

The Studies on Mechanism of Intensive Use of Rural Residential Land in the Period of Urbanization

【作者】 罗瑞芳

【导师】 陈耀东;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 土地是人类赖以生存和发展的基础,也是经济社会发展的物质基础。我国人多地少,耕地资源十分稀缺,当前又正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展时期,城市建设用地供需矛盾十分突出。与之形成鲜明对比的是,农村宅基地粗放利用问题异常严重。基于此,本文对城市化背景下农村宅基地集约利用机制进行研究,主要研究了如下问题:在城市化发展中究竟是什么因素推动着宅基地集约利用;应该通过什么样的资源配置方式实现宅基地的集约利用;在制度上如何保障宅基地集约利用切实实现。本文首先借鉴新经济地理学理论对宅基地集约利用与城市化发展之间的联系进行分析,研究城市化背景下农村宅基地集约利用的动力机制。研究发现工业化与城市化对宅基地集约利用具有内生的推动作用。从需求方面来说,由于城市非农产业集聚,城市用地空间承载压力变大,从而产生了对城市区划内宅基地(城中村)以及城市周边宅基地集约利用的引致需求。在聚集性循环累积效应作用下,大城市非农产业聚集程度越来越高,企业间竞争压力越来越大,当部分企业无法负担大城市工人高工资、土地高价格所带来的成本压力时,它们将从大城市迁移出去,部分企业会进入小城镇,在促进城乡经济一体化的同时,也会形成对宅基地集约利用的引致需求。从供给方面来说,在城市化的过程中,农业劳动力转变为工业劳动力,农民从农村迁移出来进入城市,就会有大量的宅基地出现闲置,可以释放出来供城市发展所利用。此外,城市自身创造能力推动着城市非农产业的发展和升级,也进一步决定着包括土地等要素的集聚能力和辐射影响范围,推动宅基地集约利用水平的合理提高。既然城市化发展与宅基地集约利用有着内在的联系机理,为什么当前在城市化发展背景下却出现宅基地粗放利用问题呢?如何实现宅基地的集约利用保障城市化发展用地需求呢?基于这样的思考,本文从资源配置基本理论出发,研究宅基地集约利用的实现机制。首先需要确定农村宅基地集约利用的基本内涵和基本目标,然后再考虑实现该目标的有效路径。本文认为,农村宅基地集约利用应该要在区域发展的大背景下进行思考,具体而言,就是要以促进城市化和城乡经济一体化为目标,对宅基地资源进行有效配置,在其中要兼顾效率与公平。为实现宅基地资源集约利用目标,本文认为:要建立以城乡统一的土地市场为基础,市场与政府作用相结合的运行机制。市场与政府在作用于宅基地集约利用目标实现时,各司其职、有效联系、相互制约。从市场与政府的职责划分角度来说,市场是从微观层面直接作用于宅基地资源配置,鉴于宅基地的区位特征,宅基地市场交易可以采取实体交易和虚拟交易两种形式;政府则是从宏观层面,特别是区域整体发展规划的层面,间接作用于宅基地资源配置。从市场与政府作用相互联系相互制约的角度来说,政府通过规定权利来创建市场,通过规划等手段来规制市场运行;而市场则通过确保权利自由交易来抵消政府不当干涉,通过市场机制的进一步完善来推动政府完善相关制度,保障市场运行。对应现实发现,当前对实现宅基地资源集约利用形成阻碍的重要因素是宅基地产权制度存在缺陷,宅基地资源配置的市场机制欠缺。因此,城市化发展对宅基地产权制度变迁提出了要求。农民推动的诱致性制度变迁和地方政府推动的强制性制度变迁已经成为推动制度变迁的两股力量,但其中的利益诉求却有不相一致的地方。本文提出,从保护农民的基本利益,降低“非正式制度”的实施成本出发,中央政府有必要从法律上完善对宅基地产权制度的规定,以确保城乡统一的土地市场得以有效运行,宅基地集约利用目标得以有效实现。应对于实体交易和虚拟交易这两种宅基地市场交易形式,在宅基地产权制度完善方面,既应该完善传统的宅基地所有权和宅基地使用权制度,建设与国有建设用地使用权市场相一致的农村集体土地二级市场;还应该引入土地发展权这一权利制度,构建土地发展权交易规则,实现宅基地虚拟交易。最后,本文通过对10个省市近600位乡村居民进行的问卷调查进行统计分析;对与山东省鄄城县旧城镇土管所工作人员的访谈材料进行文本分析,综合分析了解到农村居民宅基地利用的基本情况、农村居民对土地权利的认识及意愿、农村土地管理中存在的问题等情况。这些丰富的调研素材在一定程度上印证了本文的研究结论,支持了本文所提出的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Land is the basis for human survival and development, but also the material basis for economic and social development. China is densely populated and land resources are scare, currently it is in the period of rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, so the disparity between supply and demand for urban construction land is very conspicuous. The sharp contrast is the extensive utilization of the rural residential land. Based on this, the dissertation focuses on the mechanisms of intensive use of rural residential land in the setting of urbanization. The main research issues as follows:in urban development what factors are driving the intensive use of rural residential land; should be what kind of resource allocation for the rural residential land; how the institution change for it.Firstly, the dissertation research on the linkages between the intensive use of urban residential land and urbanization, that is the driving mechanism, by the use of theory of economic geography. Found that the development of industrialization and urbanization endogenously boost the intensive use of urban residential land. From the demand side, the non-agricultural industrial agglomeration which bring about bearing pressure of the urban space, induce the demand for intensive use of rural residential land inside and in the periphery of the urban planning area. Besides increasingly non-agricultural industries agglomeration in the urban area, increasing the pressure of competition among enterprises for high wages and high land prices, then part of them will migration out of major cities, and will settle in small towns. The course will promote economic integration between city and countryside, and induce the demand for the intensive use of rural residential land as well. From the supply side, agricultural labor shift to industrial labor force and migration out from rural area into city in the course of urbanization, so there are so much land resource can be supply for urban construction. Besides, the own ability to create promote the upgrading of non-agricultural industries, and also determine the radiation range of land, then promote a reasonable level of intensive use of rural residential land.As the intrinsically linkage between urbanization and intensive use of rural residential land, why is there the current problem of extensive use of rural residential land? How to implement the intensive use of rural residential land development for urban needs? Based on this thinking, the dissertation start to find out the how to make the intensive use of rural residential land with the basic theory of resource allocation. Intensive use of rural residential land is to realize the comprehensive benefits in the circumstance of regional development. Specifically, it is for the integration of urban and rural economic development and to achieve the objectives of efficiency and equity. Based on this, market and government should be together working on the resource allocation of rural residential land. Particularly market and government should make the relationship that they carry out their duties respectively, effectively contact and mutually check in the process of working. From the division of responsibility of market and government, market takes the direct effect on the intensive use of rural residential land resources in the micro level, performing two kinds as entity transaction and land’s index transaction; while government takes the indirect effect in the macro level, in particular, the overall regional development planning, which measures can be displayed as the macro control and the micro regulation. From the view point of the mutual contact and check, government create the market by right provisions and regulate the market by planning, then market ensures the freedom of trade to offset the undue interference of government, and urges government to improve the relevant systems.Next, we find that the current rural residential land property system is flawed, that lead the extensive use of land. Defects in the existing rural residential property system, particularly it can’t adapt to urban development make set forth requirements. Farmers and the local government have been promoted it. But their interest demands are not consist. So dissertation put forward that central government should perfect the property right institution of rural residential land to ensure the unified land market, so that can reduce the implementing cost of the informal institution promoted by farmers and ensure to realize the goal of intensive use of rural land ultimately.Finally, we make the statistical analysis of the questionnaire and interview material on text analysis, understanding the basic situation of rural residential land use, awareness to land rights of rural residents and their wishes of rural land management problems, etc. These findings to some extent confirm the conclusion of this dissertation, support the proposed policy recommendations and lay the foundation for future research.

【关键词】 城市化宅基地集约利用机制
【Key words】 UrbanizationRural residential landIntensive useMechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F299.2;F301
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1593
  • 攻读期成果