,是一种充满市民情调的“言情”文学。主办者兼作者主要有徐枕亚、吴双热、李定夷等,他们办报刊、著书、翻译皆有成就,都是新式文人,创作多借鉴域外手法创作,以言情(时称为“惨情”)为主,尝试以骈文创作长篇小说且成“气候”。这一空前绝后的文学现象,堪称民初文坛一绝。结语:错位与暗合:“新小说”的媒介技术角色。

【Abstract】 Under the background of the media ecology, this thesis has studied the literature phenomenon and literature change from the period of late Qing Dynasty to early Republican. In the view of media ecology, this passage focuses on of modern literature, especially the process of the new novel’s rise, flourish and development. In other words, the topic of this paper is investigating the change of the "new novel" and the relationship with the media ecology. The research emphasizes on the extent and the way that the modern media influenced on the literature. The scope of the time is limited to the Period of last ten years in the late Qing Dynasty to the Early Republican of China(before the May Fourth Literary Revolution), that is, from 1895 to 1917.Although the study of the relationship between Modern Media and Modern Literature is not a new topic in modern Chinese literature,it relatively a weak part. However, the relationship between media ecology and the literature change is a new interdisciplinary research topic. The subject of the media ecology research is the famous statement of McLuhan’s. Such as "Media is the Message", " Media the Ecology",which has three meanings: Firstly, new standards and methods of behaviors always come together with the generation of a new media; Secondly, the media (or technology) creates a new ecology, which affects the way we live and think; Thirdly, the ecology is not passive, it has a positive effect. The media is not only a static packaging, but also a positive process. The definition given by Bosiman to the "media" is: "The media is the ecology in which cultural can develop." It has two meanings: First, "the media is the ecology ... ... media and technology are ecology, because they affect our world and become a part of the world. In addition they have penetrated into every corner of the world; they affect our lifestyles. In another word, the media may not change everything in our culture, but they definitely will change everything about our culture"; Second, "Media not only affects the culture, but also has become the culture. Media is the culture. Our culture is composed with nothing but the dissemination activities, including all the communications activities. Because the media’s operation mode of the leading, the most powerful and even in the dominant position are different in specific area and time . So the most important point of Bosiman about the media ecology is: we must understand the direction of media ecology and culture. Then we find out ways to counter and balance it. "According to the theory of media ecology, checking the changes in modern literature in the perspective of the media ecology becomes a new subject, and it has a unique perspective.In the period of Late Qing Dynasty to early Republican, the printed media became the dominant media. Just like literary ecology, it not only affected the production and dissemination of literature, but also be thought as a literary dimension. There were two major changes occured to Chinese Literature from Late Qing Dynasty to early Republican: First, "new novel" which brought by the Late Qing "Novel Revolution" had replaced the role of ancient literary poetry and become "hot"; Second, with the help of the New Culture Movement, the "May Fourth "New Literary Revolution made the change that "New Literature " replaced "Romance" novels, which had lost its political significance and changed from the "new novel ". It became the main culture trend in early Republican with the secular atmosphere fun and leisure. The two changes of Modern Literature happened in the modern new media ecology, and the press print media, the leading social media has played a major, even decisive role in the two changes of the literature.Modern Media came into China form west in late Qing Dynasty, and participated the spread of Chinese culture and literature, since then, the modernization of the Modern Chinese Literature and media were closely intertwined together. The Media’s modernization function of Modern media in Chinese Literary is: Modern media has not only changed the production and transmission way of Chinese Literature and became the Carriers and communication channels of Chinese Literature, also was an important part of the awareness of modern Chinese literature; It not only specifically realized the material transmission of Chinese Literature change information and gave the specific meaning to Modern Chinese Literature, promoted modern production, flow and increased energy of the Chinese Literature, it also accelerated the modernization process of Chinese literature.Specifically speaking: First, with the appearance of media’s power and the formation of media ecology, the modern media has participated and created "the public area" in which the modern literature can generate and realize its value. Second, the modern media directly created the new industry, such as the type producers, typographical workers, printers, etc. It also sets up new industry, like press manufacturers, ink-makers, the modernize book companies, publishing houses and so on. Thirdly, Modern media was not only the carrier of literary Communication, but it also introduced a new value system. Its production concept, production method, and public quality have changed the production and dissemination way of traditional literature. Fourthly, Modern media not only formed and carried, but also related to the modern meaning of literary text. In this way it related to the formation of aesthetic modernization. In short, it is no doubt that the media ecology created by modern media, involved in the production of Chinese literature comprehensively and extensively, which brought tremendous changes to Chinese literature and accelerated the modernization of Chinese literature.Research methods and perspective of this thesis: First Perspective of the media ecology. This thesis uses comparative method to stress on modern media, media ecology, literary phenomenon and literature change. It analyses the media’s own development law and the formation of media ecology and its function in literature’s generation, development and change. Second, perspective of modernization.The modern mass media itself is a kind of cultural modernization. The period of late Qing Dynasty to early Republican is an important historical and critical time in Chinese social modernization process. In this period, modern media displayed great role in Chinese modern culture and the modernization of literature. Third it is modifying the theory in the modern media ecology and comparative study of literary phenomenon descriptive. The significance of this research lies on the extent and way that modern media have influenced the Chinese modern literature in its beginning stage.Mr.Chenping Yuan wrote in his book“the transformation mode of Chinese novel narrative”.Modern media (especially fiction magazines) played the key role in literary revolution.Firstly, from the beginning of“new novel”, each batch of writers and each literary groups practised their artistic advocates by organising their publication .Secondly, writers established or edit literary magazines by themselves instead of the publishers. Thirdly, a large part of writers in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican made publication after their works published in newspapers. Therefore, Mr ChenpingYuan says, this is a literature era that publications is the centre. L The development of Chinese modern literary periodicals experienced three publishing climaxs from Qing Dynasty to early Republican:Firstly, from1902 to 1906.There are influential periodical—six new novels published continuously, "New novel" flourished and blossom a gorgeous color; Secondly, from 1907-1917.It experienced "rectification and innovation" period and the early Republican (1912-1917) with the "reflection and mature”period from1907 to1911."New novel" began to innovate, from political steering to multivariate pursuit such as literary aesthetic,especially in the early Republican. Because the change of social ecology, the media ecology and journal supplement had significant change, making novel creation eventually move towards leisure pursuit and emotional appeal of citizens.Finally the objective of the "new novel" ended, making the literary creation towards multiplex and mature. Thirdly, from the May 4th New Cultural Movement, especially MAO Dun took over Novel Monthly ,Media joint with university and community union. Intellectual elite and literary writers began to rally and become the backbone of the literary revolution, forming the strong and powerful media ecology, in which literature had new pursuit and new direction. This paper focuses on the first two editing climax and the new media ecology’schanges brought to literature. It does not involve the third climax. In order to compare conveniently, this paper will roughly divide "new novel" magazine into five groups according to time, policy, tendency and style. This article will respectively discuss on this basic points.The article is divided into three parts, 7 chapters.Introduction: Late Qing Dynasty to Republic of China: Media Ecology, Modernity and literary transformation.The first chapter: media ecology and the harbinger of modern literature. It mainly discusses the alliance between media and literature in Chinese localization process and the formation of media ecology; the earliest literary journals and the establishment of the earliest novels periodical; the operation ways of modern means, And the reference and influence to Chinese modern literature (mainly the modern novel) production.Chapter 2: This chapter will discuss the influences of public opinion to novel’s theory and practical creating activities before the generation of "New Novels". Another is the important role of“stylish fiction" by westerners FuLan jas.Chapter 3:Tool’s nature:the Initiative orientation of media and literature in the Political elites. Take New Novel New Stories Sino-Foreign Novel Lin as example. This article will elaborate on the role of media ecology and media technology that the new novel produced; Characteristics of the xinmin enlightenment political tendency etc. Politicians founded publications. Magazine publisher are also writers. Their literature concepts are close to each other although they have different political positions. They devoted themselves to political novels and insisted on the propaganda and enlightenment tools function of the publications and novel. The political views of Liang qichao, editing ideology and literature practice have far-reaching influence .It set up a new media ecology for Chinese literature especially novel development. From then on, novel had the new important role in the literature and became the mainstream. The novel bear up the political and social role that it never had .But the achievements of novel in literature and artistic is insufficient. It is active in late qing dynasty. Liang qichao’s New novel is of great significance. The advocate and practice of new novel is also unprecedented.Chapter 4: Pragmatic and Gout: orientation and exploration of the media intellectual literature. Take XiuXiang Novel YueYue Novel and part of literary tabloid as examples. The characteristics of these works are as follows: the media intellectuals founded the publications and the writers are founders. Only in this way, the new novel were on the road to art. The new novel play an important role in referring foreign novels selectively, keeping the Chinese characteristic, and advocating short stories in the world. It mainly actived in late qing dynasty.Chapter 5: Art and aesthetic: The academic pursuit of scholar intellectuals. Take Novel Lin, Game World Education, World and HeNan magazines as examples. This group of publications are a little special. The founders and writers had western background . They influenced by the western aesthetic theory so they pursued a pure literature , pure art and advocated art aesthetic. The Novel Lin did certain corrective action on the excessive politicization of the new novel’s theory and creation. Game World was the advocater and practitioners of the concept of Literature Game. Because of the three famous figures of WangGuowei and Zhou brothers, World Game World and HeNan had an important role in Chinese modern history of literature. The characteristics of these publications are as follows: they publishing, translating, writing, and making comments of novels simultaneously and achieving a great deal. The intellectuals who participated in publishing, creating and translating.The intellectuals are almost had western background. They were familiar with Chinese and western culture and have broaden horizon. They advocated game literature, pure literature and the utilitarian of literature. Theoretically,they have modernity. These three magazines gave new novel a pure aesthetic orientation and added new idea into the new novel theory. It mainly actived in late Ding dynasty.The media ecology and the change of new literature in the early years of the Republic of China. The modern media had new changes when it developed to the early years of the Republic of China. These situation made media ecology had new changes as well. Meanwhile, new changes also occurred in form and content on the novel. First is the changes in journal editing ideas and creative orientation and style of literature periodical. Chapter 6: Enlightenment position and Recreational gout .Take Novel Times,The Grand View of the Novel,The Illustrated Novel,Saturday (previous) as examples, this group of literary journals survived from late Qing dynasty. In a certain extent, they inherited some political characteristics from late Qing dynasty’s literature periodical, at least maintained an enlightenment position on the surface. The sponsors are also the author of the novel, mainly are ChenJing han, YunTiejiao, BaoTianxiao, ZhouShouJuan, etc. The characteristic is these periodical’s founding, writing and translating simultaneously. And their fame is great at that time. The most remarkable achievement is the reference and recreation of the western short stories. They made innovations in many aspects, Such as themes, form, and narrative. Under the flag of enlightenment position, they advocated the recreation ,entertainment and interesting properties of literature .It mainly actived in the early period of Republic of China.Chapter 7: Enlightenment position and leisure gout. Take Civil Rights Novel Plexus Newspaper and The Novel examples, The feature of this group of magazine are as follows: in order to avoid political interference and restrictions, the newspaper supplement turned into literature periodical, so the infotainment, leisure sex, entertainment and general audience style of the supplement are also naturally undertook down. We can say that Yuanyang group’journal is also a supplement, Yuanyang group’s works are full of citizens of romantic literature emotion. It just a cover although they are also advocate enlightenment stance in their publication tenet. Sponsor and the author are XuZhenya and WuShuangre, LiDingyi etc, They got great achievements in doing newspapers, writeing and translating. They are all new literary man. They took many foreign gimmick for reference, and give priority to love (called ’miserably sentiment’). They tride to create full-length novels with pianwen and form a climate.This literary phenomenon of epic proportions could be called the literary special skill. It mainly actived in the early period of Republic of China.
