

China’s Identity Constrction as a Responsible Power

【作者】 赵良英

【导师】 严双伍;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 国际关系, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 建构主义学派认为,国家是具有身份和利益的实体,并且一国的国家利益不是固定不变的,它由该国在国际社会中的身份定位所形成。国家身份决定国家利益的界定,国家利益决定国家的对外行为。纵观今日世界,全球化的浩浩潮流奔腾不息,国家间的交往互动日趋频繁,“你中有我、我中有你”的局面早已形成。国家身份作为一种深层次的观念因素,对国家利益和国家行为的影响也必将越来越深远。可以说,国家身份是理解国家利益和行为的一个重要起点,对国家身份的研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。冷战结束后,国际关系经历着深刻调整,国际秩序正处在转型重建之中,大国间的关系和角色也在重新定位。确立一个符合自身实力变化、顺应当前和今后国际秩序发展方向的国家身份,是中国外交面临的重要和紧迫任务。正是基于这一需要,20世纪90年代中期,中国政府正式宣告要做“国际社会负责任的大国”,并开始积极地从理念和实践两个层面建构这种新的国家身份。一方面,中国提出了一系列符合国际法和公认国际关系准则的新理念,如新安全观、互利共赢、世界多极化与国际关系民主化、和谐世界、和平发展,等等;另一方面,中国在实践上积极加强与国际社会的互动,妥善处理与主要大国和国家集团的关系,不断加大对发展中国家的援助,推进实施亚洲地区主义战略,积极参与多边国际机制建设,着力推动全球性问题的解决。总之,自上世纪90年代中期以来,中国的责任意识不断增强,责任定位日益明确,责任承担日趋理性。中国提出构建“负责任大国”的新身份,既是自己更好地融入国际社会、树立良好形象、维护国家利益的需要,也是回应西方“中国责任论”、消除国际社会对中国崛起疑虑的需要。近年来,伴随着国家实力上升以及不断走向全球的步伐,中国如何运用新获得的力量日渐引起国际社会的关注,部分西方国家开始要求中国承担更多的国际责任,企图通过“责任论”把中国纳入由其主导的国际体系。可以说,“中国责任论”的背后,既有国际社会期望中国发挥更大作用的正当期待,也有西方敌对势力约束中国崛起的阴谋盘算。客观而言,从“中国威胁论”到“中国责任论”虽然的确表明西方国家的“中国观”发生了一些变化,但这只是表面上的变化而非本质性的转变。“中国责任论”的根本目的仍然是遏制中国,只是在方式上更加隐蔽。西方国家企图以“责任”这个模糊字眼继续向中国施压,充分流露出他们面对中国崛起无奈而又不甘的复杂心态。总之,“中国责任论”是一把“双刃剑”,其复杂内涵需要我们仔细辨析,谨慎应对。中国提出的“负责任大国”理念同西方主张的“中国责任论”虽有某些吻合之处,但两者在出发点、内涵和目的上均有本质区别。新时期西方国家提出的“中国责任论”不同于先前煽风点火的“中国威胁论”。’如果中国对其置若罔闻,则有可能让众多发展中国家失望,也让西方大国更加怀疑中国能否真的和平地崛起。如果中国像西方国家所寄望的那样承担国际责任,很有可能造成超负荷运转,甚至把自己累垮,使和平发展的道路半途而废。因此,如何正确回应“中国责任论”,成为新时期中国外交的新考验。中国作为现行国际体系的客观受益者,随着自身实力不断增强和国家利益不断扩展,有必要承担起相应的国际责任,这是中国成长为世界大国的必然选择。但与此同时,我们必须掌握好国际责任的话语权,明确内涵,界定范围,学会在与世界各国合作与协调中承担责任。要对中国的国际责任进行合理定位,首先要了解中国所处的发展阶段。近年来,中国快速崛起是一个不争的事实。但同时我们也要清醒地看到,中国成长为一个世界强国还有很长的路要走。本文将中国目前的发展阶段定位为“地区大国向全球大国迈进中的国家”。明确这样的定位,有助于我们在外交实践中承担力所能及的国际责任。总的来说,当前中国需要在以下四个方面承担责任:第一,把自己的事情做好,维护中国自身的稳定与发展;第二、做现存国际秩序的参与者、维护者和建设者;第三、维护世界和平,促进共同发展;第四,携手合作,共同应对人类面临的挑战。围绕以上责任内容,本文从国内、地区和全球三个层面提出构建中国负责任大国身份的战略路径。就国内而言,我们要积极转变经济发展方式,加快建设“两型社会”;深化体制机制改革,努力建设“和谐社会”;倡导中国文化价值观,开展文化外交提升软实力;提升国际传播能力,主动塑造自身良好形象。就地区而言,我们要坚持睦邻外交政策,加强地区政治协作;以区域合作为平台,促进地区经济繁荣;构建安全合作机制,塑造地区和平环境;扩大地区文化交流,建立地区文化认同。就全球而言,我们要完善对外援助机制,提升对外援助效果;积极倡导和落实新安全观,深化非传统安全领域合作;大力推行伙伴关系战略,认真协调好大国关系;积极开展多边外交,参与国际制度建设。当前,国际体系正处于重要转型时期。这对中国构建负责任大国身份既是重大机遇,也带来了严峻挑战。虽然中国已有较强的硬实力,也有积极承担国际责任的愿望,但中西方意识形态上的差异、中国软实力明显不足、国民心态不够成熟以及公共外交机制不完善,却是中国负责任大国之路上不得不跨越的障碍。对中国这样一个发展中大国来说,构建负责任大国身份充满了矛盾性与复杂性,有诸多重大关系需要妥善处理。比如,负责任大国身份与其他国家身份之间的关系,中国自身实力、自身发展与承担国际责任的关系,构建负责任大国身份与“韬光养晦”的关系,等等。有鉴如此,现阶段中国承担国际责任需要坚持如下原则:承担责任的形式应以国际制度等无形责任为主,以物质上的有形责任为辅;承担责任的范围应以地区责任为主,以全球责任为辅;承担责任的手段应以多边主义形式为主,以单边及双边为辅;从国家利益与国际利益相结合的角度,来确立中国的国际责任观。总之,中国走向世界是一个长期曲折的过程,目前中国的负责任大国之路只是一个开端。争和平、促发展、谋合作是时代的主旋律,也是各国人民普遍的强烈愿望。面对当前的机遇与挑战,在国内,我们要坚持走和平发展道路,把自己的事办好,加快建设和谐社会;在国际上,要加强与世界各国的合作,推动建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。这就是中国对国际社会应尽的最伟大、最神圣的责任。

【Abstract】 According to Constructivism, the nation is the entity with identity and interest. Moreover, the national interest of a country is not invariable; it is formed by the national identity definition in international society. The national identity decides the bound of the national interest, and the national interest decides the external activities of the country. Making a general observation of today world, with the irreversible trend of globalization and the more frequent interactions among nations, the situation of having each other has been formed. The national identity as an in-depth concept will have profound effects on the national interest and foreign policy. That’s to say, to define national identity is the important start for understanding national interest and national actions, and it is of significant theoretical value and practical meaning to study the national identity.After cold war, the international relationship has been undergone the profound readjustment; the international order has been in the transition and reconstruction; also the relation and role of nations has been redefined. To establish a national identity which accords with self-strength conforms to the historical trend and the future developing direction of the international order becomes an important task of China diplomacy. Based on it, in the middle 1990s, the Chinese government gave a formal announcement of "acting as a responsible great power in international community" and started to build this new national identity at theoretic and practical level. On the one hand, China has brought forward a series of ideas in accordance with international law and generally-accepted principles of international relations, such as new security concept, mutual benefit and win-win effect, world multiplarzation, the democratization of international relations, harmonious world, peaceful development and so on; on the other hand, China has strengthened interactions with international community in practice, properly handled its relationship with main great powers and nation groups, continuously increased the aid for the developing countries, pushed forward Asia Regionalism Strategy, actively participated in multilateral international mechanism, and vigorously promoted the settlement of global issues. In a word, since the middle 1990s, China has continuously enhanced its sense of responsibility, defined its responsibility more clearly and undertaken its responsibility more rationally.China’s initiative to act as a responsible great power is not only necessary for it to better integrate into the international community, set up a good image and safeguard its national interest, but also to respond to western countries’calling for "China’s Responsibility" and clear away the international society’s worries over China’s Rise. In recent years, with the rise of China’s national strength and fast-pace towards globalization, how China uses its newly-gained power has drawn increasing attention from international community. Some western countries start to urge China to take on more international responsibilities and attempts to incorporate China into the international system dominated by them through China Responsibility Theory. It is safe to say, China Responsibility Theory not only indicates international community’s justifiable expectation for a bigger role of China, but also conceals the conspiracy of the western hostile power to restrain China’s rise. To be honest, from China Threat Theory to China Responsibility Theory, western countries have indeed changed their view towards China, but this is only an apparent and unessential change. Yet the west goes on imposing pressure on China using the equivocal word "responsibility", showing their complicated feeling of unhappiness and unwillingness towards China’s rise.In all, China Responsibility Theory is a double-edged sword so that we need to distinguish and cope with its complicated connotation carefully and prudently. Although the idea of "acting as a responsible great power" put forward by China has something in common with China Responsibility Theory claimed by the west, they have essential differences in starting point, connotation and purpose. In the new era, China Responsibility Theory proposed by western countries is different from the China Threat Theory which they had advanced to stir up trouble before. If China ignores it, many developing countries may be disappointed and the western great power will further doubt whether China can rise peacefully or not. If China takes on the international responsibility as the western countries demand, China will operate overload or even break down so that the peaceful development road will stop midway. So, how to respond to China Responsibility Theory has become a new test for China diplomacy in the new era. As an objective beneficiary of current international system, China should undertake the corresponding international responsibility with its further-expanding national interest and ever-increasing nation power. This is the inevitable choice of China on its way towards the great power. However, we must grasp the discourse power of our international responsibility, define the responsibility scope, make the definite decision and learn to undertake the international responsibility through cooperation and coordination with all nations.To reasonably define China’s international responsibility, the first task is to know about the developing stage of China. In recent years, the rapid rise of China is an indisputable fact. However, we have to clearly see the fact that China still has a long way to go before turning into a great power of the world. This paper defines China as a state in the transition period from a regional power to a world power. The explicit definition is conducive for us to shoulder proper international responsibility in diplomatic practice. General speaking, the current responsibility of China as a great power involves the following four aspects:firstly, setting a good example and maintaining the stability and development of China itself; secondly, serving as a participator, vindicator and builder of present international order; thirdly, safeguarding world peace and promoting common development; fourthly, working together to meet the common challenges of humankind. Based on the above content, this paper puts forward the strategic route to build up China’s identity as a responsible great power at national, regional and international levels. At national level, we shall transform the pattern of economic development and build the two-oriented society; we shall deepen the reform of systems and mechanisms and build up harmonious society; we shall advocate the cultural values of China and raise the soft national power by cultural diplomacy; and also we shall enhance international communication and create a positive national image. At regional level, we need to consistently pursue the good neighbor policy, strengthen the regional political cooperation; promote economic prosperity on the platform of regional cooperation; build the security cooperation mechanism to shape the regional peaceful environment; expand the regional culture exchange and build the regional culture identity. At international level, we should improve the foreign aid mechanism, raise the effect of the foreign aid; actively advocate and fulfill the new security concept, deepen cooperation in the field of non-traditional security issues; vigorously promote the partner strategy, seriously coordinate the relationship between great powers; strive to develop the multilateral diplomacy and participate in the construction of international institutions.Nowadays, the international system is in an important transition period. It not only brings great opportunity for China to build its identity as a responsible great power, but also brings about severe challenges. Although at present China has had relative strong hard power and readiness to undertake international responsibility, the differences in regime and ideology between China and the western countries, the deficiency of China’s soft power, inadequate maturity of the national mood and the imperfection of public diplomacy mechanism are the obstacles that China has to stride across on its road towards a responsible great power. For China, a great developing country, to build up its identity as a responsible great power is filled with conflicts and complexity, and a lot of important relationship needs to handle properly, for example, the relationship between responsible great power and other national identities, the relationships among self-strength, self-development and the ability to undertake international responsibility, the relationship between building the identity as a responsible great power and concealing the true intentions. Thus, at the present stage, China needs to adhere to the following principles while undertaking international responsibilities:in terms of the form of responsibilities, the mental responsibility is more important than physical responsibility; as for the scope of ’responsibility, focus on regional responsibility, supplemented by the global responsibility; in the aspect of the responsibility-taking means, multilateral cooperation is the primary means, less relying on unilateral and bilateral means; establish China’s view towards international responsibility by combining the national interest with international interest.In conclusion, the process will be long and tortuous for China to march towards the world. At present, China’s road towards a responsible great power is only a start. Striving for peace, promoting development and pursuing cooperation are the main theme of the times and the great aspirations of people around the world. Confronted with the current opportunities and challenges, at home we should continue to stick to the peaceful development, fulfill our tasks, speed up the construction of harmonious society; on the world scene, we should strengthen international cooperation and contribute to build a world of lasting peace and common prosperity. This is the most sacred and greatest responsibility for China to undertake for the world and the people of all countries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】D820
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1899