

The Literature and Cultural Studies on the Image of the Buddhist Nuns in the Ming and Qing Novels

【作者】 郭辉

【导师】 陈洪;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 小说中的尼僧形象是一组比较特殊的人物类型,佛教徒与女性的双重身份使其形象特征显得尤为突出。在明清的小说中,此类人物不仅数量多,而且形象复杂多变,但长期以来对此类人物的重视还不够,对她们的研究也存在很多不足。本文将此类人物放在明清小说史、文化史的背景上进行考察,以期对小说中此类人物的形象特征、演变轨迹及其中所含的文化意蕴做出比较全面、客观的阐释与评价。全文共分四章。第一章主要对明清以前小说中出现的尼僧形象加以研究分析,力求探出此类人物在明前小说中的发展演变轨迹。隋前是尼僧教团发展的兴盛期,但小说中的尼僧形象与其发展之势极不相符,只是作为一种辅教的工具而存在;隋唐五代尼僧教团的发展虽不如隋前兴盛,但尼僧形象却取得了突破性的进步,笼罩在其头上的佛法圣光逐渐淡去,尼僧由原来的辅教之工具逐渐服务于现实中的人;宋代是尼僧形象发生转变的重要时期,尽管其时尼僧教团自身的发展也取得了巨大的成就,但来自于理学儒士的防闲、批评,使其处境显得尤为不妙,小说中出现的淫媒形象已开明季小说中尼僧形象描写之一端。第二章主要是对明清小说中所涉及的有关尼僧形象事迹的勾勒与简述,另外兼及此时期其它文学作品中出现的尼僧形象的观照。明代小说中涉及到的尼僧形象,主要出现在明代中后期,文言与白话小说中均有之,但数量并不多,人物形象丑化的现象十分明显;明季中后期的戏曲文学也表现出了类似特征。清代小说中涉及尼僧形象之作,不仅数量多,兼且人物形象复杂多变,而前后期的变化不明显;戏曲中则稍有差异,诗歌等其它文学作品中之尼僧,无论是从数量上讲,还是从人物形象论,都表现出了迥异于以往的特点。第三章主要是对明季小说中尼僧形象进行文学与文化的阐释研究。明季尼僧教团的不振及外部环境的影响使其处于一个极为不利的尴尬境地,而这种状况也影响到了小说创作。明季小说中尼僧形象的丑化主要表现在“淫乱之媒”与“食人妖魔”这两个特征上,对前人作品的转化引用是造成这种文学现象的一个重要诱因,而儒家女性观尤其是程朱理学所倡导的女性观及作者的“醒心”与“娱目”两种创作心态也是两个主要原因。第四章主要是对清代小说中尼僧形象进行文学与文化的阐释研究。清代尼僧教团的新变及清代朝廷对尼僧教团政策的疏松,也为小说中尼僧形象的描写塑造提供了有利影响。清代小说在塑造尼僧形象时,除在延续原有的明代小说中出现的某些特征外,更显示出了自已的创作特点:人物形象多变、作品的独创性明显、作者的态度由揭恶转变为扬善,还出现了专门以江浙地区尼僧为主要描写对象的小说专书。这种种文学现象的产生除与满族入关前的性别观念、清代女性意识的高涨密切相关外,还与文人的狭邪传统紧密相连。

【Abstract】 The image of Buddhist Nuns is a group of special types of characters, Buddhists and women’s dual role is particularly prominent features of their image. In the Ming and Qing novels, Such people is not only quantity, but also the image of them is complex and changeable, but the research on them were not enough on a long time, there still have many inadequate. This article will put these figures in the the background of Ming and Qing fiction history and cultural history to inspect, to make a more comprehensive and objective interpretation and evaluation on the image of these figures,the evolution path and its cultural implication.This thesis consists of four chapters.The first chapter mainly discusses the image of Buddhist Nuns before the Ming and Qing novels,and strive to find out the evolution locus of these figures in the novel. The development of the mission of the Buddhist Nuns is a prosperous period before Sui, but the image of the Nuns in the novels is extremely incompatible with its development potential, but as an auxiliary tool for propagating the Buddhism. But the image of the Nuns has made a breakthrough progress in Sui, Tang and Five Dynasty periods, the Buddhist Light enveloped in their head gradually stopped, the image of them turning to serve the people of reality from an auxiliary tool. Song is an important turning period of the image of Nuns, even though the development of the Mission of Nuns also has made a tremendous success, the criticism from the Neo-Confucianism, made their situation is particularly bad.and the appears as an agent of pruriencing in the Song’s novels has been a beginning of the image of Nuns in the Ming’s novels.The second chapter mainly outline the image and the deeds of them in Ming-Qing fiction, and contemplate the image of them in other literary works in the same period. The image of Nuns mainly appeares in the late Ming Dynasty novels, both classical and vernacular of the novel, but the number was not many, the phenomenon which characters to demonize is very obvious;the same to the late opera literature. In the Qing Dynasty novels, the number of Nuns is not only the quantity, but also the character is complex, and the change between the former and the later don’t significantly;The drama is slightly different, poetry and other literary works, both in quantity and the characters, have demonstrated quite different from the previous characteristics.The third chapter mainly interpretate the image of Nuns in the Ming novels from literary and cultural. The decline of the Nuns Mission and the influence form external environment made Nuns in an extremely unfavorable and embarrassing situation, and this situation also affected the novels. The smear of their image mainly manifested in "sexual immorality of the agent" and "Man-eating monsters" these two features.An important incentive for this literary phenomenon is the transformation and reference of the predecessors’s works,The Confucian view of women, especially advocated by Neo-concept,and the two kinds of creative mind of the authors--"wake up Heart" and "entertainment eye" are two main reasons.The fourth chapter mainly interpretate the image of Nuns in the Qing novels from literary and cultural. The new changes of Nuns Mission and the loose of the Religious policy on Nuns Mission in Qing danasty, both provided a favorable impact for the description of the Nuns in novels. The image of the Nuns in Qing novels, in addition to maintaining the certain characteristics of the Ming novels, but also showed the characteristics of their own creation:Variable characters, works of originality apparent, the changing of the author’s attitude which turned from exposing evil to writing good, but also appeared some novel which specifically described the Nuns whom lived in Jiangsu-Zhejiang regions. All these phenomena emerged In addition to the gender perspective into the custom of the literary Manchu before the Qing Dynasty, and closely related to the upsurge of feminist consciousness, but also closely linked with the courtesan tradition of the literati.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期