

The Research on Eeonomic Value of Regulation of Eeosystem Services of Changsha Wetlands

【作者】 戴兴安

【导师】 胡曰利; 吴晓芙;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 生态学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 从生态学角度,湿地是介于陆地与水生生态系统之间的过渡地带,并兼有两类系统的某些特征;其地表为浅水覆盖或者其水位在地表附近变化。长沙市湿地生态系统不仅为长沙地区提供了大量的生产生活用水和动植物产品等多种资源,在调节气候、调蓄洪水、降解污染物、美化环境等方面发挥着重要作用,同时还是诸多野生动植物的重要栖息地,湿地对于珍稀濒危物种的保存和延续具有不可替代的重要价值。对长沙市湿地生态系统功能价值的研究,一方面是由于人类对湿地生态系统的影响日益加强,对湿地生态系统服务价值的认识已从过去主要存在手知识界,发展到现在逐渐被公众所认识,并且在某种程度上已经开始影响到社会决策;另一方面,长沙市湿地环境对长沙市社会经济活动和居民生活的影响也日益显著,长沙城市湿地生态系统所提供的资源、净化能力、缓冲能力以及超强的自维持能力已经影响着人们的日常生活。本研究在系统总结和分析国内外湿地尤其是城市湿地生态服务价值研究的基础上,确立了以长沙市湿地资源为研究对象,以生态系统结构与服务功能关系为主线,评估湿地景观生态服务功能价值及其影响因子的研究思路。本文首次系统地研究长沙市湿地生态系统结构特征,以及评价长沙市湿地生态系统的服务功能价值。目的在于揭示长沙市湿地生态系统结构特征、功能特征及其影响因子,辨识湿地生态系统服务功能因子,科学评价湿地服务功能价值;旨在为政府决策的合理性和正确性提供具有说服力的证据,促进湿地生态系统的可持续发展。论文的主要研究成果包括:1)研究了长沙市湿地类型结构及其分布规律,长沙市湿地水土资源及生物资源特点;长沙市湿地包括永久性河流,淡水湖泊,草本沼泽等自然湿地类型,水库、拦河坝、水电坝,淡水养殖池塘,农用池塘、小型水池,废水处理场所,城市景观水面和娱乐水面,灌溉用沟、渠等人工湿地类型。2)分析了长沙市城市湿地分布格局;城市湿地景观斑块分布很不均匀;城市景观水面多由湖泊构成,淡水养殖池塘主要分布城乡交错带,淡水养殖池塘是长沙市斑块数量最多的湿地类型。3)综合评价了长沙城市湿地生态功能综合效能;其中最高的是永久性河流,紧随其后的是淡水养殖池塘,然后依次是景观水面;农用池塘、小型水池;水库、拦河坝、水电坝;灌溉用沟、渠;废水处理场所。淡水湖泊与草本沼泽两种自然湿地在长沙城市湿地中没有分布。4)分析了长沙城市湿地综合价值的影响因素;城市湿地景观的类型及其空间格局和社会经济发展是影响城市湿地综合价值的两方面。其中社会经济发展因素是关键因素。社会经因素包括人为干扰、人类的生态需求水平、区域土地利用状况和生态环境压力等。5)评估研究了长沙市湿地生态系统服务功能价值;包括物质生产、涵养水源、气候调节、调蓄洪水、净化环境、提供生物栖息地、旅游休闲、文化教育等8项。评估得出长沙湿地生态系统服务功能值为133.092亿元/a,其中,直接价值18.113亿元,占总价值的13.61%,间接价值114.979亿元,占总价值的86.39%,远远高于直接价值。直接价值中,贡献最大的是固碳价值达74.358亿元/a,占总价值的55.87%;其次是调蓄洪水价值、物质生产价值、涵养水源价值和栖息地价值,分别达到26.883亿元/a、10.004亿元/a、8.109亿元/a和6.479亿元/a,分别占总价值的20.20%、7.52%、6.09%和4.87%;然后是净化水体价值、休闲旅游,最小的是文化科研价值。6)运用CVM估算了长沙市湿地资源的非使用价值为1.274亿元/年,其中存在价值为0.739亿元/年,遗产价值为0.280亿元/年,选择价值为0.255亿元/年。所计算出的非使用价值是一个动态变化的量,随着经济条件和人们的环境意识增强,对湿地资生态资源的支付意愿将呈增长的态势。

【Abstract】 In Ecology, wetlands are between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the transition zone, and also there are two types of certain features of the system, Its surface to repulse covering or its water near the surface. Wetland ecosystem in Changsha not only provides a large number of production and living water, animal and plant products and other resources, and it plays an important role in regulating the climate and the flood water, degrading contaminants and landscaping, also a lot of important wildlife habitat. Wetlands have irreplaceable value for rare and endangered species preservation and continuation. Researching for Changsha Municipal wetland ecosystem function value, one hand, the human impact of wetland ecosystem growing on service value of knowledge has been primarily in intellectual circles from the past, developed to gradually recognized by the public, and to some extent already begun to affect social decision-making; on the other hand, Changsha wetland environment on socio-economic activities in residents living in an increasingly significant, urban wetland ecological systems by offering a wide range of resources, the decontamination, buffering, and super strong since capacity could affect people’s daily life. This research summary and analysis of the system at home and abroad wetland especially urban wetland ecosystem services value on the basis of the study, established the Changsha Municipal wetland resources for the study of objects, to ecosystem structure and function of the relationship between the main line services, evaluation of wetland landscape value of ecosystem services and its impact factor. This article is the first systematic studies of wetland ecosystem structure and evaluation ecosystem services value in Changsha. Purpose is to reveal the Changsha Municipal wetland ecosystem structure, functional characteristics and impact factor, identification of wetland ecosystem services factor, scientific assessment of wetland services value; for rationality and correctness of the decision to provide convincing evidence of wetland ecosystems and promoting sustainable development. Major findings include:1) Researching of the Changsha wetland type structure and distribution, water resources and biological resources in Changsha wetlands; urban wetlands including permanent rivers, freshwater lakes, herbaceous swamps, reservoirs, dam building, hydropower dams, of fresh water aquaculture ponds, farm ponds, a small sink, wastewater treatment facilities, urban landscape of water and irrigation water surface, the entertainment channel, Canal, constructed wetland type.2) Analysis of the Changsha Municipal Wetland distribution; urban wetland landscape patch are not uniform; urban landscape wetlands consist of lakes, Freshwater ponds mainly be scattered ecotone. Freshwater ponds is the highest number of wetland type.3)Comprehensive evaluation of the Changsha Municipal wetland ecological features integrated effectiveness; one of the most high is permanent rivers, the character immediately following it is a freshwater pond, then landscape water; farm pond, a small pond; reservoir, dam building, hydropower dam; irrigation ditch, drainage; wastewater treatment facilities. Freshwater lakes and herbaceous swamps two natural wetlands in Changsha city wetland has no distribution.4) Analysis of the Changsha Municipal Wetland integrated value of factors; They was affected urban wetland in two areas that were the type of urban wetland landscape and its spatial pattern and socio-economic development. Socio-economic development is critical factors. Social factors include in human interference or human ecological demand levels, regional land use and ecological pressures, etc.5)Assessment of the Changsha Municipal wetland ecosystem services; including material production, water conservation, climate regulation, flood water, clean environment, provide habitats, leisure, culture and education, etc. Its services value is$133.092 million/a, of which, direct value$18.113 million, the total value of 13.61%, indirect value$114.979 million, the total value of 86.39%, much higher than the value directly. Direct value, the most is the carbon value of 74.358 billion/a, total value of 55.87%; this was followed by the transfer of the flood water value, material production value, the value of water conservation and Habitat value, respectively, reached$26.883 million/a,$10.004,$8.109, and$6.479, respectively of the total value of 20.20% and 7.52% and 6.09% and 4.87%; and purifying water value, leisure and tourism, and the smallest is cultural research value.6)Use CVM estimate Changsha wetland resources of the non-use values. It is$1.274 million/a, of which there is existence value of$0.739 million/a, heritage value of$0.280 million/a, select the value of$0.255 million/a. The non-use value is a dynamic change of quantity, with economic conditions and environmental awareness enhancement, on their willingness to pay for ecological resources will be a growing trend.
