

The Effects of Irrigation Patterns on Root Water Physiological Characteristics of Red Fuji Apple

【作者】 杨素苗

【导师】 李保国;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 森林培育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 苹果是世界上栽培面积最广的四大水果之一,我国苹果的栽培面积和产量均居世界第一,但苹果生产区主要分布在我国的干旱半干旱地区,干旱缺水是影响苹果高产优质的重要因素。根系是植物吸收水分、养分的主要器官,当受到土壤水分胁迫时,根系首先感受到并发生生理生化反应,以及传递信号到地上部,使整个植株对水分胁迫做出反应,以适应环境的变化。根系的生长、代谢和活力变化直接影响地上部的生长发育。为此,于2007-2010年以8a生长富2号苹果为试材,通过3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉、1/2固定灌溉、常规畦灌和全根系干旱6个处理,对不同灌溉方式下红富士苹果的根系水分生理特性等进行了研究。主要研究结果如下:1.不同灌溉方式中,常规畦灌的土壤体积含水量在各时期最高,全年平均为23.20%,与1/2固定灌溉的灌溉区无显著差异,显著高于其他处理;3/4、1/2、1/4根系体积交替灌溉全年平均值分别为19.66%、19.80%、19.98%,三者之间差异不显著,且显著低于常规畦灌和1/2根系体积固定灌溉的灌溉区;1/2根系体积固定灌溉的未灌溉区和全根系干旱处理的年平均土壤体积含水量分别为15.58%和15.83%,极显著低于其他处理。2.红富士苹果7月份和8月份的日平均液流速率分别为6.82 cm·h-1、6.12 cm·h-1,显著高于其它月份。常规畦灌的树干单位面积液流通量最大,为7.907 kg·cm-2·d-1,与3/4交替灌溉无显著差异;同时,3/4交替灌溉的液流通量与1/2交替灌溉和1/2固定灌溉差异不显著;全根系干旱的液流通量最小,为4.857 kg·cm-2·d-1,与1/4交替灌溉无显著差异。液流速率与根系土壤体积含水量呈正相关。3.不同灌溉方式中,在0~20cm、20cm~40cm、40cm~60cm、60cm~80cm土层中每网格内(20cm×20cm)各类型根系总量分别以1/2交替灌溉、3/4交替灌溉、3/4交替灌溉、全根系干旱最多。全根系干旱各类型根系总量在0~20cm、20cm~40cm、40cm~60cm的均最少,分别为47.3条、94.2条、67.8条,3/4交替灌溉在60cm~80cm土层最少,为25.5条。各处理在4个土层中每网格内(20cm×20cm)根系均以直径<2mm的最多,直径>5mm的最少。不同灌溉方式中,在0~20cm土层,1/2交替灌溉的直径<2mm的根系最多,为127.7条;1/2固定灌溉的灌溉区直径2mm~5mm的根系最多,为19.3条,1/4交替灌溉的直径>5mm根系最多,为0.8条。在20cm~40cm土层中,3/4交替灌溉的直径<2mm的根系最多,为123.1条;3/4交替灌溉的直径2mm~5mm的根系最多,为20.2条;常规畦灌直径>5mm根系最多,为12.5条。在40cm-60cm土层中,1/2交替灌溉的直径<2mm的根系最多,为76.8条;3/4交替灌溉的直径2mm~5mm的根系最多,为10.4条;常规畦灌直径>5mm根系最多;为8.7条。在60~80cm土层中,1/2固定灌溉的未灌溉区的直径<2mm的根系最多,为40.6条;全根系干旱的直径2mm~5mm的根系最多,为6.8条;1/2固定灌溉的未灌溉区>5mm根系最多,为4.6条。不同灌溉方式中,3/4交替灌溉的各类型根系干重总量最大,为57.3 mg·cm-3,为常规畦灌的1.34倍,全根系干旱的根系干重总量最小,为24.8 mg·cm-3。1/2交替灌溉的直径<2mm根系最多,为16.1 mg·cm-3;1/4交替灌溉的直径2mm~5mm根系最多,为14.3 mg·cm-3;3/4交替灌溉的直径>5mm根系最多,为28.1 mg·cm-3。不同灌溉方式中,常规畦灌的根毛长度最小,为0.118 mm,与1/2固定灌溉的灌溉区无显著差异;3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉各灌溉部位平均根毛长度分别为0.233 mm、0.244 mm、0.290 mm,显著高于1/2固定灌溉、常规畦灌和全根系干旱,其中1/4交替灌溉的根毛长度最大,为常规畦灌的2.50倍。1/2固定灌溉的未灌溉区和全根系干旱的根毛密度分别为159.2条/mm3、164.3条/mm3,两者极显著低于其他灌溉部位;3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉各灌溉部位平均根毛密度分别为269.2条/mm3、287.5条/mm3、249.1条/mm3,极显著高于其他处理,其中1/2交替灌溉的未灌溉区根毛密度最大,为常规畦灌的1.58倍。适度干旱可促进根系发育。4.不同灌溉方式中,常规畦灌和1/2固定灌溉的灌溉区均有完整细胞结构,细胞核完整,核膜清晰,核质浓厚、均匀,而1/2固定灌溉的未灌溉区与全根系干旱的细胞结构发生明显变化,细胞整体结构不完整,细胞质浓度降低,细胞内含物严重降解,质壁分离明显,细胞质膜局部发生内陷。在3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉中除了1/4交替灌溉的未灌溉区细胞核结构不完整,核膜开始解离外,其他部位的根系细胞均具有较高的完整性。5.不同灌溉方式中,3/4交替灌溉在各时期的平均根系活力最高,为236.39μg·g-1·h-1,与1/2交替灌溉和常规畦灌无显著差异。不同灌溉方式中全根系干旱的根系ABA和IAA含量在各时期均显著高于其他处理,两者的年均值分别为5.977μg·g-1、1.073μg·g-1;3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉和1/2固定灌溉的根系ABA和IAA含量在各时期的平均值分别为1.97μg·g-1、2.45μg·g-1、2.36μg·g-1、3.41μg·g-1和0.51μg·g-1、0.58μg·g-1、0.69μg·g-1、0.72μg·g-1,其中,3/4交替灌溉的根系ABA和IAA含量显著低于其他根系分区处理;根系ABA和IAA含量与土壤相对含水量呈负相关关系。不同灌溉方式中常规畦灌的根系GA3和ZT含量在各时期均最高,其年均值分别为38.90μg·g-1、0.831μg·g-1;3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉和1/2固定灌溉的根系GA3和ZT含量在各时期的平均值分别为34.2μg·g-1、32.5μg·g-1、31.7μg·g-1、28.1μg·g-1和0.64μg·g-1、0.61μg·g-1、0.60μg·g-1、0.52μg·g-1,其中,3/4交替灌溉的根系GA3和ZT含量显著高于其他根系分区处理,1/2和1/4交替灌溉无显著差异;1/2固定灌溉的未灌溉区和全根系干旱的根系GA3和ZT含量随处理时间的延长逐渐降低;根系GA3和ZT含量与土壤相对含水量呈正相关关系。不同灌溉方式中全根系干旱的根系脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量在各时期均最高,年均值分别为45.00μg·g-1、879.1μg·g-1,1/2固定灌溉的未灌溉区和全根系干旱的脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量随处理时间的延长逐渐增加,均在果实成熟期均达到最高。不同灌溉方式中常规畦灌的根系SOD、POD、CAT活性在各时期均较低,其年均值分别为21.99 OD·g-1、45.25 OD·g-1、8.48 mg·g-1,3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉的根系SOD、POD、CAT活性均随灌溉体积的减少逐渐增强;1/2固定灌溉的未灌溉区和全根系干旱的SOD、POD、CAT活性显著高于其他灌溉部位,并且随处理时间的延长活性逐渐增强,SOD活性在果实膨大期达到最大值,分别为95.75OD·g-1、108.29 OD·g-1,POD、CAT活性在果实成熟期达到最大值,分别为130.13 OD·g-1、134.62 OD·g-1和30.72 mg·g-1、29.37 mg·g-1。不同灌溉方式中全根系干旱的根系MDA含量和相对电导率在各时期均最高,年均值分别为8.9 nmol·g-1、39.9%,其与1/2固定灌溉的未灌溉区随处理时间的延长而升高;3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉和1/2固定灌溉的根系MDA含量和相对电导率在各时期的平均值分别为5.22 nmol·g-1、5.27 nmol·g-1、6.51nmol·g-1、6.39nmol·g-1和18.43%、20.69%、19.39%、23.15%,其中1/2与3/4交替灌溉的根系MDA含量无显著差异,1/4、1/2、3/4交替灌溉的相对电导率之间无显著差异。不同灌溉方式中常规畦灌的根系可溶性蛋白质含量在除果实膨大期外的其他时期均最低,其在果实膨大期达到最大值,为1.437 mg·g-1;3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉和1/2固定灌溉的根系可溶性蛋白质含量在各时期的平均值分别为1.74 mg·g-1、1.69 mg·g-1、1.82 mg·g-1、1.79 mg·g-1,3/4和1/2交替灌溉差异不显著。在苹果的根系组织中,分生区和伸长区的细胞中ABA含量最高,干旱胁迫可以导致根细胞中ABA含量明显上升,其中分生区和伸长区细胞最为敏感,而且细胞中的ABA由细胞核和细胞质中逐渐转移到细胞壁、质膜和核膜上;另外,导管细胞的细胞质中也有大量的ABA存在。6.不同灌溉方式中,3/4交替灌溉的新梢长度与常规畦灌在整个生长期均无显著差异,两者在6月底以后显著高于其他处理;常规畦灌、3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉、1/2固定灌溉、全根系干旱6个处理的新梢长度到9月17日分别为:58.35 cm、56.53 cm、47.13 cm、39.15 cm、45.31 cm、35.60 cm,常规畦灌新梢长度最大,与3/4交替灌溉无显著差异,1/2交替灌溉与1/2固定灌溉差异不显著。到9月25日常规畦灌、3/4、1/2、1/4交替灌溉、1/2根系体积固定灌溉、全根系干旱6个处理的果实体积分别为:258.4 cm3、244.2 cm3、240.4 cm3、209.5 cm3、215.8 cm3、169.6 cm3,3/4交替灌溉和1/2交替灌溉差异不显著,两者的果实体积显著高于1/4交替灌溉、1/2固定灌溉和全根系干旱。7.不同灌溉方式中,常规畦灌的果实单株产量最高,为80.12 kg/株,与3/4根系体积交替灌溉无显著差异;1/2交替灌溉的单株产量比常规畦灌低7.10%,但与3/4交替灌溉无显著差异;1/4交替灌溉的单株产量比常规畦灌低18.41%。1/4交替灌溉的可溶性糖含量最高,为13.84%,与1/2交替灌溉无显著差异。可滴定酸含量以常规畦灌最高,为0.3268%,极显著高于1/2交替灌溉和1/2固定灌溉,其中,1/2交替灌溉的可滴定酸含量最低。1/2交替灌溉的糖酸比最高,为44.56,与1/4交替灌溉无显著差异。

【Abstract】 Apple is one of the four fruits with the bigget cultivating area in the world, although it ranks first in the world in both cultivated area and production, the apple production area mainly distributed in arid and semi-arid lands in China, drought is the important factor that affect high yield and quality of apple. Roots are the main organs that absorb water and nutrients, which feel first and then occured physiological and biochemical reactions under soil water stress to adapt to the changeable environment, and transmit signals to overground parts. The growth, metabolize, activity changes of roots directly affect the growth and development of overground parts. Field experiment was conducted with 8-year-old Changfu-2 apple trees as test materials to evaluate the effects of different irrigation patterns, i.e, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation,1/2 fixed partial root-zone irrigation, conventional border irrigation and non-irrigation on root water physiological characteristics of red Fuji apple. The main results were as follows:1.The highest soil volumetric water content was appeared under conventional border irrigation in all period of different irrigation conditions,the yearly average was 23.20%, which had no significant difference with irrigation area of 1/2 alternate fixed root-zone irrigation, and significantly higher than that of others; the yearly average soil volumetric water contents of the 3/4、1/2、1/4 alternate partial root zone irrigation were 19.66%、19.80%、19.98% respectively, there were no significant difference among them, but they were significant lower than that of conventional border irrigation and irrigation area of 1/2 fixed partial root-zone irrigation; the yearly average soil volumetric water contents of no irrigation area of 1/2 fixed partial root-zone irrigation and non-irrigation were15.58% and 15.83% respectively, and very significant lower than that of others.2. Daily average stem sap flow flux rate of red Fuji apples in July and August were 6.82 cm·h-1、6.12 cm·h-1respectively, and significant higher than that of other months. Stem unit area sap flow flux of conventional border irrigation was 7.907 kg/(cm2·d) ,which was the highest and had no significant difference with 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation; 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation had no significant difference with 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/2 fixed partial root-zone irrigation; Stem unit area sap flow flux of non-irrigation was 4.857 kg/(cm2·d), which was the lowest and had no significant difference with 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation. There was positive correlation between stem sap flow and soil volumetric water content.3.The largest root quantity of every types in each grid(20cm×20cm) at the soil depth of 0~20cm,20cm~40cm,40cm~60cm,60cm~80cm were happened under 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, non-irrigation respectively. The minimum of every root types in each grid at the soil depth of 0~20cm, 20cm~40cm, 40cm~60cm were all happened under non-irrigation, the number of them were 47.3、94.2、67.8, and the minimum root amount at the soil depth of 60cm~80cm was 25.5,which appeared under 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation. The roots with diameter<2mm were the most, and diameter>5mm were the least in each grid(20cm×20cm)at the four soil depths of every irrigation conditions. In the 0~20cm depth, the maximum root amounts with diameter<2mm were appeared under1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, which was 127.7; the most root amounts in diameter from 2mm to 5mm were appeared under irrigation area of 1/2 fixed partial root-zone irrigation, the number of that was 19.3; The most roots with diameter>5mm were happened under1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, the number of that was 0.8. In the soil depth of 20cm~40cm, the maximum roots with diameter<2mm were appeared under 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, which was 123.1; the most roots in diameter from 2mm to 5mm were appeared under 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, the number of that was 20.2; The maximum root amount with diameter>5mm was happened under conventional border irrigation, the number of that was 12.5. In the soil depth of 40cm~60cm, the maximum root amount with diameter<2mm were appeared under 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, which was 76.8; the maximum root amount with diameter from 2mm to 5mm was appeared under 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, the number of that was 10.4; The maximum root amountwith diameter>5mm was happened under conventional border irrigation, the number of that was 8.7. In the soil depth of 60cm~80cm, the maximum root amount with diameter<2mm was appeared under no irrigation area of 1/2 fixed partial root-zone irrigation, which was 40.6; the maximum root amount in diameter from 2mm to 5mm was appeared under non-irrigation, the number of that was 6.8; The maximum root amount with diameter>5mm was happened under no irrigation area of 1/2 fixed partial root-zone irrigation, the number of that was 4.6. The total root dry weight of every types under 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation was 57.3 mg·cm-3,which was the largest and 1.34 times compared to conventional border irrigation; The lowest of total root dry weight of every types was 24.8 mg·cm-3,which was under non-irrigation. The largest root dry weight with diameter<2mm was under 1/2 fixed partial root-zone irrigation, which was 16.1 mg·cm-3, the most root dry weight in diameter from 2mm to 5mm was appeared under1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, which was 14.3 mg·cm-3; The most root dry weight with diameter>5mm was happened under 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, and that of 28.1 mg·cm-3. Under different irrigation conditions, the root hair length of conventional border irrigation was 0.118mm, it was the least length and there had no significant difference with 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation; the root hair lengths of 3/4 ,1/2, 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation were 0.233、0.244、0.290mm respectively, they were significant higher than than that of 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation, conventional border irrigation and non-irrigation, the root hair length of 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation was the longest among them and it was 2.50 times compared to conventional border irrigation. The root hair densities under no irrigation of 1/2 fixed root zone irrigation and non-irrigation were 159.2 bar/mm3、164.3 bar/mm3, both of them were significant lower than that of others; the root hair densities of 3/4 ,1/2, 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation were 269.2 bar/mm3、287.5 bar/mm3、249.1 bar/mm3 respectively, and they were significant higher than that of others, the root hair density under no irrigation of 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation was 291.5 bar/mm3, it was the biggest and 1.58 times compared to conventional border irrigation. Moderate drought could accelerate the growth of roots.4.Under different irrigation conditions, irrigation area of 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation and conventional border irrigation had the complete cytoarchitecture, the nucleus was intact, the nuclear membrane was clear, nucleus cytoplasm was thick and uniform, but the cytoarchitecture obvious changed under no irrigation of 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation and non-irrigation, such as cell structure was incomplete, cell cytoplasm concentration reduced, cell inclusions degraded seriously, plasmolysis obviously, plasma membranes retracted. The cell structure of root system had high integrity under 3/4、1/2、1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, except no irrigation area of 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, which was incomplete and the karyotheca dissociated.5.Under different irrigation conditions, the average root activity which under 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation was the highest in all the period, that was 236.39μg/(g·h), and had no significant difference with that of 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and conventional border irrigation. The average ABA and IAA contents under non-irrigation were 5.977μg·g-1,1.073μg·g-1respectively, they were significant higher than that of others; the average ABA and IAA contents in all period under 3/4、1/2、1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation were1.97μg·g-1,2.45μg·g-1,2.36μg·g-1,3.41μg·g-1and0.51μg·g-1,0.58μg·g-1,0.69μg·g-1,0.72μg·g-1respectively,among them, the average ABA and IAA content of 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation were significantly lower than other partial root-zone irrigations, there existed significant negative correlations among root ABA and IAA contents and the soil volumetric water contents. Root GA3 and ZT contents under conventional border irrigation were the hightest in all period among the different irrigation patterns, and the contents of them were 38.90μg·g-1、0.831μg·g-1; the average GA3 and ZT contents in all period under 3/4、1/2、1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation were34.2μg·g-1,32.5μg·g-1,31.7μg·g-1,28.1μg·g-1and 0.64μg·g-1,0.61μg·g-1,0.60μg·g-1,0.52μg·g-1respectively, the average GA3 and ZT contents under 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation were significant lower than that of other partial root-zone irrigations, there was no no significant difference beteen 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation; root GA3 and ZT contents under no irrigation areas of 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation and non-irrigation decreased gradually with the treated time going on, and there existed positive correlations among root GA3 and ZT contents and soil volumetric water content. Root proline and soluble sugar contents under non-irrigation were the hightest in all period of different irrigation patterns, the average contents of them were 45.00μg·g-1、879.1μg·g-1, the proline and soluble sugar contents under no irrigation areas of 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation and non-irrigation increased gradually with the treated time going on, and the highest of them were all appeared at fruit maturing.The root SOD、POD、CAT activities under conventional border irrigation were the lowest in all period, and the average activities of SOD、POD、CAT were 21.99 OD·g-1、45.25 OD·g-1、8.48 mg·g-1 respectively, they were increased gradually with the irrigated volume reduced under 3/4、1/2、1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation; the activities of SOD、POD、CAT under no irrigation areas of 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation and non-irrigation were significant higher than that of others, and gradually increased with the treated time going on, the maximum of SOD activity under no irrigation areas of 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation and non-irrigation was appeared at fruit swelling period, the activities of them were 95.75 nmol·g-1、108.29 nmol·g-1 respectively, but the maximum of POD、CAT activities appeared at fruit maturing period, and that of them were up to 130.13 OD·g-1、134.62 OD·g-1 and 30.72 mg·g-1、29.37 mg·g-1 respectively. Under different irrigation conditions, the root MDA content and relative conductivity under non-irrigation were the highest in all period, the average numbers of them were 8.9 nmol·g-1、39.9%, they were increased gradually with the treated time going on; the average MDA content and relative conductivity in all period under 3/4、1/2、1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation were 5.22 nmol·g-1, 5.27nmol·g-1, 6.51nmol·g-1, 6.39nmol·g-1 and 18.43%, 20.69%, 19.39%, 23.15% respectively, the root MDA content under 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation had no significant difference with 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, and there were no significant difference among 3/4、1/2、1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation in root relative conductivity.The root soluble protein contents under conventional border irrigation were lowest during all the periods except fruit swelling period, which up to the maximum at fruit swelling period, that was 1.437 mg·g-1; the average root soluble protein contents in all periods under 3/4、1/2、1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/2 fixed root-zone irrigation were1.74 mg·g-1、1.69 mg·g-1、1.82 mg·g-1、1.79 mg·g-1 respectively,there was no significant difference beteen 3/4 and 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation. There had the highest ABA content in the meristem cells and elongation zone cells of the apple tree root tissue, and there were less ABA content in the root cap cells and root hair zone cells, the ABA content of root cells could increased obviously under the drought stress, and the meristem cells and elongation zone cells were most sensitive to drought stress, in addition, ABA transfered from nucleus and cytoplasm to cell wall, plasmalemma and karyotheca gradually, moreover, there existed more ABA content in cytoplasm of catheter cells.6. Under different irrigation conditions, shoots length under 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation had no significant difference with conventional border irrigation in all period, and they were significant higher than that of others after the end of June; Shoot lengths under conventional border irrigation, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, 1/2 alternate fixed root-zone irrigation and non-irrigation were up to 58.35cm、56.53cm、47.13cm、39.15cm、45.31cm、35.60 cm respectively on Sep.17th, the shoot length under conventional border irrigation was the longest, there was no significant difference compared to 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, there was no significant difference between 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/2 alternate fixed root-zone irrigation. Fruit volumes of conventional border irrigation, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, 1/2 alternate fixed root-zone irrigation and non-irrigation were up to 258.4 cm3、244.2 cm3、240.4 cm3、209.5 cm3、215.8 cm3、169.6 cm3 respectively on Sep.17th,there was no significant difference of fruit volumes between 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation, and they were significant higher thanthat of 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/2 alternate fixed root-zone irrigation.7. Under different irrigation conditions, the highest fruit yield per plant was appeared under conventional border irrigation,which was 80.12 kg, there was no significant difference of that with 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation. Fruit yield per plant of 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation reduced by 7.10% compared to conventional border irrigation, but had no significant difference compared with 3/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation; Fruit yield per plant of 1/4 lternate partial root-zone irrigation reduced by 18.41% compared to conventional border irrigation. The highest soluble sugar content was appeared under 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and that was 13.84%, there was no significant difference with 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation. The maximum of titratable acid content was appeared under conventional border irrigation,which was 0.3268% and very significant higher than that of 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation and 1/2 alternate fixed root-zone irrigation, titratable acid content under 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation was the lowest. Sugar-acid ratio under 1/2 alternate partial root-zone irrigation was the highest, which was 44.56, and had no significant difference with 1/4 alternate partial root-zone irrigation.
