

On Pierre Bourdieu’s Literature and Artistic Thought

【作者】 李占伟

【导师】 周均平;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 皮埃尔.布尔迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu,1930-2002),法国当代著名的社会学家、人类学家、教育学家、文艺理论家,他在法国思想界的地位,堪于萨特、福柯、德里达等重要思想家媲美。布尔迪厄思维敏捷、知识渊博,在社会学、哲学、美学、教育学、文学艺术等领域都颇有建树。西方世界早在上个世纪70年代就对其思想开始了较为广泛的关注,尤其对其社会学、教育学以及文化思想进行了较为充分的研究,并有大量的成果问世。国内学术界对布尔迪厄思想关注较晚,但对其接受路径与西方大致相同,也主要集中在社会学、教育学与文化思想方面,其文艺思想没有能够得到应有的重视。目前,除了翻译过来的布尔迪厄的相关著作之外,国内仅有的几本关于布尔迪厄的研究专著基本上都集中在对布尔迪厄社会学思想和文化思想的探讨上,几乎没有涉及到布尔迪厄的文艺思想。期刊论文中倒是零星可见对布尔迪厄文艺思想的介绍,其中也不乏有真知灼见之作。但整体来讲,目前国内对布尔迪厄文艺思想的研究,要么浅尝辄止、不够深入;要么过于零散、不够系统,亟待进行一次深入、全面的挖掘与整合。布尔迪厄的文艺思想实质上是其社会学思想、文化思想在文学艺术领域的拓展与运用。他将其场域理论运用到文学艺术领域,提出了作为其文艺思想核心的“艺术场”概念;他将其试图超越一系列虚假二元对立的理论批判形式运用到文学艺术领域,表达了要超越文艺内部研究与外部研究之间虚假对立的理论诉求;他将其关系性、生成性、反思性思维方式运用到文学艺术领域,重新还原与分析了艺术场域的历史形成和结构特征,并深刻反思了烙印在文学艺术研究者身上的种种制度化特征以及“唯智主义”倾向;他将其社会阶层区隔理论运用到文学艺术领域,对康德的“审美趣味无功利性”进行了一次迄今为止最为深刻的祛魅解读;他将其文化批判思想运用到文学艺术领域,对新闻媒介进行了深刻的探讨,并提供了一种艺术新闻批评的可能性路径。此外,他还以艺术场域理论为核心,关注到了艺术范畴、艺术史写作、艺术博物馆等诸多艺术活动,其中的精到论述对我们都具有重要的研究价值和参考价值。另外,布尔迪厄在论述其文艺思想的过程中秉承了其一贯的理论作风:坚定不移地反对“宏大叙事”、反对“一揽子”理论。因此,对布尔迪厄文艺思想的研究我们认为应当在仔细阅读与梳理文本的基础上,客观描述出他的文艺思想,而不是预先设定一个严密的系统,让他的文艺思想来迁就我们的框架。此外,借用布尔迪厄本人的反思性思维方式,对于布尔迪厄文艺思想的研究,我们打算采取一种梳理与阐释相结合的方法:一方面尽量客观、全面地呈现出其文艺思想的全貌;另一方面在梳理的过程当中,批评与反思其文艺思想的合理性程度,并努力在考察其跨语境转换的可能性限度的基础上,揭示其文艺思想对中国当下文学艺术研究的有益启示。全文共分为七个部分:导论部分首先简要概述了布尔迪厄文艺思想国内外的研究现状,并着重分析了国内布尔迪厄文艺思想研究目前存在的缺憾与不足。在此基础上,提出了本文的研究难点、方法、目的以及逻辑框架。第一章扼要考察了布尔迪厄的生平,简洁梳理了布尔迪厄文艺思想的发展历程,有选择性地分析了其文艺思想的理论渊源,这些是了解其文艺思想全貌的基础。第二章主要探讨布尔迪厄的核心概念工具及其文艺研究方法。要想全面了解布尔迪厄的文艺思想,必须首先了解构成其文艺思想的骨架,即场域、资本、习性、幻象四个重要概念工具。场域是艺术场域概念提出的基础,也是所有文学艺术行动者进行文学艺术活动最基本的场所;资本是文学艺术行动者们借以确定位置以及改变位置的最基本的要素;习性是文学艺术行动者无意识策略选择的最根本的原因,也同时是艺术场域通过行动者与其他场域交互影响的深层关联;幻象则是艺术场域最起码的准入原则和最基本的信仰。它们共同构成了艺术场域的基本骨架。此外,这一章中我们还着重探讨了布尔迪厄的关系性、生成性、反思性文艺研究方法:关系性思维方式旨在突破以往文艺研究过程当中的实体性思维的局限,力图将文学艺术、文学艺术家放置在一个广阔的社会空间关系中去考察;生成性思维方式旨在打破以往文学艺术研究超时空演绎的弊端,力图恢复文学艺术研究过程当中的历史维度;反思性思维方式则旨在提请文艺研究者们时刻反省研究过程当中存在的种种认识论偏见,从而保障文学艺术研究的客观性与科学性。第三章主要探讨了布尔迪厄艺术场域理论。艺术场是布尔迪厄文艺思想的核心,他通过对19世纪法国文学界、绘画界自主革命的历史性分析,总结出了艺术场的“双重位置”(统治阶层中的被统治者)与“双重结构”(有限生产场与大生产场)特征;并进一步指出了艺术作品科学分析应该具备的三个具体步骤;最为重要的是,他还在以上分析的基础上,提出了超越文艺内部与外部研究虚假对立的理论诉求。通过艺术场理论,布尔迪厄不仅具体展现与运用了其核心概念工具,而且彻底贯彻与表达了其文艺研究方法,还为分析具体的艺术活动打下了理论的基础。第四章主要探讨了布尔迪厄基于艺术场域对审美趣味、艺术范畴、艺术史写作等狭义艺术活动的分析。布尔迪厄在恢复传统趣味内涵的基础上,对康德的“审美趣味无功利性”进行了质疑,认为对审美趣味的认识必须还原到历史语境与社会结构中去,审美趣味的纯粹无功利之下实际隐蔽执行着社会区隔的功能;布尔迪厄在追溯“范畴”原初内涵的基础上对艺术范畴进行了重新的解释,认为艺术范畴实际上是艺术家和艺术研究者们区隔自身、追求差异的一种工具;在对艺术经典进行社会机制化分析的基础上,提出了一些对艺术史写作的反思。另外,布尔迪厄还系统阐述了其“语言符号权力”与“语言交换经济”的语言观,试图揭开语言行为背后以“预期利润”为目的符号权力运作,对我们理解文学语言具有一定的启示意义。第五章主要探讨了布尔迪厄基于艺术场域对电视媒介、艺术博物馆、摄影艺术等广义艺术活动的分析。布尔迪厄利用电视媒介对电视进行批判,提出了一种艺术新闻批评的可能性路径;在对博物馆进行经验性调查的基础上,提出了艺术博物馆隐蔽的社会区隔功能,指出了教育在艺术活动中扮演着不平等再生产的角色;另外,他还通过对摄影艺术的分析,进一步指出艺术活动具有社会区隔的特征。第六章试图对布尔迪厄文艺思想进行较为全面、合理、辩证的评价,在肯定布尔迪厄文艺思想中有价值因素的同时,也正视其不足与缺陷。在分析布尔迪厄中国跨语境转换可能性限度的基础上,努力挖掘布尔迪厄对中国当代文艺研究的有益启示,突出其生成性与关系性文艺研究方法的重要性。总之,布尔迪厄坚决反对宏大叙事的理论特质;追求超越艺术研究过程当中系列虚假对立的理论诉求;关系性、生成性、反思性的理论研究方法;以及对一切不公平现象无情批判的知识分子的良知对我们都具有重要的理论价值和启示意义。认真考察与探讨其文艺思想不仅可以为我们了解西方文艺思想发展的动态提供重要的参考,而且对国内当代文艺研究、文艺理论建设也具有重要的启示意义。

【Abstract】 Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002), a famous contemporary French sociologist, anthropologist, educator, literary theorist. His intellectual status in France could be comparable to Sartre, Foucault, Derrida and other important thinkers. Bourdieu had the profound knowledge and the wise and farsighted thoughts,had a unique contribution to the field of Sociology, philosophy, aesthetics, education, literature and art and so on. The Western world began to concern his thoughts extensively as early as the 70s in the 20th century, especially his sociology, education, and cultural thought has been more fully studied and a large number of results come out. Domestic academic paid attention on Pierre Bourdieu’s thoughts later than the west, but it adopted a same way with the west, also focused on sociology, education and cultural thinking, and has largely ignored his literary theory. There were a few Academic papers on journal focused on Bourdieu’s literary and artistic thoughts, some of them had high perspicacity. But overall speaking, the researches on his literary theory presently, which are either too shallow, not profound; or too fragmented, not systematic. We have to carry out a intensively and comprehensive mining and integration.In truth, Bourdieu’s works on sociology and literature center on expounding the aspect of literary art appreciation. He used his field theory to the field of literature and art, proposed the core of his literary theory“art field”concept; He tried to pass a series of false to the theory of dualism applied to literature and art criticism field, expressed to go beyond the opposing theories of false between the art of internal research and external; He applied the relationship, generation, reflective thinking to the field of literature and art, the art of re-reduction and analysis of field characteristics of the historical formation and structure, and deep reflection of the mark in the body of literature and art researchers as well as various institutional features of“intellectualism”tendencies; He applied his social class segregation theory into the field of literature and art, conducted an so far most profound disenchantment unscramble to Kant’s“aesthetic interest no utilitarian”; He used his cultural criticism to the field of literature and art thoughts of news media, made a profound discussion, and provided a kind of possibility of art journalism criticism path. In addition, he also took the art field theory as the core, paid attention to art category, art-historical, writing, art museum, and many other artistic activities, the precise of elaboration has important research value and reference value to us. Besides, Bourdieu discussed his literary thought process in the theory of its consistent style: unswervingly against "grand narrative," against "package" theory. So, to Pierre Bourdieu literary thought research we think it is necessary to adopt a genesis method, on the basic of carefully read and comb his texts, objectively descript out his literary thought, Rather than a rigorous system of predefined, let his literary thought to suit our framework. In addition, to Pierre bourdieu literary thought of research, we intend to take a comb method combining with the interpretation: On the one hand, try to objective and comprehensive presents his literary thought; On the other hand, the criticism and the reflection on the rationality of his literary thought level, and efforts in examining its cross the possibility of context conversion based on the limits, reveals the helpful enlightenment to Chinese contemporary literature thought of literature and art research. Full text is divided into seven parts:The introduction part wants to introduce the research situation of Pierre Bourdieu literary thought at home and abroad, and emphatically analyzes the domestic Pierre Bourdieu literary thought research existing defects and deficiencies. On this basis, the paper put forward the research difficulties, methods, purpose and logical framework.Chapter I briefly examines the Pierre Bourdieu’s life, concise analyses the Pierre Bourdieu’s literary thought development course, selectively analyses its literary thought theoretical origin, they are the foundation to understand the panorama of his literary thought.Chapter II mainly discusses Pierre Bourdieu’s core concept tools and literary research methods. To fully understand Pierre Bourdieu’s literary thought, must first understand constitute its literary thought skeleton, namely field, capital, habitus and illusion. Field is fundamental to the art field idea concept, also is the most basic place which all actors carries on the literary arts movement. Capital is the most basic elements to determine the actors of literature and art position and change the position, Habitus is a literature art actors unconscious strategy selection of the most fundamental reasons, also is art field through the actors and other field of interaction with the deep association, Illusion is the most basic principles and beliefs to access art field. They constitute the basic skeleton of art field. In addition, this chapter we also discusses Pierre Bourdieu’s relational, generative, reflective literary research methods. Relational way of thinking aims to break the limitations of substantive thinking through the literature and arts study, wants to place the literature artists in a broader social space relationships inspection; Generative thinking is for the purpose of breaking the former ultra space and time deduction to literature and art study, trying to restore the historical dimension; Reflective thinking mode is designed to request literary researchers to recognize the various epistemology faults, thus safeguarding prejudice the objectivity of literature and art study.Chapter III mainly discusses Pierre Bourdieu art field theory. Art field is Pierre Bourdieu literary thought core. Pierre Bourdieu summarized art field "dual position" (the ruling classes by rulers) and "dual structure" (limited production field and big production field) features through to the 19th century French literature, painting independent revolutionary historical analysis, and further points out that the art of scientific analysis should have three specific steps. The most important is that He puts forward beyond literary internal and external research false opposing theory demands based on the analysis of the above. Through the art field theory, Pierre Bourdieu use his core concepts in detail, and thoroughly expressed his literary research methods, all this work laid a theoretical foundation activities for analysis of concrete art.Chapter IV mainly discussed the Pierre Bourdieu’s analysis on aesthetic interest, art category, art history writing, and so on narrow art activities. Pierre bourdieu on the basis reviving the traditional taste connotation, questioned Kant’s "aesthetic interest no utilitarian", and considered that the understanding of the historical context and must be returned to the social structure, aesthetic taste of unalloyed under actual concealed carry out a utilitarian social segregation function; Pierre Bourdieu traced back to the original connotation of“category”to explanation category, that art category is actually artists and art researchers segregation itself, a tool of pursuit differences; On basic of analysing social and institutional classic art, put forward some reflection of writing. In addition, Pierre Bourdieu system expounded its“language symbolic power”and“language exchange economy”language view, tried to unravel the language behavior as“expected profit”behind for the purpose symbolic power operation, to our understanding of literary language has the certain enlightenment significance.Chapter V mainly discusses Bourdieu’s analysis of General arts, such as TV media, art museums, photography based on the art field. Bourdieu used the media on TV to criticize the television, he put forward a possibility of an Art News Criticism; and he also proposed a hidden function of social segmentation based on the empirical investigation of the museum, besides that, he pointed out that arts education plays an inequality role in the reproduction. In addition, Bourdieu pointed out the characteristics of social segmentation of art activities through the analysis of photography.Chapter VI tried to Pierre Bourdieu literary thought for a comprehensive, reasonable, dialectical evaluation, affirmed Pierre Bourdieu literature thought has value, but also face factors of its shortcomings and defects. On the analysis of Pierre Bourdieu China cross context conversion possibility, on the basis of limits to mining Pierre Bourdieu contemporary Chinese literary studies on the beneficial enlightenment, highlighted its generative and relational the importance of literary research methods.In short, Pierre Bourdieu firmly opposed grand narrative theory characteristics. Theoretical pursuit that he pursues transcends art research in the process of those false conflicts. Relational, generative, reflexivity, these theory research methods and his Intellectual conscience which harshly criticize all unfair phenomena have important theoretical value and enlightening significance. To inspect and discuss his literary thought can help us to understand the development of western literary thought of dynamic and provide important reference, it also has an important enlightenment for domestic contemporary literature studies and literary theory construction.
