

Study on Clustering Development and Industrialization of Geological Data Information Services

【作者】 王永生

【导师】 崔彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 1.地质资料是地质工作形成的重要基础信息资源。建国60多年来,我国地质工作积累了海量的地质资料信息。由于种种原因,当前地质资料信息服务存在资料信息分散、综合研究不够、信息化程度不高、服务渠道不畅、服务能力不强等问题,使得地质资料信息的巨大潜在价值未能得到充分发挥。推进地质资料信息服务集群化产业化,是对传统地质资料信息服务理念和方式的重大变革,有利于延长地质工作产业链,提高地质成果公共服务能力,解决地质资料管理上存在的突出问题,避免地质工作重复投入。2.本次研究工作以产业经济学理论为指导,运用矿产资源经济学、信息资源管理学、控制论等理论,分析研究了地质资料信息服务集群化产业化的内涵与基本特征。研究工作以大量数据资料为基础,在研究内容上,注重了纵横联系,既做了历史述评又进行了现状分析,既比较了国内相关行业又借鉴国外成功经验,既自上而下进行了问卷调查又自下而上进行了实践总结;在研究手段上,注重定性分析与定量分析的结合,理论分析与实践经验的结合,典型案例剖析与一般规律的总结。3.通过本次研究,取得了以下主要认识:(1)地质资料信息服务集群化产业化的本质是技术、经济、政策与管理四重维度构成的一种动态模式,重点要解决的是服务与需求脱节问题;(2)集群化与产业化同等重要,推进地质资料信息服务集群化产业化最有力的抓手是纳入政府财政保障体系,最需要的保障措施是完善管理体制,最需要完善的政策是《加强地质资料社会化服务的若干规定》,主要障碍在于管理体制不健全,汇交质量不高与不及时,市场机制不健全,服务主体不发育;(3)地质资料信息服务集群化产业化政策设计需要兼顾产业链的发展与产业结构、布局、组织、技术等方面内容。4.本次研究创新性地取得了以下五个方面的成果:(1)运用黑箱理论,揭示了地质信息服务集群化产业化的内涵与基本特征;(2)首次对地质资料信息服务集群化产业化的相关问题进行问卷调查;(3)首次分析地质资料信息服务业的概念与基本特征;(4)从产业经济学理论出发构建了推进地质资料信息服务集群化产业化“358”政策方案;(5)跟踪分析六个试点地区实践进展得出了五点经验启示;(6)对国内外六个信息服务典型案例进行分析,得出六点启示与借鉴。

【Abstract】 Geological data of geological work is an important basis for the formation of information resources. 60th Over the years, accumulated a mass of geological work of geological data and information. For various reasons, the current existence of geological data and information services is not to be satisfied. Data information is scattered; comprehensive research is not enough; high degree of information services is poor; Service channel is not smooth; Service capacity is not strong. The result is making the great geological data’s potential value of information has not been fully realized. Geological data to promote the industrialization and clustering of information services is the traditional concept of geological data and information services major changes in the way. It helps to extend the industrial chain of geological work, improve public service capacity of geological results, manage geological data to solve the outstanding problems and avoid duplication of investment in geological work.In this study, some theory form industrial economics, mineral resources economics, information resource management, control theory and other theories were used and the content and basic characteristics of the industrialization and clustering of geological data information services are revealed. Research to a large number of data based on the research, focusing on the vertical and horizontal linkages, both done a historical review and analysis conducted, comparing both domestic and foreign successful experience in the industry, both carried out a questionnaire from top to bottom and also carried out bottom-up practice summary. In research methods, Special emphasis is qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of the combination, theoretical analysis and practical experience in the combination, typical case analysis and summary of the general law.Through this research, made the following key understanding: (1) the industrialization and clustering of geological data information services is the nature of the technical, economic, policy and management of four important dimensions of a composition of a dynamic model. It focuses on resolving the problem that the geological data information service is out of touch the demand; (2) clustering and industrialization is equally important. To promote geological data information services’clustering and industrialization, the most powerful starting point is r the financial security system into the government; most in need of protection measures is to improve the management system; the need to improve the policy is "to strengthen Geological data of the number of social service provision"; the main barrier is that the management system is not perfect; the quality is not high and does not intersect in time; the market mechanism is not perfect; the service principal is not development. (3) geological data information services’clustering and industrialization policy design needs to take into account the development of the industry chain and industry structure, layout, organization, technology and other aspects.In this study, innovative access to the results of the following five aspects: (1) the use of black box theory, revealing the meaning and basic features of the geological information service’s clustering and industrialization; (2) for the first time a questionnaire survey on the geological data information service’s clustering and industrialization is conducted; (3) for the first time the concept and basic features of geological data information service industry are analyzed; (4) constructing from the theory of industrial economics, geological data to push forward the clustering and industrialization of information services "358" policy options is designed; (5) tracked the practice progress of the six pilot areas and get reached a five-point experience of enlightenment; (6) six domestic and foreign information service of a typical case were analyzed and six o’clock inspiration and reference were put forward.
