

Research on the Vulnerability of the Geological Environment and Its Countermeasures in Lijiang

【作者】 黄义忠

【导师】 杨世瑜;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 丽江市地处藏滇地槽与扬子准地台的复合部位,地质构造复杂,地质环境脆弱,随着社会经济迅速发展,地质环境问题日益突出,制约着丽江市的可持续发展。论文通过收集地质环境资料,进行地质环境脆弱性研究,提出对策和建议。成果对丽江市社会经济与地质资源环境的协调发展具有重要的理论和实践意义。论文系统收集丽江市地质资源环境信息,对资料分析整理并借助GIS平台建立基础地质环境空间数据。以空间数据为基础,开展丽江市主要地质环境问题及其效应分析,探讨地质环境问题发生、发展规律。通过多源信息叠加,分析丽江市地质环境特征和主要控制因素。以上述研究成果为基础,构建丽江市地质环境脆弱性评价体系和评价模型,进行地质环境脆弱性评价与分区。以人—地质环境系统反馈机制为核心,探讨人—地质环境可持续利用与保护模式,进行地质环境可持续利用与保护区划,提出丽江市地质环境脆弱性对策和建议。论文主要取得以下研究成果:1、解译遥感地质信息,分析遥感地质特征对丽江市遥感地质信息解译,将遥感地质特征归纳为:活动断裂发育,线性特征清晰,连续性好,影像信息明显,显示了断裂的强烈活动性,由活动线性构造控制边界的环形构造发育。线—环构造特征反映了研究区构造格局:活动断裂带构成了菱格状—三角形的构造骨架,构造盆地、隆起受断裂带的控制,线、环构造形成共用边界、相切和相交的关系。2、主要地质环境问题及效应分析丽江市主要环境地质问题包括活动断裂、地震、地质灾害、土壤侵蚀、地方病、环境变迁造引发的地质环境问题、人类工程活动及环境污染等。丽江市活动断裂发育,活动断裂控制了区内地貌发育、资源分布及地震发生。研究区属地震多发区,地震造成人员伤亡和经济损失,并引发次生地质灾害。丽江市主要发育滑坡、泥石流地质灾害,多个乡镇、矿山和多条公路受到危害,地质灾害的发生、发展受地质环境、自然地理的控制,研究区分为易发区、较易发区两类,进一步划分9个危害区段。丽江市土壤侵蚀以轻、中度侵蚀为主,地质环境和自然地理条件是影响的主要因素,人类工程活动扰动加剧土壤侵蚀。丽江市化探未见放射性元素异常,地方病病种有地方性甲状腺病、地氟病和克山病,发病地域有限并得到控制。程海、拉市海呈现水体萎缩、水质恶化趋势,分析认为是湖泊形成地质构造环境与气候等多因素综合结果;近年来玉龙雪山冰川面积减小、雪线上升,认为全球气候变暖是最主要的原因,但是旅游基础设施开发、旅游活动也是重要影响因素。交通和矿山开采等人类工程活动引发的地质环境问题影响程度和范围小,区内陡坡垦殖现象已得到遏制。丽江市部分江河湖泊地表水和地下水受到污染,各大居民点空气受到一定程度污染。3、多源信息叠加与地质环境特征分析多源信息叠加综合分析认为,线、环构造交叠部位是活动地带和易发震部位,布格重力异常带与深大断裂和地震活动存在对应关系,均衡重力异常表明区内存在强烈的局部均衡重力调整,强震发生与异常区相关,航磁异常与大地构造分区及分界断裂相对应,强震发生在剧变处。丽江市地质环境特征为地球物理场复杂多变,活动构造发育,构成地质环境脆弱性的基础条件,地质环境问题以地震、地质灾害为主,生态环境问题较为突出,资源丰富但区域差异明显。地质环境主要控制因素为活动构造、地震和人类工程活动,分析认为活动构造是区内地质环境脆弱性的控制性因素,研究区可划分6个潜在震源区,对未来地质环境产生重大影响的人类工程活动为金沙江梯级水电站开发。4、地质环境脆弱性评价采取“多系统评价”的原理方法,将评价综合层划分为基础资源条件(影响因素)、环境状况(胁迫因素)和环境地质问题(表现因素)三个要素,选取了12个因子作为评价项目(因子层),拟定了因子分级和评分标准,确定因子的权重。将研究区划分为8921个网格评价单元,采取模糊综合评判的数学方法,计算各单元得分值,进行丽江市地质环境脆弱性评价分区,全区共分为4个脆弱性低亚区、10个脆弱性较低亚区、7个脆弱性中等亚区、6个脆弱性较高亚区、2个脆弱性高亚区。5、地质环境可持续利用与保护对策探讨通过人一地质环境关系分析,探讨丽江市人一地质环境可持续利用与保护模式,认为地质环境背景、人类活动、地质环境问题三者是相互影响、相互制约的,功能良好的地质环境系统是可持续利用的基础。在地质环境脆弱性评价成果基础上,将全区进一步划分为9个可持续利用与保护类型区,提出了丽江市地质环境可持续利用与保护的对策与建议。论文主要取得以下探索性创新成果:①以人—地质环境系统理念,分析丽江市地质环境问题产生的机理、空间分布、控制影响因素、环境效应,通过多源信息叠加,分析丽江市地质环境特征,指出活动构造是区内地质环境脆弱性的控制性因素。②构建丽江市地质环境脆弱性评价体系,进行地质环境脆弱性评价与分区。③以人—地质环境系统反馈机制为核心,探讨人—地质环境可持续利用与保护模式,进行丽江市地质环境可持续发展与保护区划。④探索在地质构造复杂的较大区域,基于GIS和多源信息的地质环境脆弱性研究的方法体系。

【Abstract】 Lijiang is a multiple area of Tibet-Yunnan trough and Yangtze Paraplatform. Because of complicated Geological structure, fragile geological environment and the rapid development of socio-economic, geological environmental problems have become increasingly prominent, and even have arrested the sustainable development of the geological resources and environment. By collecting geography information, the thesis studies the vulnerability of the geological environment, advances measure and reasonable proposals. Study results will provide an important basis for decision making to socio-economic and geological resources and environmental development in Lijiang.By collecting and analysing geological resources and environment informatio, with GIS platform, form the basis of spatial data of the study the geological environment. Based on spatial data, analyses the main environmental geological problems and its domino offect, studies the occurrence and regular pattern of the main environmental geological problems.By superposing and analysing heterogeneous geography information,the thesis analyses geological environmental problems and the controlling element, based on the research, the thesis constructs the vulnerability of the geological environment index system of evaluation,and has sub-districts of the geological environment vulnerability assessment in Lijiang. Carry on the geological environmental protection countermeasures and suggestions.Thesis achieved following research results:1.Interpretate remotesensing-geological information and analyses the remotesensing-geological characteristics of LijiangFrom the image get following information:The image in the area displays that active faults is developed and these faults’s characters are activity, clear linearity arid continuity. Circle structures are more developed than other structure and controle by active faults. In the area, The features of line-circle structure reflect the active structure pattern:banded active faults forms rhombi-Skeleton structure of the triangle. By the banded fault control, tectonic basin and uplifted form a common border and the relationship between the tangent and the intersection.2.Major geological environmental problems and analysis of effectsIn Lijiang, the main environmental geological problems, including active faults, earthquakes, geological disasters, soil erosion, endemic diseases, environmental change created environmental problems caused by. geological, human engineering activities and environmental pollution, etc. Active fault zones are developed, and control the landforms and earthquakes occur, the paper analyses and summarized the characteristics of active faults and its impact in this area. Municipal Lijiang earthquake-prone areas, the earthquake had caused huge casualties and economic losses, triggering secondary geological disasters, which is divided into six potential seismic sources. the main development of landslides and debris flows of geological disasters, several countys, townships, mines, roads were of geological hazards, analysis of geological disasters, the development by the physical geography, geology environmental control will be Lijiang is divided into geological disaster-prone areas, easier-prone areas into two categories, and will be prone areas are further divided into nine sections hazard. In Lijiang, mild and moderate is mainly soil erosion, natural topography and geological environment is the main factor affecting soil erosion, human engineering activities on the topography leading to soil erosion worse and worse. In Lijiang, no radioactive anomalies occurred. The endemic diseases in the region are endemic thyroid disease, fluorosis disease and Keshan disease, which limited incidence and confined. Chenghai, Lashihai present water body atrophy, deterioration of water quality trend analysis is the geological environment and climate factors cause the results, Yulong Snow Mountain glacier area decreased in recent years, the snow line raises up obviously, that global warming is the most important reasons, but tourism infrastructure development, the activities of tourists also has an important responsibility. Geological problems caused by human engineering such as traffic routes and mining activities, its affect of extent and scope is limited, steep slopes reclamation has been effectively curbed. In Lijiang, most of the regional water quality is good, but some rivers and lakes, surface water and groundwater are subject to different degrees of pollution, the major settlements in the air to a certain extent affected by pollution.3.Superpose heterogeneous geography information and analyses the characteristics of the geological environmentThe thesis acquire the following result by a comprehensive analysis of multi-source information. The areas of cross line and circle structure usually are active belts and positions of earthquakes. The abnormal belt of Bouguer gravity corresponded with deep faults and earthquakes. Isostatic gravity anomalies indicates these are strong isostatic adjustment in study area. Earthquakes are relation to Isostatic gravity anomalies. Aeromagnetic anomalies are related to tectonic zone and distribute faults, earthquakes incidence in chequered belt of aeromagnetic anomaly. The characteristics of the geological environment is summarized as following main points:complicated geophysical characteristics and active structures are the basics of vulnerability of the geological environment, major geological environmental problems are geological hazards and earthquake, Geo-environmental problems are significant, resources is rich and differences in different regions. The main controlling factor of the geological environment is summarized as active structures, Earthquake and human engineering activities. Active structures are control factors of vulnerability of the geological environment. The study area can be further divided into six areas of potential seismic source. In the future, human engineering which will cause geological problems are developing hydropower station located in the middle reaches of Jinsha River.4. evaluates frangibility of geological environmentalThe thesis adopts principle method of multi-system evaluation, The selection of indicators taken the layer of comprehensive assessment divides into three elements such as the basic resource conditions(factor of influence), environmental condition(factor of duress), and subject of geological environment(factor of expression). The evaluation item selects indicators of twelve factors, And then determine the weight of 12 factors. On basis of GIS, the study area divided into 8921 grid units for evaluation. Extraction and assignment to data of unit by dint of GIS. The thesis takes the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the mathematical method, Through the fuzzy matrix composite, the score value of the unit is obtained, the geological environment in Lijiang vulnerability assessment is divided into 30 sub-districts, three sub-areas of lower vulnerability, ten sub-areas of low vulnerability, seven sub-areas of middle vulnerability, seven sub-areas of high vulnerability, three sub-areas of higher vulnerability.5.Research on Countermeasures of geological environment development and protection in LijiangA mode of development and protection about intricate people-geological environmental system is discussed. Geo-environmental background, human activities, geological environment has a reciprocal impact. Based on the result of evaluation frangibility of geological environmental, measure and reasonable proposals are advanced.The whole region is divided into eight protected and comprehensive developed areas, and the geological environmental protection countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.This thesis mainly achieve the following exploratory innovation:①Base on people-geological environmental system, analyses mechanism of the eological environment problem, Spatial distribution, control factors and environmental effects. By Superimposing heterogeneous geography information Analyses characteristics of geo-environmental in Lijiang and points out that the controlling factor of geo-environmental vulnerability is active structures.②Construct a System to evaluates frangibility of geological environmental, the geological environment in Lijiang vulnerability assessment is divided.③advances measure and reasonable proposals of protection and sustainable development based on people-geological environmental system feed-back.④By dint of GIS explores a multi-system construction method of evaluation index system for complex geological structure.
