

The Research on the Management System of China’s State-Owned Financial Assets

【作者】 郑青

【导师】 李建建;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 经济思想史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 金融业在国民经济中具有特殊地位。金融机构风险具有外部性,金融风险最终的承担者是政府(财政)和公众。我国国有金融资产在金融业占据着主导地位,属于战略性经济资源,是国家直接或者间接出资形成,表现为金融企业的国有资本和享有的各项权益。我国的国有金融企业经过改革,实现了股权结构多元化,公司治理不断完善,同时,也对国有金融资产管理提出了新的要求。目前国有金融资产多头管理模式存在的一些问题,不利于我国国有金融企业的发展壮大。本文坚持以马克思主义的相关经济理论为指导,并适当借鉴现代西方产权理论和委托代理理论,阐述了虚拟经济与实体经济关系,分析了金融的“二重性”作用,论证金融产业是国民经济的战略性产业;强调说明在我国社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度条件下,在金融领域加强国有控制力的必要性,必须保持国有金融机构的主体地位,重点金融机构必须坚持国有控股。笔者回顾了改革开放以来我国产权制度的改革历程,阐明建立现代企业制度对国有金融企业改革实践的意义,围绕国有金融资产管理机构、授权经营、国有金融企业资本投入和经营绩效等问题进行深入剖析,并提出国有金融机构国家所有权管理的目标模式和实现方式。

【Abstract】 Finance has the special status in the national economy. Financial institution has its external risks, and the government and the public the final undertaker of financial risks.In our China,the State-owned financial assets which belongs to strategic economic resources, and is funded directly and indirectly by state occupy a dominant position in financial enterprises, representing the state capital of State-owned financial enterprises and enjoying all the rights and interests of finance. After the reform of China’s state-owned financial enterprises, the diversified ownership of the shareholding structure was realized, corporate governance was constantly improved, while new requirements of the management of the state-owned financial assets were also proposed. At present, problems arising from the overlapping management of the state-owned financial assets are not conducive to the development and growth of China’s state-owned financial enterprises.Taking the Marxist economic theory as a guide, and modern western economic theory on property rights and Principal-agent theory for reference, this paper describes the relationship between virtual economy and real economy,analyzes the role of the financial duality, demonstrates the financial industry is a strategic industry of the national economy, highlights the necessity of Strengthening the state control in the financial field under the fundamental economic system in the primary stage of socialism in China, the dominant position of state-owned financial institutions must be maintained and the important financial institutions must be controlled by the state. After reviewing the process of the reform of China’s property system since reform and opening up, the author of this paper expounds the significance of the establishment of modern enterprise system to the practice of the reform of state-owned financial enterprises,and deeply analyzes following issues such as:management institutions, authorized operation, state-owned financial enterprise capital investment and operating performance of the state-owned financial assets, then proposes the objectives mode and realization way of state ownership management of state-owned financial institutions.

  • 【分类号】F123.7;F832.0
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】690
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