

Research on Optimization Application of Data Structure Processing of Geographic Information

【作者】 王晓理

【导师】 江成顺;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在当今信息社会,随着网络通讯、交通运输与信息处理技术等的快速发展,人与人之间的交流距离和地理隔阂正在逐步缩小,住在同一个小小地球村的人们能够及时感受到全球各个角落发生的重大事件及其对社会带来的影响,地球好像一下子变小了许多。与此同时,计算机技术、对地观测技术、全球导航定位技术、互联网技术等领域的发展使人类获取的信息量突然间多了许多,人类又进入了信息爆炸的时代,信息量多得又让人难以应付、无所适从。地理信息基础设施及在其基础之上的数字地球、全球信息网格等相关理论与技术体系的建设使人们找到了归类各类信息的法宝。通过数字地球、全球信息网格等高等应用体系,人们可以方便直观地感受到地球发展变化的脉搏,轻松查询到自己想要了解的任何人类文明所积累的社会信息。论文从分析地理信息基础设施中两类最基本的矢量数据结构与栅格数据结构的概念入手,利用优化方法,提出了矢量数据结构与栅格数据结构间相互转换的优化应用思路。进一步提出了适合于土地面积统计分析等对多边形面积值要求高的行业使用的“面积约束矢量数据栅格化方法”。经试验表明:每个多边形面积误差值应在一个单位网格面积值内,最大限度地提高了地理数据行业应用的精度。在矢量地理数据化简方面,利用优化思想,本文提出基于拟合曲线最大曲率值确定最佳化简参数值的方法,从客观方面平衡了矢量数据化简程度与表示精度之间的关系,也为大批量行业线要素地理数据化简找到一种客观确定参数值的方法和有效统一矢量线要素化简体系的质量标准,从而减少了人为因素的影响;针对交通等对线要素长度值要求较高行业,本文在抽稀类线要素化简方法基础上,提出长度约束下利用转角法实现线要素化简的方法,经测试表明:该优化方法有效减少了线要素的长度变化量,提高了数据应用精度。在矢量线要素多尺度表示方面,本文利用在线光滑方法优化线要素在大比例尺条件下的表示效果,基于视觉原理优化了矢量线要素的多尺度表示范围,从而使矢量线要素的多尺度表示更符合视觉规律与自然规律。论文最后给出了交通基础数据处理原型系统的基本内容,并应用优化方法提高系统质量,满足行业应用需求。本文主要有以下几方面创新点:1)提出面积约束下的矢量要素栅格化方法;2)提出基于拟合曲线最大曲率值确定线要素化简最佳参数值的方法;3)在抽稀类线要素化简方法基础上利用转角法实现长度约束下线要素化简;4)在线光滑方法和基于视觉原理的矢量线要素多尺度优化表示;5)交通基础信息处理原型系统的建立及其优化。

【Abstract】 In modern information society, it’s shortening communication distance and geographic barrier between people as rapidly developing of network communication, traffic transportation, information processing technology and etc. People living in this small Earth village can feel timely important events happening from various places around global earth and its social influence, as a result, it seems that the earth goes smaller. At the same time, as developing of computer technique, Observe on Earth, GPS, Internet and etc., amount of information is getting much more than ever, which makes people enter era of information explosion without knowing whence and whither. It makes people have a better way for categorizing various kind of information by Geographic Information Infrastructure, Digital Earth, or Global Information Grid. Through advanced application system like Digital Earth or Global Information Grid, people can feeling easily and directly pulse of developing and changing of the earth, and can search easily any social information, which you want to know, accumulated by human civilization.Starting from analyzing vector and raster data structure most simplified in geographic information infrastructure, this dissertation advances optimize applying thought about mutually converting between vector data and raster data. Area constrained vector to raster converting method is then advanced suiting for trades strict in polygons’area. Experiment shows that: Error value of area of any polygon in conversion results is constrained below value of single grid area, which improves result data precision dramatically.Method for determining best parameter value based on maximum curvature value of fit curve is advanced in this dissertation for vector geographic data simplification, which objective balances between simplifying with accuracy, and find a good way objective determining parameter value of huge geographic data simplification; In view of highly length claim like traffic, optimize line simplifying method constrained by line length, which is called turn angle, is advanced based on current simplifying methods by taking out points from line. Test shows that: This optimize reduces change value of line length and improves accuracy of data applying.With on-the-fly smoothing method and visual principle, this dissertation optimizes line multi scale expression by way of improving effects of large scale visualizing and of determining extents of line visualizing, which makes multi scale expression of vector line confirm to nature principle.At last, it is put forward for establishing traffic basic information processing prototype and correspondingly applying optimize method. Main contributions of this dissertation include:1) New optimize method of vector data converting to raster data constrained by area value;2) New optimize method of determining best parameter value based on maximum curvature of fit curve;3) New method of line simplifying constrained by line length;4) Optimize expressing of vector line multi scale with on-the-fly smoothing and visual principle;5) Optimize application on traffic basic information processing prototype.
