

The Variation of Wang Meng’s Novels and Contemporary Political Culture

【作者】 夏义生

【导师】 谭桂林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文从政治文化的视角,通过文本细读的方法,从历史的细节中考察王蒙小说的文本在当代政治文化语境中生成的过程,辨析王蒙的小说创作与主流意识形态的迎合与间离,从而揭示王蒙文化人格的丰富性和复杂性,这对于把握我国当代政治文化与文学创作的复杂关系有着积极的意义。论文除绪论和结语外,共分为五章:“绪论”部分梳理了已有的相关研究成果,提出了论文选题的依据,对“政治文化”进行了理论界定,介绍了论文的写作思路。第一章,研究观念变革的问题。中国共产党的执政地位在全国确立,必然要掌控文化的领导权。实际上,从毛泽东的《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》开始,中国共产党就已经十分重视新的政治文化的建设,重视对新的文化发展方向的主导。《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》(以下简称《讲话》)是中国共产党文艺方针政策的经典化文本,它既深刻地影响了我国当代的文艺政策、文艺体制的走向,又广泛地影响了文艺观念、文艺创作、文艺批评的发展以及作家的人生命运。《讲话》的经典化过程,是对《讲话》的诠释与过度诠释的过程,也是文学、政治一体化规范的形成过程。在这个过程中,为了确立主流意识形态的合法性,对人文知识分子的规训与整肃就无法避免。在文学、政治一体化的历史语境中,王蒙对文学主体性位置的坚守,使他在创作实践中把文学与政治的“从属关系”改写成“对话关系”,这在一定程度上造成了他成为“反党、反社会主义”的“右派”分子的人生悲剧。第二章,研究文本阐释的问题。文本阐释的政治化是政治、文学一体化历史语境中的重要内容和特征。本章以王蒙的《组织部来了个年轻人》为个案,以翔实的史料为基础,揭示在《组织部来了个年轻人》的讨论中,存在的文本阐释的政治尺度和二元对立的思维模式的问题。《组织部来了个年轻人》能够得以发表,本身就是特定的政治文化语境的产物。这个政治文化语境就是对百花齐放方针的倡导,是知识分子由衷喜悦的“早春天气”。通过对《组织部来了个年轻人》的讨论的知识考古,回到当代政治文化的历史现场,我们能够更加清晰地看到文学、政治一体化中,政治才是这个同心圆的圆心。第三章,研究价值立场的问题。从王蒙对主流意识形态的疏离与融合,我们可以看到作家价值立场位移的轨迹。比较分析《组织部来了个年轻人》和《这边风景》这两部作品,我们可以看到当代政治文化对王蒙小说创作的深刻影响。《组织部来了个年轻人》的复调意识和对话性,彰显了作家对文学主体性位置的坚守,他对主流意识形态的疏离,使作品成为那个时代的“异质小说”。而在《这边风景》中,由于作家对主流意识形态的主动迎合,使作品的政治叙事和日常生活叙事呈现出不和谐的分裂状态,政治正确性成为作家头上悬着的一把利剑,文学的主体性湮灭了。这种价值立场的位移,还体现在王蒙小说的人物身份上。大致以1958年王蒙被划为“右派”为界,此前他的作品的主人公大多是知识分子,此后则是以工农兵为主。从聚焦知识分子到演绎工农兵中心,无疑是“为工农兵而创作”的主流意识形态的规制的产物。当然,这种价值立场的位移,既是现实政治对人文知识分子规训与整肃的结果,也是政治文化对作家精神世界潜移默化的反映。在当代政治文化语境中,王蒙文化人格的形成,还有来自苏联文学的影响。第四章,研究艺术创新的问题。王蒙小说创作的艺术创新是与当代政治文化中的思想解放运动分不开的。没有思想解放运动,没有对极左思潮的批判,没有对“两个凡是”的突破,那就不会有对西方现代派艺术的借鉴,不会有王蒙的意识流小说。王蒙的艺术创新,首先体现在以独特的视角对极左政治的深刻反思,对人的精神世界的痛苦、惶惑的发掘,对生活的复杂性和人性的复杂性的揭示;其次体现在个体意识的觉醒,在创作上寻找个人的独特风格,在文体上有意打通诗歌、散文与小说的界限,在表现手法上积极借鉴西方现代主义艺术,创作了一批被人誉为“东方意识流”的小说;再次体现在从政治生活叙事向日常生活写作的转向,他的日常生活叙事积极发掘底层人物凡俗生活的意义,在当时的文学主潮下开拓出一片新的艺术空间。第五章,研究革命文化的问题。在中国当代政治文化语境中,革命文化对知识分子的影响是巨大而深远的,它左右了知识分子对待历史与现实、传统与现代、社会与个人的思考方式和人生态度。这种革命文化对当代知识分子的深刻影响具体表现在知识分子的革命思维上,它的典型范式就是二元对立的思维方式。在中国共产党看来,知识分子是属于资产阶级的,他们对待革命具有软弱性和动摇性。改造知识分子使其革命化的方法就是让知识分子走与工农兵相结合的道路,具体路径一是政治学习,二是政治运动,三是下放到工厂、农村劳动,接受工农的再教育。王蒙的许多作品有一个共同的主题,那就是革命。在这些作品里他苦心经营的核心人物,那就是革命者。他对革命的历史反思,对知识分子在革命语境中向往革命、追随革命以及自觉接受革命化改造的生命历程的艺术表现,对革命偏离航道所造成的知识分子心灵上的伤害、苦痛和惶惑的深刻揭示,构成了一部当代中国知识分子与革命的文化词典。“结语”部分指出,王蒙作为一个政治意识强烈而又极富思想敏锐性和艺术才华的作家,他的小说艺术世界色彩斑斓、多变矛盾,其实是一种势所必然的现象。这种多变与矛盾不仅是他个人的问题,也是一个时代政治文化矛盾与变化的精神表现。与诸多其他作家不同的是,王蒙还有意地、自觉地追求这种“多变”,以形成他不断变换飞翔姿势、翩翩飞舞于政治文化空间的色彩斑斓的“蝴蝶”的文学与精神形象,以构成思想与艺术世界的丰富性和深度感。本论文从政治文化与王蒙小说创作的关系切入,分析了王蒙早期创作中的文学与政治双声对话的复调特征,探讨了王蒙在被划为右派后政治情结对文学情结的抑制所产生的文本分裂,进而重新解读了王蒙热衷于意识流创作方法背后的深层的政治文化因素,以及王蒙的政治叙事与日常生活叙事交相辉映及其潜在的政治文化精神寻根的意向,最后详尽地分析了王蒙小说中的政治叙事的中心主题,即革命叙事中所呈现的思辨特征。这些论述都说明,王蒙无论怎样“多变”,这只“蝴蝶”的精神特质是不变的,这就是他对中国当代政治文化的深刻理解与表现。

【Abstract】 With the view of political culture and close reading of texts, this dissertation investigates the generative process of Wang Meng’s novels in the context of contemporary political culture based on some historical details. It analyses both the intimacy and alienation between Wang’s novels and the dominating ideology to reveal the richness and complexity of Wang’s cultural personality, which is significant for the study of complex relationship between political culture and literary creation in China.There are altogether five chapters besides the introduction and conclusion.The introduction sums up the existing related research achievements and puts forward the arguments of choosing this topic. Moreover, there is a theoretical definition of Political Culture and the dissertation structure in this part.Chapter one concerns the innovation of ideas. The establishment of the ruling status of Chinese Communist Party (hereinafter "CCP") undoubtedly brings about the leadership in the culture area. In fact, CCP has attached great importance to the development of new political culture and her guidance over its development direction ever since the appearance of Talks at the Yan’an Forum of Literature and Art (hereinafter "Talks")by chairman Mao. Talks, the classical text of CCP’s policy of literature and art, not only has a great influence on the trend of China’s contemporary policy and structure of literature and art, but also exerts an extensive effect on the ideas, creation and criticism of literature and art and the writers’life. The canonization of Talks means the interpretation and over-interpretation of Talks and the formation of integration of literature and politics as well. To establish the legality of mainstream ideology, the regulation and purge of humanistic intellects are inevitable. Under this circumstance, Wang’s perseverance in subjectivity of literature leads him to transfer the relationship between literature and politics from affiliation to equality, which gives rise to his being labelled as rightist due to anti-Party and anti-socialism.Chapter two focuses on this dissertation’s topic. The politicization of text interpretation is the important content and feature of integration of literature and art. Taking Wang’s work A Young Newcomer in the Organization Department (hereinafter "A Young Newcommer")as a case, this chapter reveals the political yardstick of text interpretation and binary thinking mode in this work based on detailed historical materials. The publishment of A Young Newcomer is, in nature, a product of specific context of politics and literature, in which all kinds of literature and art are so welcomed that the intellects feel very delighted. By studying the previous discussions on A Young Newcomer and setting ourselves in the situation of contemporary politics and culture, it can be revealed that politics is the core in the integration of literature and politics.Chapter three studies the issue of value position. Wang’s transfer process of value position can be inferred from his intimacy and alienation with the dominating ideology. With a comparative analysis of A Young Newcomer and Scenery Here, we can discover the profound influence of contemporary politics and culture on Wang’s novels. The polyphonic consciousness and equal dialogues in A Young Newcomer’manifest’ Wang’s perseverance in subjectivity of literature and alienation from the dominating ideology which turns A Young Newcomer into an"unusual" novel in that time. However, in Scenery Here, Wang takes an initiative to cater to the dominating ideology so that there is an unharmonious disunited state between political narration and daily life narration. The political correctness threatened the writer so much that subjectivity in the literature is gone. This transfer process of value position is embodied in the characters of Wang’s novels as well. Divided by 1958, when Wang Meng was labelled as a rightist, the choice and shaping of characters are very different. Before 1958, the leading characters are intellects, while after 1958, they are mainly workers, peasants and soldiers. The transition of leading characters from intellects to workers, peasants and soldiers undoubtedly results from the regulation of the dominating ideology.in that time, namely, to write for the workers, peasants and soldiers. The transfer process of value position is certainly a result of political regulation and purge on humanistic intellects and the unconscious influence of political culture on writers’mental world. In contemporary context of political culture, the formation of cultural personality of Wang Meng also has something to do with Soviet literature.Chapter Four discusses the originality in Wang Meng’s novels. His originality goes hand in hand with the mind emancipation movement in the contemporary politics and culture in China. Without the movement, there will be no correction of the Leftist trend, nor there will be the breakup of the "Two Whatevers". Accordingly, there will be no "stream of consciousness" novels by Wang Meng, created under the influence of Modernist Arts in the West. The originality of Wang Meng’s art is demonstrated in his deep reflection of the Leftist politics in China from a special point of view, in the probing into the anguish and anxiety of the mind and in the discovery of the complexity in life and human nature. Moreover, it is reflected in the awakening of individual consciousness. He seeks to find a style of his own. By breaking the border of poetry, prose and fiction, borrowing the Western Modernist technique, he created lots of novels that are praised "oriental stream of consciousness".His originality is also reflected in the turning from the political narration to the daily events’record. In discovering the meaning of the common people’s common life with his novels that deal with the daily life, Wang Meng created a new trend beside the literary mainstream of his time.Chapter five, the problem of the research in revolutionary culture. In the context of china’s contemporary politics and culture, Revolutionary culture plays an enormous and far-reaching roles on the intellectuals, It decided the treatment of intellectuals to the history and reality, tradition and modern, social and personal thoughts and attitudes towards life. The deep impact of the revolutionary. culture on contemporary intellectuals is manifested in intellectuals’revolutionary thinking, It’s typical paradigm is the radical opposition to the way of thinking. To The Chinese Communist Party , Intellectuals are part of bourgeois, They treated the revolution with something of weakness, arid instability. The way of reforming the intellectuals,making them’ revolutionary, is to let intellectuals along with the workers, peasants and soldiers, A concrete path is political study,second political movement, third to go to factories, rural labor, receiving more education from workers and peasants. There is a common theme in Wang meng’s many works,that is revolutionary. In these works, the nucleus of his characters he paid much attention to, is the revolutionaries. His historical reflections to revolutionary, of intellectuals in the context of the revolution,to be revolution, following the revolution, as well as the artistic expression of the life course of consciously accepting for a revolutionary transformation, of deeper reveals on intellectuals’mental injury ,agony and perplexity,made by deviation from Revolutionary, consisted a cultural dictionary about china’s contemporary intellectuals and the revolutionary.The section of "Conclusion" has pointed out that Wang Meng as a highly ideological and political consciousness but strong sensitivity and artistic talent of the writer, his colorful and varied conflicts novels art world, is a kind of inevitable phenomenon. This varied and contradictions is not only his personal problem, but also a time of political and cultural conflicts and changes in mental performance(but also the mental performance of political and cultural conflicts and changes at one time).Different from many other writers, Wang Meng has deliberately and consciously pursue this "variable" to form a literary and spiritual of "butterfly" image, which constantly changing his flight posture and dancing in colorful political and cultural space, and in the end, to form the richness and depth of feeling in his ideological and artistic world.From relations between the politics and culture to Wang Meng’s novels, this paper analyzes the polyphony of the two-vioced dialogue between politics and culture in the early works of Wang Meng, and discusses the split of text as his literary complex is depressed by his political complex after he is classified as right-wing. Therefore, it reinterpretes the underlying the political and cultural factors why Wang Meng is so interested in Stream of Consciousness, and his intention to seek the spiritual roots of politics and culture hidden in his combination between narration politics and daily life. Finally, the paper analyzes in detail the central themes of political narration in his novels, that is, the feature of theorein presented in his revolutionary narration. Such arguments show that Wang Meng, no matter how "volatile" he is, his spirit of the character is unchanged, and this is his own deep understanding and expression of contemporary Chinese political culture.

【关键词】 王蒙小说政治文化革命
【Key words】 Wang Mengnovelpolitical culturerevolution
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】996