

Research on Landscape Pattern and Stability of Yuanyang Hani Terrace

【作者】 胡文英

【导师】 周跃;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 哀牢山(元阳)哈尼梯田景观是云南亚热带山地农业景观的独特代表,具有世界自然文化遗产价值。为了解这一独特的自然文化景观特征及其形成机制,促使其持续存在及保护,本研究以景观生态学、地学信息图谱、可持续发展等相关理论为基础,在RS和GIS技术支持下,对元阳哈尼梯田景观格局的静态和动态特征及其与梯田稳定性的关系等方面进行了系统和深入的研究;在此基础上,初步探讨了地学信息图谱和景观图谱的理论与研究内容。主要研究成果:1、利用景观格局分析软件Fragstats和AreView3.3,对元阳梯田景观格局进行分析。结果表明:元阳梯田景观中,旱地(27.8%)、有林地(25.3%)、灌木林(17.2%)和水梯田(16.0%)的比例较高,并形成耕地(旱地和水梯田)与林地(灌木林和有林地)面积都超过景观总面积40%的优势格局;居民地斑块数目(552个)超过景观总数(1989个)的1/4,且其斑块密度(24.88个/10000hm2)也最大,体现出典型山地农业景观的特征;景观中存在许多面积在10-50hm2之间的斑块,但景观面积的44.2%处于斑块面积>100hm2的层次上,体现出既有处于绝对优势的的巨斑块,又有数目众多的中等斑块,两者相间分布形成相对破碎和连通度中等的格局特征;景观中各类型间的邻接类型数、邻接边长度和数目百分比的差异非常显著,绝大多数类型都与旱地的邻接比例较高,受旱地影响强烈;景观水平上的耕作半径为799.7m,约60%的耕地在耕作半径内,有40%的水梯田离农村居民地较远,耕作难度较大;景观中水梯田面积比重大(16.0%),平均斑块面积大(140.6hm2/个),是形成梯田规模美的重要格局特征;耕地与林地在景观中的均衡构架,林寨田的立体分布格局是梯田格局和谐美的重要表征。2、在元阳县1974年、1992年和2000年三期遥感影像的解译基础上进行了景观动态变化分析。结果表明:1)梯田景观结构主导类型由1974年的耕地(40.47%)、林地(48.62%)转变为1992年的耕地(42.67%)、林地(41.80%)再到2000年的耕地(39.53%)、林地(44.02%)。说明在研究时段内,元阳梯田景观结构相对稳定。2)从1974年到2000年近30年间,研究区不同景观类型的相互转化比较复杂,主要发生在有林地、灌木林和荒草地及水田和旱地之间,最显著的演变过程有旱地—水田、旱地—荒草地、有林地—灌木林、灌木林—未利用地。3)从景观水平上看,1974-1992年期间,梯田景观多样性和均匀度下降,景观优势度和破碎化程度增加,说明元阳梯田景观逐渐从以小斑块、多种景观类型共同控制的景观格局向大斑块、类型较单一的景观格局演变。1992-2000年期间,景观多样性、均匀度和蔓延度指数呈上升趋势,破碎化程度较前期略有减小,表明梯田景观又逐渐受到多种连通性较好的优势斑块类型的控制,景观朝着良性方向发展。3、从定量景观指数、梯田景观垂直格局特征、景观内部结构变化和生态系统功能等因素综合分析了元阳梯田景观稳定性问题。结果表明:在研究时段内,元阳梯田景观基本稳定。其中,“森林-村庄-梯田-河流”四位一体的垂直空间结构形成了梯田景观内独特的能量和物质流动,是保证哈尼梯田景观稳定的前提条件;哈尼族通过神力和人力对森林的保护和对梯田的长期管理以及针对人口增加而采取的分寨对策,是保证整个哈尼梯田景观持续稳定的重要因素;森林生态子系统和梯田生态子系统都是为梯田农业景观服务的,从而形成了哈尼梯田景观的稳定性机制。4、将图谱方法引入景观空间格局及变化研究中,把地学信息图谱反映空间格局和时间演化的图形思维方式和景观生态学格局与过程研究的定量思维方式进行集成,初步形成景观信息图谱方法体系的建立模式。结果表明:(1)所建立的景观类型时空演变征兆图谱更直观形象的揭示了研究区域景观类型变化的基本模式,提供了时空复合的表达方式。(2)景观斑块形态与空间扩展图谱能够提供景观斑块动态变化的宏观与微观信息,通过建立数学模型分析各种景观斑块类型的扩展强度和扩展模式,将景观斑块空间扩展过程可视化、抽象化、模型化,具有一定的理论研究价值。(3)景观斑块类型变化特征建立了以度量空间格局变化为目标的景观指数体系,通过横向(斑块面积与景观指数关系)、纵向(景观指数年际变化)的量化描述,分析各种景观斑块类型的变化趋势及其与人类活动的关系。(4)利用等步长变距离缓冲区分析法建立的VCM曲线可直观的描述不同景观斑块类型的空间分布特征及不同研究时段内其空间分布特征的变化情况。

【Abstract】 Hani terrace landscape in Ailao Mountain (Yuanyang) is a unique representative example of subtropical mountainous agricultural landscape in Yunnan Province. It has the value of World Natural and Cultural Heritage. To explore the characteristics of this unique natural and cultural landscape and its formative mechanism and to promote its sustainable existence and being protected, this research is based on the related theories: landscape ecology, geoinformation atlas, sustainable development and so forth. With the help of RS and GIS, the relationship between the static and dynamic characteristics of Hani terrace landscape in Yuanyang and the stability of terrace is studied systematically and thoroughly. With this basis, the theory and the research content of geoinformation Tupu and landscape Tupu is studied preliminarily.Main Research Achievements:1. By means of the landscape pattern analysis software:Fragstats and AreView3.3, the landscape pattern of the Yuanyang terrace is analyzed. The findings are that the dry land (27.8%), the land with trees (25.3%), the shrubbery (17.2%) and the water terrace (16.0%) take up a large proportion of the Yuanyang terrace landscape; moreover, the arable land (the dry land and the water terrace) and the woodland (the shrubbery and the land with trees) both take up a proportion of more than 40%, which is seen as an advantageous pattern. The number of the inhabitant patches (552) exceeds one fourth of the total number of the landscape (1989), and the patch density (24.88/10000hm2) ranks the first, which shows the characteristics of the typical mountainous agricultural landscape. There are patches with an area from 10 to 50 hm2 in the landscape. But 44.2% of the landscape belongs to the level that the patch area is larger than 100hm2, which shows that there are huge patches with absolute predominance and numerous medium-sized patches.And their alternative distribution forms the pattern characteristic of being relatively broken and of medium-connectivity. The discrepancy lying in the length of the adjacent edge, the number of the adjoining type and the amount percentage among the different landscape types is distinct. Most of the types adjoin the dry land; hence, they are heavily influenced by the dry land. The cultivating radius in the landscape is 799.7m and about 60% of the arable land lies in this area; about 40% of the water terrace is far away from the rural habitats, and it is hard to cultivate. The water terrace area occupies a large proportion of the landscape and the average patch area is quite large. This is the important pattern characteristic to form the scale beauty of the terrace. The arable land and the woodland are balanced in the landscape, and the three-dimensional distributional pattern of wood-and-village fields is a significant characteristic of the harmonious beauty of the terrace.2. The analysis of the landscape’s dynamic variation is conducted based on the remote sensing images of Yuanyang County in the years of 1974,1992 and 2000. The findings are (1) the dominant type of landscape structure of the terrace in 1974 was the arable land (40.47%) and the woodland (48.62%), then changed to be the arable land (40.47%)and the woodland (48.62%) in 1992, further developed to the arable land (39.53%) the woodland (44.02%) in 2000. This demonstrates that during the period of research, the landscape structure of the Yuanyang terrace was relatively stable. (2) The interconversion of various landscape types in the research area was complex over those years from 1974 to 2000. This conversion occurred mainly among the land with trees, the shrubbery, the barren grassland, the water land and the dry land. The most obvious evolution process includes the conversion from the dry land to the water land, from the dry land to the barren grassland, from the land with trees to the shrubbery, from the shrubbery to the unemployed land. (3) In terms of the landscape quality, from 1974 to 1992, the variety and the evenness degree of the terrace landscape was on the decline, while the advantage degree of the landscape and the degree of destruction were on the increase. This shows that the landscape pattern of the Yuanyang terrace landscape evolves from the pattern of small patches and many landscape types commonly dominating into the pattern of huge patches and single type. From 1992 to 2000, the landscape’s variety, evenness and the index of the spreading degree were on the rise, while the degree of destruction was on the decline comparing to the previous period. This demonstrates that the terrace landscape is also controlled by many advantageous patch types which have a better connectivity, and the landscape is developing positively.3. The landscape stability of the Yuanyang terrace is comprehensively analyzed through the quantitative landscape index, the terrace landscape vertical pattern characteristic, the internal structure variation of the landscape, and the function of the ecological system. The findings indicate that in the period of the research, the Yuanyang terrace landscape was basically stable; "Forest-village-terrace-river" structure, a four-in-one vertical and spatial structure forms the unique flow of energy and matter inside the terrace landscape, which is the premise of the stability of Hani terrace landscape. The findings also show that the Hani forest protection through divine and human power and long-term management for the terrace and the village division, a solution to the increase of population, is a significant factor contributing to ensuring the continuance and the stability of Hani terrace landscape. The forest and terrace ecological subsystem both serve the terrace agricultural landscape, thus forming the mechanism of stability for the Hani terrace landscape.4. The tupu method is introduced into the research of the landscape’s spatial pattern and the landscape variation. The graphical thinking-mode of applying geoinformation tupu to reflecting the spatial pattern and temporal evolution, the pattern of landscape ecology and the quantitative thinking-mode of process research are combined. The building-model of the methodology of the landscape information atlas is formed preliminarily. The results show that:(1) The established land use spatio-temporal change premonition Tupu is more visually revealing the basic pattern of land use change in the study regions, and provides a spatio-temporal expression way. (2) The land use patch shapes and spatial expansion Tupu can provide the macroscopic and microscopic information of land use dynamic change. Through establishing mathematical models to analyze the expansion intensity and expansion patterns of various land use types, the land use spatial expansion process can be visualized, abstracted, and modeled. (3)Through the horizontal (the relation between patch area and landscape index) and vertical (the interannual variation of landscape index) quantitative description of indexes, the land use change and landscape characteristic Tupu has established the landscape index system for measuring the changes of spatial patterns to analyze the change trend of various land use types (seen as the landscape types) in the study regions, and their relations with human activities, so provides the basis for the formulation of sustainable land use policies in the study regions.(4) By means of the analytical method of equal-step-length but distance-varying buffer zone, the VCM curve is established. This curve can describe the spatial distributional characteristics of the various landscape patch types and the variation of the spatial distributional characteristics in different phases of the research more directly and clearly.
