

Research on the Choice of the Market Entry Strategy of the New Technology Venture

【作者】 田莉

【导师】 任学锋;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近二十年来,新技术的快速发展和普及应用极大地推动了新一轮的创业热潮。作为科技成果商业化的重要途径,技术创业的关键在于完成从技术创新到实现经济与社会价值的飞跃。创业与战略领域的相关研究表明,市场进入战略等一系列初始战略决策是技术创业成败与商业价值创造的关键因素。因此从理论上解释新技术企业初始战略的决策逻辑,是提升技术创业者商业技能,进而改善我国创业活动结构的关键途径。本文以初创期的新技术企业为研究对象,从初始条件的视角,运用社会认知、战略选择等理论知识,考察创业团队成员如何依照其先前经验,并综合考虑技术资产和所面临的环境条件等因素为新企业选择市场进入战略。利用150份基于分层随机抽样得到的有效问卷,采用因子分析、多元回归分析等分析方法进行了实证检验,得到如下结论:第一,市场进入战略的创新性从整体上提升了新技术企业绩效,但对成长性绩效和规模绩效的影响性不同。新企业在产品与服务、交易结构及交互项上的创新都使其拥有更高的成长性。但在产品与服务上谋求创新的新企业会暂时牺牲其发展规模,使其绝对值受到影响。交易结构创新稳定的与以规模为标准而测度的绩效正相关,表现在资产规模、员工人数和销售收入三方面。第二,新技术企业初始战略来源于创业团队基于先前经验而达成的集体认知决策。技术导向型团队倾向于通过产品与服务的创新进入市场,市场导向型的团队则竭力从交易结构的创新入手,在行为模式上更加商业化,往往忽视产品与服务的创新。兼顾技术和市场导向的团队,虽然拥有多元化的认知模式,却没能迸发出应有的创造力。第三,技术独享性在创业团队经验构成与进入战略创新性之间起正向调节作用。核心技术受到较好的知识产权保护时,技术导向型团队更加倾向于通过高研发投入来开发创新性的产品与服务,市场导向型团队则因此而加大在交易结构上创新的力度,兼顾技术与市场导向的创业团队依然无法在进入战略上谋求创新。技术独享性提升了创业团队在市场进入战略上进行创新性动力,但并没有使得创业团队成员跨出固有认知模式的烙印作用而尝试新的创新途径,仅仅是深化其原有的认知模式。第四,环境宽松性改变了创业团队在选择市场进入战略时的关注点。新企业资源禀赋的匮乏加大了从外部获取资源的必要性,在进入战略上的创新更需要权衡外部环境条件而谋求平衡。实证结果表明当环境较为宽松时,技术导向型和市场导向型的创业团队均表现出对产品与服务创新的忽视,而加大了在交易结构上谋求创新的力度。本文的理论价值和创新之处体现在以下三方面。第一,突破了已往研究仅仅关注哪种战略选择更有助于提升新企业绩效的问题,将视角前移到初始战略的来源和决策机制等更具本源性的问题。第二,针对初始战略的多层次多维度性,聚焦于市场进入战略的前因与结果研究。基于中国情境下的随机样本,界定市场进入战略的内涵与维度,整合并开发测度量表,探讨市场进入战略的前因变量及其对新企业绩效的影响,深化了对该前沿问题的了解。第三,将技术资产及环境要素纳入市场进入战略选择的分析框架并验证其调节作用。深化了西方研究领域里仍很前沿的创业团队构成与进入战略创新性关系问题的探讨,检验了西方理论对我国新技术企业进入战略生成的适用性,有助于启发东西方制度文化背景下的比较研究,探索制度文化差异如何塑造进入战略属性及其生成过程特征、不同制度文化条件下影响进入战略创新性的关键要素有何差异等深层次问题。本文共六章,结构安排如下:第一章,绪论。介绍研究背景、研究问题和意义、研究目标和方法等,归纳论文的框架体系。第二章,文献回顾与评述。对研究依托的理论基础和相关研究成果进行梳理,识别已有研究的不足及可能的拓展方向,导出本研究的问题。第三章,理论模型与研究设计。界定研究的关键变量,提出研究假设,并推导文章的整体模型。第四章,研究设计与研究流程。介绍从探测性调研到正式随机抽样方案的设计,主要变量的选取和测量方式、统计分析方法等。第五章,实证分析与结果。汇报具体数据收集过程及样本数据描述性统计分析、条目鉴别能力及同源方法偏差检验以及信度与因子分析的结果。在此基础上进行了回归分析和假设检验,得出研究结论及其相应的解释。第六章,结论与展望。提炼论文的主要发现和创新点,总结研究的理论贡献及实践启示。同时提出存在的不足和未来研究的展望。

【Abstract】 As an important way for the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, technology entrepreneurship plays an increasingly important role in the new historical stage of China’s reform and opening period. The core of technology entrepreneurship relies on the successful market entrance with new products and services, so as to realize value creation on economic and social dimensions. The market entry strategy is a key determinant of start-up success and value creation. Therefore, clarify the origin and decision-making mechanisms of new technology venture’s founding strategy, not only helps to grasp the management focus of entrepreneurial activity, but also improve China’s entrepreneuriship structure and upgrade the business skills of technology entrepreneurs.Based on above background, the study takes the new technology venture in founding period as research target and combines the social cognition theory, strategic choice theory and the entrepreneurial process research results as the theoretical base. The study explores how entrepreneurial teams make decision based on their prior experiences and choose the entry strategy, while taking technology assets and environment conditions into consideration.150 copies of questionnaires based on layered random sampling method were used to do empirical examination, using factor analysis and multiple regression analysis etc.With the theoretical development and quantitative analysis, the foundings are showed as follows:First of all, the innovativeness of the market entry strategy improves the new technology ventures’ performance as a whole, but it plays different effects on growth-oriented performance and scale-orientated performance. From new venture growth point of view, the innovation on either dimension of product and service or transaction structure, or both dimensions will endow much higher growth potential on new technology venture. With respect of the size of the new venture, innovation on product and service negatively impacts their initial scale. On the other hands, the innovation on transaction structure positively relates to the new venture performance, which will have larger scales on current assets, employee numbers and sales revenues.Secondly, the founding strategy originates from collective cognitive based on entrepreneurial teams’prior experience. This study builds up a founding strategy choice model based on social cognition theory, which is, during the founding period, entrepreneurial teams make decision based on their prior experiences and choose the entry strategy. Specifically, the technology oriented teams tend to enter the market by innovative products or services, while the market oriented teams prefer transaction structure innovation. The heterogeneous team with both technology and market orientation failed to innovate on entry strategy in spite of the multiple cognitive mode.Thirdly, technology appropriability enhanced the innovativess of market entry strategy, but could not change entrepreneurial teams’ inherent cognitive model. Besides the main effect of the prior experience and market entry strategy choice, one goes further into the decision process. It finds that technology appropriability play a positive moderating effect.In details, technology orientated team inclines to development more innovative product and service due to higher intellectual property protection mechanism, while market orientated team will enhanced their innovation on transaction structure and the insignificant relationship between heterogeneous team with both technology and market orientation and market entry strategy innovation remains. It means the advantage of technology appropriability do not make entrepreneurial team try new innovation, but only deepen their original cognitive model.Last but not the least, environment munificence change entrepreneurial teams’ focus during market entry strategy choice.Due to the scarcity of their initial resource endowments, new venture depend on external resources and its receptivity to support their innovation activities. The study finds out that, under the munificent environment, both the technology and market oriented team fails to innovate on product or service, but commit themselves to the innovation on transaction structure and try to enter the market through new channels.The contributions of the study are showed as follows. First of all, this study explores the genesis and decision mechanism of new ventures’ founding strategy, but not only the common questions of which kinds of strategy are more helpful to new venture growth. Based on social cognition and strategy choice theory, one illustrates the critical role of prior experience in strategic decision-making and suggests that key theoretical and empirical evidence from cognitive and social psychology can be generalized to the context of new ventures’ strategic decision-making. Secondly, in deal with the multiple dimension of founding strategy, the study focuses on the cause and effect of the market entry strategy. Based on random sample of Chinese new technology venture, the study defines its dimension and consolidates the measurement scale. One examine the applicability of western theory on the market entry perception in China, which will enlighten the comparative study between western and eastern institutional background.Thirdly, this study takes the technology asset and environment factors into market entry strategy choice model and examine their moderating effect, which capture both the internal and external influencing factors and revivifies the real decision process to the largest externt.The structure of the study is showed as follows. Chapter one makes a review about this research’s logic clues and key issues, and introduces the study context, contents and methods, and the systematic framework. Chapter two is the part of literature review and showed the theoretical context and theoretical base of the study. Chapter three is the part of theoretical development and model development. Chapter four is the part of research design and process, which reports the tentative research and the random sampling method, variable measurement and statistical analysis method. Chapter five is the part of empirical study, which explores the relationship between the innovativeness of market entry strategy and new venture performance, the entrepreneurial teams’prior experience and its founding strategy choice as well as the moderating effect.Chapter six summarizes conclusions and explains the study’s contribution and innovation points in theory and practice aspects, and analyzes the deficiency and the future research around the dissertation issue.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期