

Metallogenic Series and Metallogeny in Congo(Kinshasa) Part of Central African Copperbelt

【作者】 李向前

【导师】 毛景文;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文选择西起刚果(金)科卢韦齐(Kolwezi)西面的坎博托矿床(Kamoto),东至卢本巴希(Lubumbashi)东南金森达矿床(Kinsenda),长300余公里,宽100-150公里的中非铜带刚果(金)段(又称加丹加铜钴矿带)开展成矿规律和成矿系列研究。在充分整理和吸收消化前人大量数据和研究成果的基础之上,选择重点矿床进行解剖;应用成矿系列理论来认识加丹加铜钴矿带金属矿床;研究成矿后构造运动、变质热液、表生氧化和次生富集作用对各类矿床的改造机制;选择表生氧化强烈区域寻找发现风化矿床;尝试建立加丹加铜钴矿带成矿系列,进一步推动该成矿带地质找矿及矿业开发工作的开展。本文的研究成果和创新点主要表现在如下五个方面:1、系统分析了加丹加盆地的演化阶段及卢菲利弧构造演化史,认为盆地沉积过程及加丹加造山带形变过程主导了区域主要成矿事件。刚果(金)加丹加铜钴矿带各种矿床的形成受地层、构造、岩性及表生氧化作用控制作用明显,时空分布具有明显的规律性。2、探讨了各种类型矿床成因及各矿床类型之间的联系。认为成矿以同生沉积作用为主,其后经历了变质改造、构造热液叠加及表生氧化作用。3、初步建立了加丹加铜钴矿带成矿系列。应用成矿系列理论,根据加丹加铜钴矿带成矿地质背景、构造演化与成矿作用、主要控矿因素、矿产时空分布规律、不同矿床类型之间成因联系等,初步划分出5个成矿系列:Ⅰ-矿山亚群同生成岩铜钴矿床成矿系列;Ⅱ-迪佩特亚群沉积变质-热液改造铜钴矿床成矿系列;Ⅲ-恩古巴群断裂控矿碳酸盐岩容矿锌铅铜银铀矿床成矿系列;Ⅳ-昆代隆古群脉状热液型铜金银矿床成矿系列;Ⅴ-新生代风化成因残-坡积型钴矿床成矿系列。4、对研究区内不同成矿系列的典型矿床进行了解剖。详细描述了卡莫亚铜钴矿床、堪苏祁铜钴矿床、基普希锌铅铜矿床、迪库卢希铜银矿床、堪苏祁残坡积型水钴矿床的区域地质构造背景、矿床地质特征、矿床地球化学特征等内容。5、根据加丹加铜钴矿带各成矿系列空间分布规律,指明了下一步找矿方向。

【Abstract】 Research on the metallogenic series was carried out in the Congo(kinshasa) part of Central African Copperbelt,which stretchs over a 300 km-long and 100 to 150km-wide region from Kamoto in northwestern Kolwezi,southeastwards through Likasi (Congo),to Kinsenda in southeastwards lubumbashi.On the basis of the digestion and absorption of the past data and the advanced research results,selected representative deposits to make detailed analyse;Used the theory of metallogenic series to understand the main types of metal deposits, occured in Katangan copper-cobalt belt;Studied the transformation mechanism about post mineralization structures movement, metamorphic hydrothermal, supergene oxidation and secondary enrichment to various types of deposits;Selected the weathered area to find the supergene oxidation deposits;trying to establish the metallogenic series in Katanga copper-cobalt belt, and further advance the direction of geological exploration and mineral development activities in this metallogenic belt.The research finds and innovation of this paper are mainly indicated on five aspects as follows:1.According to the sedimentary environments,evolution of Katangan Basin,and tectonic events of Lufilian Arc,the sedimentary process and deformation of the Katanga orogen dominated regional main mineralization events.The formation of a variety of deposits in Katangan Copper-Cobalt Belt is significantly controlled by structures, lithology and supergene oxidation, with apparent spatial and temporal distribution regularity.2.Both metallogene and the genetic relationship among these metallogenicsubseries deposits were discussed,ore formation was dominated by exhalation-sedimentation, subsequently subjected to metamorphism reformation, superposition of structural hydrothermalism and supergenesis.3.Established the metallogenic series in Katangan Copper-Cobalt Belt.Based on minerogenetic series theory,according to geological setting,tectonic evolution and mineralization,temporal and spatial distribution of main mineral resources,the Katanga copper-cobalt belt can be classified into five series:Ⅰ-The metallogenic series of copper,cobalt deposits related to syndiagenesis,and hosted in rocks of Mines subgroup;Ⅱ-The metallogenic series of copper,cobalt deposits related to diagenic metamorphism-hydrothermal metasomatic,and hosted in rocks of Dipeta subgroup;Ⅲ-The metallogenic series of zinc,lead,copper,silver,uranium deposits controlled by fracture, and hosted in carbonated rocks of Nguba group;Ⅳ-The metallogenic series of copper,gold,silver vein-type deposits related to hydrothermal,and hosted in sandstone rocks of Kundelungu group;Ⅴ-The metallogenic series of elluvium-deluvial cobalt placer related to weathering,and hosted in caenozoic rocks.4.Selected representative deposits of different subseries in the study area to make detailed analyse.Regional geological and tectonic setting, geological characteristics,and geochemistry of the Kamoya copper,cobalt deposits, Kansuki copper,cobalt deposite, Kipushi zinc,lead,copper deposit, Dikulushi copper,silver deposit,and Kansuki elluvium-deluvial cobalt placer were detailed described.5.According to the spatial distribution regularties of the subseries,pointed out the next Prospecting direction.
