

Study on Yi-ology During the Ming Dynasty, in Fujian

【作者】 肖满省

【导师】 张善文;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 明代福建易学是明代经学研究的重要成果。羽翼程朱易理是明代福建易学的主流,蔡清的《易经蒙引》通过疏解朱子《本义》阐发《周易》的思想内涵,是发挥程朱易学的重要著作。陈琛易学出于蔡清,他的《周易浅说》是对蔡清《易经蒙引》的重要补充,不仅“约其详而反之要”,又能“发虚斋之所未发”。林希元的《易经存疑》以程朱易理为主导思想又能博取汉唐诸儒之说,断以己意,阙则存疑,对易理有较多新的发挥。蔡清、陈琛、林希元等一大批学者先后继起,倡教东南,不仅对当地文化有巨大的促进作用,他们的易学著作还成了当时士子参加科举考试的必读书目,影响覆盖全国,极大地促进程朱易学的普及。不仅如此,清初福建学者李光地奉敕编撰《周易折中》,于《蒙引》等书亦多有征引,因此,从明清易学发展的历史来看,其继承道统、津梁后学的功绩是不容低估的。受陆王心学的影响,心学派学者往往以心学思想解说《周易》,又借阐发《周易》建构其心学思想体系,形成了心学派易学。明代是心学派易学蓬勃发展的时期,福建易学虽然以坚守程朱易理为主流,但心学派易学也取得了非常重要的成果。苏浚的《周易生生篇》是心学解易的重要著作。《生生篇》、一书的主要思想倾向表现为三个方面:一是“一切归之於心学”,二是“主王弼虚无之说”,三是,“摒弃象数卜筮之说”。集中展现了心学派易学的典型特征。在明代福建易学中,有一些学者既能越出程朱传注之外,又不落入王阳明心学的范围,而是以自己独特的思想阐明《周易》,丰富了明代福建易学的成果。《易因》以及在此基础上修订而成的《九正易因》,是李贽晚年研究《周易》的著作,展露了李贽“真儒”的思想品格。闽中学者曹学佺著有《周易通论》与《周易可说》两部《易》著,他反对朱子“《易》为卜筮之书”的观点,提出了“《易》主义理而非以祸福”的论断,突显了《周易》的道德义理内涵。崇安学者李韡的《易导》着重记载了著者读《易》过程中的独特感受,表现出著者既深刻而又活泼的思想旨趣。明代福建易学在象数学方面也取得了突出的成就。魏浚的《易义古象通》是明代象数易学中一部不可多得的征实之作。他提出了“即象以通义”的解易思想,并发现了许多不曾被人们认识的古象。黄道周是明代易学中最为重要的人物之一,他的《易象正》主要阐述了两方面内容:第一特别重视“动爻”,第二是推《易理》及于天文术数,并以易卦推测休咎。黄芹《易图识漏》不仅“为发明先天图学而作”,还将《易》图“推而至於心学”,讲求程朱“心要”。《伏羲图赞》是陈第研究《周易》的重要成果,书中不仅选载易学史上重要的易图,一一辨其得失;并自己创作了许多易图以阐发其易学思想,颇有发前人未及之处。何楷的《古周易订诂》一书,折中群说,断以己意,而成一家之言,是古《周易》研究的重要著作。该书取材宏富,辞必有据,又言象数不忘义理,谈义理不离象数,是研究明代以前易学思想的重要资料。不仅如此,何楷的《古周易订诂》在研讨诸家《周易》经传文字异同方面也取得了重要的考辨成果,对于考订《周易》文字具有极为重要的意义。总之,由于福建特殊的政治地缘关系,明代福建易学既在继承和弘扬程朱易学方面做出了巨大的贡献,也以其多姿多彩的成就在易学史上留下了绚烂的一笔,其影响是深刻而广泛的。

【Abstract】 The I-ching Learning of the Ming Dynasty, in Fujian, is an important achievements to the Study of Confucian Classics in the Ming Dynasty. Expanding the Yi-ology of ChengZhu is the the mainstream of the I-ching Learning of the Ming Dynasty, in Fujian. There are many books,such as Yi jing Mengyin, ZhouYiQianShuo, Yi jing Cunyi, written by CaiQing,ChenChen,and LinXiyuan, which are extremely well known.They come into first followed by another. These books promote the popular of the Yi-ology of ChengZhu. therefore,The I-ching Learning of the Ming Dynasty,in Fujian occupies an important position in the history of I-ching Learning.The ZhouyiShengShengPian,written by SuJun,is the representative work of the way that scholars interpreted the I-ching with the learning of heart/mind.The main contents of the work are as f ollows:interpreted the I-ching with the learning of heart/mind,Stand for the ideas of Lao Zhuang,and deny the divination of I-ching.There are many scholars,who elucidate individual perspective by the way of interpreting the I-ching JiuZhengyiyin is a work of LiZhi,which was writtenin the decline of LiZhi life. It shows that the LiZhi is a true Confucian in the Ming Dynasty, CaoXueQuan,who is an important scholar in Fujian,wrote second works on I-ching:the book Zhouyitonglun and Zhouyikeshuo,. He opposed the idea that the I-ching is a book on divination.He insisted on that the I-ching is a book on philosophy. It stands out the the philosophization oft he I-ching. The YiDao,a book of liXue, recorded the unique feeling of author, it demonstrated the lively alert and profound thought of author.In the symbol school of I-ching, the I-ching Learning of the Ming Dynasty in Fujian scored great successes,also. The book Yiyiguxiangtong, wrote by Weijun is first of the rarely outstanding work in the Ming Dynasty.His arguments was well-supported by facts. Huangdaozhou is first of the most famous scholar in the Ming Dynasty. The book Yixiangzheng and Sanyidongji are his masterpieces on I-ching.,huangdaozhou put special emphasis on the change of Gua and Yao of I-ching in the book Yixiangzheng and predicted the future with I-ching theory in the book Sanyidongji. The book Yitushilou and Fuxituzan are second important works In the symbol school of I-ching.The work Guzhouyidinggu,wrote by Hekai,incorporated the strong points of various schools. It is an agglomeration of ancient I-ching study.This book is fat with information. The symbol and philosophy are both given their proper due..Not only that,this work had obtained important result in the research of Chinese graphology. It had made giant accomplishments in textual criticism.The I-ching Learning of the Ming Dynasty, in Fujian has its distinguishing characteristics and made achieved marked achievements. It’s place in history is prominent.
