

Research on Optimization of Agricultural Products Logistics System in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area

【作者】 杨蕾

【导师】 张义珍; 王爱民;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 农产品物流是商品物流的重要组成部分,在衔接农产品小生产与大市场过程中起着桥梁的作用。京津冀都市圈是农产品生产和消费的大区域,优化京津冀都市圈农产品物流系统将有助于实现该区域农业的产业化和市场化,从而加快推动经济发展以及京津冀区域经济一体化的进程。本文旨在通过对京津冀都市圈农产品物流系统的研究,提出优化框架,以促进区域间优势互补、协调发展。研究京津冀都市圈农产品物流系统优化问题是继长三角、珠三角经济圈发展、推动我国经济结构调整优化的重要举措,具有重要的理论和现实意义。国内学者围绕农产品物流领域已经展开了大量的研究,但是总体上不够系统和深入,而针对区域农产品物流系统的研究更是相对匮乏。本文研究的总体目标是通过对京津冀都市圈农产品物流系统的研究,提出一个比较完整的区域农产品物流系统优化的理论框架,以丰富物流系统优化理论的内容,并为决策者进行实际的物流系统规划提供更充分的科学依据。在研究过程中,采用了定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法。其中定性分析方法主要运用理论研究、文献研究、比较研究等。定量分析方法主要运用问卷调查法、个案研究法、因子分析法、系统聚类分析法等。通过研究,提出了“区域农产品物流系统优化”的概念。通过对京津冀都市圈的实地调查和相关统计数据的分析,总结了京津冀都市圈农产品物流系统发展的基础条件与存在的问题,分析了其区域物流系统优化的动因与障碍,构建了区域农产品物流系统优化理论框架,从三个方面提出了区域农产品物流系统优化路径,分别是基于中心城市的农产品物流系统空间网络布局优化、基于核心企业的农产品物流供应链优化、基于可持续发展的农产品物流系统支撑平台优化。相关研究的主要结论如下:首先,明确界定了区域农产品物流系统的概念。认为区域农产品物流系统是一个交叉系统,具有差异性、地区性、复杂性、先进性、多向性等特点。其次,目前京津冀都市圈已经具备发展农产品物流良好的基础条件,但是,作为较为复杂的区域物流系统,在农产品物流运作、农产品物流组织发展、农产品物流发展支撑平台建设以及区域农产品物流节点布局方面尚存在着大量的问题。第三,京津冀都市圈农产品物流系统优化的动因来自外部效应以及内部主体行为驱动两个方面,而障碍来自信息不对称、负外部性、成员自利性以及政策壁垒的限制四个方面。第四,提出了区域农产品物流系统优化的理论框架,认为探讨京津冀都市圈农产品物流系统优化的路径,可以从三个方面切入:一是从中心城市的视角实现区域农产品物流系统空间布局优化,提出了“天鹅星座型”京津冀都市圈农产品物流系统空间结构布局模型,并阐述了其规划依据、确定了其功能定位;二是从核心企业的视角实现农产品物流供应链优化,构建了四种基于核心企业的物流系统整合模式,在对其进行比较的基础上,设计了理想的基于配送中心的加工农产品供应链整合模式、鲜活农产品供应链整合模式以及大宗农产品供应链整合模式;三是从可持续发展的视角实现区域农产品物流系统支撑平台的优化,分别是基于智能型的京津冀农产品物流信息平台建设、基于绿色低碳的农产品物流技术平台构建、基于政府主导型的政策保障平台建设。

【Abstract】 Agricultural Products Logistics, as an important part of goods logistics, plays the role of bridge between agricultural production and the market. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area is a large area of agricultural production and consumption. Optimizing the Agricultural Products Logistics system of this metropolitan area will help to achieve agricultural industrialization and marketization in the region, and thereby promote economic development and regional economic integration. The research on optimizing the agricultural products logistics system of this metropolitan area involves how to achieve complementary dominance and coordinated development between areas, which is another major measure to push the optimization of economic structure following the Yangtze River Delta Area and the Pearl River Delta Area, , and is of great significance both theoretically and practically. Although Chinese scholars have conducted a lot of studies on agricultural products logistics, few of these researches are systematic and in-depth, and researches on regional logistics system of agricultural products are relatively scarce. The goal of this paper is to provide a relatively complete theory framework of optimization of regional logistics systems of agricultural products through the research on agricultural products logistics systems of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area, so as to enrich the content of logistics system optimization theory and provide more sufficient scientific evidence for decision makers making logistics system design,which is worthy of practicable application.In the course of the study, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis methods are used. Qualitative analysis methods include theoretical research, literature, comparative studies, and so on. Quantitative analysis methods include questionnaire survey, case studies, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and so on. This paper presents a concept of "optimization of the regional logistics system of agricultural products". On the basis of questionnaires and statistical data, it points out the basic conditions and main existing problems in agricultural products development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area. Following this part,it analyzes the motivation and obstacles of the optimization of the regional logistics system of agricultural products. Based on the theory and reality analyzed in the former two parts, it puts forward a theory framework of optimization of regional logistics systems of agricultural products, which consists of three parts: the optimization of space network layout of regional logistics system of agricultural products in view of the central cities, the optimization of agricultural products supply chain in view of core business, and optimization of support platform of agricultural products logistics system in view of sustainable development. This paper contains the main studies as follows:The main studies are as follows:Firstly, it defines the concept of regional logistics system of agricultural products, which is a cross-system with the characteristics of being diverse , regional, complex, advanced, and multi-directional.Secondly, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area already has a good foundation for the development of agricultural products logistics, but there still exists lots of problems in the operation, the organizational development, the construction of support platform and the layout of regional logistics nodes of agricultural products, etc.Thirdly, the motivations for optimization of agricultural products logistics system in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area come from two aspects: external effects and the behavior of the internal body. The barriers come from four aspects: information asymmetries, negative externalities, self-interest of members, and policy barriers.Fourthly, it proposes a theoretical framework of regional logistics system optimization of agricultural products including three parts: The First part is the optimization of space network layout of regional logistics system of agricultural products in view of the central cities. In this part,it proposes a spatial structure model of "swan constellation type ", and further describes its planning and determines its function orientation. The second part is the optimization of agricultural products supply chain in view of core business. It establishes the ideal supply chain integration models for to-be-processed agricultural products, for fresh agricultural products and for bulk agricultural products. The third part is the optimization of support platform of agricultural products logistics system in view of sustainable development,including three aspects:construction of agricultural products logistics information platform based on intelligence,construction of agricultural products logistics technology platform based on greenlow-carbon and construction of policy support platform based on government-leading.
