

Research on the History of the Development of Fujian Piano Music

【作者】 廖红宇

【导师】 郑锦扬;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究的范围是钢琴传入福建至今一百多年来的发展历史,包括钢琴演奏、教育、创作以及相关产业等方面的发展与演变,福建籍钢琴演奏家、教育家、作曲家,以及在福建工作过、对福建钢琴音乐发展有重要影响的相关人物及其相关事件。笔者试图通过较为广泛而深入地查考福建的民国档案、民国报刊、地方文献、当代刊物、网络资讯等相关史料,结合访谈见证福建钢琴艺术发展的前辈,运用历史学、音乐学、教育学、社会学、传播学等学科理论和方法进行综合梳理,以科学审慎的态度对待史料,尽可能真实地还原福建近现代历史上钢琴音乐的发展脉络和整体面貌,总结其发展缘起、阶段特征,深入探究钢琴音乐与地方文化之间的相互作用与密切关联。力求开拓中国钢琴艺术发展史的研究思路,充实中国钢琴艺术史的区域性研究成果,为福建地方历史文化研究提供钢琴音乐发展方面的资料和补充。全文共分五章,前四章结合福建近现代发展阶段的历史背景,梳理福建钢琴音乐发展四个历史时期(萌芽期、初步发展期、曲折前进期和逐步繁荣期)的各个方面。第五章分析了福建钢琴音乐发展的三个特征,从近代基督教传播、福建人文地理、闽南文化三个方面的影响和作用,探究福建钢琴音乐发展的成因。本文认为:钢琴音乐是福建文化发展中的一个组成部分,它的发展与近代以来福建文化的整体发展同步。福建的钢琴音乐发展体现出鲜明的时代性、地域性和开放性特征。时代变迁、文化发展的需要对福建钢琴音乐发展起着决定性作用。福建音专钢琴教育和鼓浪屿钢琴文化在福建钢琴音乐发展史上有着重要的地位,前者在20世纪上半叶的福州地区,后者在闽南地区,受不同地域文化的作用和影响,两者的发展特征和时代意义不同。尤其是独具一格的鼓浪屿钢琴文化,在近代基督教传播与闽南海洋文化的相互作用和影响下,形成了鲜明而突出的区域性特征,成为闽南文化的新生事物之一,是中国新音乐发展史上一个独特的现象,对于当代中国钢琴音乐发展具有显著意义。

【Abstract】 The scope of research of this dissertation is the development and evolution of the performance, education, creation and the related industries of piano after its introduction into Fujian for more than a century ago, involving native Fujian pianists, educators, composers and those related people who ever worked in Fujian and contributed a lot to the development of Fujian piano music.This dissertation extensively and intensively explores the archives and newspaper of Republic of China, local documents, contemporary publications, network information and relevant historical data in Fujian. By combining the interviews of some predecessors of Fujian piano development, this dissertation is based on the theories and methods of history, music, education, sociology and communication studies with a prudent attitude towards historical sources, aiming to restore as much as possible the development context and the overall appearance of piano music in Fujian modern history. By summing up the origins of its development and its phase characteristics, this disssertation intensively explores the interaction and the close connection between piano music and local culture, seeking to develop and inspire research ideas of Chinese piano art history, which will enrich the regional research and provide significant information and supplement concerning the development of piano music for Fujian local historical and cultural researches.This dessertation consists of five chapters. The first four chapters try to sort out every aspect of the development of Fujian piano music by combining the historical background of Fujian modern history. Chapter five analyzes three characteristics of the development of Fujian piano music and tries to explore its causes in terms of the influence and effect of modern Christian communication, Fujian humanities and geography and south Fujian culture.Piano music is an integral part of Fujian cultural development. Its development is keeping pace with the overall development of Fujian culture in modern times. The development of Fujian piano music reflects the distinctive times, regional and openness characteristics. Changing times and the need for cultural development play a decisive role in the development of Fujian piano music. Fujian professional piano education and Gulangyu piano culture are two highlights of the developmental history of Fujian piano music, with the former in Fuzhou district during the first half of the 20th century and the latter in south Fujian. The two have different development features and significance of the times under the influence of different geographical culture. Under the interaction and influence of modern Christian communication and south Fujian marine culture, the unique Gulangyu piano culture, in particular, has formed a distinctive and prominent regional features and has become a new born thing of south Fujian culture. This surely is a unique phenomenon in Chinese new music history and will have significant impact on Chinese piano music development.

【关键词】 钢琴音乐福建历史地域文化
【Key words】 piano musicFujianhistoryregional culture