

Key Technologies of Maintenance Status Management for Long Lifecycle Manufacturing Equipment

【作者】 胡浩

【导师】 祁国宁;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在产品生命周期维护阶段,各种设备维修活动改变了产品组成结构,设备维修状态是描述维护阶段产品组成结构演化的技术信息,因此长生命周期生产设备维修状态管理是产品生命周期管理以及设备维修管理的基础技术。论文对于设备维修状态的描述模型、设备维修状态的演化机制以及设备维修状态的数据管理进行了深入系统地研究,并结合娃哈哈饮料集团的碳酸吹瓶机设备的维修实践,对论文所取得的研究成果进行了应用。论文的主要内容如下:第一章首先分析论文的研究背景,然后提出设备维修状态的定义,讨论设备维修状态管理的复杂性与重要性,对设备维修状态管理的相关研究领域:产品生命周期管理、技术状态管理、MRO技术、维修BOM、设备维修策略与维修周期以及再制造与远程维护的研究现状进行回顾分析,指出了目前长生命周期生产设备维修状态管理研究的不足,最后给出了论文的主要内容和组织结构。第二章提出长生命周期生产设备维修状态管理技术体系。首先界定了本文的研究范围与研究对象;第二步提出长生命周期生产设备维修状态管理技术体系的目标;第三步分析了长生命周期生产设备维修状态管理技术体系的3个关键技术;第四步提出长生命生产设备维修状态管理技术体系的3个研究基础;第五步提出包括目标层、方法层以及技术层的长生命周期生产设备维修状态管理技术体系。第三章讨论了长生命周期生产设备维修状态的描述模型。首先分析将设备维修状态分解为静态组成与动态组成两个部分;第二步讨论包括维修状态项以及设备维修状态控制因素的静态组成元素;第三步讨论包括维修状态项的维修方式、维修事件以及维修文档的动态组成元素;最后基于6元组对设备维修状态描述模型进行形式化定义。第四章讨论了长生命周期生产设备维修状态的演化过程建模。首先分析了设备维修过程的动力学特性,提出设备维修状态转移模型的定义;第二步归纳了维修状态项的3种维修事件以及3种维修模式;第三步在每种维修模式下,基于有穷自动机建立设备维修状态转移模型,然后将设备维修状态转移模型实例化为维修状态项的维修状态演化表;最后基于7元组对包括设备维修状态演化历史的设备维修状态进行完整地形式化定义。第五章研究内容是长生命周期生产设备维修状态的数据管理,首先提出设备维修数据模型的定义,并提出设备维修数据模型的4个建模原则;第二步定义维修零件主记录中若干设备维修状态管理属性,并讨论基于维修状态BOM管理维修零件主记录之间关联;第三步分析了文档主记录中的维修状态管理属性,并讨论了维修零件主记录、文档主记录与设备维修文档所组成的对象链;第四步讨论设备维修数据模型与设备维修过程的集成;最后讨论设备维修数据模型与设备维修管理系统的分工以及数据交换。第六章将上述理论研究成果在杭州娃哈哈集团灌装车间的碳酸吹瓶机设备维修过程管理中进行应用。首先分析了SIDEL SBO14碳酸吹瓶机设备的特点,并对SIDEL SBO14碳酸吹瓶机设备的维修管理方式进行分析;第二步针对娃哈哈设备维修管理系统中设备维修状态管理模块的各种维修状态管理属性展开详细讨论;最后针对拉伸吹塑模具与瓶坯干式杀菌装置的维修实践展开设备维修状态管理的应用验证。第七章对全文进行总结,指出了论文的创新点,并对后续的研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 The product configuration was changed by different kinds of maintenance activities in maintenance stage of product lifecyle, the equipment maintenance status is technical information to describe the evolvement of product configuration in maintenance stage, and therefor the maintenance status management for long lifecycle manufacturing equipement is foundation technique for Product Lifecycle Management and equipment maintenance management. This dissertation studied the description model of equipement maintenance status, researched the evolvement mechanism of equipment maintenance status and data management for equipment maintenance status, and then combined with the maintenance practice of the carbonated blowing equipment in Hangzhou Wahaha Incorporation to apply the research achievements that the dissertation obtains. The main content of dissertation is as follows:In chapter 1, the research background of dissertation was introduced; the defination of equipment maintenance status was put forward as well as its complexity and essentiality. The current development situation of related realm including the Product Lifecycle Management, product Configuration Management, MRO technologies, BOM for maintenance, equipment maintenance strategy and maintenance periods, reproducing and long-distance maintainance are reviewed and analyzed. The existent shortages of maintenance status management for long lifecycle manufacturing equipment are presented, and the dissertation’s main content and framework are given.In chapter 2, the technology system of maintenance status manangement for long lifecycle manufacturing equipment was put forward. Firstly the reseach field and reseach object of this dissertation was limited. Secondly the target of the technology system of maintenance status manangement for long lifecycle manufacturing equipment was analysed. Thirdly three key technologies of the technology system of maintenance status manangement for long lifecycle manufacturing equipment were put forward. Fourthly three foundation technologies of the technology system of maintenance status manangement for long lifecyle manufacturing equipment were given. Finally the technology system of maintenance status manangement for long lifecycle manufacturing equipment including target layer, method layer and technology layer was given.In chapter 3, the description model of maintenance status for long lifecycle manufacturing equipment was put forward. Firstly the equipment maintenance status was disassembled to two parts of static composition and dynamic composition. Secondly the static composition including maintenance status items and control elements of equipment maintenance status was discussed. Thirdly the dynamic composition including maintenance manner of maintenance status items, maintenance event of maintenance status items and maintenance document of maintenance status items was discussed. Finally the description model of maintenance status was defined based on six tuple.In chapter 4, the modeling of the evolvement process of maintenance status for long lifecycle manufacturing equipment was put forward. Firstly the dynamic character of the equipment maintenance process was analysed, then the definantion of transfer model of equipment maintenance status was brought forward. Secondly the three kinds of maintenance event and three kinds of maintenance mode for maintenance status items were put forward. Thirdly the tranfer model of equipment maintenance status was build based on finite automaton in each maintenance mode, the tranfer model of equipment maintenance status was embodied to evolvement table of maintenance status of maintenance status item. At last, the integrity equipment maintenance status including evolvement history of equipment maintenance status was defined perfectly based on seven tuple.In chapter 5, the data management of maintenance status for long lifecycle manufacturing equipment was analyzed. Firstly the definition of the data model for equipment maintenance was put forward as well as four modeling principle. Secondly a series of management attributes for equipment maintenance status in the part master record for maintenance were discussed; the relation among part master record for maintenance was managed based on BOM for maintenance status; Thirdly some management attributes for equipment maintenance status in document master record were discussed, the part master record for maintenance, document master record and maintenance document were composed to object chain in data model for equipment maintenance. Fourthly the integration between data model for equipment maintenance and equipment maintenance process was analysed. At last the specification and data exchange between data model for equipment maintenance and management system for equipment maintenance were discussed.In chapter 6, the research achievements are put into practice combined with the maintenance practice of the carbonated blowing equipment in HangZhou Wahaha Incorporation. Firstly the characteristic of SIDEL SBO14 carbonated blowing equipment was analyzed, then the manner of maintenance management for SIDEL SBO14 carbonated blowing equipment was analyzed. Secondly the management attributes of equipment maintenance status on management module of equipment maintenance status in equipment maintenance management system for HangZhou Wahaha Incorporation were discussed. Finally equipment maintenance status management was verified through the maintemance status management for the stretching blowing mould and dry sterilization set for bottle flan.In chapter 7, the achievements and innovations of this dissertation are summarized, and the prospect for future work is given.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期