

Study on Mencius and the Book of Songs in Han Dynasty

【作者】 李华

【导师】 王志民;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 汉代《诗》学是汉代学术的重要组成部分,了解汉代学术往往首先着眼于此。然而关于汉代《诗》学的渊源问题,却向来争讼不绝、难有定见。幸而大地献宝,近年来一系列重大考古成果的相继出现,使得战国秦汉之际的学术史、《诗》学史得到了改写,这也为重新审视汉代《诗》学渊源提供了契机。故而本文结合最新考古发现、辑佚资料、传世文献及学界成果,主要从思想史、学术史、文学史的角度入手,着力于理清孟子与汉代四家诗之间的深层渊源,并对《孟子》在汉代《诗》学发展中的地位和作用予以重新探讨。正文共分五章。第一章是对孟子与战国秦汉《诗》学发展关系的纵向考察,主要从学术渊源、地缘关系、时代变换与孟子地位变迁三个层面,探讨孟子与周秦两汉的《诗》学渊源。从学术渊源来看,孟子秉承了孔子《诗》学的余续又有所发展,不仅把《诗》作为构建自己哲学思想的基石,而且还从“王道”与“性情”两个角度界定了《诗》的价值,这为汉代《诗》学阐释的王道倾向和性情特点奠定了基础;从地缘关系来看,孟子的活动与《孟子》的流布,主要集中在齐鲁和南楚地区,而这两大区域恰恰是春秋以来《诗》的主要传播地与保存地,共同的地域文化倾向及共同的传承者,为两者在秦汉年间的汇流奠定了坚实的基础;从《孟子》的地位演变来看,汉代的《孟子》虽位列诸子,但已经被汉儒视为解读经典的辅翼之书,甚至也享有经书的待遇,《孟子》在汉代的地位之尊,也正是汉代《诗》学重视孟子其人其书的原因与表现。第二、三、四、五章分别以鲁、齐、韩、毛四家诗为主体,从各自的学术渊源、经学特征、诗学主旨、诗义承袭和学者接受等角度,分析了孟子与四家诗的深层关联。第二章为孟子与鲁诗关系的研究。经过考查发现,被视为鲁诗乃至汉代《诗》学发展纲领的鲁诗“四始”观,其对《诗》的经学化定位直接受到了孟子“迹熄诗亡”说的影响,这同时也证实了汉代《诗》的经学化倾向与孟子《诗》学的直接关联;此外,不仅鲁诗的诗义阐释与《孟子》关系密切;甚至鲁诗学者的著述也在不同程度上受到了孟子的影响:例如司马迁《史记》的史学定位与史料选择,赵岐《孟子章句》的章指设置等均源于对孟子《诗》学不同层面的贯彻。第三章着眼于孟子与齐诗的关联。指出影响齐诗乃至汉代学术发展的阴阳五行观,其远源正是思孟学派的“五行观”;此外,齐诗“匡扶邦家”的经学意图和“以诗为谏”的用诗方式,也均源于对孟子“诗载王道”观的贯彻。第四章着重考察了孟子与韩诗的关联。韩诗展现出了强烈的宗孟特点:这不仅表现为韩婴对孟子《诗》学正传地位的高度肯定;同时《韩诗外传》的诗义阐释和《诗》学解读也全然因袭了孟子“诗载王道”和“以意逆志”的《诗》学观;此外,其仁政思想、士人观与圣人观,也直接导源于孟子。第五章是对孟子与毛诗关系的判断。相关研究主要从《毛诗序》、《毛诗故训传》、《毛诗笺》这三部最具代表性的毛诗著作入手。就《毛诗序》而言,经考证《毛诗序》中《诗》“发乎情”的观点源于思孟学派的性情观,而孟子的性情思想又是其直接渊源;另外,不仅《毛诗序》的诗义阐发多与孟子相合;其《诗》学阐释的王道政教倾向也源于孟子的“诗载王道”观。再者,《毛诗故训传》的政教意图、诗义阐释也同样对孟子多有承传。此外,郑玄《毛诗笺》与《毛诗谱》的成书也正是源于孟子的“以意逆志”与“知人论世”观。以上四章不仅从文本角度出发,通过对《孟子》与各家最具代表性的《诗》学主张和学术思想关联的梳理与比较,指其影响、辩其得失;同时还根据汉儒对师学家法的重视,把四家诗学者在著述、言行、思想倾向等诸多方面与孟子的相涉之处纳入探讨范围,以便对汉代《诗》学发展与孟子的关联有一个较为全面地体认和把握。其中司马迁、赵岐、郑玄均有专节论述,而翼奉、班固、匡衡、蔡邕等则散入不同章节。考查的最终目的不在于判定某家某派或某一人之风格,而在于从中发现整个汉代《诗》学承袭《孟子》的整体走向,并由此判定孟子在汉代《诗》学发展进程中的地位与作用。最后的结语部分为总论,基于前面几章的分析指出,汉代《诗》学发展存在着以《荀子》为体、以《孟子》为用的“荀皮孟骨”现象,汉代《诗》学发展走的是外在祖荀、内在宗孟的发展理路。荀子对汉代《诗》学的影响主要体现于表面,而孟子对汉代《诗》学的影响却是根本和深远的:汉代《诗》学的发展进程赖孟子而定;汉代《诗》学发展重政教亦重性情的阐释路径由孟子而开,汉代四家诗的核心价值均源于对孟子的承袭;四家诗的思想,包括阴阳五行、仁政、性情观等均在不同程度上受到了孟子的影响;四家诗学者的著述也因孟子受益良多;此外四家诗在诗义阐释等诸多方面也与孟子密切相连。以上观点足以证明,汉诗源于荀子的定见应当改写,孟子才是汉代《诗》学发展渊源中最不可或缺的一环。本文的创新之处主要存在于以下两个方面:新资料的使用和新观点的提出。一、新资料的运用近年来一系列考古成果的涌现,大大改变了学界对先秦两汉时代学术状况的既定看法。杜维明先生曾评论说,郭店竹简的发现使得整个早期中国哲学史都应随之重写;而阜阳汉简《诗经》、上海博物馆藏《孔子诗论》等一系列考古成果的问世,也为先秦两汉《诗》学的研究提供了新的资料和新的思维向度。因此,在采纳传统资料的同时,本文也把近年来与孟子与汉代《诗》学研究关系密切的重大考古成果,悉数纳入到研究视野之中,以期对两者的关系给予更为中肯的评价。相关资料主要包括上海博物馆藏楚简《孔子诗论》、《郭店楚墓竹简》中的儒家简部分、阜阳汉简《诗经》、以及马王堆汉墓帛书等。二、新观点的提出1、对孟子与《诗》的关系的新判定。历来人们所论多集中于孟子对《诗》的王道政教意义的赋予,而打破狭隘文学概念的局限却会发现:对于孟子而言,《诗》不仅是记录王道政教的载体与教科书;而且也是孟子哲学的根基与源泉——《诗》不仅为孟子的仁政举措提供了思想范本,同时也是其性善思想的直接来源。2、对孟子与《诗》的政教功能的新探讨。孔子之时,《诗》、乐、舞尚未分离,《诗》教即是乐教,换而言之,孔子并没有赋予《诗》之文本以独立的政治教化意义。正是孟子首先完成了对《诗》之文本的政教意义的重新赋予,从而使得《诗》三百在脱离了乐舞辅助之后,具有了相对独立的政治教化功能。汉人解《诗》无不从《诗》之文本入手,从这一角度来看,汉代《诗》学的经学化进程正是赖此而开;汉代乃至后世《诗》的经学化阐释路径,也主要是由孟子导夫先路的。3、对汉代《诗》学重政教、亦重性情的双重阐释路径与孟子关联的新体认。打破了长久以来把孟子《诗》学视为政治之学的定论,指出性情之学和政治之学共同构成孟子《诗》学的两翼。一方面,孟子对《诗》的政教意义的赋予开启了汉代以《诗》为史、以《诗》为谏的政教《诗》学解读方式,成为汉代《诗》的经学化特征的主要表现;另一方面,孟子《诗》学中的性情因素,也为汉代《诗》学阐释所继承,并突出表现为《诗》“发乎情”的观点。4、对孟子与汉代《诗》学源流关系的新观照。打破了以往仅从文本角度分析孟子和汉代四家诗关联的做法,选择从发生学的角度寻找二者之间的深层关联,从地缘关系和共同承传者的角度阐释汉代《诗》学承袭孟子的深层原因。5、对孟子与四家诗的核心《诗》学价值观的新审视。(1)对鲁诗“四始”设置意图与孟子《诗》学关系的溯源。鲁诗“四始”设置的经学意图向来争讼不绝,难有定见。而本文通过分析发现,鲁诗“四始”设置正是对孟子“王者之迹熄而《诗》亡”观的切实反映。作为鲁诗乃至汉代四家诗的纲领性观点,鲁诗“四始”对孟子的承袭,足以反映出孟子《诗》学在汉代《诗》的经学化过程中的基础性作用。(2)对孟子与齐诗阴阳五行关系的新界定。指出影响齐诗乃至汉代学术发展的阴阳五行观并非源于邹衍,而是源于思孟学派的“五行说”。这一观点的提出得益于本文的另一新发现:通过考证,汉代列入孟子名下的著作,除目前所知的《孟子》七卷及《孟子外书》四篇以外,还包括了“阴阳家《孟子》”一卷。(3)指出韩诗对孟子《诗》学地位的高度认可。本文发现,韩诗在《诗》学发展脉络中对孔子、孟子的《诗》学地位存在等量齐观的现象,这意味着韩诗对孟子仅次于孔子的《诗》学渊源地位的肯定与认可。这一发现打破了长久以来人们以荀子为韩诗正传的定见。(4)对《毛诗序》《诗》“发乎情”观点的思想溯源。结合出土文献及传世文献指出,孟子的性情思想是毛诗《诗》“发乎情”观点的直接导源。6、对孟子《诗》学在汉代影响的多维观照。打破了就《诗》论《诗》的研究模式,从更广泛的角度探讨孟子《诗》学对四家诗的影响,例如指出赵岐《孟子章句》具有开创意义的篇章安排、章指设置正是源于孟子的“以意逆志”观;《史记》的史学观和重要史料的取材也受到了孟子的影响;此外,汉代士人观的形成同样与孟子的诗义赋予关联密切。7、对孟子在汉代《诗》学发展中的地位的重新界定。颠覆了学界以荀子为汉代《诗》学正宗的主流观点。经过深入分析和综合探讨指出,汉代《诗》学承传中存在着“荀皮孟骨”现象:汉诗对荀子的承袭多是行之于表面的,而对孟子的承袭却融入到了整个汉代《诗》学的价值体系当中,孟子才是汉代《诗经》学的主要渊源。

【Abstract】 The Study of the Book of Songs is the core of the academic in Han Dynasty, to learn academic in Han Dynasty should first be aimed at it .However there’s always dispute on the origin of the academic in Han Dynasty. According to the new archaeology discoveries, documents and the academic achievements, mainly from the point of history of thought, academic and literary, the thesis is trying to find the deeper origin between The Works of Mencius and the Four Schools Poetry in Han Dynasty, and to find the sequence with the Confucianism, and also reexamines The Works of Mencius’s status and function in the development of the academic in Han Dynasty.There’re five chapters altogether in this thesis.Chapter one is the longitudinal exploration between the Works of Mencius and the development of the poetics during the Period of Warring States and Han Dynasty, to explore the origin between the Works of Mencius and poetics during Zhou, Qin and Han Dynasty from three aspects such as academic origin, areal relationship and change of status. From the academic origin point view, Mencius inherited the poetics of Confucius and also developed it. It not only based on the Songs as its philosophical thought, but also positioned the Songs value from the kingly way and temperament point view, which built the basis for the development of kingly way and temperament of the poetics in Han Dynasty. From the areal relationship point view, the movement of Mencius and the spread of the Works of Mencius are mainly in Qi- Lu and Chu State, where are the main spread and preserve areas of the Songs after the Spring and Autumn Period. The same areal culture inclination and the same heirs set a solid foundation for their enmeshment during Qin and Han Dynasty. From the change of status of the Works of Mencius point view, as well as the Confusion classics, people think highly of the Works of Mencius.Chapter two to chapter five based on the four schools poems of Qi, Lu, Han, Mao, is analyzing and distinguishing the deeper relationship of Mencius and four schools’poems between the motif of poetics and the characteristic of study of Confucian classics by viewing their academic ideologies, motif of poetics, adoption of the poems and acceptance of the descendants.Chapter two is the research on the relationship of Mencius and Lu shi. Archaeological findings show that the theory of four origins of Lu shi which is viewing as the developing creed of Lu shi is greatly influenced by the Mencius theory that poems die out with evidence disappear, which proved that Mencius poetics and the trend of Confucianism have direct association. Besides the explanations of the meanings of Lu shi are closely related with the Works of Mencius, even the historiography position and historical materials’collection of Si Maqian’s Shi Ji and the setup of Zhao Qi’s the Chapters and Sentences of the Works of Mencius are carrying out the ideologies of Mencius poetics in different ways.Chapter three pays attention to the correlations between Mencius and Qi shi. It points out that the yin-yang and five elements theory which influenced Qi shi and the academic development in Han Dynasty is not originated from Zou Yan but from Si-Meng school’s five elements theory. The Assisting the regime Confucius intention which obviously showed in Qi shi is just the practice of the view of poems carry out the kingcraft by Mencius. Chapter four emphasizes on the correlations between Mencius and Han shi. The character that Han shi intensely take Mencius as its model is not only reflected by Han Ying’s confirmation on the Mencius status of the songs, but also showed by the songs view that poems carry out the kingcraft. And the view of policy of benevolence, intellectuals’spirit and Sage, were all led by Mencius.Chapter five is the judgement on the relationship between Mencius and Mao shi. The three masterpieces are Preface of Mao shi, Old mottos of Mao shi and Letters of Mao shi. As a result of textual research, the view that the Songs express with motion in Perface of Mao shi is origianted from the disposition theory of Si-Meng school, and the disposition thought of Mencius is their dircet origin. Besides, its poems explanations are always combined with Mencius, and the trend of kingly way and political preaching are also originated from the Mencius’view that the Songs express in the kingly way. Secondly, the political intentions, poems’explanations in the Old mottos of Mao shi have great common with Mencius. And the publish of Letters of Mao shi and Chapters of Mao shi by Zheng Xuan are the practices on the views of“Seeking for the Intention Behind the Surface Meaning”(yi yi ni zhi )and“To know the author and examine the world in which he lived”(zhi ren lun shi)by Mencius. The above four chapters not only heckle and compare their outstanding poetic opinions and academic ideology origin with the Works of Mencius, point out the influences and debate gains and losses, but also discuss the works, argumentations and inclinations which learned from different schools of Han-Ru, so as to have a complete understanding with the development of the poetics in Han Dynasty. Si Maqian, Zhao Qi, Zheng Xuan are elaborated in special sections, Yi Feng, Ban Gu, Kuang Heng, Cai Yi are elaborated in different sections. The final purpose is not to judge one person or one school’s style, but to find out the trend of the poetics in Han Dynasty that inherited the Works of Mencius, and with which to judge the status and process of Mencius on the development of the poetics in Han Dynasty.The epilogue based on the above analysis, the paper points out the phenomenon that the poems in Han Dynasty developed with the form of Xun zi and the bone of Mencius, which existed not only in Four Schools in Han Dynasty, but also in other schools in Han Dynasty. This means the closer relevance that the poetics in Han Dynasty with the Works of Mencius, and remind us that we should readjust the academic status of the Works of Mencius.The innovations in the paper are the following two parts: new materials usage and new viewpoints submission.ⅠNew materials usageThis paper introduces extant ancient books and documentations, and also brings out gains of these years archaeological new discoveries, including gains from Statement of Confucius Poems in Shanghai museum, Guo Dian Bamboo Slips, The Book of Songs with the version of bamboo slips of the Han dynasty from Fuyang and textile excavated from the Han tomb at Mawangdui.ⅡNew viewpoints submission1、New decision of the status of the Songs in the Works of Mencius.People only focus on the Songs’kingly way and political teaching with Mencius. But breaking down the narrow limitation of literature, from the angle of intellectual history we can find that, to Mencius, the Songs is not only the historical materials and textbooks that recorded in kingly way, but the root and source of Mencius philosophy.2、New discussion on the relationship of the political teaching functions between Mencius and the Songs.Confucius did not endow the political teaching meaning with the Songs. Owing to Mencius who endowed the political thought to the Songs that gave the Songs relatively independent political teaching functions after seceding from the assistant of the Music and the Dance. Thus it can be seen that the Confucianism explanation of the Songs in Han Dynasty and even later ages is mainly led by Mencius.3、New care of the trend of Mencius poetics This paper breaks out the verdict that Mencius poetics belongs to the political science, and points out that disposition science and political science are both wings of it. On the one hand, endowing the political teaching meaning, Mencius opened the political teaching way of poetic explanation, which became the main representation of Confucianism of the Songs in Han Dynasty; On the other hand, the disposition in Mencius poetics was inherited by the poetics in Han Dynasty, and formed the characteristics of expressing with temper.4、New care of the relationship between Mencius and the origin of the Han Dynasty PoeticsBreaking the past practice of only pay attention on the similar points between Mencius and The Book of Songs in Han Dynasty, this thesis selected from a point of genesis looking for the deep correlation between the two, from the common region and the common successors caused by the angle of in-depth interpretation of the Han Dynasty Poetics Mencius inherited causes.5、New discussion on the relationship(1)Trace to the source of the relationship between Lushi Si-Shi’s setup intention and Mencius poetics.There’s always argument on the Confucianism intention of Lushi Si-Shi’s setup. By means of deep analysis, the paper finds out that Lushi Si-Shi’s setup is just a correspondence with the processes of boom, prosperity, middle decline and end decline of Zhou Dynasty, which is just the reflection of the opinion that the Songs disappeared with the kingly indication perished. Lushi Si-Shi’s inheritance with Mencius reflected that Mencius poetics plays an essential role to the Confucianism of the Songs in Han Dynasty.(2)New definition on the relationship between Mencius and the yin-yang and five elements theory in Qi shi.It points out that the yin-yang and five elements theory which influenced Qishi and the academic development in Han Dynasty is not originated from Zou Yan but from Simeng school’s five elements theory.(3)The recognition of respective inclination with Mencius of Han shi. Although Mencius had great influence in the poetics in Han Dynasty, there were not enough proofs that Hanshi had respect with Mencius. The paper finds out that Hanshi regarded Mencius importance as well as Confucius, which is the recognition of Mencius secondary importance in the poetics origin and broke out the traditional view that Xunzi is the orthodoxy of Hanshi.(4)Trace to the source of“poetry out of affection”in Mao shi. In accordance with Unearthed documents and document handed down from ancient times, the paper points out that the view of“poetry out of affection”comes from the ideology of good nature of Mencius.6、A Multi-concern on Mencius influence to poetics. The paper discusses Mencius influence to the Four Schools from a more widely angle, such as the setup of the Chapters and Sentences of Mencius by Zhao Qi and historical views and materials in Shi-ji are greatly influenced by Mencius.7、New definition on the status of the Works of Mencius in the Han poetics.Although Xun zi was regarded as the orthodox school of the Han poetics, with deep comparisons and analysis, the conclusion comes out that the Han poetics superficial inherited Xun zi while combined Mencius to its whole value system, which calls the phenomenon that the form of Xun zi and the bone of Mencius in the Han poetics, which is a representative character in the development of poetics, but also a new definition on the status of the Works of Mencius in the Han poetics.
