

Effects of Different Wheat / Maize Compound Community on the Eco-physiological Characteristics of Photosynthetic Organs and Grain Yield Formation

【作者】 党红凯

【导师】 李雁鸣;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 小麦、玉米一年两熟是河北平原粮食生产的主要种植制度。长期以来,夏玉米在小麦行间套种和小麦收获后平播两种主要接茬方式一直处在此消彼长之中。前人对小麦/玉米复合群体的产量构成因素等方面已经做了大量研究,但就不同种植形式所形成的复合群体对作物光合器官生态生理特性的影响尚不多见。为此,于2007—2010年通过小麦、玉米不同接茬方式创造不同复合群体,研究了复合群体中光合器官生理特性与群体产量性状的变化特点,旨在为河北省冬小麦、夏玉米高产栽培提供理论依据。研究结果表明:1、在基本苗相同的前提下,不同行距配置的小麦群体和个体性状都有一定的差距。小麦基部节间直径、平均总小穗数、穗粒数和穗粒重均与平均行距呈显著正相关,即行距增大有利于小麦个体性状的优化。但最高叶面积指数、总茎数和成穗数均以行距为15 cm等行距的处理最高,但由于3个产量构成因素的相互作用,不同行距配置的产量差异不大。在不等行距的“三密一稀”小麦宽行中套种或等行距小麦收获后平播的不同播期处理的玉米虽然穴数相同,但两年中都是套种越早的成穂数越少,而平播的玉米产量最高或较高。2年中的全年产量均以等行距小麦收获后平播玉米形成的衔接型复合群体产量最高或较高,而且有利于机械化作业,是最为适宜的接茬方式。小麦“三密一稀”种植,收获前5~7d套种玉米所形成的生育期部分重叠的复合群体产量也较高,在不能保证及时浇玉米蒙头水的情况下,适当早套种可以避开用水用电高峰时间,在生产中可以作为一种活化农事操作的措施。2、不同行距配置对小麦的群体光合性能有一定影响。与15 cm等行距相比较,“三密一稀”处理的平均行距较宽,群体保持相对较高的透光率,单个叶片的光合性能更具有优越性。“三密一稀”处理的可溶性蛋白和叶绿素含量较高,叶绿素高值维持时间较长。“三密一稀”小麦群体中不同时间套种与等行距小麦收获后平播的播期处理对玉米早期生长造成较大的影响。与平播玉米相比,早期套种的玉米基部叶片的平均叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、RuBP羧化酶活性、PEP羧化酶活性和光合速率分别降低18.5%、30.0%、48.1%、59.5%和27.0%。这种差异也影响到玉米后期的产量性状。3、不同行距配置对小麦各叶位叶片解剖结构有一定的影响。与等行距处理相比较,“三密一稀”处理的小麦各叶位的叶片较厚,随叶位升高细胞环数增加较快,细胞变小的趋势也更明显。不同套播与平播播期处理对玉米叶片细胞的形态和组成的影响不大,主要体现在叶片厚度上,6月1日、6日早套种的处理,基部3片叶的叶片厚度显著小于6月11日、16日播期处理。这显然与基部叶片的形成受到共生期间小麦的影响有关。4、虽然“三密一稀”处理的小麦单个叶片的光合性能比等行距的小麦更具有优势,但等行距小麦的春季总光合势比“三密一稀”处理的高,而开花后等行距处理的较低。2年中,6月1日早套种的夏玉米的全生育期群体总光合势和吐丝后的光合势,在4个播期处理中均最低,而6月16日平播处理的总光合势和吐丝后光合势在4个播期处理中最高或较高。玉米总光合势和吐丝后光合势均与籽粒产量成正相关,相关系数分别为0.668和0.779*。不同的小麦/玉米复合群体的全年总光合势比较,小麦15 cm等行距种植,收获后玉米平播形成的衔接型群体全年总光合势较高。全年总光合势与小麦/玉米籽粒总产量呈正相关,2008年、2009年的相关系数分别为0.870和0.723。可见,从光合势上也说明,等行距小麦收获后玉米平播形成的衔接型复合群体是最为适宜的接茬方式。5、为进一步明确不同行距配置的效应,对等行距(行距15 cm)、三密一稀(平均行距18.3 cm)、四密一稀(平均行距16.8 cm)、五密一稀(平均行距13.2 cm)、六密一稀(平均行距11.7 cm)共5种行距配置的比较发现,等行距、“三密一稀”和“四密一稀”处理的群体和个体生育性状、光合性能及产量性状都具有综合优势,不同处理的平均行宽与穗部性状和产量性状均呈不同程度的正相关。综合各种性状表现,在小麦平均行距15~20 cm的范围内,可以取得较为理想的群体产量。通过对强筋型和中筋型各4个典型品种的比较研究发现,光合器官的形态生理特性,在不同小麦筋型之间没有系统的规律性差异。

【Abstract】 Wheat-maize double cropping is the main cropping system of grain production on Hebei Plain. The two main double cropping models, summer maize sowed inter-rows of winter wheat before wheat harvest, or directly sowed after wheat harvest, have long been eliminating and replacing each other. The crop yield components of wheat/maize compound community have been widely studied, but the effects of wheat/maize compound communities formed through different cropping models on the eco-physiological characteristics of crop photosynthetic organs were rarely reported. In this paper, different wheat/maize compound communities were created, the eco-physiological characteristics of photosynthetic organs in the compound communities and the dynamics of community yield characters were studied during 2007-2010, aiming at providing experimental support for highly yielding cultivation of winter wheat and summer maize in Hebei Province. The main results were as follows.1 On the basis of same planting densities (seedlings per m2), the community and individual characters of wheat were different between the two spacing form treatments,“equal row spacing”(all 15 cm apart) and“three narrow with one wide”(16.7+16.7+26.7 cm apart). The diameters of basal internodes of the stem, the amounts of total spikelets, grains and grain weight per spike all positively correlated to the width of average row space significantly, wider row space was beneficial to the superiority of individual characters of wheat. However, the community characters, such as maximum leaf area index (LAI), the amounts of culms (the sum of main stems and tillers) and spikes were all higher in the 15 cm equal row spacing treatment, although the difference of grain yield was not significant between the two spacing forms, owing to the interaction of the three yield components. Although the maize was inter-planted before wheat harvest and directly sowed after wheat harvest with the same density, 7.5 plants per m2, the ears of earliest inter-planting treatment had least ears per m2 in the two years, 2008 and 2009, and the grain yield of directly sowing maize (sowed on June 16) were higher than those of all the inter-planting treatments (sowed on June 1, 6 and 11) in 2008, and higher than most of the inter-planting treatments in 2009. The yearly grain yields (wheat + maize) was also higher for the treatment 15 cm equal row spacing wheat followed by directly sowing maize in the two years. All the field operations of the treatment can be done mechanically, and was, therefore, the most feasible wheat-maize double cropping model. The yearly grain yields of the relay compound community, maize inter-planted 5~7 days before harvest of wheat which was planted in“three narrow with one wide”, was also higher in the two years. Earlier inter-planting maize could escape the peak time of irrigation after directly sowing maize, and was, therefore, a measure of activating the field operations.2 Under different compound community groups, the impact of wheat on the photosynthetic performance a certain reflected in the different spacing forms. Spacing form of“three narrow with one wide”(16.7cm +16.7cm +26.7cm), with marginal effect and the populations maintain a certain transmission rate have more advantages compared to the spacing form of“equal row spacing”(all 15 cm apart) on photosynthesis. The spacing form of“three narrow with one wide”(16.7cm+16.7cm+26.7cm) with marginal effect, the high value of soluble protein content and chlorophyll content in leaf which maintain longer, the function of the middle and lower leaves also maintain longer. As competition of wheat, the inter-planting of maize caused a negative impact on seedling growth before June 6. Soluble protein content, photosyntheticrate, Rubp carboxylase activity, PEP carboxylase activity, and chlorophyll content respectively decreased by 30.0%, 27.0%, 48.1%, 59.5%,18.5% under different sowing dates of inter-plated maize in wheat fields or direct seeding.3 The mesophyll cells of winter wheat and summer maize may all be divided into two types: one was termed regular linked cell, and another was termed irregular lobed cell. Leaves anatomical structure of winter wheat was mainly reflected in the different spacing forms. The leaf blades spacing form of“three narrow with one wide”(16.7cm+16.7cm+26.7cm) were thicker than that of the spacing form of“equal row spacing”(all 15 cm apart). Leaf thickness decreased with leaf position increasing on the stems between two kinds of spacing form. Compared two kinds of spacing form, the percentage of more linked mesophyll cells of leaves of wheat under spacing of“three narrow with one wide”(16.7cm +16.7cm +26.7cm) increased quickly than that of spacing of“equal row spacing”(all 15 cm apart). The size of mesophyll cells decreased was on the coutary. Leaf thickness of maize was the greatest impact of previous crops of wheat during seedling stage.4 This study indicated that the chlorophyll content, the holding-green time and the net photosynthetic rate of plant leaves with border row treatment were all higher than that of other spacing form treatments. As for yield traits, spacing of“equal row spacing”(all 15 cm apart),“three narrow with one wide”(15 cm+15 cm+ 25 cm) and“four narrow with one wide”(14 cm+14 cm +14 cm+25 cm) showed superiority and higher than other spacing forms. There was positive correlation between average increasing of the line width and yield on different levels. The average spacing form of wheat ranged from 15cm to 20cm in which population and yield can be improved optimum in different row spacing. However,“equal row spacing”(all 15 cm apart) treatment without significant differences in yields with“three narrow with one wide”(15 cm+15 cm+ 25 cm) and“four narrow with one wide”(14 cm+14 cm +14 cm+25 cm) treatments, along with the way of maize direct seeding after wheat, was advantaged in increasing all-year yield and mechanized operation, and should be the development target of Hebei plain in future. In this research, wider row spacing had been kept in the treatments of“three narrow with one wide”(15 cm+15 cm+ 25 cm) and“four narrow with one wide”(14 cm+14 cm +14 cm+25 cm), of which the Light transmittances been convenient for maize relay cropping production in the latter growth stage of wheat were higher and offered more light energy for the growth of maize seeding in wheat ridge than that of“five narrow with one wide”(11 cm+11 cm +11 cm +11 cm +22 cm)and“six narrow with one wide”(10 cm + 10 cm +10 cm +10 cm + 10 cm + 20 cm) treatments.5 Compared of different spacing forms such as“equal row spacing”(15cm),“three narrow with one wide”(15 cm+15 cm+25 cm),“four narrow with one wide”(14 cm+14 cm +14 cm+25 cm),“five narrow with one wide”(11 cm+11 cm+ 11 cm+11 cm+ 22 cm),“six narrow with one wide”(10 cm+ 10 cm+ 10 cm+ 10 cm+ 10 cm+ 20 cm), either eco-physiological characteristics of photosynthetic apparatus or yield traits were optimum under spacing of“equal row spacing”(15cm),“three narrow with one wide”(15 cm+15 cm+25 cm),“four narrow with one wide”(14 cm+14 cm +14 cm+25 cm). The study also showed that strong gluten wheat and middle gluten wheat yield was not due to the different types of gluten. The varieties with lower yield such as middle gluten Shi 4185, and strong gluten wheat Gao 8901 were bred relatively early. The maximum Chlorophyll content of the two varieties was lower than other ones , duration was short,the mean photosynthetic rate was lower too. Compared to Shi 4185, Gao 8901 polycyclic mesophyll cells of each leaf were in smaller proportion, the cells were larger, but the yields of these two varieties are not significantly different. Considering the biological production and economic factor of the two varieties, we found that the biological production of Gao 8901 was high, but the economic factor was low.

  • 【分类号】S512.1;S513
  • 【被引频次】2
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