

The Research of Incentive Mechanism for University Teachers

【作者】 朱德友

【导师】 邓大松;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 公共经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪是一个科技信息化、经济全球化、政治多极化和文化多元化的新世纪。国家与国家之间,大学与大学之间,人与人之间相互依赖程度越来越高,相互影响越来越大,这是一个竞争日趋剧烈的、充满机遇与挑战的时代,是一个快节奏、高速发展的时代。在这种形势下,社会发展一切为了人,一切依靠人。一切都离不开对人的潜能挖掘,即对人的有效激励。科学技术的迅猛发展愈加突出了高等教育的重要地位。目前,以信息技术、生物技术、新材料技术和新能源技术为代表的高新技术推动了人类社会从后工业经济时代迈进知识经济时代。随着以知识资源为依托的新经济时代的到来,高等教育已经广泛渗透到影响国家核心竞争力的各个领域,成为提高国家核心竞争力的重要手段,而一个国家的核心竞争力是由该国的经济实力、政治实力、科技创新实力、国防与军事实力、文化教育实力、资源储备实力以及民族凝聚力等多重因素所决定的,而这些因素的背后都与高等教育发展息息相关,与人才资源密切相连。正如美国著名学者约瑟夫·奈所言:“历史从来没有像今天这样,知识就是权力,强有力地领导着世界信息革命的国家比任何国家都有力量。”人类社会正步入以知识资源为依托的新经济时代。早在上世纪80年代,邓小平同志已经就教育地位进行了全面审视和战略思考,他指出:“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来。”教育特别是高等教育的发展水平成为衡量一个国家核心竞争力的关键指标,而这种核心竞争能力又取决于各高等院校的创新能力和水平。那么,大学的核心竞争力获取的先决条件又是什么?我们讲,一流的大学必然具备一流的战略规划,一流的师资队伍,一流的资源及配置,一流的管理效能。在这四个一流中,师资力量是关键,是统领,是核心。正如清华大学前校长梅贻琦所言:“所谓大学者,非谓有大楼之谓也,有大师之谓也。”可见,大学师资质量决定着大学的层次和水平。同时,教育创新是个持续不断、与时俱进的过程,作为教育创新主体的教师,在其教育生涯的整个过程中,为了不断促成教育目标的实现,应有一个可持续的自我激励、自我更新的机制。但是,大学的生存环境,教师的管理对象、教育对象、工作内涵等等都发生了巨大变化,面临着前所未有的挑战。因此,构建一个公平、合理、科学的激励机制来促使教师积极性、主动性、创造性的最佳发挥,管理水平和管理效益的提升成为我们关注的重要课题。高校教师激励机制的构建不仅对学校发展至关重要,而且是高等教育组织完成社会使命的重要环节。高等教育肩负着培育社会主义事业建设者和接班人的崇高使命,对中华民族的伟大复兴有着举足轻重的重要地位。其中,高校教师角色突出,地位重要,影响关键。因而,高等教育必须要尊重教师的基本需要,也就是教师有作为一般人一样的自然属性要求,但是,更应当注意提升教师的高层次需要,这是体现教师作为高层次知识群体的社会属性要求。本论文寻求超学科支撑,采用了学科汇聚研究方法。通过学科汇聚技术,各个不同学科必定产生共振和强大的爆破效应,学科汇聚已是必然趋势,在跨学科的层次,研究不属于任何一个学科的问题,研究方法在结构上和象征上都是整合的。本论文在具体研究中运用教育学、政治学、制度学、心理学、组织行为学、行政学、管理学、经济学、系统科学等学科的理论,对高校教师激励机制的众多层面,进行多学科、多视野、多角度的综合、分析,力求达到历史的和逻辑的统一,理性和感性的统一,理论和实践的统一。本研究以中西方理论界对激励及激励机制的已有研究成果为基础,全面探索激励机制的内在动力、外在影响,着力研究探讨高校教师激励机制的动力系统、诱导系统、绩效系统和控制系统等结构构成,并结合现有激励理论的思想内涵、思想方法、理论特点和意义,以及我国高等教育改革现状和思想认识实际,力求系统构建符合当今中国高等教育实际的高校教师激励机制。本文正文约16万字,共有六章:第一章是绪论。主要探讨了高校教师激励机制提出的时代背景、研究现状和研究方法以及论文创新点。第二章是高校教师激励机制之概况。主要理清高校教师激励机制的运行现状,明确其中的优势和不足,找出问题的关键,并探讨教师激励机制的发展变化及走向,明确教师激励机制要解决的问题。第三章是高校教师激励机制之架构。主要对相关概念进行了界定,并探索激励机制构建的理论支撑、要素构成、结构联接等几个维度。力求激励机制符合教师自身成长特点、符合学校自身发展实际、满足社会发展要求。第四章是高校教师激励机制之系统。主要研究激励机制系统建立的原则,对动力系统、诱导系统、绩效系统和控制系统等四大系统构成进行探索,从路径选择上把握激励机制系统构成及其相互间的作用方式。第五章是高校教师激励机制之功能。主要探索激励机制功能之生成,激励机制的模式、原则及标准的创新,激励机制的系统运行等。第六章是高校教师激励机制之调控。主要分析激励机制运转过程之中的各种失控表征现象,以及可能的原因分析,力求调控对策促成激励机制系统的运行畅达。结语部分全面提炼和揭示了高校教师激励机制研究的关键和本质,并展望了中国特色社会主义的高校教师激励机制理论建设的走向。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is a new era of information, science and technology, as well as economic globalization, political multi-polarization and cultural diversification. Being increasingly competitive and full of opportunities and challenges, this age features fast pace of life and rapid development, as the level of interdependency between different countries, universities and individuals is higher and the co-influence between them is greater. Under such circumstances, the development of society is all for the people and by the people and all these cannot get away from the exploitation of human potential, namely the effective stimulation for a person.The rapid development of science and technology has given extra prominence to the importance of higher education. Currently the innovative and high technology, characterized by information technology, biotechnology, new material technology and new energy technology, has driven human society to march towards intellectual economy times from the later industrial economy times. And the human society is stepping into a new period of intellectual economy times which relies on knowledge resources. With the advent of the intellectual economy age, the influence of higher education has infiltrated widely into almost all the fields that have an impact on the national core competitiveness and higher education itself has also become an important means to enhance the national core competence. The core competence of a country is determined by many factors, such as its strength in economy, politics, science and technology innovation, national defense and military affairs, culture and education and resources reserve, as well as its national cohesion, all of which have an underlying bearing on the development of higher education and talent resources. Just as Joseph Nye, a distinguished American scholar puts it:’There has never been a time in our history when knowledge is power as it is now and the country which leads the worldwide information revolution is more powerful than any other.’Therefore can we arrive at the conclusion that the human society is entering a new phase of intellectual economy times which relies on knowledge resources.As early as the 1980s, Comrade Deng Xiaoping has already had comprehensive review and strategic thinking about the status of education. He pointed out that:’ Education should be oriented to the needs of modernization, globalization and the future.’The level of education, in particular higher education, has become a key indicator to evaluate the core competitiveness of a country. However, this kind of core competitiveness depends on the innovation ability of the institutions of higher learning. So what is the prerequisite to gain the core competitiveness of a university? When we refer to a university as a top one, then it is bound to possess such characteristics: world-class strategic planning, faculty, resources and management efficiency. And teacher resource, which plays the role of a leading core, is the most important factor among all these. Just like Mei Yiqi, a former president of the Tsinghua University, has once put it:’What makes a good university is the amount and quality of masters it boasts, instead of the amount and quality of buildings that stand on its campus.’It is can be seen from this remark that the qualification of teachers in a university determines its overall level. What’s more, educational innovation is a continuous process that advances with the times. In this way, teachers, as the principal part in educational innovation, should be able to maintain sustainable self-motivation and self-renewal during their lifetime educational career. But the existing circumstances of universities, the managed and educational objects and the job content of teachers have undergone great changes and are faced with unprecedented challenges. Consequently, setting up a fair, rational and scientific incentive mechanism in order to bring the teachers’ enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity into full play and to enhance management level and efficiency should be an important task of our concern. The construction of an incentive mechanism for university teachers is not only critical for the university’s development but also is a key link for institutions of higher education to perform social mission.Through applying the theories in pedagogy, politics, institution, psychology, organizational behavior, administration, management, system science and many other subjects to specific researches, this paper synthesizes and analyzes the numerous layers of the incentive mechanism for university faculties in a multidisciplinary and multidimensional way to achieve unification between history and logic, rationalism and emotionalism, theory and practice.Based on the research achievements presented before both at home and abroad, this study probes into the internal driving forces and external influences, along with the structure of driving system, guidance system, performance system and control system of the mechanism. Closely related to the thought connotation, thinking method, theoretical features and meaning of the existing incentive theories and the practical situation of the reform and understanding of higher education in our country, this paper has done a great deal of work to systematically construct an incentive mechanism for university teachers in accordance with the reality of current higher education in China.The body of this paper, about 160 thousand words, is divided into six chapters:Chapter one is introduction. This part focuses on the background, current research state and scientific approach of the incentive mechanism for university teachers.Competition in the 21st century is competition in comprehensive national power. And as talents are playing an increasingly important role in today’s world, competition in talents is becoming more and more fierce. Bearing the noble mission of cultivating builders and successors for the socialist cause, higher education, especially university teachers, plays a vital role in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Our gaps and problems are pointed out by comparing the research conditions of incentive at all times and in all countries. It is essential to respect the basic needs of teachers as they have the same demand for as ordinary people because of natural attribute. However, more attention should be paid to the high level needs of teachers, which reflect the social attribute of them as part of the high level intellectual group. This paper seeks support from a trans-disciplinary view and adopts a research method of discipline convergence. Discipline convergence has become an inevitable trend because through such a kind of technology different disciplines are sure to generate resonation and a strong blasting effect. On the interdisciplinary level, the study is no longer confined to any single subject and the study method is integrated both structurally and symbolically.Chapter two is the general situation of incentive mechanism for universities and colleges. It mainly analyzes the current operation state of incentive mechanism for university teachers, makes the advantages and shortages clear and identifies the key issues to find out the best way for incentive.Chapter three is the analysis of incentive mechanism for university teachers. It mainly probes into several dimensions in constructing an incentive mechanism, such as the dimension of factors, structure and theory support, to make the incentive mechanism in accordance with the characteristics of teachers’ own development, the actual development of school and the demand of social development.Chapter four is about the systems in the incentive mechanism for university teachers. It mainly discusses system construction of the mechanism from four parts, that is, the driving system, guidance system, performance system and control system. The main body of the construction process is seized structurally.Chapter five is the way to practically generating the function of the mechanism. It mainly discusses the function mode, principle, standards, structural optimization and performance evaluation in the operational process of the mechanism.Chapter six is mechanism regulation. Various kinds of superficial characteristics and phenomena when there is something out of control during the operational process of the mechanism and the possible reasons are analyzed to ensure smooth operation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】G647.2
  • 【被引频次】39
  • 【下载频次】3969