

Study of Fine Reservoir Description at Arys Oilfield of South Turgai Basin in Kazakhstan

【作者】 王胜利

【导师】 田世澄;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 油气田开发工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 精细油藏描述是指油田进入开发后,以搞清油藏精细地质特征、剩余油分布特征、规律及其控制因素,为油田高效开发和提高采收率提供精细地质模型为目标所进行的油藏多学科综合研究。阿雷斯油田位于哈萨克斯坦南图尔盖盆地,地质特征和试采资料都表明该油田地质条件复杂,本文综合运用地震、岩心、测井、化验分析、生产动态等资料开展精细油藏描述研究工作。研究结果表明:阿雷斯油田地层层序复杂,地层沉积厚度差别大,应用高分辨率层序地层学理论,建立该区地层的6个中期基准面旋回,15个短期旋回;白垩系为三角洲平原亚相,上侏罗系为三角洲前缘亚相,分流河道砂体为骨架砂体,分布范围小,厚度变化大,方向性强;白垩系构造为不整合沉积于侏罗系地层之上的局部宽缓背斜构造,侏罗系构造则为披覆沉积于古生界基岩隆起之上,并被一系列东掉断层复杂化的背斜构造,地层东陡西缓,构造复杂,断层发育,对油气水分布具有控制作用;根据岩心分析数据,结合试油试采资料,建立不同层位、不同岩性的油气水识别标准和测井二次解释模型,求取储层物性参数;储层主要以细砂岩、粉砂岩为主,白垩系储层具有中孔低渗的特点,侏罗系储层为中高孔、高渗的特点;储层厚度变化大,厚层层内非均质性强,物性平面和纵向上变化大,平面和层间产能差异大,动用状况不均一,非均质性强;流动单元研究表明,分流河道为骨架砂体,一般为Ⅰ类流动单元,河口坝、决口扇等砂体为Ⅱ类流动单元,前缘席状砂、天然堤为Ⅲ类流动单元,三类流动单元在垂向上和平面上变化较快;白垩系油藏以平缓披覆背斜的构造油藏为主,油藏类型为带气顶边水油藏;上侏罗统油气层主要分布于构造东部,为地层超覆的构造-岩性油气藏,重新计算地质储量;在利用PETREL建立三维地质模型过程中,采用流动单元约束等方法建立三维属性模型,通过抽稀检验和储量对比的方法验证了模型的可靠性;应用试油试采资料,分析该块的动用状况和潜力,提出了“细分层系,分步实施”的开发思路。论文研究来源于生产,应用于生产,为油田高效开发及下一步调整挖潜提供了科学的地质依据,并形成适合该类复杂油藏特点的精细油藏描述技术;两年来累计实施新井井位7口,上产措施35井次,措施有效率达86.5%,新井、措施累计增油17845t。根据研究成果提出的下一步开发井位钻探建议已被采纳。

【Abstract】 Fine reservoir description is a multidisciplinary approach with clarifying the fine geological feature,regularity and control factor of remaining oil distribution and providing fine geological model to improve the development efficiency and recovery ratio.Arys Oilfield that locates in the South Turgai Basin of Kazakhstan is very complex according to geological feature and test documents. The article is about fine reservoir description according to seismic data, documents of core, well logging, laboratory findings and dynamic production. The results indicated that:6 middle datum cycles and 15 short-term cycles is built in the Arys Oilfield with high resolution sequence stratigraphy due to the complex stratigraphic sequence and great difference of sedimentation thickness; Delta plain subfacies in Cretaceous reservoir and delta front subfacies in upper Jurassic reservoir are deposited. Distributary channels are main sand body. There is the distribution range restriction,varied thickness and high directivity of sand body; Cretaceous structure,which is sedimented unconformablly above Jurassic stratum,is anticline structure with partly gentle slope, Jurassic structure,which is anticline structure sedimented above Palaeozoic bedrock uplift being complicated by east dip faults,can control distribution of oil and water due to the steep slope in the east and gentle slope in the west and complex structure and faults; The criterion of identification of oil gas and water with different horizon and lithology and logging data reinterpretation models are established according to the core analysis and test data to calculate reservoir physical parameter; The reservoir mainly consist of packsand and siltstone with middle-porosity and low-permeability in Cretaceous reservoir and middle-high porosity and high-permeability in Jurassic reservoir; The reservoir thickness changs quickly and causes layer heterogeneity. The results in physical properties and productivity varying greatly both laterally and vertically , unbalance producing reserves and cause strong plane and vertical heterogeneity; Flow unit can be classified into three types: UnitⅠis frame sand,UnitⅡis mouth bar and crevasse splay and UnitⅢis fore sand sheet and natural levee,which alternates fast laterally and vertically; Lower Crataceous reservoir, which mainly consists of structural pool of smooth anticline, is edge water one with gas cap. Upper Jurassic reservoir located in the eastsouth of the structure is structural-lithologic reservoir of overlap. The geologic reserves have been recalculated; Flow unit restraint was used to establish 3-D property model during establishing 3-D Geological modeling by PETREL and the reliability of the model was inspected by spot-check and reserves comparison; The viewpoint of“layer subdivision and implementation step by step”is made by applying test documents to analyse the producing and potentiality of the reservoir.The research, rooted in and applied to the production, provided the scientific geological basis for improving the development efficiency and adjusting top potential of the oilfield to develop the fine reservoir description technique of this kind of complex reservoir. According to the research, 7 new wells have been implemented and stimulation treatment have been proposed for 35 times or wells with efficiency rate 86.5% and increasing production 17845t totally for two years. The suggestion of development well site on the basis of the research has been accepted and implemented.
