

Research on the Legal Issues of Rotating Savings and Credit Association in China

【作者】 郑启福

【导师】 赵万一; 陈永森;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 合会作为一种民间资金融通形式,不仅在中国有着悠久的历史,而且在世界其他许多国家和地区都长期存在着。传统社会中,这种依靠血缘、地缘、信任等因素自我调节的民间合会起到了缓急相济、互通有无的互助作用,有效地缓解了人们在生产和生活中面临的资金困难,而且在一定程度上使人们免受高利贷的盘剥。改革开放以后,合会这一传统的资金融通形式再次活跃,在经济发达的东南沿海地区尤为流行。然而,我国至今没有对合会问题进行直接的立法规范,这给合会的司法实践和行政监管带来诸多障碍,同时,因缺乏法律的规范和约束,一些地方的合会畸形发展,引发了大规模的合会倒会事件,影响了当地的经济发展和金融稳定。现阶段,合会虽然具有一定的倒会风险,但更具有诸多的经济功能和社会功能,例如:在金融抑制的背景下,合会可以在一定程度上缓解中小企业融资难和农户贷款难的问题,是金融深化的一种重要方式;在我国投资渠道过于狭窄的情形下,合会可以成为民间资本的一种投资方式;合会可以提高合会参与者的消费能力,促进社会消费的发展;合会还具有相应的社会功能,如增加团体的凝聚力等。在金融政策逐步开放、金融环境不断宽松、金融创新层出不穷的今天,我国完全可以根据民间合会的实际运作情况,并在借鉴其他国家和地区合会法制的基础上,构建和完善合会法律制度,以引导和规范合会的发展,从而在防范合会风险的同时,充分发挥合会的积极作用,促进社会经济的发展。具体而言,我国立法可以将合会区分为民事合会和商事合会进行规制,分别构建民事合会法律制度和商事合会法律制度,其中民事合会法律制度包括民事合会的设立制度、当事人权利义务制度、风险防控制度以及法律责任制度等;商事合会法律制度包括商事合会的经营主体制度、经营规则、监管制度等。

【Abstract】 Rotating Savings and Credit Association (abbreviated as ROSCA), as a form of folk financing, has not only been long standing in China but also existed for a long period elsewhere. Traditionally, the helpful interaction such as mutual help in emergency and providing each other’s needs, as a result from the self-adjustment of ROSCA depended on kindred, geography and trust, mitigated or resolved effectively the financing issue faced by individuals in producing and living; also, to some extent, kept them from the exploitation by usurers. From reforming and openning up to, ROSCA, as a traditional financing form, has become reactive, especially in Southeast coastland in China. However, it has led to many obstacles in judicial practice and administrative supervision that China has not as of yet regulated on ROSCA directly by legislation. Meanwhile, because of the lack of the law, ROSCA’ developments have been abnormal in some areas, which has brought about the failure of ROSCA on a large scale and influenced local economical development and financial stability. At present, ROSCA qualifies economical and social functions although it has a risk of failure. For example, ROSCA may support funds to solve the wants of medium and small size enterprises and farmers under the circumstance of financing plight, which is an important form of the deepening of financing, may become an investment channel for folk capitals in the circumstance of scarce investment channels, may advance the consumption power of its members,which is helpful to the promotion of social consumption, and may also strengthen the cohesion of the organization. Nowadays, on the ground of the openning gradually of the financial policy, the loosening steadily of the financial circumstance and the emergence endlessly of the financial innovation, resting on the practice of folk ROSCA and taking advantage of the experiences of the legal system on ROSCA elsewhere, China may construct and perfect the legal system on ROSCA to lead and normalize ROSCA’ development and, thereby, to exert fully the active role of, besides the prevention of the risk on, ROSCA. In details, China may regulate ROSCA by spliting ROSCA into Civil-ROSCA and Commercial-ROSCA and construct the legal systems on them respectively. The former includes the establishment institution, parties’rights and obligations system, the prevention and control system of risk and the legal liabilities system on Civil-ROSCA, while the latter consists of subjects system, operating rules and supervising-managing system on Commercial-ROSCA.
