

A Study on the Development of China’s Bilateral Free Trade Area

【作者】 杨军红

【导师】 李建建;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着经济全球化趋势,以自由贸易区为主要形式的区域经济一体化合作日益加强,自由贸易区已经成为当今世界各国发展自由贸易的新趋势。中国作为迅速发展中的大国,非常重视同合适的国家建立双边自由贸易区合作,短短几年的时间,中国双边自由贸易区从无到有实现了跨越式发展,对中国经济产生了重大积极的影响。自由贸易区建设已成为我国十一五发展的重大战略问题。本论文以马克思的国际价值论和世界市场理论为指导,借鉴当代西方区域经济合作理论,对自由贸易区的核心内涵、性质、中国双边自由贸易区发展进程中呈现出的特征、经济效果、作用和现实经济效应等进行了阐述,并对中国双边自由贸易区在区域经济一体化中所处的层次、面临的机遇、挑战和战略选择等进行了具体的分析研究,并针对当前发展中存在的突出问题提出了理性的对策思考。本论文在马克思经济理论的指导下,以发展为主线,通过内在逻辑关系的梳理,探究中国双边自由贸易区对中国经济持续快速增长的积极影响,并对其发展做出全面的分析认识。总体上说,中国双边自由贸易区的深化发展,有助于改善区域市场内的经济分工,提升企业的专业化效率,特别是有助于中国当前产业结构的调整优化,扩展经济发展空间,促进区域跨国市场体系的形成与完善,提高中国产品的市场竞争力。这不仅对中国经济社会的和谐、健康发展有着重大的现实意义,也对中国双边自由贸易区的发展提出了现实要求。中国双边自由贸易区是中国继加入WTO后,进一步扩大对外开放的新途径和新方式。如何把握中国双边自由贸易区全面发展的契机,积极构建以中国为主导的区域性合作网络,不仅关系到国家区域合作方针政策的实现,而且关系到中国经济的持续快速发展问题。当前,全球性经济危机还在蔓延和深化,对中国经济的影响是巨大的。中国经济面临的问题是自身结构调整与国际经济危机的迭加,使问题更加突出。只有以双边自由贸易区合作为突破口,全面参与区域经济协调,积极寻求加快中国双边自由贸易区发展的对策,才能帮助中国经济走出危机,保证国民经济持续增长和民生改善。

【Abstract】 With the trend of economic globalization, the cooperation of free trade area as the main form of regional economic integration has been increasing cooperation, free trade has become a new trend where countries develop free trade in the world, China, as a large country with rapid development attaches great importance to establishing the co-operation of bilateral free-trade area with appropriate countries,in the last few years, China has developed bilateral free trade area by leaps and bounds from scratch and the free trade area has the significant impact on China’s economic development,the development of the free trade area has become a major strategic issue during China’s Eleventh Five-year developmentTaking Marxist theory on international values and world market theory as a guide, and contemporary Western economic theories on regional economic cooperation, this paper elaborates the core connotation, nature of the free trade area,,and the characteristics,economic effects,role,and economic effects in the development process of China’s bilateral free trade area,then concretely analyzes the level China’s bilateral free trade area is located, opportunities, challenges and strategic choices China’s bilateral free trade area is facing,and put forward the scientific and rational strategic thought of the development China’s bilateral free trade area.Under the guidance of Marxist economic theory, This paper reflects on how to take the development as the main line, explore the positive impact of China’s bilateral free-trade area on the sustained and rapid growth of China’s economy through combing the internal logic relationship, and makes a comprehensive analysis the development of China’s bilateral free-trade area. Generally speaking, the depth development of China’s bilateral free trade area helps to improve the economic division of labor within regional markets, enhance the efficiency of the enterprise profession, in particular, contribute to the adjustment and optimization of China’s current industrial structure, expand the development space of economy, and promote the formation improvement of regional cross-market system and enhance the market competitiveness of Chinese products. it is of great practical significance to the harmonious and sound development of China’s economy and society, at the same time,it puts forward the new ideas of China’s developing free trade area.After China’s accession to WTO,developing bilateral free trade area is the new ways and paths of further opening up. How to grasp the opportunity of comprehensively developing China’s bilateral free trade area and to actively establish China as a leading regional cooperation network is not only related to the realization of national principles and policies of regional cooperation, but also to China’s sustained and rapid economic development. The current global economic crisis continues to spread and deepen which has great impact on China’s economy Problems which Chinese economy is facing are to restructure itself and the superposition of international economic crisis, which makes the problems more acute. Only taking bilateral free trade area as a breakthrough, full participating in regional economic coordination, actively seeking countermeasures to speed up the development of bilateral free trade area,can it help the Chinese economy out of crisis and ensure economic growth and improvement of the people’s livelihood
