

Evaluation of Geological Heritage Resources and Assessment of the Economic Value of Geopark

【作者】 彭和求

【导师】 姜建军; 张建平;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 古生物学与地层学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 地质遗迹具有不可再生性、地域整体性、不可复制性、不可移植性、复杂多样性及多科学性等特点,它的不可再生性和永续使用价值是地质遗迹最根本、最本质的自然属性,地质遗迹的这一属性决定了它的真正价值所在。地质遗迹既是一种资源,也是一种资产。地质公园是研究、保护、开发地质遗迹资源的重要载体。现有地质遗迹评价研究主要以重视地质遗迹的科学品位评价即以定性研究为主,如何进行地质遗迹资源价值的分类和量化评估(特别是资产评估的量化)是当前地质遗迹资源开发、保护与评价工作的重点、难点。因此,以地质公园地质遗迹特征分析为基础,结合定量分析方法研究和评估地质遗迹资源价值,对我国地质公园的建设与发展无疑具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文以张家界世界地质公园为例,首次从定性评价到定量评估对地质遗迹资源价值进行研究和探讨。首先,基于地质公园地质遗迹资源特征分析,并结合地质遗迹资源的开发保护条件,构建了张家界世界地质公园的地质遗迹资源评价指标体系。该体系由两级指标组成其中第一级指标为自然属性、价值属性、地理环境条件、区域经济条件、基础服务设施和客源区域条件共6个,第二级指标22个。运用层次分析法和和德尔菲法,得到各地质遗迹资源指标的相对重要程度,计算了各指标的权重。计算结果表明一级指标中自然属性最重要,价值属性次之,地理环境条件和客源区条件不太重要。结合层次分析法与灰色系统理论,建立了张家界世界地质公园的灰色多层次评价模型。其次,分析和探讨了地质遗迹资源经济价值的类型和评估方法,将地质遗迹资源总经济价值分为市场价值和非市场价值。市场价值即为直接使用(直接服务)价值;非市场价值则包括了间接使用价值、选择价值、遗产价值和存在价值。在评估方法方面,根据市场的存在与否及其性质,进行了方法的归纳,并提出系统评估地质遗迹资源价值的方法体系,即:对于有市场存在的服务,采用市场价值法、费用支出法、旅行费用法和条件价值法等;对于无市场的公共物品,采用影子工程法、机会成本法、替代花费法和条件价值评估法。使用市场价值法、费用支出法、旅行费用法和条件价值法对张家界世界地质公园地质遗迹资源直接服务价值进行了评估,主要包括了科学研究价值、文化教育价值和旅游价值,评估结果:2010年张家界世界地质公园地质遗迹资源直接服务经济价值为1495689.9万元,其中科学研究价值是3927.68万元,文化教育价值是2520.47万元,国内旅游价值是1283481.3万元,国外旅游价值为205760.5万元。使用机会成本法、替代花费法、市场价值法和影子工程法等对张家界世界地质公园生态系统功能的价值进行了评估,生态系统功能价值包括了固碳价值、森林涵养水源价值、保护土壤价值、活立木生长量价值、营养循环价值和净化空气价值。评价结果为:地质公园的生态功能总价值为135658.86万元,其中固碳价值为6741.4万元;森林涵养水源价值为115893.63万元;保护土壤价值为2420.43万元;活立木生长量价值为7368.8万元;营养循环价值为2977.47万元;净化空气价值257.13万元。使用条件价值评估法对张家界世界地质公园地质遗迹资源的非使用类价值进行了评估,非使用类价值包括存在价值、遗产价值和选择价值。评估结果为:2010年张家界世界地质公园非使用类价值总计1063700万元,其中,存在价值633900万元;遗产价值为331900万元;选择价值为97900万元。最后作者对地质公园地质遗迹资源的资产化管理提出了自己的思路,强调了政府在资产化管理中的作用,并详述了实行市场化运作的经营模式。

【Abstract】 The characteristics of geological heritage are non-renewable, regional integration, not replicable, not-portable, diversity and more scientific and so on. The most fundamental and essential natural properties of geological heritage is non-reproducibility. This property of geological heritage determines its true value. Geological heritage is a kind of resource, and also an asset. Geo-park is an important carrier of studying, protecting, and developing the geological heritage resources.The existing evaluation of geological heritage is mainly emphasis on the scientific grade evaluation of geological heritage. How to classify and quantitative assess the value of geological heritage resources, especially the quantitative assessment of assets, is the current key and difficult point of geological resources’development, protection and evaluation. Therefore, there is theoretical value and practical significance that based on the analysis of geological heritage’s features, and combined with the method of quantitative analysis and assessment of geological heritage resource value to construct heritage resource value to construct and develop our country’s geological parks.In this paper, taking Zhangjiajie global geo-park as an example, it is the first time that the value of geological heritage resources have been studied and discussed from qualitative evaluation to quantitative assessment.Firstly, based on the analysis of geological heritage’s characteristics, and combined with the development and protection conditions of geological heritage resources. Then a geo-park geological heritage resources evaluation index system was built.The system is composed of two indicators. The first-level indicators are the natural property, the value of property, geographic and environmental conditions, regional economic conditions, basic services and facilities, source area conditions. The second level, there are 22 indicators. Then, using AHP and Delphi method, provided several rounds of consultation on the experts. The relative importance of the geological heritage resources indicators was abtained. And the weight of each index was calculated. The results show that:in the first level indicator, natural attribute is the most important part, followed by the value of property, the geographical conditions and the tourist area condition are not very important. Through the combination of AHP and gray system theory, a multilevel gray evaluation model of Zhangjiajie global geo-park was built.?Secondly, we analyzed and explored types of the economic values of the geological heritage resources and their evaluation methods. The value of the geological heritage resources could be divided into two, market value and non-market value. Market value is the direct use (direct service) values. And non-market values include the indirect use value, the option value, the bequest value and existence value. As for the methodology for valuation, in the paper, existing methods have been summed up on the basis whether the market exists or not, and hence, a method system has been brought forth to systematically valuate the geological heritage resources of the geopark. Namely, for marketable services, the market valuation method, cost payment method, travel cost method and contigent valuation method is recommended. For the non-market public goods, replacement cost method and the contigent valuation method is offered.By using the matket valuation, expense payment method, TCM and CVM, the direct service values of the geological heritage resources in Zhangjiajie Global Geopark(ZGG) is reckoned, covering mainly the scientific research values, culture and education values and tourist values. The results show that in 2010, the direct service values of the geological heritage resources in ZGG reached 14,956,899,000 yuan , of which 39,276,800 yuan is of scientific research values, 25,204,700 yuan of culture and education values, 12,834,813,000 yuan of domestic tourist values and 2,057,605,000 yuan of international tourist values.In the paper, the market valuation method, shadow project method, opportunity cost method, and replacement cost method are used to value the functions of the ecological system includes the carbon fixation, water conservation, soil conservation, output of the standing trees, nutrient retention and air purification. The valuation results reveal that the tatal ecological function value of the geological heritage resources is estimatedly 1,356,588,600 yuan, of which, 67,414,000yuan of the carbon fixation, 1,158,936,300yuan of water conservation, 24,204,300 yuan of soil conservation, 73,688,000 yuan of output of the standing trees, 29,774,700 yuan of nutrient rentention and 2,571,300 yuan of air purification.The CVM is used to value the non-use values of the geological heritage resources in ZGG. The non-use values include the existence values, bequest values and option values. The non-use values of the geological heritage resources in ZGG in 2010 is deduced as 10,637,000,000 yuan, of which 6,339,000,000 yuan option values, 3,319,000,000 yuan bequest values and 979,000,000 yuan option values.At the last, the author has put forword his own ideas on asset management of geological heritage resources of the geopark: Firstly, our geological heritage resources’management and current situation was analyzed. Secondly, proposed several ways about reforming our geological heritage resources’management. Finally, it is suggested to build the unified management of geological heritage resources. The government’s role in asset management was stressed, and went to details about business mode of market operation.
