

Lei Zhen and Social Movements in Post-WWⅡ Taiwan

【作者】 邓文

【导师】 罗教讲;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在二战后台湾历史上,无论是对民主自由理念的推广,还是实际参与促进改革的社会政治运动,雷震都具有不可磨灭的地位。综观雷震的一生,从1940年代的“制宪运动家”,到1950年代的民主自由启蒙运动家,再到1960年代的“政党政治”运动家,雷震实为择善固执、舍身弃命于推展民主宪政的政治启蒙者和社会运动家。在战后台湾社会政治发展的脉络中,雷震扮演着承先启后的角色。雷震一手创办的《自由中国》,以公共论坛的方式臧否时政,提出建言,成为台湾社会民主运动发展的源头之一。雷震作为其倡导者和实践者,不仅开创了在当时的历史时空下,知识分子所扮演的推动社会变革角色的意义,而且他的思想和主张,与台湾社会民主运动后来的思想面及政治面的主张,有相当的承继关系。他所诉求的社会政治的目标,也成为日后台湾社会民主运动的重要主张。随着历史的推移,雷震的社会政治主张多获实现,这也正彰显出雷震在战后台湾社会政治运动发展脉络中的历史角色和意义。雷震在战后台湾史的重要性,主要呈现在思想和现实两个层面。而其中关于台湾民主宪政的主张和民主社会运动实践,在战后台湾历史的发展脉络中,更居于关键的地位。因此,本文研究基本上偏重“思想史”的研究方式,对于雷震的社会思想在战后台湾的演变进行历史性的剖析。并基于曼海姆的知识社会学,尤其是其“关联论”的考量,对于雷震的社会主张,更注重它们与当时台湾的历史时空条件的互动关系,并尝试放在战后台湾社会运动历史发展的脉络中,来定位其思想的历史地位。本研究中还采取了涂尔干视角,以社会变迁和政治变化为重要因素来分析雷震社会思想和社会实践演变及战后台湾社会运动发展,其中主要运用了梯利的政治过程理论、麦卡锡和左尔德为代表的资源动员理论、康豪瑟的大众社会理论等社会学理论作为文章论述的理论支撑。此研究以人物为中心,用历史文献分析法,重视以史料说话、结合背景分析、论从史出,以雷震个人与其著作、文章为主,旁及相关史料,以明了他与当时社会环境间的互动,并探讨雷震从宣扬民主宪政理念到组党实践理念的转变,即从“坐而论道”到“起而行之”,掀起了扩及台湾全岛的民主社会运动,与筹组制衡国民党的反对党运动,从而评估和思考他在战后台湾社会运动中的地位和影响。本文共分七章:第一章绪论,主要概述论文的研究动机、研究现状、研究方法和研究架构。第二章对战后台湾的社会背景,乃至可能在日后影响雷震社会主张和实践发展的因素进行介绍和讨论。其中包括台湾光复及社会裂痕的出现,以及“国府”迁台后形成的朝小野大的台湾社会,进而讨论国民党威权的重建并造成台湾社会积怨扩大的社会现实,因此台湾社会运动实践有了现实的可能性。第三章介绍雷震并讨论其角色的转换。首先讨论雷震前半生求学经历和从政经历对其所产生的影响,进而分析雷震在1949年至1954年间,面临国民党大陆溃败和来台后国民党改造的政治变局,由身兼参政者和议政者角色,到转以议政者角色为重的选择过程。雷震从政治角色、权力核心转换为社会角色、社会核心。第四章阐明《自由中国》与雷震的社会思想。本章首先分析说明雷震主导的《自由中国》的宗旨和发展方向,进而主要从雷震对自由民主理念的阐扬、对社会政治结构的主张和关于基本人权的态度等方面的论述中阐明其社会思想,并分析其重视宪政下的人身、言论自由的思想特色,这是雷震在环境互动中反思的结果,也呈现了知识分子强烈的批判性。第五章讨论雷震的社会运动实践及其代价。本章在论述雷震的反对党理念的形成与发展的基础上,分析说明雷震由思想上倡导反对党之外,如何身体力行筹组反对党,参与地方选举,以促成“竞争性寡头”政局,改变国民党一党专政的可能,及化解省籍情结和地方主义的努力。因而最终带来了雷震牢狱之灾及《自由中国》的停刊。第六章论述雷震之后台湾社会运动方向的转变。本章首先说明雷震经过十年的牢狱之苦,晚年仍然关心民主宪政,提出建言,显示他一贯对民主宪政的坚持。接着探讨台湾随着经济的发展,社会结构变迁,社会矛盾累积,故各种街头化的社会运动兴起。同时分析政治生态的演变,“党外势力”的崛起,又使得台湾社会运动呈多元化的趋势和组织化发展,雷震之后台湾社会运动表现出由理性运动向非理性运动的方向性的转变。第七章得出研究结论,雷震作为民主宪政思想的倡导者、实践者,民主运动的奠基者,在战后台湾社会运动史中有着不容忽视的关键地位。

【Abstract】 In the post-World WarⅡhistory of Taiwan, Lei Zhen played an indelible role either in spreading the thought of democracy and freedom or in participating in the reform-promoting social and political movements. An overview of his entire life finds him a persevering political enlightenment thinker and social activist devoted to promoting democratic constitutionalism, from being "a constitutional activist" in 1940s, to being an enlightenment thinker of democracy and freedom in 1950s, and to being an activist of "party politics" in 1960s. In the post-war development of social politics in Taiwan, Lei Zhen played a transitional role. Free China, established by Lei Zhen, passed judgment on political affairs and offering constructive proposals in the form of public forum, becoming one of the origins of democratic movements in Taiwan. As an advocate and practitioner, Lei Zhen initiated the significant role the intellectuals played in promoting social reform in that historical context. His social thoughts and political views shed light on the later democratic movements in Taiwan. The political goals he appealed for were taken as important propositions of the subsequent democratic movements in Taiwan. With time going by, most of his political views were accepted, which is the very evidence to prove his significance in the development of post-war political movements in Taiwan.Lei Zhen’s importance in the post-war history of Taiwan is reflected in both thought and practice. His propositions about democratic constitutionalism and his participation in democratic movements played an even more crucial role. Therefore, this dissertation does the research by way of "the history of thoughts", making a historical analysis of the evolution of Lei Zhen’s thoughts in post-war Taiwan. In addition, based on Mannheim’s knowledge sociology, particularly his relationism, this dissertation focuses more on the interaction between Lei Zhen’s propositions and the historical conditions in Taiwan at that time, and attempts to define their position in the historical development of social movements in post-war Taiwan. Plus, this research adopts Durkeim viewpoint. It analyzes Lei Zhen’s social thoughts and the evolution of his social practice as well as the development of social movements in post-war Taiwan from the perspective of social and political changes. And it mainly uses Tilly’s political process model, McCarthy and Zald’s resource mobilization theory and Kornhauser’s mass society theory as supporting theories.This research is centered on an influential figure, adopts historical data analysis and let the data speak for themselves, coupled with the analysis of social background. It mainly uses Lei Zhen’s personal works and articles and other documents to explore his interaction with social context. It also explores his change from spreading his view of democratic constitutionalism to forming a party to implement it, which set off social movements across the whole island and Opposition movements to check Kuomintang, so as to consider and assess his position and influence on social movements in post-war Taiwan.This dissertation consists of seven chapters:Chapter 1 is an introduction. It briefly introduces the motive, current situation, method and structure of this research.Chapter 2 analyzes and discusses the social context of post-war Taiwan and the factors that would influence Lei Zhen’s later social propositions and practice, including Taiwan’s ambition to rise and the appearance of social fissure, and the society characterized by "weak ruling party but strong non-ruling party" after Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan. It further discusses the reconstruction of Kuomintang’s authority and the wide spread social complaints it caused, which made possible the practice of social movements.Chapter 3 gives an account of Lei Zhen’s life and discusses his switch of roles. It begins with a discussion of the influence his educational and political experiences had on him. And then it analyzes how he chose to switch from being a political participant and discusser to being mainly a political discusser, when faced with the political change in which Kuomintang was defeated and underwent a reformation after the party came to Taiwan between 1949 and 1954. In other words, Lei Zhen had changed from a core political figure into a core social figure.Chapter 4 expounds Free China and Lei Zhen’s social thoughts. It firstly explains the aim and the development of his Free China. Then it expounds his social thoughts from his propagation of the idea of freedom and democracy, his view of political structure and his attitude toward basic human rights. It also analyzes his thoughts characterized by his emphasis on personal freedom and freedom of speech under constitutionalism. All these resulted from his reflections while interacting with the social environment and demonstrated the critical spirits of intellectuals.Chapter 5 discusses Lei Zhen’s social practice and the price he paid for it. By expounding the formation and evolution of his Opposition ideology, this chapter explains how he, besides advocating the Opposition in terms of ideology, started organizing the Opposition and participated in local voting in order to bring about the political situation of "competing oligarchy" and rule out the possibility of one-party dictatorship by Kuomintang, as well as his efforts to break down people’s province complex and localism, which eventually sent him to prison and led to the closedown of Free China.Chapter 6 deals with the change of direction in social movements after Lei Zhen. It firstly points out Lei Zhen was still concerned about democratic constitutionalism and continued to put forward proposals in his late years after ten-year suffering in prison, which shows his constant insistence on democratic constitutionalism. Then it examines the economic development, the change of social structure and the accumulation of social conflicts in Taiwan which resulted in the boom of various street movements. In addition, it analyses the evolution of political ecology and the rise of "extra-party power", which made social movements in Taiwan diversified and develop in an organized way. In a word, the post-Lei Zhen period witnessed a change from rational to irrational social movements in Taiwan.Chapter 7 reaches a conclusion:as an advocate and practitioner of democratic constitutionalism and a starter of democratic movements, Lei Zhen played a critical role in the post-war history of social movements in Taiwan.

【关键词】 雷震台湾社会思想社会运动
【Key words】 Lei ZhenTaiwansocial thoughtssocial movements
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期