

Research on Cyber-expression

【作者】 王君玲

【导师】 石义彬;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 传播学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 网络事件日益受到众多关注和争议。网络空间中的表达内容不仅呈现了众多现实问题,更是成为促使这些问题最终得以解决的舆论推手和民意力量。网络空间搭建成了人们表达意见和观点的重要场域。在网络使用范围与规模迅速扩大的背景下,网络表达这种行为和网民这样的“新意见阶层”必需引起研究者更多的重视。更重要背景是,网络社会是人类社会发展的一个全新的发展阶段,在网络空间中进行的社会行为也相应地呈现出了全新的特征,并形成了全新的网络文化。那么,在这样一种社会环境和历史环境下,研究网络行为就成为必要。网络表达是构建网络社会和推动网络空间发展的重要的动力。在这种新的网络社会的环境下,在新的网络文化氛围中,网络表达与周围环境形成了怎样的互动也成为亟待关注的议题。在网络空间这样一种崭新的空间中,表达也必然有了新的特性和新的影响因素,并产生了与传统社会中的表达不同的社会效果,因此需要对其做出新的研究与阐释。本文对网络表达的研究将在以下背景和前提下展开:1.作为一种新的社会形态,在互联网以及相关技术的支撑下,网络社会的崛起成为了表达行为存在的新的背景条件;2.在网络文化的环境氛围中,表达行为既体现了网络文化的特征,又参与了网络文化的生产;3.仅就互联网络作为一种新的传播媒介和表达平台来看,表达呈现出了新的特征,并参与构建了网络传播;4.网络表达不仅仅是传播行为的组成部分,而更是众多网络事件和重大社会事件的诱发和发展的关键性因素,还是当代社会发展的基本推力之一因此,本文要研究的核心问题是:在中国当下的社会语境中,究竟是什么构成了网络表达的内在逻辑,或者说有那些因素影响或控制着网络空间中的表达。除绪论和结语部分外,本文的主体内容共分五章。第一章:网络表达概论。这一章是总论部分,对整篇论文起统领作用。梳理了本研究的核心问题产生的背景与前提,辨析了本文所涉及的基本概念与研究对象,简述了网络表达中存在的一些基本问题。这些内容将分为五部分加以铺陈:网络表达的涵义、网络表达问题的形成背景、网络表达的主体以及主体性、网络表达的参与及社会影响、网络表达呈现的社会思潮倾向选析。第二章到第五章是并列的逻辑关系,分别探讨了对网络表达产生驱动力的不同领域。第二章:内在动机:网络表达的主体诉求。表达既然是人类的一项重要行为,那么探讨表达的成因必然从人自身开始。表达之所以可能,根源在于人主观能动的心理机制。分析认为网络主体出于基本生存、自我心理、社会参与和娱乐等诉求而主动寻求表达,这些因素是网络表达的源动力。第三章:技术动力:网络表达的推手。本章从技术与文化和社会的关系切入,探讨了在人类历史上技术与表达之间的关系。认为技术对人类表达的驱动首先体现在技术对于社会发展和文化进步的推进上,并具体转化为对人类传播方式的具体改造与促进。本章从分析网络技术的特征与价值入手,重点分析了网络技术对人类表达环境的塑造。第四章:话语权力:网络表达的深层因素。权力是一种深层的、潜在的社会力量,像一只无形的手左右着网络表达,呈现着多样的话语形态。在对网络表达深层的话语权力剖析后发现,一方面是现实话语权力对网络表达的渗透与左右,另一方面是网络话语下的权力重构。两个过程交叠而较量。正是在这个激烈涤荡的过程中,网络表达得以形塑和发展。本章还对一些典型事件做了案例分析。第五章:现实因素:网络空间的环境控制。本章跳出前两章对网络表达的直接影响因素做出分析的层面,立足于更宏观的外在层面,探讨对网络空间的环境产生作用的控制因素。立意在于作为网络空间的环境,现实社会的各种因素作用于网络社会,并间接影响了网络表达。这些控制因素包括网络社会中的经济与政治和外在文化环境等,以及表达自由问题。

【Abstract】 The network events have received the numerous attention and dispute day by day. Expression in cyberspace has not only presented many practical problems, it is also becoming the public opinion and ultimate driving force which could resolve these issues. Cyberspace comes to be an important field in which people express their views and perspectives. With rapid expansion of the scope and scale of net-use, cyber-expression and "new ideas class" should be paid more attention.It is more important that the network society is a new stage of human society, and correspongdingly, social behavior in cyberspace also showed new features. So, in such a social environment and historical period, the study of network behavior has become unprecedentedly necessary. Cyber-expression is an important power of building network society and promoting community development.Briefly, this thesis will study the network under the premises and the backgrounds showed below:1. As a new social form, the rise of network society becomes the new conditions of expression;2. In the network environment and cultural atmosphere, cyber-expression embodies the features of network culture and involves in the producing process of network culture;3. If the Internet was taken as a new platform for media and expression, the expression shows new features of communication history, and participates in building internet communication;4. Cyber-expression is not only an integral part of the dissemination of behavior, but one of the basic thrust that drive and push many social events ahead.Therefore, the core question of this dissertation is:in the current social context of China,what constitutes the expression of the inherent logic of the network, or what kinds of factors affect or control the expression of cyberspace.In addition to the parts of Introduction and Conclusion, the main content of this article is divided into five chapters. ChapterⅠ:Introduction to the cyber-expression. This chapter is the general remarks part, and plays a commanding role in the whole dissertation. This part elaborats the background and premise of this article, analyzes the basic concepts and fundamental problems involved with the study.The chapters fromⅡtoⅤare logically juxtaposed.These chapters will probe different areas of the driving force respectively.ChapterⅡ:Internal motivation:the expression of the main demands of the cyber-expression. Since the expression is an important part of human behavior, then to explore the causes of expression should set forth from their own This part believed that expresstion rooted in the psychological mechanisms subjective initiative. The motives includes basic survival, self-psychological needs, social participation and the demands of entertainment.ChapterⅢ:Technical power:the pushing hands of cyber-expression. Starting from the relationship among technology, culture and society, this chapter tends to explore the influence that technology impacted on communication history. The chapter analyzed the characteristics and values of internet technology. And as a result, it finally focuses on the shaping function that technology exercises to the network environment.ChapterⅣ:Discourse of power:the deep-seated factors of cyber-expression. Power is a deeper, underlying social forces, governing the cyber-expression like an invisible hand. Power is showed in various discourse forms. On one hand, the realistic discourse and power infiltrate in the network, on the one hand, the power is reconstructed in the net discoures by cyber-expression. The two processes overlap and contest and in the processes cyber-expression is shaped and stirred. This chapter also made a number of typical case studies.ChapterⅤ:Realistic factors:environmental control in cyberspace. This chapter explores the space environment on the network effect of controlling factors based on a more macro level externally. Determined as a cyberspace environment, the real world plays an important role in various factors to the network society, and indirectly affect the expression of the network. These controlling factors include the external economic and political elements, cultural surroundings, as well as issues of expression freedom.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期