

The Research on Chinese Central Region International Logistics Operation Modern

【作者】 庞燕

【导师】 单圣涤;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国加入WTO及世界经济一体化进程的加快,经济发展已进入到从战略的高度来考虑物流的时代。近年来,我国现代物流业由起步期跨入理性、务实、快速的发展时期,物流的体制和政策环境有了较大改善;在我国工业化、信息化推进过程中,现代物流已经成为中国经济发展的重要产业和新的经济增长点。我国加入WTO以来,对外贸易快速增长,同时也将国际物流提到了重要的议程上。2000年至2005年间,进出进出口贸易总额从4743亿美元增加到14221亿美元,其中,出口额从2492亿美元增加到7620亿美元,5年增长了2倍;我国对外贸易总额排名跃居世界第三位。要增强我国对外贸易的竞争力,必须引入具有创新性的现代国际物流的思维和理念,处理好我国对外贸易与国际物流的关系,实现我国对外贸易与物流的协调、稳定发展。据统计,加入WTO以来,全球最大的500家跨国公司中已有近450家在华投资,这也推动了我国国际物流的快速发展,加快了我国融入国际供应链一体化运作体系的步伐。随着越来越多的企业加入到世界这个大的竞争市场,企业的生产经营活动和资源配置过程也在整个世界范围内进行,使得企业的经济活动国际化,使国际物流的发展成为世界经济持续、健康、快速发展的一个重要环节。从微观上来说,我国外贸运输、仓储企业现在的重组,一般是建立在国际物流发展的良好预期基础上的,还普遍缺乏对我国国际物流发展的充分理性预期和可行性论证。一个符合我国对外贸易物流发展客观要求,适应我国外贸物流实践,具有创新性的基于供应链管理的国际物流运作模式理论体系的建立及其相关理论研究,对于我国的国际物流实践势必产生巨大的影响和推动。在全球经济一体化的大趋势下,一方面内陆地区需要有效的国际物流运作带来的国际贸易机会,另一方面我国国际物流业发展也急于开拓内陆市场。中部地区面对我国经济由东向西梯度推进、世界性产业转移由我国沿海向内陆延伸的重要战略机遇,既是东部地区谋求发展的腹地,又是西部地区开放的前沿,随着中部地区具有口岸功能的国际物流园区的建设,东进西出的大物流格局已逐步形成,在此形势下,依托国际物流园区国际物流的运作使各国(地区)物流系统相互链接,真正发挥乔头堡与国际物流服务中心作用,为中部地区敞开了一条通往国际市场的便捷通道,进而带动整个中部地区经济的发展,其意义深远。首先,基于对大量相关文献的分析和总结,围绕依托国际物流园区的国际物流运作模式的构建所涉及的现代物流管理、供应链管理、国际物流学、第三方物流等基础理论进行了全面分析论述。其次,利用中国统计年鉴、中国经济年鉴、湖南统计年鉴相关数据,以及湖南省商务厅、长沙海关提供的有关我国、中部地区六省的国际物流需求的数据进行整理,详细地分析了我国、中部地区六省的国际物流需求的特征、发展国际物流的经济、社会环境;从国际物流需求的角度出发,构建了国际物流需求的灰色预测模型,并利用该模型对我国中部国际物流需求进行了预测与分析,并得出了以下结论:(1)从价值的角度来预测分析,我国进出口总量、中部地区六省进出口总值、湖南省进出口总值将大幅增长,是不可逆转的趋势;(2)从数量的角度来预测分析,我国、中部地区六省、湖南省的货运总量增长趋势与进出口总值增长趋势大致相同,从而佐证了国际物流量的发展趋势。然后,对我国中部地区国际物流运作模式的生成机理进行了理论的归纳;拓展了从事国际贸易模式研究学者们应用物理学中万有引力模型构造出的重力模型,并利用此模型对国际物流量与影响国际物流量的因素间的关系进行了分析,并得出了以下结论:(1)国际物流量与贸易参加国的GDP(或DNP)成正比关系,而与物流成本成反比关系,也包括贸易壁垒的影响;(2)无论是相对还是绝对地看,一国或地区的GDP与国际物流量之间存在着明显的正相关关系;国际贸易交易成本(物流成本是一很重要的影响因素)与国际物流量之间存在着明显的负相关关系。接着,在对国际物流中心、保税物流中心与国际物流园区概念进行了分析及界定的基础上,结合我国中部地区国际物流园区运作实践,对供应链管理环境下我国中部地区国际物流园区综合物流服务功能进行了设定:(1)国际货物集散、中转和国际贸易基地的功能;(2)仓储、运输、配送和加工增值的功能;(3)国际物流信息服务和控制中心的功能;(4)国际物流咨询与培训功能。从经济学的角度对中部地区国际物流园区在国际供应链一体化运作中的战略地位和作用进行了论述,利用区域增长极理论、物流整合理论、区域产业聚集理论对我国中部地区国际物流园区发展国际物流的区域经济效应进行了叙述:(1)经济增长效应;(2)对腹地的拉动效应;(3)物流资源整合效应;(4)产业集群效应。最后,在对我国中部地区传统的国际物流运作模式进行分析的基础上,依据现代物流理论、供应链管理理论、Porter价值链模式、核心竞争力与战略联盟理论,构建了国际供应链模型和国际供应链价值系统模型,提出了依托国际物流园区的国际物流运作的模式,及其具体实施将分两步:(1)构建虚拟物流企业(Virtual Logistics Enterprise);(2)构建物流联盟(Logistics Alliance),并叙述了该模式对国际物流服务提供方、对国际物流服务需求方的潜在利益。利用SPSS 12.统计分析软件,运用成分分析(Principal Component Analysis)对构建我国中部地区国际物流运作模式的重要性因素进行因子分析,得出工商企业选择物流服务提供商的重要性因素包括作业质量指标、成本指标、可获得性指标、服务响应能力指标等几个方面。并结合湖南金霞国际物流园区对模式进行了实证分析研究,阐明了依托国际物流园区的国际物流运作模式的现实可行性与可操作性。

【Abstract】 With China enter WTO and the accelerating development of world economic integration progress, the economy development has already entered the ages of consideration logistics from the strategic view□In recent years, the modern logistics industry of our country has already entered the period from starting to the reasonableness, practicality, fast development. The system and the policy environments of the logistics has improved.In our country industrialize, information-based propulsion process, the modern logistics has already become the important industry and new economy growths point of the Chinese economic developmentSince our country enter WTO, foreign trade fast growth, also spoke of international logistics important agenda up. From 2000 to 2005, the import and export total amount of our country has increased from 474.3 billion USD to 1422.1 billion USD, among them, exported total amount increase from 249.2 billion USD to 762 billion USD,5 years increased 200% in 5 years.The foreign trade total amount of our country ranks to the third of world. To strengthen the competition ability of the our country’s foreign trade, must introduce the innovation thinking and principles of the modern international logistics, handle well the relationship between the foreign trade and international logistics, carry out thecoordinationt and stabilize development of our country’s foreign trade and logistics. According to statistics, since join WTO, nearly 450 multinational companies have invested in China among biggest 500 multinational companies in the world, this also pushed the fast development of our country’s the international logistics industries, speeding up the our country melt the operate system of international supply chain integrationalize. With more and more enterprises join world competition market, the enterprise’s production management activity and resource disposition process also carry on within the scope of the whole world, making the economic activities of the enterprise internationalize, and the development of the international logistics regard as one of important link keeping world economy continuing, health, fast development. From the microcosmic view, the reengineering of our country’s warehouse and transportation enterprise, generally, build all based on a good expectation of international logistics, widespread lack the full reasonableness expectation and possibility arguments to the development of our country’s international logistics. Based on supply chain management theory,the innovation international logistics operation mode theory system, which meet the objective request of the our country’s foreign trade logistics development and meet our country’s logistics practice, this mode theory system establish and related theory research, certainly, will produce the huge influence and pushing function for our country’s international logistics operation practice.Under the tendence economic globalization, on the one hand,the inland region needs the international trade opportunity by effectively international logistics operation, on the other hand, the development of our country’s international logistics also is eager to expand the inland market. The central region faces the important and strategic opportunity, our country economy development from the east region forward to west region, the world industry transfers from coastal region extend toward inland region of our country, The central region not only is the hinterland for the eastern region seeking the development, but also is the open frontline for the western region, along with the construction of possess bonded function international logistics park, "the big logistics" structure has formed gradually. Under this situation, the international logistics operation that relies on the international logistics park, make all countries(region)’s logistics system link each other, make the international logistics park play the " bridgehead" role and the international logistics service center function, open the convenient passageway for the central region leading to the international market, then arouse the central region economy development, its meaning is profound.Firstly, this paper based on the analysis and summaries of a great deal of related literature, around the construction of international logistics operation mode relying on international logistics parks, expound the basic theories, such as:modern logistics management, supply chain management, international logistics, the third part logistics.Secondly, make use of the related data of Chinese Statistics Yearbook, Chinese Economic Yearbook, Hunan Statistics Yearbook, and the international logistics demanding data related our country and central region six provinces, provided by Business Department of Hunan Province and Changsha customs, analyzing the demanding characteristic of the international logistics,the economy and social environment of our country and central region six provinces in detail.This paper start from the demanding of international logistics, set up "grey prediction" model of international logistics demanding, and make use of this model to carried on the prediction and analyze to the central regions international logistics need of our country, and got to draw a conclusion:(1)Predict and analysis from the value angle, the import and export total amount of our country, central region six province the import and exports total amount of central region six provinces, the import and export total amount of Hunan province will increase significantly, is the trend that can’t converse; (2) predict and analysis from the angle of the quantity, the our country, central region six freight transportation total amount of our country, freight transportation total amount of central region six provinces, freight transportation total amount of Hunan province have similar increasing tendency, thus substantial evidence the development tendency of international logistics quantity.Thirdly, draw a conclusion to the born mechanism theories of the central region international logistics mode;Expanded to the Physics the universal gravitation model which be applied to the research of international trade mode by scholars,and make use of this model to analysis the relationship between the international logistics quantity and the factors affected the international logistics quantity,and got to draw a conclusion:(1)The international logistics quantity is in direct proportion to the GDP(or DNP) of the trades country, and in inverse proportion to the logistics cost and trade barrier; (2)No matter to see opposite or absolutely, exists the obviously positive related relationship between the GDP and the international logistics amount of the country or region;and exist the obviously negative related relation between the international trade cost(the logistics cost is one of most important influence factor) and international logistics amount.Then, based on analysis and definition to the concept of international logistics center, Customs bonded logistics center and international logistics park, combine the operation practice of international logistics park, under supply chain management environment, set up the comprehensive logistics service function of international logistics park of the central region in China (1)the function of The international goods collecting and distribution, transit and the international trade base;(2) the function of Warehouse, transportation, distribution and simple processing valued-added service;(3) The function of international logistics information service and the control centre;(4) the function of international logistics consultation and training. This paper, from the economics angle, expound the strategic position and function which the international logistics park play the role in international supply chain integral operation, by using of the region growth pole theories, logistics integrates theories, district industry gathering theories, and describe the region economic effect to international logistics park of the central region in China:(1)The economy growth effects;(2)The pull effects to the hinterland;(3)The logistics resources integration effects;(4)The industry gathers effects.Finally, this paper, based on the analysis to the traditional international logistics operation mode of central region in China, according to modern logistics theories, Porter value chain mode, core competencies and the strategy alliance theories, set up the international supply chain model and international supply chains value system model, put forward to the international logistics mode depending on the international logistics park, and its concrete implement will divide two step:(1)Set up the Virtual Logistics Enterprise;(2)Set up the logistics alliance, and described the potential benefit to international logistics suppliers and the potential benefit to international logistics demanders by operating this model. By using the soft of SPSS 12,and apply the Principal Component Analysis to carry on factor analysis about the important factors constructing international logistics operation mode in central region of our country, and draw a conclusion:the factors which influence the industrial and commercial enterprise choice logistics service provider include the operation quantity index, the cost index, the acquirement index and the serve ability index,etc. Combined the research about Hunan Changsha Jinxia international logistics park operation practice, clarify the feasibility and operability of international logistics mode to rely on the international logistics park.

  • 【分类号】F259.27;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2551
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