

A Study on the Linkage Development of Regional Economics

【作者】 徐子青

【导师】 李建平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 区域经济联动是顺应经济全球化与区域经济一体化加快发展趋势的产物,也是响应国家实施全球观发展战略要求和区域自身战略转型的需要。当前,我国经济区域化特征日趋凸显,区域经济发展新格局加速呈现,但仍然面临着区域发展差距明显、区际产业结构趋同、资源短缺矛盾加剧、生态环境破坏严重等现实问题和国际金融危机冲击影响等现实风险。推动区域经济联动是统筹区域协调发展与优化国土开发格局有机融合的重大举措,是拓展新的发展空间、培育新的竞争优势的长远之策,也是应对当前国际金融危机、保持经济持续增长的当务之急。本文坚持以马克思主义区域经济联动理论和科学发展观为指导,积极吸收借鉴西方经济学中区域经济发展理论的合理内核和国内外学者的研究成果,综合运用区域经济、产业经济与系统论、控制论、协同学等相关学科理论,对区域经济联动的内涵特征、演化机理、测度评价、系统控制等问题进行了阐述论证。本文认为,区域经济联动是一个由目标协调、结构整合、测度评价、系统控制等子系统组成的有序运行的交互系统,是一个由资源要素流动、企业集聚扩张、产业结构转换、政策制度变迁、空间模式演变构成的多维动态的整合过程,是一种能够拓展自身发展空间、推动经济高效运转、协调区域关系、优化区域布局乃至重新定位区域功能的发展模式。区域经济联动发展的运行状况是可通过构建“区域经济联动评价体系”进行衡量的,区域经济联动发展的运行偏差是可通过建立有效的区域经济联动系统运行机制进行控制的。本文在理论研究的基础上,以区域经济之间的合作联动为主线,以海峡西岸经济区内部一体推动和海峡西岸经济区与台湾合作互动的实证分析研究为路径,提出在实施区域发展总体战略的大背景下推动海峡西岸经济区内外联动的发展模式、组织架构、运行机制和重点领域等。本文研究旨在为区域分工合作理论研究提供新的视角,为统筹区域协调发展提供新的模式,为正在规划和建设的各类经济区联动发展提供实践的范例,以期通过推动各类大小不一经济区内外联动,形成全国“合纵联横”的区域一体和谐发展格局。

【Abstract】 The linkage of regional economy is the result of adapting to economic globalization and regional economic integration, and responding to the need of global development strategy, as well as regional transformation itself. At present, although the characteristics of economic regionalization and the new pattern of regional economy are becoming more and more obvious, there exist some realistic problems such as regional development gap, convergence of interregional industrial structure, contradiction of resource shortage, destruction of environment and the realistic risk of financial crisis and so on. It is the major measure of the organic integration between regional coordinated development and land development program improvement to promote the linkage of regional economy, it is also the long-term strategy of expanding new space and breeding new competitive advantage, it is still the urgent affairs to cope with international financial crisis and keeping sustain economic growth.This thesis takes Marxist theory of regional economics and the scientific outlook on development as a guide, absorbing the reasonable core of western economics and some other research results, using relevant disciplines theory including regional economics, industrial economics, system theory, cybernetics, synergetic and so on, then give the demonstration of regional economic linkage in connation, evolvement mechanism, evaluation, system control etc. This thesis suggests that the linkage of regional economics is an ordered mutual system which is consisted of goal coordination, structural integration, evaluation, system control and some other subsystem, it is a multidimensional integrative process that is made up of flowing of resource and factor, expansion of enterprise, transformation of industrial structure, changes of policy, evolution of space pattern, it is also a developing pattern that can expand developing space, promote economical running efficiently, coordinate regional relationship, optimize regional distribution and even reposition regional function. The working conditions and deviation of the linkage of regional economics can be measured by constructing "the linkage of regional economics evaluating system" and be controlled by constructing system operating mechanism separately. This thesis which is based on theoretical study uses cooperation linkage among regional economics as main line, takes the interior integration of Economic Zone on the Western Coast of the Taiwan Straits and the empirical analysis of cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan as the path, then on the background of holistic strategy of regional development, this thesis renders the development pattern, organization structure, operation mechanism and key field and so on to promote linkage inside and outside Economic Zone on the Western Coast of the Taiwan Straits.This research aims to provide a new perspective for researching regional division and cooperation, and a new pattern for coordinating regional development, so it can give practical example for all kinds of economic zone which is under planning and construction, we hope that the whole country can form a "Combine Vertically, Link Horizontally" harmonious development pattern by promoting all kinds of economic zone linkage inside and outside.
