

Researches on Transnational Activities of Contemporary Overseas Chinese Communities

【作者】 罗向阳

【导师】 周聿峨;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 华人社团跨境活动是全球化的产物,它伴随全球化的发展而兴起。从全球化背景来考察华人社团跨境活动,有助于进一步认识当代华人社团的存在、发展与影响,也是中国可以借重而得以加快融入国际社会发展的现实选择。当今国际社会中出现诸多与世界各国利益密切相关,而又非主权国家与政府间国际组织所能独立予以治理的全球难题。尤其在中国对外关系中,因民族矛盾、文化冲突、环境保护、食品安全、资源分配、贸易磨擦等引起华人居住国主流社会不安和疑虑的问题,华人社团可凭籍华人血缘关系与内在文化认同优势建立起来的华人网络资源,在相关领域开展跨境活动,设法化解矛盾,减少磨擦,为全面提升中国在国际社会的贡献、影响与话语权做出努力。与华人社团跨境活动实践的重要性相反,华人社团发展国际化现象与趋势在上世纪80年代以来虽然引起学界的关注,但是对当代华人社团跨境活动系统化和理论化研究成果尚不多见,从国际关系视角研究华人社团跨境活动更是缺乏。论文对华人社团跨境活动研究预设的命题是:华人社团作为非国家行为主体、非政府组织的一种形式,借助天然的文化和血缘纽带开展的跨境活动,能够在某些领域发挥主权国家和其他非政府组织难以起到的作用。尽管在国际关系实践中,其效应目前尚显微弱,但华人社团未来的跨境活动在整个国际关系中还有很大的拓展空间。国际社会融合与发展的需要及中国经济迅速发展对世界的吸引力,推动华人社团在全球范围内开展越来越多的跨境活动,其影响无论是对中国的现代化进程,还是经济与文化的全球化发展都具有现实意义。在论文中,该命题具体化为华人社团跨境活动的内涵,兴起的宏观背景和现实条件,运行机制,活动的领域及影响,存在的困难及解决思路等五个方面来展开论证。论文的创新之处在于以非国家行为主体定位华人社团的身份,并据此来考察、研究其跨境活动;以全球化视野,运用新的范式,对华人社团跨境活动进行研究;探索和建立华人社团跨境活动与非政府组织、国家和国际关系之间的互动模式;构建“华人-→华人社团-→华人社会-→国家-→国际关系”的多层次分析系统,为后续研究提供可供参照的认知框架,拓宽和丰富了华人华侨理论研究的内容与层次。

【Abstract】 The transnational activities of overseas Chinese communities (OCCs) are the product of globalization, which are growing up with the evolution of globalization. The better distributions of capital, information, technology, culture and human resources are the core of the OCCs’transnational activities. To study the OCC’s transnational activities in the perspective of globalization can help us to recognize further the existence, development and influence of the OCCs, which can be used as well by the PRC to speed up its gearing into the development of the international society. There appear lots of difficulties in the international society, which are in the very interest of every country and which can hardly be dealt with by any single sovereign state and any single international organization. For example, China’s rapid development and emergence touches off national conflicts, cultural clashes, problems of environment protection, food security, distributions of natural resources and trade frictions in the international diplomatic relationship. All those may cause unrest and anxieties in the mainstream of the countries where many overseas Chinese stay. The OCCs can take an active part in and handle the problems mentioned above through their effects in the fields related and by taking the advantages of their shared cultural identities and kinship relations. It is of present significance to promote China’s contribution to, and to enforce its influence and speech power upon the world. The systematic and theoretical studies on the OCC’s transnational activities have obtained little and the achievements of the studies of the OCC’s transnational activities are few in the perspective of international studies. This doctoral dissertation focuses its research question on the OCC’s transnational activities as follows:By using their cultural and kinship connections, the OCCs, as a non-state actor or a non-government organization (NGO), can play a special role and cast much influence in many aspects which can hardly be touched or replaced by a sovereign power. Though the effect is not much at present, the potential of the OCC’s transnational activities can be greatly explored in the international relationship in the future. The demand of globalization and development of the international society with the attraction of China’s fast growing economy offers much more space for the activities of the OCCs, the increasing influence is of present importance in the developmental process of China’s modernization and in the economy and cultural globalization. In the analyzing, the research question is explored mainly in five fields, i.e. the contents, the background and present conditions, the evolution, the operation mechanism, the range and influence of the OCC’s transnational activities, the difficulties and suggested solutions to them. As its innovative insight, this dissertation takes the OCCs as a non-state actor, based upon which the author has carried out his exploration into this regard in a new research digamma and in the international perspective, and sets up an interactive model between the OCC’s transnational activities and NGOs, states and international relationship. To construct an analytical system including the overseas Chinese→the OCCs→oversea Chinese societies→states→international relationship. All this offers a cognitive schema for a further study and has enriched the contents and approaches of the theoretical researches on the oversea Chinese.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期